Fit Boss Babes by Billie Faye
Billie Faye empowers women to become strong, sexy, & confident through online personal training. I love travelling, spicy food & lifting heavy weights!
I feel the happiest when I help others become more empowered and in control of their health & their lives.
Tu te souviens de l’époque où bien manger et bouger étaient des choses naturelles ? ⠀
Aujourd’hui, on les appelle “objectif fitness” ou “diète”, comme si prendre soin de soi était devenu un défi extraordinaire… et pourtant, c’est juste essentiel 🤔
La vérité, c’est que prendre soin de ton corps, c’est pas un “plan” temporaire. C’est un acte d’amour, de respect, et de responsabilité envers toi-même. Imagine un instant la vie que tu pourrais avoir si tu faisais de ta santé une priorité chaque jour, si chaque repas, chaque pas, chaque effort était un investissement pour une vie meilleure, une version plus forte de toi.
Ne laisse pas une vie remplie de fatigue, de manque de confiance ou de limitations devenir ta norme. ⠀
Réveille-toi et choisis-toi, aujourd’hui. Parce que ta santé, ton énergie, ta vie… ça n’a pas de prix. ❤️💪
Overcoming setbacks like an illness or injury can be tough, but remember: you’ve got this! 💪
Every journey has its ups and downs, and this is just a part of yours. Take this as a chance to learn and grow stronger.
1️⃣ Tweak your plan: make rest and nutrition your top priorities right now. Your body needs time to heal, so fuel it with nutritious foods and plenty of rest. This is your first step to bouncing back.
2️⃣ Change your perspective: remember, progress isn’t always a straight line. Sometimes, a step back is just setting you up for a bigger leap forward. Embrace setbacks as part of the journey and keep that positive mindset to tackle any challenge.
3️⃣ Set fresh, realistic goals: celebrate every small step, because each one counts. Redefine success for yourself and enjoy every little win along the way. Even tiny progress is still progress.
You’re stronger than any obstacle that comes your way.
Make each step count on your path of growth and resilience 🌟
Protein is a game-changer when it comes to fat loss and health 🌻
From breakfast to snacks, there are so many ways to keep your protein high and your energy higher.
✨Breakfast cake: 250g 0% Greek yogurt, 100g egg whites, egg, vanilla drops, cinnamon, baking powder
✨Caramel syrup by , (link in bio)
✨Ice cream recipe: 250ml high protein milk, 250ml almond milk, 30g of whey protein, 20g of peanut powder (blend and then freeze overnight)
You have the power to transform your journey! ⠀
Let’s do this together 🤗
Drop me a DM and let’s create your personalized plan to make you feel stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever 💖
Protein is a game-changer when it comes to fat loss and muscle building💪
So many women barely get 100g a day which is the bare minimum for health 🤯
160g every day, trust me, it’s easier than you think! It’s all about smart choices, balance, and consistency.
From breakfast to snacks, there are so many ways to keep your protein high and your energy higher.
You have the power to transform your journey! ⠀
Let’s do this together 🤗
Drop me a DM and let’s create your personalized plan to make you feel stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever 💖
Let’s break it down:
Week 1: you’re full of energy and excitement! Motivation is sky-high, and those first few wins feel amazing 🙌
Week 2: the reality hits. Cravings, low energy, and doubt sneak in. This is when discipline really kicks in.
Week 3: you start to find your flow. New habits feel more natural, and even if the progress feels slow, you’re getting stronger.
The journey isn’t always easy, but the results come with consistency and patience. Stay the course, you’ve got this!!! 🔥
Want to start your own fat loss journey? ⠀
DM me and let’s crush those first 3 weeks together! ⠀
5 tips to not lose progress this weekend!⠀
You’ve worked hard all week, don’t let the weekend throw you off!
1️⃣ Drink water consistently
It’s easy to forget to hydrate over the weekend, but drinking enough water helps reduce cravings and bloating.
2️⃣ Focus on protein
Whether you’re out or at home, make protein a priority! It’ll keep you full and help with fat loss. Opt for grilled chicken, fish, high protein dairy foods, or plant-based options.
