Cardinal Center for Healing

Cardinal Center for Healing

Awakening new dimensions in growth and healing... Ruthann is one of a handful of practitioners in the United States.

Dr. Mary Anderson: is the Founding Director of the Cardinal Center for Healing. She has a PhD in the Science of Intuition and Energy Medicine from Greenwich University and a Doctor of Theology in Spiritual Healing from HOLOS University Graduate Seminary. Dr. Anderson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Virginia. She has been certified by Dr. Caroline Myss ( to teach t


My apologies for this late reminder sans pre-session musing. I am out of town and forgot my computer 🙈. I’m totally discombobulated!

But I’ll be tuning in tomorrow, Mon, Dec 4 at 8 pm EST, for a Soul Star Clearing: helping you clear the “static” between you and You.

Awaiting your “please include me” đŸ€—



Summary for Nov 6 Distance Healing Session can be found here:


Please join in for our Group Distance Energy Healing Session—simply reply “I’m in” đŸ€—


Hello Hello—Thank you dear Friends, for your gracious understanding of the pause I took last month! . As some of you may know, Hubby (aka Cabana Boy) and I (aka Dusty Moose, when trekking or doing something a bit “out there”) undertook a 110-mile hike through The Cotswolds in England last month.

There is tons of time to think, dig deep, and philosophize on those 12-ish mile daily over hill and dale “walks,” as the British so quaintly call trudging up and down hills. So I came up with a few hiking perspectives that pertain to life as well. Here are a few of those for your contemplation pleasure:

đŸ„Ÿâ€œYour body (and resolve) will rise to the challenge.” đŸ„Ÿ
This was our eldest son’s encouragement when, prior to setting off, we lamented that we weren’t as physically in shape as would have been wise for our undertaking. His wisdom could apply to any challenging day, to a crisis, to a project undertaken, or to the whole of life in general. Do we realize that we have thus far come through every single challenge we have encountered? And yet we wonder at every new one whether we’ll make it? Not only wonder, but actively convince ourselves that we can’t or won’t! And yet, here we are. We did! What if we gave ourselves the talk that we give our friends, our children, or in this case, our parents?! Why on earth do we “just know” that we can’t? So we can tell ourselves I told you so? What a crummy thing to do to ourselves. How about, “You can dooo it!,” (Waterboy).

đŸ„Ÿ Yes, you still have a ways to go, but pause for a moment and realize/admire how far you’ve already come. đŸ„Ÿ
We humans are an odd bunch. We so often dismiss what we have done, accomplished, or moved through and insist on focusing on “yes, but, look what I haven’t done yet.” Really? I’ve just huffed and puffed and somehow made it up a 40% incline and all I can think about is what I still have to do? No pat on the back, no "wow, girl, you rock", no pause to admire the view. Well, that last part isn’t quite true—the views blew me away at every turn. And it was the views that reminded me how important it is to pause, look back, let the beauty fill me, catch my breath, and resume, knowing that somehow I can dooooo it!

đŸ„Ÿ Take a look at the goal and then bring your focus back to one step at a time. đŸ„Ÿ
It’s good to know where you are going, what you are aiming for, what the ultimate goal is—like getting to the next town, the warm cozy BnB and a pint of cider in a quaint local pub at the end of the day’s hike. Then you’ve got to bring your focus back to putting one foot in front of the other. If we focus only on the end, the whole project, or on what all “needs” to be accomplished by day’s (or project’s) end, it feels overwhelming. Bringing our focus back to the bite-sized steps is actually what get’s the job done. Take a peek at the overall picture every once in a while, but let the major focus be right where you are. It’s the only place from which we can move forward.

đŸ„Ÿ Have fun trying on these concepts with everyday life. And lemme know how it goes!

Looking forward to being back with you at 8 p.m. EST on Mon, Nov 6.

Who’s in?

Photo: GFLaCroix, The Cotswolds, 2023


Group Distance Energy Healing Session: Mon, Sep 4 at 8 p.m. EST. Let me know that you are "in"!


