Bud's Birds, Bees, and Trees, Elma, NY Videos

Videos by Bud's Birds, Bees, and Trees in Elma. Produce and sell fresh eggs, honey and maple syrup.

More of the busy girls today.

Other Bud's Birds, Bees, and Trees videos

More of the busy girls today.

Inspections and feeding went great on Thursday! Jack and I smelled a skunk close by the whole time. Well...Millie saw that skunk at 10:24pm and ran after it and got a face f10:24 pm� This is how busy they are today with full feeders and pollen patties. Going to put the Boardman feeders out now and just give all the critters a check and tuck them in. 🐝 #Beekeeping #SkunkEncounter #BusyBees

My bee mentor often shared a story her father used to tell: "The bees always come first. They're in charge." He was not only a WWII vet but also a Master Mason and a fount of knowledge, which he passed down to Terry. Having lived nearly a century, his wisdom lives on. I had the honor of conducting a Masonic memorial service for him when he passed. Terry, inheriting his vast knowledge, is always there to guide me whenever I'm uncertain! New stands built, boxes all loaded with 5 frames, most of which already have drawn comb. See you Saturday morning, ladies!

So, with every round of chickens, they give a free one but it could be any kind of chicken and straight run (they are not sexed). Well here are 2 of 3 of them while I was away for the weekend. 😳🤦‍♂️🐓

...and they're here!


First round of chicks are here! Rhode Island Reds.

RIP Wilma 😔

The girls buzzing away tonight while I fed them. Good thing I left all the insulation on!!! As you can hear one of these guard bees telling me I was too close!

So last week we were reminded of the circle of life. We got 8 new chicks and a few days later we lost 2 of our matriarchs to old age. They were two of our very first girls who produced so much and also taught us so much and they will be missed. 😔 So on a lighter note, here's a video this morning of the new chicks being camera hogs!!!

Two babies hogging the camera as the fall asleep.

One of the new ladies got upgraded to 1st class on the car ride home.

They're home! Welcome these new ladies to the farm!

Today we'll talk about the reverse osmosis process or RO filter. We do this to remove a lot of the water prior to boiling.