Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP

Where Contemporary Art Meets Contemporary Life

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 07/25/2024

Artist George Thiewes, Glass, Untitled

Did you know the Rubin Center features this remarkable glass piece by artist George Thiewes? The work adds a unique touch to our special collection.

¿Sabías que el Rubin Center presenta esta destacada pieza de vidrio del artista George Thiewes? La obra aporta un toque único a nuestra colección especial.

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 07/24/2024

Rubin Center will be closed from July 29 - Aug 2 for staff professional development

El Rubin Center permanecerá cerrado del 29 de julio al 2 de agosto para el desarrollo profesional del personal.

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 07/23/2024

My Grandmother’s Worry (La preocupación de mi abuela), 2018, Inkjet 30x20in

Our Escape From Eden (Nuestro escape del Edén), 2019, Inkjet Print, 24x16in

Don't miss the exhibition "You're Meant to Be Here with the Living" by Marcus! On view until September 28th. An unforgettable experience!

¡No te pierdas la exhibición "You're Meant to Be Here with the Living" de Marcus! Disponible hasta el 28 de septiembre. ¡Una experiencia inolvidable!


The Rubin gallery on the 3rd floor is closed for installation until August 29. We're working on something amazing for you! Stay tuned!

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 07/16/2024

Holding On To Hope / Aferrándose a la esperanza
Paper, candles, rosary, figurines, bandana / Papel, velas, rosario, figuritas, pañuelo


Today is the last day of the Student Show. Don't miss the opportunity to see the incredible talent of our students.

Hoy es el último día de la Muestra de Estudiantes. No pierdas la oportunidad de ver el increíble talento de nuestros alumnos.


The student show ends on July 11th. Remember to pick up your artwork from 10am to 4pm on these dates:

Friday, July 12
Tuesday, July 16
Wednesday, July 17
Thursday, July 18

For more information, please visit our website or contact us.


Don't miss the Student Show! This week is the last chance to see it. Come enjoy the talent and creativity of our students before it's over.

Tuesday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

¡No te pierdas el Student Show! Esta semana es la última oportunidad para verlo. Ven a disfrutar del talento y la creatividad de nuestros estudiantes antes de que termine.

De martes a viernes, de 10 a.m. a 5 p.m.


On Tuesday, July 9th, at 10AM, the Rubin Center cordially invites you to join us for an exclusive curator's walk-through of Marcus Xavier Chormicle's show, You’re Meant to be Here, With the Living. This is a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Marcus Xavier Chormicle's first solo exhibition in a gallery. Assistant Curator of Practice Henry Alfonso Schulte will lead a guided tour, providing insights into the artist's vision and the creative process that brought this powerful show to life. Don't miss this special chance for a privileged viewing of Chormicle's work!

El martes 9 de julio a las 10:00 a.m., el Rubin Center te invita cordialmente a un recorrido exclusivo con el curador de la exposición de Marcus Xavier Chormicle, Eres Destinado a Estar Aquí, con los Vivos. Esta es una oportunidad única para conocer más a fondo la primera exposición individual de Marcus Xavier Chormicle en una galería. Henry Alfonso Schulte, Curador Asistente de Práctica, liderará una visita guiada, ofreciendo información sobre la visión del artista y el proceso creativo que dio vida a esta poderosa muestra. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad especial de una vista privilegiada de la obra de Chormicle!


The Rubin Center will be closed on July 4th and 5th in observance of Independence Day. Have a great holiday, and we'll see you on Tuesday!

El Rubin Center estará cerrado el 4 y 5 de julio en observancia del Día de la Independencia. ¡Que tengas un excelente día y y nos vemos el martes!


The student show ends on July 11th! Be sure to pick up your artwork between 10am and 4pm:

- Friday, July 12
- Tuesday, July 16th
- Wednesday, July 17
- Thursday, July

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 07/02/2024

Have you seen these two photographs from Marcus's exhibition, YOU'RE MEANT TO BE HERE, WITH THE LIVING? Let us know which one is your favorite!

My Uncle's Labor (El labor de mi tio), 2020, Inkjet Print, 10x6.5in

Our Self Fulfilling Prophecy (Nuestra profecia autocumplida), 2019, Inkjet Print, 31x20.5in


to the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP for receiving a $100K grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The funds will support upcoming exhibitions at the center, enhancing its role as a vital hub for contemporary art in the borderlands.

