Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX

Koala Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders El Paso, TX


Apnea Index (AI): (ap-nee-uh in-deks) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Apnea index (AI): (ap-nee-uh in-deks) A measure of the severity of sleep apnea is the number of apneic events per hour.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Difficulty Falling Asleep (OSA) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

While trouble falling ssleep is common, it can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA causes breathing to stop and start during sleep, disrupting your sleep cycle and making it hard to fall asleep initially or stay asleep throughout the night. If you have trouble falling asleep along with daytime fatigue or gasping for air during sleep, consult us to discuss OSA as a potential cause.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Clogged, Itchy Ears (TMJ) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Clogged and itchy ears, while more commonly associated with allergies or ear infections, can surprisingly be symptoms of TMJ disorders. The proximity of the TMJ joint to the ear canal means inflammation or muscle tension in the jaw joint can sometimes transfer to the ear, causing discomfort and itchiness.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


World Greatness Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

In honor of World Greatness Day, we celebrate the potential for greatness in everyone. A well-rested mind and a healthy body are the foundation for achieving your dreams. Let us help you reach for greatness by prioritizing your sleep!

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Koala Center Celebrates Be Kind to Humankind Week with a Focus on Compassionate Care (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

This week is Be Kind to Humankind Week, and at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we believe that kindness and compassion are essential for both our physical and mental well-being. Getting a good night's sleep is necessary to function at our best, and reducing stress is key to achieving restful sleep.

Kindness Matters for Better Sleep:
- Reduced Stress: Performing acts of kindness for others has been shown to reduce stress hormones, leading to a calmer state of mind and better sleep.
- Improved Mood: Kindness boosts the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin, which can contribute to a more positive outlook and better sleep quality.
- Stronger Relationships: Kindness fosters connection with others, which can provide a sense of security and support, promoting better sleep.

At Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we treat our patients with kindness and compassion. We understand the connection between sleep, TMJ disorders, and overall well-being. We offer a variety of treatment options to help you achieve a good night's sleep and improve your quality of life.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP): (la-ser as-sist-ed uvu-lopalato-plas-ty) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP): (la-ser as-sist-ed uvu-lopalato-plas-ty) Can eliminate or decrease snoring but has not been shown to be effective in the treatment of sleep apnea.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Beat the Heat & Sleep Well This Summer with Sun Safety Month (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

It's Summer Sun Safety Month, and while soaking up the sun is a great way to enjoy the season, staying cool and getting enough sleep are crucial during these hot summer months. Here at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we can help you achieve both!

How summer heat disrupts sleep:
- Hot and stuffy bedrooms make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep
- Dehydration from excessive sweating can lead to nighttime awakenings
- Changes in routine due to summer activities can disrupt your sleep cycle

We offer treatments for TMJ disorders, which can sometimes cause headaches that worsen in hot weather, making sleep even more difficult. We can also provide tips to improve your sleep environment and create a cool, restful haven for a good night's sleep.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Electroencephalogram (EEG): (elec-tro-en-ceph-al-o-gram) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Electroencephalogram (EEG): (elec-tro-en-ceph-al-o-gram) Records the electrical activity of the brain.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Make Family Fun Nights Restful with Koala! (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

It's Family Fun Month! While creating lasting memories with your loved ones is important, a good night's sleep is essential for everyone's well-being. Here at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we can help ensure everyone in your family gets the rest they deserve.

Here's how a well-rested family is a happy family:
- Improved moods and energy levels: Tiredness can lead to crankiness for all ages. Better sleep promotes better moods and keeps everyone energized for those fun family activities.
- Sharper focus and better concentration: Quality sleep is crucial for cognitive function. Well-rested kids perform better in school, and well-rested adults can be more patient and engaged during playtime.
- Stronger immune system: Sleep strengthens the body's defenses, making everyone less susceptible to catching colds or illnesses.

At Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we treat sleep disorders that can disrupt sleep for the whole family, like TMJ and sleep apnea. With improved sleep, your family nights can be truly restful and enjoyable. Make Family Fun Month a success! Schedule a consultation today and see how we can help your family achieve a healthier, happier night's sleep.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


World Breast Cancer Research Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

While the Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders focuses on sleep and TMJ disorders, we recognize the importance of overall health and well-being. This Sunday, August 18th, on World Breast Cancer Research Day, we want to highlight the importance of research in finding a cure for this devastating disease.