3️⃣ Balance, don’t restrict
Enjoy your favorite foods, but be mindful. Choose smaller portions and savor every bite. It’s all about balance, not deprivation.
4️⃣ Get moving!
Even if you’re not working out, stay active. Walk to places, stretch, or dance—it all adds up!
5️⃣ Prioritize rest
Late nights mess with your hunger and energy levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep to keep your metabolism on track.
You’ve got this!
Need more tips for staying on track? Send me a DM me to get details on your personalized roadmap to start your fat loss journey!⠀
Laisse bien cela s’imprégner…
Tu deviens la personne que tu es à travers la façon dont tu te parles.
Tes limites ne sont que des frontières que tu définis avec tes objectifs.
La manière dont tu te perçois peut te faire réussir ou te briser.
Rien n’est facile si tu ne te donnes pas la permission de le rendre ainsi. Commence à transformer ton discours intérieur, avance avec fierté et permets-toi d’agir… t’autodétruire, c’est simplement du temps perdu.
Reconnais ta propre valeur ✨⠀
Le parcours inspirant d’Anna 💛
Il y a deux ans, elle est venue me voir désespérée. Malgré ses efforts incessants, elle n’arrivait pas à perdre du poids. Elle se battait contre son propre corps, se limitant à à peine 1500 calories par jour, convaincue que manger peu était la seule solution. Mais cette restriction l’avait enfermée dans un cercle vicieux de frustration, de peur, et d’épuisement. Elle se sentait perdue et découragée.
On a décidé de prendre un chemin complètement différent : la reverse diet, un défi mental aussi bien que physique. ⠀
La simple idée de manger plus l’effrayait. Mais au fond, elle savait qu’elle devait changer, pas seulement son corps, mais aussi son propre bien-être.
Au fil des mois, elle a commencé à faire confiance au processus. Elle a appris à nourrir son corps, à l’écouter, et à se reconnecter avec elle-même. Oui, il y a eu des moments de doute et des fluctuations sur la balance, mais elle a persévéré, et pas seulement avec courage, mais avec une force intérieure qu’elle ne soupçonnait même pas 🌱
Aujourd’hui, elle est passée de 88kg à 75kg et mange actuellement 2550 calories par jour, mais ces chiffres ne racontent qu’une partie de l’histoire. Elle est plus forte, plus sereine, plus épanouie que jamais. Le poids qu’elle a perdu, c’est aussi celui du doute, de la peur, et du jugement de soi.
Elle a trouvé un mode de vie où elle peut profiter de chaque repas, s’adapter aux aléas de la vie, et se sentir bien dans sa peau, peu importe les circonstances 💪
Son parcours n’a pas été parfait, il a été humain. Elle a appris à avancer même quand tout ne se passe pas comme prévu, à maintenir ses bonnes habitudes, que ce soit à l’arrêt, en vacances, ou dans les moments de gros, gros stress. Elle est la preuve vivante que prendre soin de soi, c’est aussi apprendre à se connaître, à s’aimer, et à se donner ce dont on a besoin pour s’épanouir vraiment.
Et toi queen ? Prête à transformer ta vie, pas seulement ton corps ? 🤝 Envoie moi un MP avec le mot « NOW » pour démarrer ton propre parcours ❤️⠀
Are you setting goals or outcomes?
Fitness influencers posting there ‘casual’ beach photos 😂
Just a reminder girls to stop focusing on/ comparing with female bodies you see online.
99.99% of the time, the authenticity from massive influencers is staged to hide their insecurities but instead just triggers your own.
Nothing wrong with enhancements of any kind. I have NOTHING AGAINST IT.
But I do not approve of not keeping it real. And i do not approve of the narrative that we aren’t good enough the way we are and unrealistic beauty standards are a norm.
And this, my friends, is bu****it 😂 and we don’t like bu****it here do we?
Love yourself the way you are and be yourself, the world needs more women like you 💖
If not now, then when?
I didn’t always have this lifestyle.