Pictured: In the summer of 2023, the Rubin Center hosted the exhibition "Instant Exposure: A Habit of Documenting," which featured polaroids taken by acclaimed visual artist Andy Warhol.



Estaremos cerrados este jueves 4 y viernes 5 de Julio.


Hi everyone! In our Mailchimp, we’ll be highlighting .

Meet our former intern, Ana Gaby Becerra: Ana Gaby is the COO and co-owner of Barracuda Public Relations. The Rubin Center was pivotal in shaping her career, enhancing her skills in project management, critical thinking, and collaboration. It taught her the importance of cultural context in communication and the unique stories within our community.

Advice for current and future interns: “Trust in your talent and make the most of this opportunity! Pitch ideas, lead with passion, and stay curious to keep growing.”

For more information, check out our newsletter. Thanks for your support!

¡Hola a todos! En nuestro Mailchimp, estaremos destacando a .

Conozcan a nuestra ex interna, Ana Gaby Becerra:
Ana Gaby es la COO y co-propietaria de Barracuda Public Relations. El Rubin Center fue crucial en la formación de su carrera, mejorando sus habilidades en gestión de proyectos, pensamiento crítico y colaboración. Le enseñó la importancia del contexto cultural en la comunicación y las historias únicas dentro de nuestra comunidad.

Consejo para los internos actuales y futuros:
“Confíen en su talento y aprovechen al máximo esta oportunidad. Propongan ideas, lideren con pasión y manténganse curiosos para seguir creciendo.”

Para más información, revisen nuestro newsletter. ¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/25/2024

"You Were Meant to Be Here, With the Living" by Marcus.

Come feel the connection and meaning behind each image.

My Grandfather’s Memorial (El memorial por mi abuelo), 2018, Inkjet Print, 45x30in
When my step-grandfather, (the best friend of my biological grandfather) was young, he went hang gliding in the desert. He flew into a canyon. The canyon ended abruptly and he had no momentum to pull up out of it. Rather than crash into the canyon wall full speed, he put himself down in a large ocotillo. It saved his life. When he
passed away from cancer in 2015, the ocotillo became the symbol of his spirit, a living memorial. Indigenous to the Chihuahua, Sonora, and Mojave deserts, the plant has followed me across all important moments of my life and now represents all of my ancestors and all of those who have passed on, but their spirits remain.

Our Home( Nuestra casa), 2018, Inkjet Print, 21x14in

Ven a sentir la conexión y el significado detrás de cada imagen.

My Grandfather's Memorial (El memorial por mi abuelo), 2018, Impresión Inkjet, 45x30in
Cuando mi bisabuelo (el mejor amigo de mi abuelo biológico) era joven, voló en ala delta por el desierto. Voló hacia un cañón. El cañón terminaba abruptamente y él no tenía impulso para salir de él. En lugar de estrellarse contra la pared del cañón a toda velocidad, se posó en un gran ocotillo. Eso le salvó la vida. Cuando
Cuando falleció de cáncer en 2015, el ocotillo se convirtió en el símbolo de su espíritu, un monumento viviente. Originaria de los desiertos de Chihuahua, Sonora y Mojave, la planta me ha seguido a través de todos los momentos importantes de mi vida y ahora representa a todos mis antepasados y a todos aquellos que han fallecido, pero sus espíritus permanecen.

Our Home( Nuestra casa), 2018, Impresión Inkjet, 21x14in

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/24/2024

Have you seen the incredible works of our Student Show winners?

The Scavenger / El buscador
Wood, resin, steel / Madera, resina, acero

Arts and Crafts Poster / Carteles artes y oficios
EPSON paper / Papel EPSON

Don’t miss out—our exhibit is ending soon! Come and discover these amazing pieces before it closes on July 11.

¿Has visto las increíbles obras de los ganadores de nuestro Student Show?

¡No te lo pierdas! Nuestra exhibición está por terminarse. Ven a descubrir estas asombrosas piezas antes de que cierre el 11 de julio.

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/21/2024

We are proud to present the impressive works of our talented students at the Student Show exhibition!

Being a Millenial / Ser un milenario 100% polyster, sublimation, copper
100% poliéster, sublimación, cobre

Mammoth Rock Brewery / Cervecería
Mammoth Rock
ilustration, digital media / Ilustración, medios digitales

Come and discover these amazing pieces and more in our exhibit, which will be open through July 11.

¡Nos enorgullece presentar los impresionantes trabajos de nuestros talentosos estudiantes en la exhibición de Student Show!

