New Life Holistic Center

New Life Holistic Center

We offer chiropractic and nutrition programs tailored to your specific health needs.

Dr. Copping has been helping patients achieve their wellness goals for more than 20 years. For more information please visit our website


Who says you have to give up your favorite breakfast food entirely?
Reducing bodily inflammation comes down to a simple formula of swapping out inflammatory foods (foods that have high levels of fat, sugar and other refined carbohydrates are essentially toxic to our bodies and trigger inflammatory pathways through a number of direct and indirect ways) for unrefined, nutritious ones.

❌ Swap highly processed oils (hydrogenated vegetable oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, soybean oil, etc) for...
🫒 An alternative version with extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil.

❌ Swap added sugar and artificial sweeteners (cane sugar, maltodextrin, aspartame, xylitol, etc) for...
🍯 An alternative version with raw agave or raw honey.

❌ Swap wheat flour (often bleached and sprayed with herbicides) for...
🌾 An alternative version with cassava flour- or other flours made without gums or filler ingredients.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 17/03/2023

The gut microbiome is estimated to have 100 trillion microorganisms, from 500 to 1,000 species! These microorganisms produce certain vitamins and short chain fatty acids, interfere with the growth of harmful bacteria, modify the immune system, and improve our health in ways researchers are only beginning to study. Incorporating prebiotic foods are incredibly beneficial to promoting microbiome diversity.

A probiotic supplement may or may not be beneficial depending on your health concerns. However, it is highly recommended for those on antibiotics and for those that consume processed sugar.

Visit your holistic health practitioner to see if supplementing probiotics is best for you.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this page are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 29/06/2022

Spring and summer means warmer weather, clearer skies, and flowers in bloom. For many this list also includes the inevitable battle with yearly allergies (also known as hay fever). 🥲🤧

An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to certain substances (i.e. pollen, dust, etc) that are considered foreign to our bodies.

Did you know that the liver plays a substantial role in reducing the effect a potential allergen will have on the body? Our liver purifies and filters about two quarts of blood per minute, extracting most viruses, bacteria, environmental toxins, before recirculating healthy blood through the rest of the body.

If the quantity of a substance entering the bloodstream is too much for the liver to process, the immune system becomes overstimulated, and recognizes it as being an allergen. The liver then produces and stores allergy-specific antibodies called immunoglobulins.

What does all this mean? Seasonal allergies happen as a result of an overloaded toxic state within the liver.

What can you do about your allergies? Whole food supplements to support the detoxification of the liver may significantly help allergies. Recommended are Antronex and Allerplex


Yes! Exercise boosts your memory and thinking skills both directly and indirectly.

"The benefits of exercise come directly from its ability to reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors—chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells."

"Indirectly, exercise improves sleep and mood, and alleviates stress and anxiety. Problems in these areas can negatively affect memory and lead to cognitive impairment. "

-- Harvard Health Publishing

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 06/06/2022

More than 60 percent of U.S. adults do not engage in the recommended amount of activity. Approximately 25 percent of U.S. adults are not active at all.

The most common reason reported is, "I don't have enough time to exercise."

Research from UCLA shows that when you exercise, your brain works faster and you're able to have the time to do the things you want to do.

Consistently, it has been found that exercise:
🧠 Increases growth factors in the brain which makes it easier for the brain to grow new neuronal connections
💬 Improves memory both directly and indirectly
❤️ Boosts the cardiovascular system and improves lung health
🧘 Reduces cortisol levels and releases endorphins- feel good hormones
❤️‍🩹 Reduces pain by increasing pain tolerance. (The release of endorphins!)
😊 Supports and encourages regular bowel movements.

This list is non-exhaustive. How will you move your body today?


Did you know-

To get an adequate amount of Vitamin D, it takes only 10-30 minutes of sun exposure several times a week? ☀️

Some Vitamin D can be attained from food, although few. Those include dairy, salmon, cod liver oil, tuna, and egg yolk.

As with any supplement, be cautious of overly high levels in supplements, as you may be attaining enough from your diet and sun exposure.

Make sure you protect your skin with a mineral-based sunscreen and step out to enjoy San Diego's sunny weather each week. ☀️


During acute stress, the hormone adrenaline suppresses the appetite. But with chronic stress, elevated levels of cortisol may cause cravings, particularly for highly processed foods high in sugar.

Opt for balanced meals with a whole food protein, fat, and (complex-chain) carbohydrates (i.e. black or brown rice, or quinoa instead of white rice). Incorporate leafy greens daily to intake healthy levels of minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, iron, and calcium.

As always, check in with your Nutrition Response Testing provider to ensure no deficiency goes unnoticed.



Take a moment to practice this breathing technique. Add this to your mental health toolbox to help alleviate stress and anxiety.

1. Place your hand over your heart (this simple placement releases oxytocin- the love hormone)

2. Breathe in and imagine you're breathing in love, ease, and compassion (personalize this! You can use one word, or a phrase or verse you like, as well as "I am" statements). Exhale normally.

3. Once you have established a rhythm, add a good memory to this rhythm. Do this for just 3 minutes to re acclaim your peace.


Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 04/04/2022

1 & 2: Online, there are many helpful journal prompts and meditation apps and rhythms.

3, 4, & 5: Supplements and good nutrition can help address mineral and vitamin deficiencies, as well as balance mood, hormone, and energy levels. This can alleviate stress (as well as other areas of inflammation in your body!)


For those who love their coffee in the morning- this ones for you. ☕
There's something incredibly soothing about drinking a fresh cup of coffee just the way you like it. But is it helping or hurting your health- or a little of both? Let's discuss health benefits and the possible presence of pesticides and mold hidden in some brands of coffee.

Good news- the case for coffee is stronger than ever. According to John Hopkins Medical journal, both decaf and regular coffee seem to have a protective effect on your liver, you may be less likely to develop conditions such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B2, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants.

The downside... coffee is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world. According to CS Monitor, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre on conventional (non-organic) coffee. Due to this, pesticides and mycotoxins (formed by molds) successfully make it into the coffee we drink on the regular.

Don't discard your morning routine just yet- with a little bit of research, you might be pleasantly surprised to discover that there are plenty of coffee suppliers that care deeply about the quality and purity of their products, and offer fresh coffee that is pesticide and mold free. Try an find an organic coffee and you may find that it tastes even better.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 07/03/2022

Need inspiration for kid-friendly meal and snack ideas? Take a look below for 3 meal/snack ideas.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 28/02/2022

NRT has been greatly helpful for children's wellbeing. Just as in adults, NRT can identify vitamin or mineral deficiencies, environmental toxicities, and can offer relief from some health distressors.

Once the parent or guardian is an established NRT patient, we'd be happy to schedule your child for a consultation.

Our office phone number and email is listed on our website if you have any questions!


Wheat germ oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which helps reduce skin damage, fight free radicals, support healthy collagen and maintain even skin tone. This source is especially helpful for healing scars.

Scars can act as a capacitor for energy, and can cause physiological problems in the body if they are large or deep enough. This can be identified with Nutrition Response Testing and alleviated with topical oils and other supplementation if deemed necessary.

Whether treating a scar for physiological reasons or appearance, skin oils rich in vitamin E- like wheat germ oil, can help to heal the damaged skin over time and with consistent use.

Available in our office for pickup or delivery📞


Dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and support cell function. Fat helps the body absorb minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and E. Additionally, your body needs them for brain development, controlling inflammation, and blood clotting.

Two healthy oils to incorporate in your day to to day:
1. Extra virgin olive oil🫒

The natural extraction process used to produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil ensures it retains all the nutrients and antioxidants from the olive fruit, unlike refined olive oil which strips it of these nutrients and benefits. This oil contains vitamins E and K and is highly anti-inflammatory. Additionally, unrefined olive oil can protect the body against the risk of strokes, heart disease, and Type II diabetes, and can lower high blood pressure.

2. Unrefined avocado oil🥑

Avocado oil has a high smoke point, meaning it doesn't degrade at high temperatures. This makes it a great option for cooking. It is linked to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and contains a source of magnesium called chlorophyll, which detoxifies heavy metals from the body. Rich levels of Vitamin A and E also make this oil deeply hydrating and nourishing to the skin, as well as provide ultraviolet protection, when used topically.

Other healthy oils (if unrefined) are red palm, walnut, grapeseed, flaxseed, and sunflower oil.
*Note* some oils such as walnut and sunflower oil do not have a high smoke point, and should not be used with high heat.

Which one is your favorite?

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 08/02/2022

Fish oil is a dietary source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Your body needs Omega-3's to curb inflammation in blood vessels, provide structure to every cell wall we have, fuel muscle growth, and provide energy among many other functions. This important nutrient is derived from food. It cannot be manufactured in the body.

Fish oil contains varying ratios of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (swipe to see what these are!). ALA is another common Omega-3 fatty acid, but is not derived from fish oil. Pictured, Linum B6 is a vegetarian Omega-3 fatty acid supplement containing ALA.

If you are not intaking or unable to intake Omega-3's from food, or experience symptoms of a possible Omega-3 deficiency, supplementation may be incredibly beneficial. Symptoms include problems with hair, nails, and skin (dryness and breakage), joint pain and leg cramps, fatigue and trouble sleeping, allergy symptoms, difficult menstrual cramps, and more.

Nutrition Response Testing can identify this deficiency, which particular supplement and ratio works best with your body, and what your exact dosage is. Schedule with us today to eliminate the stress of figuring out which one is best for your body and health needs- information is in our bio!

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 31/01/2022

Hydrogenated oils are used by companies to increase shelf life of some food products and save costs. Hydrogenation is a process in which a liquid unsaturated fat is turned into a solid fat by adding hydrogen. During partially hydrogenated processing, a type of fat called trans fat is made. Trans fats can raise LDL cholesterol and is often associated with heart attacks, Type II diabetes, and stroke.

Whether fully or partially hydrogenated, (although partial hydrogenated oils are particularly linked to inflammation) these oils have been often shown to impair blood sugar levels and cause inflammation.

Take a look at food labels to sort out processed vs unprocessed and pure oils.