I had to have a serious conversation with myself, and take action to change what needed to.⠀
I didn’t want to always feel anxious before summer vacation.
I didn’t want to obsess and compare myself to other bodies.
I didn’t want to feel mentally unfulfilled about the actions I was taking in my life (or lack of).
It’s not going to be an Instagram perfect journey. But I promise you it’s one you’ll never regret doing, because you’ll make it your own.
Build yourself. Give yourself permission to evolve into who you want to be, whoever that person may be.⠀
You will find your answers, by taking radical responsibility, and trying strengthening their mind, body, and soul.⠀
You might reading this and feel this resonates with you. And that you also feel that there is something in your life missing (even though you probably have most needs and material comforts met).⠀
I’m here to tell you that you are right. You are missing something! ⠀
You are noticing there is untapped potential in you that is yet to rise up. ⠀
And now you have a burning curiosity to find out what that hidden version of you is. ⠀
You DO have untapped potential. And you should find out what it is 💖⠀
If you’re ready to lean in but don’t know where to start, send me a DM today! ⠀
From feeling stuck to living free 😍⠀
This incredible transformation is all about embracing a balanced lifestyle. ⠀
She’s learned to structure her training, eat well, and be confident, no matter where life takes her. ⠀
Traveling, working, or relaxing, she’s proof that consistency and simplicity make all the difference. ⠀
Here’s to never stressing about staying on track and finding joy in the process! 🥂⠀
Ready to start your own journey? Let’s do this together babe! Send me a DM with the word ‘READY’ and let’s make it happen! ⠀
Focus shift: from extreme skinny to strong… which version of me do you think is happiest?
I used to obsess over being able to fit in S or XS size clothes.
I used to fill up on Friday or Saturday lunch with the fam, then rave and not eat for a few days.
I used to get mad and talk really bad about myself because I still had cellulite and looked flabby af despite ‘finally’ fitting into a size S.
I did “20 min pilates workout” on YouTube and be gutted that I didn’t look like the instructor.
I would constantly pick myself apart and compare myself to other girls physiques.
Basically, I was shrinking myself and forcing myself to fit into boxes according to typical social beauty standards and my own limiting beliefs.
I wasn’t happy. But I also wasn’t taking real action. Despite thinking I was.
Things changed when I stopped focusing on a “norm”.
They changed when I decided to defy social standards and my own beliefs.
They changed when I stopped obsessing over the scale and details of my body (that are actually NORMAL).
They changed when I really put in the work to improve my quality of life, learn proper training, and flexible nutrition.
They changed when I took radical responsibility for myself and my reactions to emotional triggers and toxic people.
Was it hard? Yes kinda.
Did it take long? Not as long as I thought
Did I lose something? Toxic people, weight, and the burden of being in my own damn way.
Did I gain something? Freedom and the confidence to be myself and own my power.
You don’t need to change who you are. You are your superpower, but sometimes, we need a manual to teach us how to tap into our superpower.
You can try to do it on your own, but if you’ve been repeating the same pattern for 10+ years of yoyo diets, falling off the wagon, always trying the next cool new thing to see if “this is it”….. then YOU NEED THE HELP OF A COACH. Not a doctor. Their job is to cure disease. Not prevent it.
Take ownership of your life, and get help from someone who really sees your beautiful potential. it doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means you’re willing to finally evolve & be your true empowered self 🤩⠀
Imagine getting results without restriction and while going less often to the gym?
I get it.
The urge to do as much as possible to see results as quick as possible.
Only to end up falling off track just a few days later.
I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. And it shouldn’t.
You deserve to make real changes. You deserve to get off the restrictive never ending diet cycles.
You deserve to have a better understanding of training, nutrition, and your body.
Will you make the decision today to make the same life changing decisions my gorgeous client made?
Make yourself a priority. period. ⠀
Want to win the chance to work with me?
To celebrate my birthday I am giving 3 women the chance to work with me for FREE for 3 months 🥳
I will be choosing the winners on June 30th!
To apply:
- Like this post
- Share it on your story (and tag us to that we see it)
- Tag 3 friends on the comments below
❓Do you already need to have ‘experience’ before working with a coach?
