Soroptimist International of El Centro, El Centro, CA Videos

Videos by Soroptimist International of El Centro in El Centro. We are the El Centro(Imperial Valley) chapter of Soroptimist International, one of many clubs of a gl

WE DID IT...200 KIDS ADOPTED TO TAKE TO THE MOVIES!!! Soroptimist International of Imperial Valley would like to thank all the organizations, businesses and individuals who came together and generously adopted a kid to take to the movies to our Christmas At The Movies Event. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts, your gift will help us make lasting holiday memories for the children of WomanHaven and CASA. We appreciate the outpouring of support and love from our Imperial Valley community and ask that you continue spreading the holiday cheer by helping other organizations, families and individuals in our community. Let's make this holiday season count and give the gifts of joy, charity and love to our Imperial County community. Happy Holidays from all of us at Soroptimist International of El Centro.

#HolidayMagic #SIElCentro #Soroptimist #soroptimistinternational #imperialvalley #SoroptimistAtWork #forthekids #ChristmasAtTheMovies

Other Soroptimist International of El Centro videos

WE DID IT...200 KIDS ADOPTED TO TAKE TO THE MOVIES!!! Soroptimist International of Imperial Valley would like to thank all the organizations, businesses and individuals who came together and generously adopted a kid to take to the movies to our Christmas At The Movies Event. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts, your gift will help us make lasting holiday memories for the children of WomanHaven and CASA. We appreciate the outpouring of support and love from our Imperial Valley community and ask that you continue spreading the holiday cheer by helping other organizations, families and individuals in our community. Let's make this holiday season count and give the gifts of joy, charity and love to our Imperial County community. Happy Holidays from all of us at Soroptimist International of El Centro. #HolidayMagic #SIElCentro #Soroptimist #soroptimistinternational #imperialvalley #SoroptimistAtWork #forthekids #ChristmasAtTheMovies

We are almost there...30 kids left to adopt! Help us make this Giving Tuesday count!

11th Annual National Philanthropy Day Awardees
Thank you to Imperial Valley Community Foundation, we are deeply honored and humbled by the opportunity that was given to our organization from the Imperial Valley Community Foundation to proudly recognize the amazing members that are the heart and soul of our team πŸ’•. These members are the heroes of our mission to help women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams. Ladies, we hope that you continue to shine bright 🌟and light the way for others to be inspired to follow in your footsteps. We are all so incredibly proud of the accomplishments you have made and the accomplishments that are yet to come. #SIElCentro #soroptimist #CelebratingWomen #ImperialValley #NationalPhilanthropyDay #WomenInNonprofits #InspiringOthers #KeepShiningBright

Last Friday our club got together to support MANA.

***SOLD OUT 11/07/2023*** Thank you and see you next year!!! It's that time of year again and we're back!!! This holiday season spread the holiday cheer and give the gift of the Christmas flower! Proceeds will go directly to our club's projects and programs geared towards helping the women and girls in the Imperial Valley attain higher education and financial independence. Download your order form at : #Soroptimist #SIElCentro #poinsettiafundraier #womenhelpingwomen #imperialvalley #supportlocal

Soroptimist International of El Centro would like to take this time to honor those men and women we lost on September 11, 2001. Our club decided to participate in the IV 9/11 Stairclimb to honor those we lost on that fatefull day. Thank you to the IV_Stair_Climb_Committee for putting on this memorial event, it was such an honor for our club to be present and to show our dedication and support. Thank you to the Imperial Valley first responders and various other organizations for their work in organizing this event and for helping make it a success. We will never forget. #wewillneverforget911 #Soroptimist #imperialvalley #SIElCentro

Soroptimist International of El Centro would like to thank all the women and girls that attended our Women's Equality Day photo on Tuesday August 22, 2023 on the steps of the Imperial County Superior Court in El Centro California at 6pm. This photo was coordinated to celebrate 103 years of women's right to vote and commemorates the women's suffrage movement by wearing white. For those that weren't able to attend, it is our sincerest hope that you will join us next year and if you still want to participate, please post a picture with all the women in your life wearing white to celebrate "Women Eguality Day" this Saturday August 26, 2023. Be sure to tag us on Facebook and Instagram and happy anniversary to the 19th amendment. Attendees (Alphabetical Order) 1. Yulil Alonso-Garza 2. Jamie Asbury 3. Icela Badilla 4. Paloma Beltran 5. Esmeralda Burch Robles 6. Martha Cardenas-Singh 7. Jaymee Chan 8. Sherrie Cowie 9. Elizabeth Espinoza 10. Valentina Estes 11. Mia Hernandez 12. AJ Gaddis 13. Gabby Garcia 14. Diahna Garcia-Ruiz 15. Denise Gibson 16. Esther Gomez 17. Heidi Gutierrez 18. Lupita Islas 19. Irene Jaime 20. Carla Kuhns 21. Vanessa Landeros 22. Ida Obeso-Martinez 23. Emily Nunez 24. Selma Pacheco 25. Maria Peinado 26. Peggy Price 27. Darlene Reverente 28. Ivonne Sotomayor 29. Staci Stratton 30. Rebecca Terrazas-Baxter 31. Jessie Villanueva 32. Valentina Villanueva 33. Anissa Ward #19thAmendment #WomenVote #womensequalityday2023 #SIElCentro #Soroptimist #bestforwomenandgirls #liveyourdream #womenforwomen

Are a woman with primary financial responsibility for yourself and your dependents? Attending an undergraduate degree program or a vocational skills training program? Have financial need? Then let's help make your dreams a reality!!! Soroptimist International of El Centro is proud to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2022 Live Your Dream Award. Deadline is November 15, 2022! Apply today at or contact us! #sielcentro #liveyourdream #supportingwomen

Mark your calendar's ladies! Let's celebrate women!!! 🀩🀩🀩 #soroptimistinternationalofelcentro #empowerwomenfashionshow

World Day Against Trafficking - July 30th