My son, his partner, and another friend are at Burning Man as I write. If you’ve never heard of Burning Man before this week, you likely have now, as it has made national news.

In a nutshell, Burning Man is an amazing art festival, held in a 7-mile radius lakebed (affectionately called the Playa) in the Nevada desert. The event is held every year since it began as a small gathering of introspective individuals in 1986 on a beach in California. During their gathering, they burned The Man—a wooden human-like structure to symbolize the letting go of the old, outdated version of self, and to clear the way for the more authentic self to emerge. A transmutation of Self.

This small gathering in 1986 has morphed into a city of about 75,000 that since the 1990s springs up each year (except for the 2 years of Covid) on the aforementioned lakebed that is now called Black Rock City.

I could write pages about what I learned, not only about Burning Man itself, but about myself. And I wouldn’t be able to scratch the multi-layered surface of what one can discover, create, express, and heal by experiencing this event.

After participating at Burning Man for the first time some 10 years ago, my son told me, “Mama, you MUST go!” Apparently being there reminded him of me! Well, should you google Burning Man and see the extraordinary creativity of dress (or undress!) and the absolutely amazingly inspiring feats of artistic engineering, you’d wonder how on earth he made that connection đŸ€Ł. It brings me to tears to realize that it was the love, the positivity, the community coming together, the sharing, the solemnity, the generosity of spirit, the appreciation of beauty, the introspection, the respect, the opportunity for transformation, and ok, the “woo woo” aspect, that made him know that I had to experience this for myself.

I finally agreed that when I turned 60 I would go (pretty much expecting him to forget by then, lol). But no. He remembered. And held me to my word 🙂.

I’m so glad he did. It was extraordinary. One of the best experiences of my life. Among other things, I felt totally and completely accepted as is. I was free to show up figuratively naked. No judgment. Total acceptance. Free to be Me. And how freeing it was/is to enjoy everyone else showing up as themSelves.

I started to write about this tonight because, if you have been listening to the news, you know that these 70,000 festival goers are literally stuck (crazy mud conditions created by rain mixing with the unmistakable dust of the Playa) and cannot leave to go home. The lakebed comes with nothing—no electricity, no water, no facilities (except porta potties that are brought in, thank heavens). As a participant you bring in EVERYthing: 4 gallons of water per person per day (7 days), and food for 7 days. Because participants now have to shelter in place, food and drink are running low. Hearing about this and getting sporadic texts from my son, I just KNEW, that participants are digging deep, finding their inner strength, helping one another, sharing their resources, encouraging each other. Such is the Burning Man way.

After assuring me that all is well in general—he, his partner, and their friend are making do with crackers and canned sardines and have enough water to last 4 days (Boy Scout training to the rescue!) — he shared that some participants are going rogue (my words, not his), are not heeding the directions meant for the good and safety of all, and are attempting to leave the Playa despite the impossible conditions. Only to have their vehicles become stuck in the deep mud and block the exit for thousands of others for when the conditions change and Exodus (as the leaving of the Playa is called) would be physically possible.

Upon hearing this, my indignation (with hands fully on my hips) yelled out “where are their parents? Did no one teach them to be kind, thoughtful, and think of the common good?” Harumph! I immediately assumed these thoughtless individuals were acting out of a sense of privilege, as in ‘the rules don’t apply to me!’ My indignation continued: “Well, the joke’s on you, buddy—now not only can you not get out but neither can anyone else. Happy?” Another Harumph for good measure.

NOW who’s not in the Burning Man spirit? Hmmmm? Maybe they are scared
 or have a family member who needs help 
 or are at the end of their psychological rope after a week in the desert 
 or are feeling anxious and trapped 
 or are exhausted and vulnerable after a transformation.

Whether I am deluding myself or not (surely some, if not many, are acting out of a sense of privilege), I am not in integrity with mySelf when I am feeling indignant and thinking the worst of someone else. And I’m not adding to the uplift of the world. I’m bringing myself and the vibration around me down. So, if I am to be true to all I gained from my Burning Man and Life-to-date experience, I’ve got to dig deep and find the compassion and acceptance I am shown when I misstep.

