Energy Medicine

Try energy medicine!

Do you want to improve your memory, relieve pain, strengthen your immune system, increase your vitality, improve your sleep, bring more comfort and balance to your life?


Beautiful share Camille!

Patterns, profound illustrations of the magnificent interconnectedness of the Cosmos (macro) to the Cells within us (micro).

Recognizing these patterns within us, their complexities, are evidence of our limitless capabilities, brilliance and intelligence. Wonder about what moves you the same way you wonder about the stars. Marvel at them and then yourself…

Be appreciative for the world you live in as well as yourself and those around you.
Camille Pipolo Energy Medicine


Did you know your tongue is a lymph draining organ?

A strong well positioned tongue is an effective toxin clearing system.

Most people aren’t aware how important their tongue posture is.

It’s also capable of absorbing. The mucous membrane of the tongue can absorb some substances – for example medications that are to act quickly.

A tablet, fluid or spray put underneath the tongue, but not swallowed, is called sublingual administration, and absorbs into the body faster than the digestive system.

Let’s look at how the tongue drains into the lymph system.

The tip of the tongue drains into the submental lymph node under the chin.

The middle of the tongue drains into the submandibular node, which you can feel under the jawbone.

At the back, down toward the throat, it drains to the deep cervical nodes that run down through the neck which you can see on the image above.

What is important to remember is that lymph drains via movement.

Proper movement of the tongue is a skill that most people aren’t aware of. It is a complex muscle system, and each of these different segments must move properly for the lymph system to flow properly.

The tongue has a great ability to move in all directions. The reason for this is the way the muscle fibers are arranged, which is unique in our body. They run in all three directions: from front to back, from the sides to the middle and from top to bottom. This allows the tongue to make the following movements:

It’s the only muscle in our body that can actively contract and extend. When the vertical and horizontal fibers contract at the same time, the tongue becomes narrower and longer: we can stick our tongue out.

• Raising and lowering
• Bending backwards
• Advancing and retracting

So, let’s try a tongue movement exercise:

1) Open your jaw as wide as it will go
2) Poke the tongue out as far as it will go (keeping to straight to the horizontal)
3) Move slowly side to side touching each corner of the mouth (Repeat 10x)
4) Put the tongue to the floor of the mouth and lift the tongue right to the palate behind the upper front teeth (Repeat 10x)

Did you know the tongue movements clear the lymphatic system of the mouth and neck?


Thank you for sharing Energie in Balans!


Nu we de winter en het waterelement met de energieën van nier en blaas ingaan, is het tijd om te regenereren, ons terug te trekken en meer te rusten en te slapen.
In de Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde zijn de nieren de Yin organen van het Water element. Elk element is geassocieerd met een seizoen en bij het element Water hoort het seizoen van de Winter. Vandaar het belang om onze nierenergie in deze tijd extra aandacht te geven. Het element van Water is de bron van onze levenskracht (QI) en de nieren zijn het reservoir van onze levensenergie.
Het lijkt me dan ook logisch om op alle fronten onze nierenergie in deze tijd extra te voeden, te sparen en op te laden .

• Zorg voor extra slaap. De langere nachten tijdens de Winter nodigen ons uit om meer te slapen.
•Omarm de Yin-tijd. Geef je meer over aan rust en bezinning. Het is een tijd om te verstillen en naar je innerlijke stem te luisteren. Heb je moeite met onthaasten of te ontspannen? Dan kan het zijn dat te veel Vuur energie (de energie van actie en drukte) je natuurlijke neiging om je terug te trekken uit activiteit in deze tijd van het jaar verhindert . Als dat het geval is, kijk dan wat er gebeurt als je heel bewust je Water-energie aanmoedigt, wat de natuurlijke controle is voor Vuur. Draag blauwe kleding, breng tijd door in de buurt van water, geniet van licht zout voedsel, neem eens meer een bad of do**he en kijk of dat je helpt te kalmeren en ontspannen.
•Nieren zijn heel gevoelig voor koude, dus kleed je goed aan en zorg dat je voeten en onderrug altijd warm hebben. Het niet bedekken van lage rugstreek, nek en hoofd zoals we tegenwoordig veel zien bij jongere mensen is in deze periode echt niet aan te raden en is vragen voor problemen.
•Ik masseer meermaals per dag mijn hele nierstreek met een stevige diepe druk. Hierbij geef ik extra aandacht aan het Mingmen punt dat zich bevindt tussen de 2de en de 3de lendenwervel. Je bereikt dit punt automatisch wanneer je je handen over je heupkommen legt met de duimen op de rugzijde en de rest van de vingers naar voren wijzend over de heupkammen. Breng de duimen vervolgens naar elkaar tot ze elkaar raken ter hoogte van de lendenwervels.

