Mosaic Church Evans, Evans, GA Videos

Videos by Mosaic Church Evans in Evans. In a broken world, we help people become whole through Jesus.

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship

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Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

Hypostatic Union

The 5% vs. The 95%

Saved "In" Sin or Saved "From" Sin?

Grace Is Personal, But It's Not Private

Obedience vs. Devotion

Mosaic GIC 2023
God gives us faith to participate in what He is doing in the world!

Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship
Mosaic Church Evans Live Worship Welcome to Mosaic's online community!

You Can't Be In Two Places At Once
Last Sunday was a great start to our GIC season (can it get any better than GIC Jeopardy? I think not!). This week, we continue the conversation about our GIC core values: "Go. Pray. Give." We will learn from Jesus what it means to be a non-anxious giver in a self-conscious world. We'll also watch a video from Venezuela Now and hear more about the Kids' Mission Workshop. This truly is a season to call our community beyond our walls and back into the world.

Wildfire - Get Lit, Stay Stoked - GIC
I'M SO EXCITED! After seven years away, we get to come home to what makes us "Mosaic." Our Global Impact Celebration (October 20-22) is a weekend designed to help us "get lit" for Great Commission work -- locally, regionally, and globally. And this Sunday, we'll start stoking the fires for missions and outreach by exploring how the first followers of Jesus began to spark passion for the Good News in their own communities. I can't wait to introduce you -- or re-introduce you -- to the joys of a good GIC. So ... what's your spark? What lights you up? Think on it.

Spiritual Healing
We have learned a lot this month about what healing prayer means in real-life terms. Hearing the stories of Heather and Ardis, practicing prayer together during and after worship, examining the healing life of Jesus ... I hope this focus has helped you become more open to the idea that Jesus does still heal people. And his healing has a unique look in our community. It is both intimate and community-oriented, stunning and subtle, real and effective. Thank you for leaning in to these ideas and beginning to make them your own. Together, in a broken world, we can help people become whole through Jesus. And this Sunday, we'll search the Word one more time for all that scripture can teach us about how to live out that mission well.

Somewhere, someone shared this thought with me -- some people heal in leaps, but others heal in layers. Listening to Heather's amazing story last week (if you haven't listened, we hope you'll take time to do so), we are beginning to build a case for just that. Some people heal in leaps, but others heal in layers. This week, we hear another story of God's amazing grace poured out over a life and over time. And we also listen together to a "healing in layers" story from the life of Jesus. We hope you find comfort and confidence in discovering that even Jesus took time in healing others.

Heather's Story - The Jesus Stuff
I have a story to tell! It's a story about how Jesus shows up in unexpected ways, at unexpected times, and does unexpected things ... It's a story about how Jesus leveled my expectations of him as I watched him work in my body, and in all the folks around me. He taught me how to ground all I know of healing solidly in truth. My story is one of healing, cellular and soulular, beautifully in process and full of hope. Friends, Jesus still works miracles. Jesus heals, and he is my healer. I can't wait to share with you what's he's been doing in my life lately. - Heather Hill

The Jesus Stuff
What Luke (and Isaiah) said? That's exactly what Jesus did. That was his mission statement. Jesus healed blind people, and raised dead people, and set free those who were oppressed by demons. He met people right where they were and called down healing over them ... over and over again (at least 40 times in the gospels). In scene after scene, we see Jesus touching people and loving them and proclaiming healing over them. Friends, healing is the stuff Jesus did! And as followers of Jesus, we also are called to be healers and to do "the Jesus stuff." Let's talk about that. Let's get inspired by the healing stories among us to step into the healing life of a Jesus-loving, hand-laying, prayer-proclaiming, trust-and-obeying believer!

Freedom to Be the Church
I have a confession to make. For at least half of my life, I really didn’t understand why we “went to church.” I had no vision for anything other than simply trying to please God. Consequently, church for me was … boring. Church struck me as a place where my family was obligated to act happier and holier than we actually were. Can you relate? What I wish I had understood earlier in my life is that the Christian call to be part of a church community is actually an invitation into a powerfully meaningful life. We all know community is essential. But do we know why? The simple truth is that the Church is God’s plan "A" for bringing healing and restoration to our lives and to our world.