I am not advocating doing nothing when I perceive a wrong. But when a deed is done and one is literally stuck, my feeling of annoyance and resentment is hurting only me. So as soon as I finish writing this, I’m going into the Quiet and giving some virtual hugs to 70,000 Burners who just want to get home. Such is the Burning Man Way.

DustyMoose (my Burner name) signing off


The summary for Healing Session 8/7/23 can be found here: Summary for 8/7/23 Healing Session can be found here:


"And the day came . . . when the desire to remain the same, was more painful than the risk . . . to grow." --AnaĂŻs Nin

"See" you tomorrow, Monday, Aug 7, 8 p.m. Esther Williams
Let me know you are "in"!

With Blessings,

Photo GFLaCroix

Ted Lasso: Be curious, not judgmental 07/03/2023

Ted Lasso: Be curious, not judgmental Get your Ted Lasso Merchandise Show your support for Ted Lasso and the entire Richmond Team. Masks htt...


Friends, I am a bit behind the 8 ball today, and the message below is timely. I suspect it may be for you as well 🙂. It is not mine — these messages come through a wonderful channel and psychotherapist/Life Coach, Julie Rankin. I have been following her for years and invite you to do so as well if you choose.

She will take the place of my pre-session musing this month and we are on for 8 pm EST tonight 👍. Set your intention to tune in and “see” you there đŸ€—

With blessings and gratitude,

🌈 🌈 🌈

For my friends and clients, I offer this thought today . . .


Your task today is simple. Focus on what is most essential.

You don't need to be scattered. You don't need to be everywhere, doing everything. You need to make things a lot easier. You need to focus on what is most essential.

Only you can figure that out. Only you can determine what's most important to you. Wisdom lies in knowing what's important, and what is not. Figure that out, and your life will take off.

Start small and start right now. Come up with 3 things that are most essential to focus on today. Ask yourself "What 3 things are most deserving of my time, energy, or money now?" Once determined, do that - and NOTHING else. Dedicate yourself to what's meaningful today.

Once you do this, notice. You will find space to have what you truly want. In this space you will discover energy and creativity. To the world it might look like you're doing less but, in truth, you'll be doing more. You'll be doing the right stuff, and making yourself happier as you do.

More on this one later. For now, simply remind yourself that less is not worse. Less, in fact, is better. As long as you focus on what's most essential to you.

Your task today is simple. Focus on what is most essential.

Have a great day, everyone! Julie.

Julie Spencer Rankin, MA, LPCC, NCC
Psychotherapy and Life Coaching
567 Fallis Run Road
Harrodsburg, KY 40330




I'm ba-ack :-) And the first Monday of the month, May 1, is tomorrow! Scroll to the end to see "instructions" for the monthly Group Distance Energy Healing Session , if you would like to participate.

💜 Pre-Session Musing 💜

A friend inspired me recently. That’s how friends are :-).

She, another friend, and I had embarked on a lengthly self-discovery project. We agreed that we were in this together. We were psyched—psyched to discover more of who we are, psyched to break old habits, create new ones, and psyched to move forward more creatively in our lives. Together. We depended on one another for enthusiasm, to keep each other on the path, and to support each other when the going got tough. If my friend is reading this, she is cringing by now. It’s ok, Friend
 it get’s better 😍.

Said friend began discovering ever so slowly that this project wasn’t her path. For now. And who knows, maybe never. She was discovering—through doing the project, mind you—that she was missing other aspects. She discovered she wanted to spend her time in a different way. This became clear to her because she embarked on a supposedly “wrong” path. “Wrong” as in she was deviating from where she really wanted to spend her time and where she wanted to focus. This became clearer and clearer to her as she dutifully stayed on this not-for-her course. (So, not so “wrong” after all).

Should she tell us, her travel buddies? Or tough it out? Hadn’t she committed? Hadn’t she started something? “Once you start something, you finish it!” a voice within her admonished. We’ve all heard it—it is branded in our psyche.