Nier-3 doet zoveel goede dingen: Het kan helpen angst te kalmeren, stress te verlichten waardoor we ons rustiger en stabieler voelen. Het helpt bij lage rugpijn, vermoeidheid, menstruatiepijn, laag libido en reguleert de urinewegen. Bovendien stemt het ons af op de positieve kwaliteiten van het element Water: wilskracht, vastberadenheid, moed, volharding en doorzettingsvermogen.
Dus, als je meer energie wilt deze winter en een tip voor het stimuleren van een goede nachtrust probeer dan eens om Nier-3 te masseren of enkele minuten vast te houden voor het slapengaan.
Liefs Dominique


I'm going to give it a try! Thanks Dr Steven Lin!

Can sleeping without a pillow improve your sleep?

We all use pillows today, but it wasn’t always like that, and in a society that is constantly leaning forwards and suffering neck pain, is it affecting out sleep?

Today forward head posture increases our propensity to mouth breathe.

Poor posture, sleep, and breathing are all connected, and your pillow may contribute to neck, back, and shoulder pain.

Optimizing sleep should be on your goal list, if not now, then in the near future.

Personally, as a dentist, I spend a large proportion of my day leaning my head forward. The toll on my neck, and back have been considerable, and I noticed that it began to affect my sleep.

While working on nasal breathing, posture and flexibility, I found that sleeping without a pillow helped improve my neck and shoulder pain. It’s one of the many approaches I’ve used to help optimize my breathing during sleep, which many people suffer with.

In patients I see people who don’t sleep well all the time.

Interestingly the height of your pillow increase peak pressures in the cranial and neck regions, while increasing the extension (lordosis) of the spine).

Cranio-cervical pressures and cervical spine alignment were height-specific, and may impact breathing and hence quality of sleep.

A quantitative and objective evaluation of the effect of pillow height on the biomechanics of the head-neck complex with application in pillow design suggested that the higher the pillow, the worse the sleep.

As neck pain occurs in nearly a quarter of the population and cranio-cerivical pressure could contribute to neck pain and sleep associated headaches, which ultimately results in poor quality of sleep

Pillow height may affect comfort and sleeping quality, and was identified as one of the critical factors influencing spinal alignment. However, selecting the correct pillow height can be difficult.

While working towards nasal breathing and straight cervical spine posture during sleep, its worth trying

1) Sleeping with a lower pillow
2) Sleep with a rolled towel under your neck
3) Sleep with no pillow

Would you try sleeping without a pillow?


Are we really giving young families their best chance at raising a healthy child?

There are so many factors to successful breastfeeding that we walk into the dark with when raising a child.

In the newborn stage, breastfeeding is a violent learning curve. If there are any issues with a newborn, there will be a battle to keep supply of milk and maintaining breastfeeding.

Mothers today don’t get counselled on how to maintain their milk, maintain their nutrient stores, makes sure the baby is functionally latching well, and the list goes on.

And breastfeeding is far more important for the development our children.

It’s the first stimulation response of the cranial nerve system to some of the most critical neural centers in the brain.

The facial nerve CN VII, trigeminal nerve CN V, glossopharygeal CN IX and vagus nerve CN X, all work together to feed the trigeminal nucleus all the sensory information from the face, including touch-position and pain-temperature.

The tongue, powered by the hypoglossal nerve (XII) teams up with the deep throat nerves to teach the baby to swallow.

These responses train the airway to be strong and open.

It allows the baby to nasal breathe, and deliver critical nitric oxide rich air to the lungs that calms its autonomic nervous system.

There are higher risks of certain conditions for both baby and mother who don’t breastfeed.

For babies who don’t breastfeed, research shows a higher risk of:
• Asthma
• Ear infetions
• Gut dysfunction
• Pneumonia
• childhood obesity
• type 1 and type 2 diabetes,

Even for mothers, failure to breastfeed is associated with an increased incidence of:
• premenopausal breast cancer
• ovarian cancer
• retained gestational weight gain
• type 2 diabetes

Personally I think as a society we need to better support young families to breastfeed their children.

How was your breastfeeding journey?