Ven y descubre estas increíbles piezas y más en nuestra exhibición, que estará abierta hasta el 11 de julio.


Rubin Center closed in observance of Juneteenth
We will resume hours tomorrow
from 10am to 5pm.

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/18/2024

Our Life Under Glass (Nuestra vida bajo cristal), 2023, Inkjet Print, 11x7.3in A bee trapped after being removed from inside my mom’s house.

My Cousin In The Desert (Mi primo en el desierto), 2019, Inkjet Print, 11.5x17.5

Don't miss Marcus' exhibit! Come and discover more amazing photographs like these

¡No te pierdas la exhibición de Marcus! Ven y descubre más fotografías increíbles como estas

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/14/2024


The Rubin Center is proud to recap the opening of Marcus Chromicle’s first museum solo exhibition, “You Were Meant to be Here, With the Living.” The opening reception on May 30th drew over 200 community members from Las Cruces, El Paso, and Ciudad Juárez.

We also want to thank everyone who joined us for our first San Eli Saturday spring series at the Gaspar Enriquez Cultural Center. Check the link in our bio for more details and to join our newsletter! - *|URL|*

El Rubin Center se enorgullece de recapitular la apertura de la primera exposición individual en museo de Marcus Chromicle, “You Were Meant to be Here, With the Living”. La recepción de apertura el 30 de mayo reunió a más de 200 miembros de la comunidad de Las Cruces, El Paso y Ciudad Juárez.

También queremos agradecer a todos los que se unieron a nosotros para nuestra primera serie de primavera de Sábados en San Eli en el Centro Cultural Gaspar Enriquez. ¡Consulta el enlace en nuestra bio para más detalles y para unirte a nuestra lista de correo!

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/14/2024


The Rubin Center is proud to recap the opening of Marcus Chromicle's first museum solo exhibition, "You Were Meant to be Here, With the Living." The opening reception on May 30th drew over 200 community members from Las Cruces, El Paso, and Cd Juárez.

We also want to thank everyone who joined us for our first San Eli Saturday spring series at the Gaspar Enriquez Cultural Center. Check our news letter for details! -

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/13/2024

Best new media or conceptual /
Mejor nuevo medio o conceptual

Woodworking furniture / Mueble de carpintería

Best piece of small scale metal /
Mejor pieza de metal a pequeña escala

Migrating / Migración
Copper / Cobre

Remember, we are open from Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm. Come and explore the amazing artwork at the Student Show!

Recuerda que estamos abiertos de martes a viernes, de 10 am a 5 pm. ¡Ven y explora las increíbles obras de arte de la Muestra de Estudiantes!

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 06/12/2024

And that's a wrap! Thank you to all the kids, families, and Clint ISD educators who brought their students to our San Eli Saturdays Family Days at the Gaspar Enriquez Cultural Center. A special thanks to our resident teaching artist Rogelio Rosile from and Celina Galica and Manuel Urueta from for all the fun and art-making activities and to our education team.

¡Y eso es todo! Muchas gracias a todos los niños, familias y educadores del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Clint que trajeron a sus estudiantes a nuestros San Eli Saturdays Family Days en el Centro Cultural Gaspar Enriquez. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestro artista residente Rogelio Rosiles de y a Celina Galica y Manuel Urueta de por todas las divertidas actividades y la creación de arte, así como a nuestro equipo educativo.


My Grandmother’s Livingroom (Sala de mi abuela), 2020, Inkjet Print, 30x45in

A few years before he was killed, my grandfather Donny had bought a house in Doña Ana, outside of Las Cruces, after their house in Palm Springs had burned down. Most of our family photos were burned in the fire and lost forever. At the center of the house is a painting of the Taos Pueblo made by Boondy Wang, a Taiwanese artist living in Albuquerque. My grandmother would always select the painting as the place to take
our family photos. We’d stand for what felt like hours as she figured out her camera, and eventually her phone. Although my family has various tribal affiliations, beyond our friends, no one in our family has any direct connection to Puebloan culture. In the New Mexico territory, Indigenous culture has been commodified, and industrialized. The Taos Pueblo is the single most-recognizable representation of the vast tourism industry of New Mexico. The family photos speak to both the virtues and pitfalls of Pan-Indianism in the US. Despite their complex origins, the painting, the house, and the photos serve as a grounding points for our family. A space of reprieve and escape from the fires burning outside.