Carrageenan is a food additive that acts as a thickener, emulsifier, and preservative in different food products. It's derived from red seaweed and found in cheese, coffee creamers, some dairy free milks, ice cream, yogurt, and some meat products.

In some studies, this food additive lead to an increase in fasting blood sugar and glucose intolerance, and negatively impacted digestion including intestinal ulcers and growths.

For your health and safety, check out alternative brands for the products you love made without this food additive.



For more information regarding our philosophy and the services we offer, you can visit our website at:

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 04/01/2022

How do artificial sweeteners affect your health? Are there some to look out for?

According to research, artificial sweeteners may cause headaches with those who are sensitive, or if consumed in large amounts. Additionally, it was observed that overtime artificial sweeteners can change the way we taste food. They can be 200 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar! This can overstimulate sugar receptors, limiting the body's response to sugar. Overtime, food and drinks that contain sugar, and even natural fruit, don't taste as sweet, and non-sweet foods become unappealing or unpalatable.

In terms of particular artificial sweeteners, Ace K, Aspartame, and Sucralose have been found to cause carcinogenic effects. In addition to this, aspartame has been shown to impair memory performance and increase oxidative stress in the brain. Other artificial sweeteners, saccharin and sugar alcohols (xylitol, mannitol, etc) is linked to gastrointestinal side effects such as bloating, gas, cramping, and diarrhea as the body cannot break down these additives.

What are the alternatives? Pure stevia is one zero calorie sweetener that can meet your sweet tooth- as taken in moderation. However, note that pure stevia is not an artificial sweetener, but rather is naturally sourced. For other sweetener alternatives, see our previous post regarding raw honey, raw agave, and pure maple syrup.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 27/12/2021

With white sugar (and other added sugars) out of the picture, what healthy alternatives are there for curing that inevitable sweet tooth? Thankfully, nature provided us with some versatile and delicious options:

1. Raw unfiltered honey🍯

Raw honey is lower on the glycemic index (than sugar)- meaning it will cause a slower and lower rise in blood sugar. This is preferable- as large blood sugar spikes lead to blood sugar and energy crashes. Honey (especially darker honey) has a significantly richer nutritional composition compared to white or refined sugar. Honey contains magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, amino acids, and even has an anti-bacterial and anti-viral component to it that white sugar does not have.

2. Raw agave🌿

Raw agave is satisfyingly sweet and also neutral enough to work as a sweetener for any desired food or drink. Raw agave is also low on the glycemic index, minimally affecting your blood sugar levels. It has a multitude of minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin B6- which supports the brain and the nervous system- that white sugar lacks. We recommend brand raw agave.

3. Pure maple syrup🍁

Maple syrup in its raw unprocessed form is also lower on the glycemic index. It contains antioxidants and a prebiotic called oligosaccharides that assists with gut health. The color of raw maple syrup offers insight to its nutritional density (and taste)- the darker the color, the richer it is in minerals and vitamins, and in taste.

These lovely alternatives are however, still high in natural sugar, so dose out accordingly. To help with blood sugar and energy stabilization, pair these sweet elements with a healthy fat and/or protein source.
Which one is your favorite?

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 20/12/2021

Can food additives affect your health? Lets talk about sugar.

"The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke," says Dr. Frank Hu, nutrition and diabetes researcher and professor at Harvard University.

Not to be confused with naturally occurring sugar in fruits and vegetables- added sugar is linked to inflammation, type II diabetes, tooth decay, headaches, weight gain, impacted cognitive function and emotional stability, suppression of the immune system, imbalanced hormones, and more- occurring in many people and especially those that intake added sugars in high quantities.

Ask us for "124 Ways Sugar Ruins your Health" by Nancy Appleton, PhD.

What are the alternatives? Our next post will feature options to meet your sweet-tooth cravings with low-inflammatory sweeteners.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 14/12/2021

And more! Nutrition response testing works to treat the person as a whole and by determining root causes so that you can move towards the healthy and balanced life you've been working for.

Photos from New Life Holistic Center's post 06/12/2021

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing is a safe and non-invasive way of checking the body for nutritional deficiencies using the body's own natural reflexes. The doctor then recommends whole food supplements and dietary recommendations to form a nutritional program that best suits your needs.

How does it work?
The doctor puts pressure on your different organ acupuncture reflexes and pressure on your arm. This allows him to find nutritional deficiencies. The doctor also checks for environmental stressors, sources of toxicity, food allergies, etc against your body's organ reflex points.

The Nutrition Response Testing system and other wellness products recommended on this page are not approved medical devices, no claims are made for the diagnosis and treatment of disease and have not been submitted to nor evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Meet the Doctor!

Dr. Jason Copping D.C. graduated from Palmer West Chiropractic College in San Jose, California and has been practicing chiropractic for over 20 years. He received his certificate for Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing a few years later, fully establishing a holistic healthcare practice. In his free time, the Doctor enjoys surfing and spending time with his family.

For your chiropractic and nutrition needs, please see our website for more information and to book your next appointment.


4401 Manchester Avenue
Encinitas, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 12:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 14:00
Sunday 11:00 - 15:00