Nu we de winter en het waterelement met de energieën van nier en blaas ingaan, is het tijd om te regenereren, ons terug te trekken en meer te rusten en te slapen.
In de Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde zijn de nieren de Yin organen van het Water element. Elk element is geassocieerd met een seizoen en bij het element Water hoort het seizoen van de Winter. Vandaar het belang om onze nierenergie in deze tijd extra aandacht te geven. Het element van Water is de bron van onze levenskracht (QI) en de nieren zijn het reservoir van onze levensenergie.
Het lijkt me dan ook logisch om op alle fronten onze nierenergie in deze tijd extra te voeden, te sparen en op te laden .

• Zorg voor extra slaap. De langere nachten tijdens de Winter nodigen ons uit om meer te slapen.
•Omarm de Yin-tijd. Geef je meer over aan rust en bezinning. Het is een tijd om te verstillen en naar je innerlijke stem te luisteren. Heb je moeite met onthaasten of te ontspannen? Dan kan het zijn dat te veel Vuur energie (de energie van actie en drukte) je natuurlijke neiging om je terug te trekken uit activiteit in deze tijd van het jaar verhindert . Als dat het geval is, kijk dan wat er gebeurt als je heel bewust je Water-energie aanmoedigt, wat de natuurlijke controle is voor Vuur. Draag blauwe kleding, breng tijd door in de buurt van water, geniet van licht zout voedsel, neem eens meer een bad of do**he en kijk of dat je helpt te kalmeren en ontspannen.
•Nieren zijn heel gevoelig voor koude, dus kleed je goed aan en zorg dat je voeten en onderrug altijd warm hebben. Het niet bedekken van lage rugstreek, nek en hoofd zoals we tegenwoordig veel zien bij jongere mensen is in deze periode echt niet aan te raden en is vragen voor problemen.
•Ik masseer meermaals per dag mijn hele nierstreek met een stevige diepe druk. Hierbij geef ik extra aandacht aan het Mingmen punt dat zich bevindt tussen de 2de en de 3de lendenwervel. Je bereikt dit punt automatisch wanneer je je handen over je heupkommen legt met de duimen op de rugzijde en de rest van de vingers naar voren wijzend over de heupkammen. Breng de duimen vervolgens naar elkaar tot ze elkaar raken ter hoogte van de lendenwervels.

Nier-3 doet zoveel goede dingen: Het kan helpen angst te kalmeren, stress te verlichten waardoor we ons rustiger en stabieler voelen. Het helpt bij lage rugpijn, vermoeidheid, menstruatiepijn, laag libido en reguleert de urinewegen. Bovendien stemt het ons af op de positieve kwaliteiten van het element Water: wilskracht, vastberadenheid, moed, volharding en doorzettingsvermogen.
Dus, als je meer energie wilt deze winter en een tip voor het stimuleren van een goede nachtrust probeer dan eens om Nier-3 te masseren of enkele minuten vast te houden voor het slapengaan.
Liefs Dominique

How to Escape the Victim Mentality | Global Healing Institute | Dr. Group 10/05/2022

What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your genius, Dr. Group!

How to Escape the Victim Mentality | Global Healing Institute | Dr. Group Here is an exclusive look at the FREE Events that all members of The Global Healing Institute are invited to ➤➤ ––––––––––––– In this clip on overcoming the victim mentality, Dr. Gro

9 Spiritual Benefits of Mugwort (Feminine Energy, Sleep Magic, Cleansing and More) 10/04/2022

Thanks for sharing Jennifer Hoffman!

9 Spiritual Benefits of Mugwort (Feminine Energy, Sleep Magic, Cleansing and More) Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a magical herb of vitality, protection, good luck and feminine energy. Its botanical name 'Artemisia' comes from the mo...


Isn't as easy as it sounds like! Are you willing to give it a try? Thanks Dr. Steven Lin!


"Atoms are 99.9999% vacuum. Instead of looking for a fundamental particle, perhaps we should look for the fundamental dividing principle of this vacuum. Perhaps it is the vacuum, otherwise known as "space", that is the key to understanding the universe. This vacuum dividing itself into finite structures."
Nassim Haramein


Give it a try!

Winter Sore Throat "Tea" Another AWESOME one we all need this time of year 🙂

Make sure you have some of this ready... great recipe for sore throats and chest colds

Makes about 2 cups

2 lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced
2 piece of ginger about inch thick sliced into thin pieces
Honey (about 1 cup-maybe more)
In a 12-16 oz. jar combine lemon slices and sliced ginger. Pour honey (organic is best) over it slowly. This may take a little time to let the honey sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. Make sure when the honey has filled in all the voids, there is enough to cover the top of the lemon slices. Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it. Store in fridge 2-3 months.