Early detection is key to successfully treating breast cancer. If you notice any changes in your breasts, be sure to schedule a mammogram with your doctor. Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders stands with all those affected by breast cancer. We believe in the power of research and hope for a future free from this disease.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Celebrate National Wellness Month with Koala! (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

August is National Wellness Month, a time to focus on your overall well-being. At Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we understand the importance of quality sleep for your health and happiness.

Did you know poor sleep can contribute to:
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increased health risks

We offer a variety of treatments to address sleep disorders like TMJ and sleep apnea, all aimed at improving your sleep quality and overall well-being.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Jaw Pain (TMJ) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Jaw pain is a common symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which can cause discomfort, headaches, and difficulty chewing. If you experience persistent jaw pain, especially along with clicking or limited jaw movement, consider Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders for treatment.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Celebrate National Align Your Teeth Day with a Smile! (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Did you know that misaligned teeth can contribute to TMJ disorders? That's right! On Sunday, August 11th, National Align Your Teeth Day, Koala Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders wants to highlight the connection between a healthy smile and a good night's sleep.

How Can Misaligned Teeth Affect TMJ?
Misaligned teeth can cause an imbalance in your bite, which can put stress on your jaw muscles and joints. This stress can lead to TMJ pain, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.

At Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we work with patients to achieve optimal oral health and address TMJ issues. Here's how we can help:
- Consultation: We can assess your bite and determine if misaligned teeth are contributing to your TMJ symptoms.
- TMJ Treatment: We offer a variety of treatment options to alleviate TMJ pain and discomfort.

By addressing misaligned teeth, you can improve your overall oral health, reduce TMJ pain, and achieve a better night's sleep. Contact Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders today to schedule an appointment and learn more about your treatment options.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Sensitive Teeth (TMJ) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

While sensitive teeth aren't a defining symptom of TMJ disorders, TMJ can cause teeth to become misaligned or put excess pressure on them, leading to increased tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold foods.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Leg Jerks (OSA) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Leg jerks during sleep can be a sign of several conditions, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While not all leg jerks are related to OSA, if they're frequent and disrupt your sleep, it's important to visit Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders to rule out OSA and other potential causes.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Koala Champions Exercise with Your Child Week! (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

This week is Exercise With Your Child Week, and Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders is here to cheer you on! Getting active together is a fantastic way to promote good health and well-being for both you and your child.

Exercise benefits sleep in several ways:
- Increased energy expenditure: Physical activity helps your child burn off energy, leading to a deeper, more restful sleep at night.
- Stress reduction: Exercise is a great way to manage stress, which can interfere with sleep.
- Improved mood: Physical activity releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects and can contribute to better sleep. Make it fun! Here are some ideas for getting active with your child:
- Take a family walk or bike ride.
- Play active games like tag or frisbee.
- Dance to music together.
- Do some yoga or body-weight exercises.
- Explore your local park or playground.

Bonus Tip! Regular exercise can also help alleviate TMJ pain by improving flexibility and reducing muscle tension.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Hypoxia: (hy-pox-i-a) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Hypoxia: (py-pox-i-a) A deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the blood.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Simplify Your Life Week (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

This week is Simplify Your Life Week, and at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we understand the importance of reducing stress for a better night's sleep. Chronic stress can significantly disrupt sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Here are some tips to simplify your life and promote better sleep:
- Prioritize sleep: Set a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible, even on weekends.
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Wind down before bed with activities that help you relax, such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music.
- Limit screen time before bed: The blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with sleep.
- Declutter your bedroom: A cluttered environment can be visually stimulating and make it harder to relax.
- Delegate tasks: Don't try to do everything yourself. Ask for help from family and friends or hire someone to help with chores.
- Learn to say no: It's okay to decline requests that will add stress to your life.