There are times that voice is helpful—to get us over a lull or cusp. But what if we no longer need or want the experience that project is pointing us toward? What if it is taking time and focus away from what’s been right in front of us? Then it becomes a voice that keeps us locked within guilt because we have a pile of unfinished projects trailing behind us.

What if it is those unfinished projects, piled up, that are keeping us weighted down, preventing us from discovering more of ourselves? Clearing those out, like a closet full of clothes we no longer wear (but are saving for “what if”) will almost magically free us to experience more life, more enthusiasm.

Another voiced etched in our psyches: “sacrifice yourself so as not to hurt, disappoint, or let someone else down”—couched ever so pleasantly in the term “people pleasing.”

So what was so inspiring? That my friend allowed another voice—one of her own making and discovery—to supercede the old, worn out ones. She spoke up for herSelf, at the risk of disappointing, of letting down, and honored herSelf. In the words of Alan Cohen, inspirational author: “When you learn to say yes to yourself, you will be able to say no to others, with love.”

 And in so doing, create the space for others to do the same: to free themselves of once well meaning guidance and to discover fresh guidance for moving forward. What a gift when you honor yourSelf! Thank you, my Friend :-).

So, to what will you gently, lovingly, and respectfully say “no,” by saying “yes” to yourself?

With blessings,

💜 To participate in the healing session 💜
1. Comment below with “Please include me” (or something like that
 you can be chattier if you’d like :-).
2. At 8 p.m. EST on Monday, May 1, find a comfy spot to lie down or sit and simply “be”
 you can think of this as quiet time or a meditation time.
3. If you choose, you can bring an issue to mind for which you would like clarity, balance or healing.
4. I will start the session of channeling/focusing/sending energy to all who want to be included at 8 p.m. The session will last about 30-45 min.
5. Your job is simply to receive. If you notice anything physical, mentally or have an emotional reaction, just be with whatever it is. And BREATHE


Dear Friends,
I will be traveling out of the country over our normal 1st Monday/month time together and won’t have time to send out a reminder or to send a session follow up.

I will tune in on Mon, Apr 3 at 8 p.m. in Europe đŸ€— and sit in quiet contemplation with all of you-whoever would like to join in. Put it on your calendars for a time that works for you. It’s all intention and there is no time or space when it comes to thoughts, intentions, and love.

I’ll be back for our “regularly scheduled program” in May.
With blessings always and be well, my friends,


Please forgive this short reminder that we will be having our Group Distance Energy Healing Session tomorrow, Mar 6 at 8 p.m. EST. I hope you can allow yourself the time and space to simply be, breathe, and receive Light and Love and Healing.

"Please include me" is your part of the commitment between you and You.

With blessings always,


Mon, February 6, 2023

If you would like to participate,
1. Comment with “Please include me”
2. At 8 p.m. EST on Monday, FEB 6, find a comfy spot to lie down or sit and simply “be”
 you can think of this as quiet time or a meditation time. No log in, no zoom, no electronics needed. Just good ‘ol fashioned intention :-)
3. If you choose, you can bring an issue to mind for which you would like clarity, balance or healing.
4. I will start the session of channeling/focusing/sending energy to all who want to be included at 8 p.m. The session will last about 30-45 min.
5. Your job is simply to receive. If you notice anything physical, mentally or have an emotional reaction, just be with whatever it is. And BREATHE
6. Feel free to drift off or simply rest after the session to integrate.
7. If possible, plan to do easy, calm things for the rest of the evening
 read, take a bath, do yoga, knit, __________.
8. The energy will still be “working” after the session itself. Just notice how you feel that evening, the next day and during the week. My hope is you will feel calmer, more centered, grounded and more able to tap into your strength, resolve and energy flow.
9. I will follow up tomorrow (she says confidently!) with insights from my perspective.
10. Please feel free to comment after the session and share what you noticed on your end.
11. If you are not able to actively join in at the “appointed” time, you can still participate. Your intention is all that is needed and the energy will reach you when it is best for you.
12. Above all
 be well

I am in the middle of reading Man’s Search For Meaning by Holocaust-survivor and famed psychiatrist, Victor Frankl. One of his most famous quotes never gets old, no matter how many times I hear it. Each time, I am reminded of the space of empowerment
 the space in which I can step into my responsibility—my ability to respond—to whatever I encounter. May it be just what you need to read right now.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” —Victor Frankl

See you tomorrow evening!