👉Definitely not! Regardless of your ‘experience’, the quickest progress you will ever make is with the support of a coach.
❓Do you have to count calories?
👉No. Different non-restrictive tracking methods are available to fit your needs, desires, and goals.
❓Are results possible if I workout at home?
👉Definitely! You might be encouraged to buy additional small equipment but results are 100% are possible!
❓I have tried diets/programs before that failed, why would this work?
👉Instead of restricting certain food groups or following a meal plan, you will be educated on how to make the right choices. You training program will be personalised to your busy life so you won’t spend hours in the gym. And to make everything 100% better, I’ll show you how to integrate your new routine in a way that compliments your current lifestyle.
Basically, say goodbye to restrictive diets forever! 😎
Good luck queens 💖🎂⠀
Progress from 03.02.24 to 01.06.24 📈
This progress was achieved with:
✅ 4 sessions a week (sometimes 3)
✅ Not tracking food for a bit more than a month while travelling in Asia
✅ 8k to 10k steps a day (yes there were some ultra lazy days were I did barely 3k and there were too many for me to keep count 😅)
✅ mental health and physical health issues that strongly impacted my desire to train
✅ focusing on strength, not aesthetics
✅ focusing on loving the lifestyle I’ve built for myself and NOT picking myself a part with details stemming from body dismorphia
✅ the help of my devoted, inspiring coach:
YES I AM A COACH WHO HAS A COACH. And I have no shame in saying so.
I know how to program, how to coach, how to train, how to eat.
But I also know my weaknesses and my priorities, and where I value my time better spent. And this is why I have ZERO fear in turning to someone who has more experience than I for help.
This is where I see SO MANY WOMEN go wrong.
The FEAR of asking for help, and CONVICTION the goal has to be accomplished on their own with the help of the internet 🥲 and this often comes with answers like:
“I just need to add more cardio to burn more”, “I just need to add a 6th session to my plan”, “I just need to get a prescription from my doctor”, “I just need to ‘keep doing what I’m doing’” (despite not having made real progress in MONTHS).
Transformation takes time. Getting support from the right people, who really understand where you want to go and how to get you there in a way that will ALSO optimise your health, your confidence, your knowledge of self AND your sport, is what you SHOULD BE DOING.
If you’re not, I’m sorry to tell you that you are wasting your time and the precious opportunities to really move forward.
So tell me, are you REALLY using all the resources you have available to you (humans, internet, books, etc), or are you denying yourself what you deserve because you want to stay in your comfort zone? ⠀
Take real action, stop repeating a pattern that’s not working 💛
Not stepping into a gym in 6 years and achieving these results in less than 3 months? 🤩 Another win in the team!
“I never imagined that my body could change this much in just 3 months.
I really love Billie’s approach to fitness. I work out three times a week and take daily steps, nothing too extreme.
I hadn’t been to the gym in about six years, but I wanted to start again to feel energetic and confident.
Counting calories and macros allows me to have more freedom in my diet, meaning I can easily socialise on weekends and never feel like I can’t eat what I want..
Despite not being able to follow my plan perfectly due to three long weekends of traveling, being sick once, and other obstacles, I still managed to achieve amazing results.
My only regret is not finding Billie sooner.”
Are YOU sick of not getting the results you deserve? Let me help you make it simple with 100% more results! Join Fit Boss Babes today with the link in bio ✨⠀
What can you accomplish 24 weeks? 🤔
My gorgeous client never really trained to get stronger before.
She tried many restrictive diets, that allowed her to drop scale weight fast, but also eventually regain.
She enjoyed working out, but never had structure to her routine.
She ate healthy, but didn’t really know how to eat to get real results and not lose them after.
She didn’t really know what online coaching was about before either.
And yet this was accomplished in less than a year.
✅ A new routine she really enjoys, because it allows her to also be flexible.
✅ A toned physique that keeps improving as weeks go by
✅ Confidence and empowerment to better training, nutrition, and knowledge of her female body
In than a year, this gorgeous queen got results many don’t get in a year!