Experience the interactive art of the Student Show. Come and engage with captivating pieces designed for hands-on exploration.

Experimente el arte interactivo de el Student Show. Ven y participa con piezas cautivadoras diseñadas para la exploración práctica.

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 05/31/2024

Dear friends, artists, and community members,

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday for the opening of Marcus Xavier Chormicle: You're Meant To Be Here, With The Living. Your presence and support mean the world to us and to Marcus.

Marcus's work explores the legacies of masculinity, loss, and memory within his family. Highlights include My Uncle’s Baptism, a touching portrait of his late uncle, and Our Scar on the Land, challenging myths and highlighting the brutal history of violence against Indigenous people.

The exhibition will be on view until October 5, 2024. We deeply appreciate your attendance and support. Thank you for being part of this meaningful event!

Queridos amigos, artistas y miembros de la comunidad

Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron el jueves en la apertura de Marcus Xavier Chormicle: You're Meant To Be Here, With The Living. Su presencia y su apoyo significan mucho para nosotros y para Marcus.

La obra de Marcus explora los legados de masculinidad, pérdida y memoria dentro de su familia. Destacan My Uncle's Baptism, un conmovedor retrato de su difunto tío, y Our Scar on the Land, que cuestiona mitos y pone de relieve la brutal historia de violencia contra los indígenas.

La exposición podrá verse hasta el 5 de octubre. Agradecemos profundamente su asistencia y apoyo. ¡Gracias por formar parte de este significativo evento

Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 05/28/2024

These are some of the winners of the student show we are presenting this week. Remember that the gallery is open Tuesday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We invite you to stop by and enjoy the artwork created by our talented students.

Kite / Cometa
Relief / Relieve
Sharp Ling

Multiverse / Multiverso
Ceramic / Cerámica
Sharp Ling
Linda Palleres
Allan Iniguez
Vivian Wilson
Caleb Jolly
Ana Montes
Sara Beuchot
Jorge Rubio
Leslie Ulloa-Polloc
Emmy Chapa
Will Alvarez
Mariana Chavez
Lizeth Castro

Estos son algunos de los ganadores de la exposición estudiantil que presentamos esta semana. Recuerda que la galería está abierta de martes a viernes, de 10:00 am a 5:00 pm horas. Te invitamos a pasar y disfrutar de las obras de arte creadas por nuestros talentosos estudiantes.

Photos from Marcus Xavier Chormicle's post 05/28/2024
Photos from Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP's post 05/23/2024

We are thrilled to highlight the incredible talent on display in our annual student exhibition. This year's works reflect the creativity and dedication of our artists.

Here we highlight two of the student exhibition winners and their impressive works:

Ear Game
Packaging / Empaquetado

Do You Have to Crush Me to Make Yourself Feel Better / Do You Have to Crush Me to Make Yourself Feel Better?
Ceramic, glaze / Cerámica, esmalte / Cerámica, esmalte

Don't miss the opportunity to see these and many other pieces,
visit us from Tuesday to Friday!

Estamos encantados de destacar el increíble talento expuesto en nuestra exposición anual de estudiantes. Las obras de este año reflejan la creatividad y dedicación de nuestros artistas.

Aquí destacamos a dos de los ganadores de la exposición de estudiantes y sus impresionantes obras:

Juego de Oídos
Packaging / Empaquetado

Do You Have to Crush Me to Make Yourself Feel Better? / ¿Tienes que aplastarme para sentirte mejor?
Ceramic, glaze / Cerámica, esmalte

No pierdas la oportunidad de ver estas y muchas otras piezas,
¡visítanos de martes a viernes!

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Videos (show all)

Experience the interactive art of the Student Show. Come and engage with captivating pieces designed for hands-on explor...
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Discover a fragment of "Presentiments / Barruntaremos" by Asunción Molinos Gordo. This 9:38 minute single-channel video ...
Behind The Scenes (BTC)
Melanie Smith, Xilitla: Dismantled 1, 2016.
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Have you wondered how to activate this Folding Monument in the “Levantamiento | A Collective Unshaping” exhibition?Wonde...
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Wondering what is like to be an artist?In her current exhibition at the Rubin titled “Proving the Hypothesis of Celestia...
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Re-connecting. Nature. Remembering. Energy. This and more was seen and felt during the closing performance of Here, And ...
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500 West University Avenue
El Paso, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

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1211 Montana Avenue
El Paso, 79902

The International Museum of Art is dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of art and artifacts from around the world.