Jacinda Ardern Stresses Importance Of Empathy In Resignation Announcement 01/27/2023

Jacinda Ardern Stresses Importance Of Empathy In Resignation Announcement In her resignation announcement on Wednesday, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern said that, "empathy," working "to comprehend the experiences of others," and "kin...

Photos from Cardinal Center for Healing's post 01/02/2023

Mon, January 2, 2023 (!!!)
If you would like to participate,
1. Comment with “Please include me”
2. At 8 p.m. EST on Monday, JAN 2, find a comfy spot to lie down or sit and simply “be”
 you can think of this as quiet time or a meditation time. No log in, no zoom, no electronics needed. Just good ‘ol fashioned intention 🙂
3. If you choose, you can bring an issue to mind for which you would like clarity, balance or healing.
4. I will start the session of channeling/focusing/sending energy to all who want to be included at 8 p.m. The session will last about 30-45 min.
5. Your job is simply to receive. If you notice anything physical, mentally or have an emotional reaction, just be with whatever it is. And BREATHE
6. Feel free to drift off or simply rest after the session to integrate.
7. If possible, plan to do easy, calm things for the rest of the evening
 read, take a bath, do yoga, knit, __________.
8. The energy will still be “working” after the session itself. Just notice how you feel that evening, the next day and during the week. My hope is you will feel calmer, more centered, grounded and more able to tap into your strength, resolve and energy flow.
9. I will follow up tomorrow (she says confidently!) with insights from my perspective.
10. Please feel free to comment after the session and share what you noticed on your end.
11. If you are not able to actively join in at the “appointed” time, you can still participate. Your intention is all that is needed and the energy will reach you when it is best for you.
12. Above all
 be well

2023 vibrates to the the number 7: 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7.
Perhaps you have your own interpretation of the number 7 and I encourage us all to have our own “dictionary” whether of numbers, symbols, dreams, or events. Just because someone somewhere at some point in time decided that a symbol means this or that, doesn’t make it true for me or you. If a traditional meaning resonates, use it. If an idea pops into your head when you encounter something, try it on for size, and see how it fits for you.
The Tarot is no different.
Once. Upon. A. Time. , Somebody. Made. It. Up.
Whether through intuition, research, personal experience, societal dictates, or perhaps a channeling, a meaning is only meaningful if you personally get something out of it. Traditional meanings happen because something resonates with a large group of beings, and the meaning tends to take hold.
So here is MY personal interpretation of the Tarot’s Nr 7 card: The Chariot. Embrace what speaks to you, throw out what doesn’t, and let the images on these cards or other decks speak directly to you.
The Chariot speaks about taking the reins (a project, a decision, life) and deciding “where” we want to go. We can, of course, choose not to take the reins and one of two things are likely to happen:
— we’ll show up wherever and make the best of it (or not); or
— our chariot (you) will stay at a standstill.
Since we are going to end up somewhere anyway (either right “where” we are or somewhere who knows where), we might as well consider making a choice, putting a destination into our GPS, and stepping forward (ie, taking the reins). We have way more input into our journey than we realize.
Maybe up until now we have simply allowed life to take us wherever the wind blows, and truly there is nothing wrong with that—as long as we are good with that. But so often we are bored, dissatisfied, anxious, annoyed, and maybe even despondent about our life circumstances. When that occurs, it’s time to pick up the reins and guide ourselves, as best as possible, to the next step. It’s ok if it’s been awhile since we’ve stepped out. It’s never too late to start (such a clichĂ© and yet Truth). Let 2023 be a year of more resolve, focus, determination, and one step at a time toward that which calls us.
How do we know what is calling us? Follow the feelings of enthusiasm. Of ahas. Of insights. Of that which uplifts.
Do you know what age you’ll be when you begin taking charge of you?
The same age you’ll be if you don’t.
Let’s direct our rides, Friends, to the best of our abilities. It’s amazing what forces come in to assist when we pick up the reins. 2023 is a year in which we will have ample opportunity to recognize where we can take charge and influence our journey.
Giddy up, Friends 🙂


Group Distance Energy Healing Session: Mon, Dec 5 at 8 p.m. EST

I am discovering and embracing that I need structure in order to blossom. Structure has always been there for me from birth on, so I didn’t recognize the role it played in my life until it began to slowly drop away (semi retirement).