Thanks for the share Dr. Steven Lin!

Your tongue is connected via a fascial rudder system that runs right down to your toes.

In nearly all my patients, I see poor tongue posture, and the links to bad spinal posture, breathing, and other issues can be traced throughout the body.

The tongue is so influential to spinal health in how it supports proper head posture. When the tongue is down and forward, forward head posture and mouth breathing occurs.

Over time this associates with a narrow jaw, crooked teeth, and sleep disorders.

But… you guessed it, as always the mouth is a gateway for so many other systems in the body.

The tongue is an extremely complex muscular and fascial rudder system. This dissection via shows the deep front line fascial connection.

It guides all the structures of the myofascial continuity that runs from the inner arch of the foot all the way up through the middle of the body to the tongue and jaw muscles.

Isn’t that amazing?

Actually the tongue is potentially more important for core stability than turning on your actual core.

Our core begins deep under the arch with the insertions of the tendons from the lower leg, especially tibialis posterior.

To find its insertion, feel just under the inside arch of the foot, just underneath and forward of protrusion of the navicular bone you can feel a bit over an inch in front of your tibial malleolus on the inside of your ankle.

This point will respond to a soft-but-energy-rich touch that is held, and also to a more firm and direct fascial release. Pressing here can make a flow of feeling run up the fascial line.

So for better core support, spinal, hip and leg strength, you need to work on your tongue posture.

During exercise practice sealing the tongue to the roof of the mouth, this turns on the fascial rudder to the toes.

It takes time and you need to work on making the BACK of the tongue connect to the soft palate.

When you swallow, the tongue should move upwards and backwards against the hard and soft palate, not down and forward.

Have you noticed open mouth posture in you or a family member?


Face massage can reduce puffiness by clearing congested fluid, one example is blocked pores from makeup, which the skin of the face must clear.

Through a series of gentle and rhythmical movements you can use the direction in the image to help move toxins through the face.


Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs that are found all over your body. Large groups or chains of lymph nodes can be found in your neck, under your arms, and in your groin. Swelling from damaged lymph nodes and vessels is called lymphedema.⠀

Each of your teeth drains waste and toxins from your mouth. It’s the lymphatic system that plays a major role in balance and maintaining a healthy mouth.

Swelling in the mouth is a similarly built-up infection that the body can’t clear. Made up of many lymph nodes that are connected together by lymph vessels.⠀

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system needs movement to drain properly, it doesn’t move from pressure from the heart ‘pumping’.⠀

For patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment, facial massage and lymph node massage are employed by hospitals to help clear blocked lymph systems.

Through a series of gentle and rhythmical movements you can use the direction in the image to help move toxins through the face.

How to perform a self-lymphatic drainage massage: Follow each direction relating to the arrows on the diagram.

1) Use a circular motion to rub your fingers into your temples.

2) Use your palms and fingertips to massage the sides of your face.

3) Start at your chin and moving up toward your forehead.

4) Use your index and middle fingers to press under your cheekbones. Press up and in towards the eyes.

5) Start at the center of your face and move toward your temples.

6) Use the outside of your pinky fingers to press into your neck. Start at the top and move downward, dragging the skin downwards.

7) For a stronger effect, use your knuckles to press into your face. Start at your nose and move them across your cheeks towards your ears.

Try this exercise daily, every morning.

Do you use any techniques like these? Do you find them effective?


Het zou natuurlijk zijn als de pasgeborene na de geboorte minimaal een uur op de borst van de moeder zou blijven zitten. De navelstreng is dus maar 50 tot 60 centimeter lang, het is voldoende voor de baby om bij de moederborst te komen. En nu heb ik het niet alleen over positieve gevoelens voor moeder en kind, maar ook over placenta bloedtransfusie.

Een kwart van het bloed van de pasgeborene zit op het moment van de geboorte nog in de placenta, en als we de navelstreng minimaal 25 minuten intact laten, neemt de baby het overgebleven bloed op en zal hij geen bloedarmoede lijden, zoals het vaak gebeurt.

Daarnaast geldt deze transmissie ook voor die "geweldig" verkochte stamcellen, die van de placenta naar het kinderlichaam komen waar het hoort, en niet naar een bank in Griekenland of Denemarken.