Achieving something you’ve never accomplished before isn’t a journey I recommend you do alone.
Make the smart decision like she did, and work with a professional who understands what you want to achieve and will deliver those results to you 🤝
Now tell me, are you next? 😎⠀
This is your reminder to think strong, not skinny..
There used to be a time, where my sense of worth, value, was linked to what the scale number said.
There used to be a time where I wouldn’t be satisfied until I could comfortably wore a size small.
In those times I was never happy. I was eating the same foods I am now, but had no sense of macros (how much protein, fats, carbs I was eating). And I also wasn’t taking tracking my food seriously.
It can be a hard habit to get used to because it’s honestly boring. But it’s a game changer to unlock self awareness with food, and build a routine you enjoy instead of always panicking and wondering “is this okay to eat?”, followed by “oh well, I already slipped up so might as well completely give up”…
And training wise, what changed?
Nothing, still lifting weights and aiming to get strong as frick 😎
But ok, something did really help:
Accepting that changing your body’s looks takes time, aka really building lean muscle, for women, is a really.long.process!
Learning to fall in love with the journey, the routine, and the mental challenges that no one talks about enough, but strengthen us, not just what you see in the mirror every day.⠀
Your routine needs to be realistic and work for you. HOWEVER, working out, good nutrition, daily activity, they’re easy but they do require more effort and organisation than hanging out on the couch or meeting up with friends for drinks.
So don’t fool yourself in waiting for that “magic click” because it’s not going to happen.
The only change happens, when you take action 💖
Ever felt like you didn’t have the “experience” required to get a coach?
This might surprise you but I speak to a lot of women who tell me they feel they need to have “experience” before working with a coach 🤨
Take my client here. She had very little knowledge of how to eat in a balanced way, never worked with a coach before, never followed a program, or consistently hit the gym before working together.
Her goal was to change that. It was to learn how to integrate healthy habits and fitness into her lifestyle, in a sustainable and enjoyable way.
Not a big body transformation, but simply wanting to change her lifestyle for the better.
With my help she’s built a routine she enjoys and is learning how to eat in a more balanced way.
Her job and commute are often stressful and have impacted her ability to stick to a routine in the past. And this is also something that we’re working on together. So she learns how to cope with stress and anxiety in a different way.
So not only is she learning how to live a healthier lifestyle, she’s also reaping the aesthetic benefits because your body will always thank you for taking care of it ☺️💖
Her motivations and “experience” are very similar to many women who feel they don’t “know enough” to work with a coach.
She started from 0 but her foundations will be solid enough to overcome life’s challenges and maintain her health as much as possible.
I challenge you today to act like her.
Make the decision to change your lifestyle and your physique because you are worth living a higher quality of life.
Not because you have a “special reason”.
But simply because ⠀
🚨 Big news alert! 🚨 The wait is finally over, babes! ⠀
The doors to my new summer program Bikini Confident In 8 are officially OPEN! 💥⠀
Listen up, because this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for: I’m on a mission to help you crush stubborn body fat, sculpt that dream physique, and skyrocket your confidence, just in time for beach season 🏖️💪⠀
If you’re:⠀
❌ Totally over not seeing results despite grinding it out at the gym.
❌ Ready to shed those pesky 5kg and unveil new found confidence..
❌ Eager to get results you can actually sustain over summer, and beyond. .
Then, honey, Bikini Confident In 8 is tailor-made for YOU! ⠀
But, here’s the deal, you’ve gotta act fast. I only have 10 spots open for those ready to take MASSIVE action.⠀
If you’re ready to slash those kgs, level up your physique, and your confidence by this summer, slide into my DMs with the magic word “SUMMER” and I’ll hook you up with all the juicy details. ⠀
Let’s do this, babes! ❤️💪⠀
A lot of you are prepping for a killer summer 😎 I know I am!
Some of you may have started a calorie deficit to lose some fat. ⠀
The journey isn’t always easy but I know you can do it!
Unlock the secrets to maintaining your calorie deficit with these 5 powerhouse hacks! 💪⠀
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