I am ever so fortunate to have had loving, guiding, encouraging parents and family. They provided the first structure of putting goals out there for me—an object out of reach, taking first steps, learning ABC’s, creating boundaries, have-to’s, and opportunities I couldn’t have gathered for myself. It wasn’t always an easy road, those have-to’s and boundaries, but they created a safe environment for me to stretch my wings.

Then came school—new structure. Assignments that I met or didn’t, but usually I did. I found that when something was asked of me, I discovered capabilities I didn’t realize I had and would not have exacted on my own—poems, essays, math problems (weeeellll đŸ„Ž), viewpoints, languages. I look back now at some of the assignments I was given and am astounded at what came forth. And I realize with some disappointment that I would never have created without the structure of the assignments.

And then there was Boot Camp—now there’s structure, lol! There is no way on God’s Green Earth I would have discovered what I had inside if I hadn’t put myself into that structure. You simply do not know how capable you are until you “have to.” Even chaos is a structure of sorts. You emerge stronger and more evolved precisely because you find and create solutions. In fact, I would venture to say that without chaos or challenges we would not discover the extent of our capability to grow.

We all know someone who is so self-motivated that they are their own structure—you know, the Abraham Lincolns of the world—teaching himself to read by oil lamp, becoming a lawyer by reading books on law, the Ghandis, the Mother Teresas, the Martin Luther Kings, the Einsteins, the Steve Jobs’ of the world—those who seemingly need nothing more than their innate inspiration to create books, philosophies, theories, sermons, machines. I spent many years wishing I were like any one of “those” individuals, thinking for sure I was lacking something because I didn’t seem to have whatever they had. And then it dawned on me—I thrive on a more external impetus to express what is inside. With that realization I began to put myself in situations of structure
 Classes, challenges, Boot Camp, Burning Man, hikes

Job/career, parenthood, self-employment, perpetual student — Structure creates the garden in which life blossoms.

Many go through life wishing for the time that there is no structure—a presumed freedom. After a brief sojourn of that freedom, I am finding myself looking for new structure into which to plant myself, so that I can grow new branches—a book? A stronger, healthier body? A new skill? For me, structure allows for freedom and safety to grow beyond where I currently am.

If you are now or ever feel stagnant, don’t know which way to go, or your get up and go has gotten up and gone, consider finding some structure—a class, a course of study, a venture, a personal training session, a challenge, a program
 and let that structure pull through you an enthusiasm for life that you had forgotten existed.

Be well, my friends :-). Join me tomorrow, Mon, Dec 5 at 8 p.m. EST for a Group Distant Energy Healing Session. Here are the “how tos”:

If you would like to participate,
1. Comment by return email/FB comment with “Please include me”
2. At 8 p.m. EST on Monday, Dec 5, find a comfy spot to lie down or sit and simply “be”
 you can think of this as quiet time or a meditation time. No log in, no zoom, no electronics needed. Just good ‘ol fashioned intention :-)
3. If you choose, you can bring an issue to mind for which you would like clarity, balance or healing.
4. I will start the session of channeling/focusing/sending energy to all who want to be included at 8 p.m. The session will last about 30-45 min.
5. Your job is simply to receive. If you notice anything physical, mentally or have an emotional reaction, just be with whatever it is. And BREATHE
6. Feel free to drift off or simply rest after the session to integrate.
7. If possible, plan to do easy, calm things for the rest of the evening
 read, take a bath, do yoga, knit, __________.
8. The energy will still be “working” after the session itself. Just notice how you feel that evening, the next day and during the week. My hope is you will feel calmer, more centered, grounded and more able to tap into your strength, resolve and energy flow.
9. I will follow up tomorrow (she says confidently!) with insights from my perspective.
10. Please feel free to comment after the session and share what you noticed on your end.
11. If you are not able to actively join in at the “appointed” time, you can still participate. Your intention is all that is needed and the energy will reach you when it is best for you.
12. Above all
 be well


 it’s NoVEMber??? This is just wild!