Taking care of your TMJ health can also simplify your life! TMJ disorders can cause pain and discomfort that can interfere with your sleep and daily activities. At Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we offer effective TMJ treatment to help alleviate these symptoms. This Simplify Your Life Week, focus on creating a calmer, more restful environment for yourself and your family.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Happy American Family Day from Koala Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders! (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

We know a good night's sleep is essential for the whole family. When everyone is well-rested, it can make a big difference in their overall health and happiness. Here at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we can help ensure everyone in your family gets the sleep they need. We offer treatment for a variety of sleep disorders, including:
- Sleep apnea
- Insomnia
- Teeth grinding (bruxism)
- TMJ disorders

Sunday August 4th is American Family Day, and you can make it one to remember! Prioritize healthy sleep for your entire family. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


National Promise to Care Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Today is National Promise to Care Day, and here at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, we're committed to providing exceptional care for our patients. We understand the importance of a good night's sleep and how TMJ disorders can disrupt it.

That's why we promise to:
- Listen actively to your concerns and goals
- Provide personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs
- Offer a comfortable and welcoming environment where you feel at ease
- Stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in sleep and TMJ treatment

Schedule an appointment today and let us help you achieve a healthier, happier you!

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Share a Hug Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Happy Share a Hug Day! Hugs are amazing! They release happy hormones and reduce stress, but fatigue can make social interaction difficult. This Share a Hug Day, prioritize sleep for a more energized you! TMJ and sleep disorders can leave you feeling drained. The Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders can help identify and treat the root cause of your sleep issues. Well-rested = more hugs to share!

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


International Day of Friendship (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Rest well to celebrate friendship on today, the International Day of Friendship! Strong friendships enrich our lives, but late-night chats or adventures can disrupt sleep. This International Day of Friendship, prioritize rest so you can make the most of your friendships! Exhaustion can make it harder to enjoy quality time with friends. The Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders can help if sleep disorders like sleep apnea are keeping you up. Get the sleep you deserve and create lasting memories with your friends!

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


National Parents’ Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders is wishing all parents a happy and restful National Parents' Day! Being a parent is rewarding, but it can also be tiring! This National Parents' Day, prioritize getting a good night's sleep so you can be the best parent you can be. We can help if you're struggling with sleep disorders like sleep apnea or insomnia. We offer personalized treatment for a more restful you! Here are some sleep tips for parents:

- Create a relaxing bedtime routine.
- Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends.
- Delegate tasks and ask for help when you need it! (We can’t help with reading bedtime stories, but we can get you the rest you need to tell them!)

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Diagnostic Sleep Study: (di-ag-nos-tic s-leep stuhd-ee) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

The monitoring of several physiological activities in a sleeping individual is usually performed to determine the absence or presence of a specific sleep disorder. The sleep study can occur in a sleep disorder center or a patient’s home with portable recording equipment.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Fibromyalgia: (fibromy-al-gia) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

A neurosensory disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, joint stiffness, and fatigue. The condition is chronic (ongoing), but pain comes and goes and moves about the body.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


UV Safety Month (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

July is UV Safety Month, a time to raise awareness about protecting yourself from the sun's harmful rays! Did you know excessive amounts of sun exposure can disrupt sleep? Protect your skin during the day for a better night's rest. To stay safe outdoors, seek shade, wear protective clothing, and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine responsibly!

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Malformation: (mal-form-a-tion) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

A condition in which part of the body does not have the normal or expected shape.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


International Retainer Day (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

Happy International Retainer Day! While you're celebrating your straight smile, remember that a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. TMJ disorders can cause jaw pain and headaches, making sleep difficult. If you've noticed yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, it could be a TMJ issue. The Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders can help! We specialize in treating TMJ disorders to promote better sleep and a pain-free smile.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Baseline Sleep Study: (base-line s-leep stuhd-ee) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

A study done for the purpose of determining a diagnosis, a study done with no treatment applied, or a diagnostic sleep study.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx


Genioglossus Tongue Advancement: (jee-nee-oh-glos-us tuhng ad-vance-ment) (Koala Center for Sleep Disorders)

A possible surgical treatment used for sleep apnea and/or snoring improves the airway behind the base of the tongue. The genioglossus, the main tongue muscle, relaxes during sleep, often allowing the tongue to fall into the airway. The muscle attaches to the middle of the lower jaw. A segment of bone containing this muscle is pulled forward and stabilized, opening the airway space behind the tongue.

Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387 Visit our website for more information - https://www.koalasleepcenters.com/locations-el-paso-tx

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Add Some Sparkle..Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387Visit our website for more informati...
Red, White and You.Koala Center for Sleep Disorders El Paso, TX - Call (915) 301-8387Visit our website for more informat...


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El Paso, TX

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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