Dieren eten de placenta van hun baby na enige tijd na de geboorte, niet meteen. Vanuit dit perspectief zijn wij de enige zoogdieren die de navelstreng doorsnijden zodra de baby geboren is. Een barbaarse en traumatische ingreep voor een kind dat zich nauwelijks aanpast aan de ademhaling...

Daarom moet het in het geboorteplan mogelijk zijn om de navelstreng pas door te snijden nadat deze stopt met pulseren, oftewel na ongeveer 25 minuten, wat noodzakelijk is en niet als een gril mag worden beschouwd.

Wat de lotusgeboorte betreft, het is een oeroude praktijk, en als het zo gevaarlijk was als een beschaving, zouden we allang uitgestorven zijn.

Hebben ze je herhaaldelijk verteld dat de waarde van de STEMCELL van je kind ongeveer 2.000 tot 4.000 euro bedraagt? Dat hangt af van het verfijnde pakket dat je kunt kiezen tijdens hun "oogst" in de eerste minuten na de geboorte, toch?

De duidelijke conclusie is dat ze duur zijn. Ze zijn echt heel duur. Zo kostbare stamcellen zijn letterlijk de prijs van GOUD waard! Maar niet voor stamcelbanken, ALLEEN JE KIDS! Het is het meest waardevolle erfgoed, dat in de eerste minuten van de geboorte direct vanuit de placenta gaat.

Stamcellen ontstaan door conceptie en zitten in de placenta, het uitwendige orgaan dat je baby 9 maanden voedt. De stamcellen van je baby zijn intelligente cellen die van de placenta naar het lichaam van de pasgeborene worden overgebracht tenzij de navelstreng 25 minuten wordt doorgesneden/geklemd door de bloedoverdracht van de placenta's.
Daarnaast zullen deze stamcellen eventuele abnormaliteiten na de bevalling en schade aan het kind herstellen.

Snap je nu waarom er honderden bedrijven zijn die de stamcellen van je kind willen? De grootste dwaasheid is om enge verhalen te geloven die gemaakt zijn door hoogbetaalde marketingteams om je te laten geloven dat ze je ooit in je leven zullen redden als je veel betaalt...

Daarom alsjeblieft lieve MAMA, laat je niets wijsmaken en voel intuitief hoe het van nature werkt.
Informeer jezelf grondig voordat je duizenden euro's uit je zak trekt, gewoon om de stamcellen van je eigen kind en zijn 150 ml bloed kwijt te raken via de placenta.
(Volgens DITTY DEPNER - therapeut en oprichter van holistisch renaissance concept en holistisch adviseur voor vruchtbaarheid, zwangerschap, geboorte en leven na geboorte)


Are you accessing your full breathing capabilities?

Your nasal sinuses, when functioning correctly, send a rich source of a tiny molecule called nitric oxide through the body.

There is a link between low NO levels and many diseases, Including:

- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Digestive tract issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Alzheimer’s dementia

In humans, nitric oxide (NO) is also generated within the blood vessels and regulates blood pressure, and prevents the formation of clots and also destroys potential toxins.⠀

Proper ventilation is essential for maintenance of sinus integrity, and blockage of the ostium blocks the flow to the sinuses.⠀

Humming has been applied therapeutically for the treatment of chronic sinusitis. A case study of a patient who had been unable to nose breathe due to chronic sinusitis for a month was able to achieve a clear nose and breathe easily through his nose after 4 days of intensive humming (one hour the first day and 120 hums 4x per day). ⠀

The authors hypothesized that the effect was due to the increase in nitric oxide produced by the humming.⠀

A small 10 person study looked at nasal NO was measured during humming and quiet single-breath exhalations at a fixed flow rate. NO increased 15-fold during humming compared with quiet exhalation.⠀

Humming exercises have been used in yoga for many thousands of years. To really experience the vibration of humming through the sinuses you can try this bee breath exercise while blocking the ears.

1. Sit up straight in a quiet, well ventilated corner with your eyes closed. Keep a gentle smile on your face⠀
2. Place your index fingers on your ears. There is a cartilage between your cheek and ear. Place your index fingers on the cartilage⠀
3. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, gently press the cartilage. You can keep the cartilage pressed or press it in and out with your fingers, while making a loud humming sound like a bee⠀
4. You can also make a low-pitched sound but it is a good idea to make a high-pitched one for better results⠀
5. Breathe in again and continue the same pattern 3-4 times.⠀

How did this exercise feel for you?


Love this share Kelmie!

Amen to this. ⚡


Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings-Challenge-Day 3! So easy and effective!