It’s time for another session, Mon, Nov 7 at 8 p.m. EST —who’s with me?

For my pre-session musing I have something a little different this time. Here is a mission for us: To see if we can go from the receipt of this notice for 24 hours without complaining.
Say, whaaaat?
Uh huh
 Let’s give it a go, shall we?

In my work as an Empowerment Coach, I emphasize the effect that words, beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts have on our minds, bodies, environment, and lives. Not surprisingly, I am really good at catching the words, tones, and attitudes in others that bring down their vibrations. When I put myself up to this Complaint Challenge I am just a little horrified at how often I fall into the habit of whining, feeling the victim, or finding fault with someone/something.

We all say we desire prosperity, unconditional love, discovering our purpose, and becoming better versions of ourselves. And yet we (I) get stuck in the cycle of complaining about what is not going our/my way. That is focusing on and giving energy to what we DON’T want. Before we can really bring full hearted energy to what we DO want, we need to first stop the other. Sounds simple enough. Until I catch myself
 again and again and again. Even though I “know” better.

So here’s the challenge for the next 24 hours: Let’s see if we can first notice when we begin to complain (even when it’s “justified”). I promise we’ll get enough practice in 24 hours to make it a captivating game. Can we:

 recognize that we are complaining;

 Stop mid complaint and change the subject or focus

 recognize the complaint is about the surface and stop before talking (might still feel it, but we have to start somewhere with the changes); and

 drop the urge and open ourselves up to possibilities.

It can be helpful to jot down the complaint that was uttered or felt, if not uttered. Don’t be discouraged — we will ALL have a long list. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly you can begin to turn it all around.

If you get fascinated by this challenge you may want to give it another 24 hours. When it becomes a habit not to complain, the world will start opening up. Because the energy that it takes to hold ourselves in complaint mode is freed up to find workarounds, solutions, and opportunities.

Let’s go out there, gumshoes, and discover our fuller Selves!

“See” you Monday evening :-).
With blessings,

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Fairfax, 22031

The Inner Guide Center is a place where you can find services to improve your journey called life.

Be Well Be Well
Fairfax, 22030

Hi all! I have developed this page to help people find ways to learn how to feel healthy, happy, and

Get Sunmed Fairfax Virginia Get Sunmed Fairfax Virginia
11108 Lee Highway
Fairfax, 22030

Through transparency and education, we strive to create high-quality h**p products.

Nova Hypnotherapy Nova Hypnotherapy
10805 Main Street, Suite 800
Fairfax, 22030

Nova Hypnotherapy is a small hypnotherapy clinic located in Fairfax, VA.

Springwater Spa Springwater Spa
3915 Blenheim Boulevard, Unit 21-A
Fairfax, 22030

Contact Ursula (Owner and Master Esthetician) providing excellence and detail in professional skin care by GUINOT Paris and Dr. Spiller - made in Germany!

Heart Centered Empowerment Heart Centered Empowerment

A forum for sharing and thoughtful discussion about life, health, self-empowerment, alternative healing modalities and life-enhancing perspectives.

Verity Research Verity Research
Fairfax, 22031

Verity Research Inc. (VRI) is a Fairfax Clinical Research Center with Gastroenterology focused resea

HEAL - Holistic & Enlightened Ayurvedic Lifestyle HEAL - Holistic & Enlightened Ayurvedic Lifestyle
4540 Gossamer Way
Fairfax, 22033

HEAL is about Ayurvedic lifestyle, which is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a fine balance between body, mind, and spirit.