BRAD JOHNSON New Earth Teachings- Challenge-Day 2


Easy, effective technique to release emotional and physical pain! Try it if you dare

Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Children's Data - 06/21/2022

Even if you have adult children, fill it out and check the results! It is EYE OPENING!

Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Children's Data - The Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Children's Data Global Community Project contains a simple 11 question survey about vaccinations.


There are abilities inside your teeth.

It’s an imbalance of the nutrients that create defence, and the microbes that live in the mouth during health.

There is a nutrient and mineral economy underway in your mouth right now.

The oral microbiome is the population of bacteria that live within the mouth. Trillions of microbes live within your gums, on your tongue, and flowing up and down the tiny tubules pipes that make up the structure of your teeth.

In health a balanced oral microbial population participates in normal mineral balance of the mouth.

Bacteria use calcium to build plaque on the teeth.

Studies show that they also detect the amount of metabolic activity underway to digest certain foods and adjust accordingly.

For instance, if you eat a high sugar meal, the bugs detect this, and release minerals in response to the decreasing (higher acid content) pH of the mouth.

When the minerals run out and you continually fuel the bacteria with certain types of simple carbohydrates, the bugs that quickly eat these sugars overgrow.

A sign of disease is a loss of diversity in the bacterial colonies of both the mouth and gut.

We can replenish these bacteria by eating foods that re-establish the healthy defences of the mouth.

That includes fermented foods like kefir, that provides probiotic strains like Bifidobacterium, known to defend against bugs that may overgrow in disease.

If the body is healing a cavity, it has to use its bone building resources (vitamin D, K2, A and their other minerals), to first emit an immune response to deal with the bacteria, then place down reparative dentin.

It’s remarkable that we have the inner ability to heal teeth, but it's what it teaches us about our body that is even more important.

Never forget teeth have the ability to heal, but it’s ultimately up to what you put in the body.

Have your teeth reflected your health journey?


A disturbing amount of children today cannot breathe through their nose.

Is it that our environment is preventing the correct development of their airway?

It impacts their dental and jaw development, yet the solutions can be quite difficult, because a child can't physically use their nasal passage.

It's made me think, do we need to be more aware of this?

This photograph tells us how Syberian cultures would harness airway resilience. Russia is also home of Buteyko breathing which helps children to associate with deeper breathing patterns that effectively transfer gases to jaws and growing brains.

We need to talk more about helping children to breathe...

By the way, you'll find many modern ways to integrate these principles here on this page.

The use of cold exposure to build resilience and sunlight to bolster general health is not a new phenomenon.

Nurseries in Russia have long placed bundled babies outside in winter in order to expose their nasal passages and lungs to cold air.

The logic is that it will stimulate immune system development and that the sunlight (which readily penetrates cloud cover) will promote better sleep and metabolism. This curriculum continues to this day in several Siberian schools.

Connection to nature is one way to improve breathe.

If it helped would you implement this with your child


Thanks for sharing AcuPro Academy!

KD 8 is the Xi-Cleft point of the Yin Qiao vessel, making it a great acupuncture point to relieve menstruation pain, and swelling painful te**es.
It also helps raise Qi for uterus prolapse (especially when combined with Ren 6, Sp 6, and DU 20). And it regulates the bowels for constipation or diarrhea.

💖 If you like this graphic, check out my illustrated guide for acupuncture points here:


⚡️TCM Diagnosis time! ⚡️
With chronic pain, the location of the pain can give us clues of imbalances. Needling local points and distal points is a great way to treat chronic pain. But also looking at the root cause is essential for a successful outcome!

- Wrist and ankle pain: LV issues. Best distal points: GB 34 & LV 3.
- Elbow pain: LI and SI issues. Best distal points: Si 4 & Li 4.
- Shoulder pain: Large Intestine meridian issues. Best distal point: ST 38
- Upper back & neck pain: GB and/or DU vessels issues. Best distal points: Si 3, BL 60.
- Rib pain: GB and/or LV issues. Best distal points: GB 34 & Gb 40.
- Hip & pelvic pain: SP issues. Best distal point: SP 6
- Knee and Lower back pain: KD issues. Best distal point: BL 40.
- Muscle pain: SP issues. Best distal point: SP 21
- Soft tissue pain: LV issues. Best distal point: GB 34
- Bone pain: KD issues. Best distal points: BL 11 & GB 39.

🌱If you enjoyed my graphic, check out my "Chinese Medicine Made Easy" PDF or hard copy (an illustrated guide to TCM foundation & Diagnosis) here:

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