TL's Tavern at Tommy's Place

Welcome to TL's Tavern page! Tommy's Place is a dream vacation home for kids fighting cancer at the former Elm Arch Inn in Falmouth.

TL’s Tavern will be a gathering place for the adults.

Remembering Tommy Leonard 08/15/2024

Remembering Tommy Leonard For of Tommy Leonard's longtime friends talk about their relationships with him, his character, and what he meant to them and to Falmouth.

Photos from TL's Tavern at Tommy's Place's post 10/13/2023

A great day when Chris Morrissey, President of The Falmouth Walk and members of the committee distribute over $50,000 to twelve Falmouth charities Thanks once again to all the volunteers and sponsor for making this possible

Shop for Tommy's Place Foundation's Gift List 10/19/2022

Let’s make an impact

Shop for Tommy's Place Foundation's Gift List This Wish List has been shared with you. You can check it out here.

Photos from Tommy's Place's post 06/08/2022

Limani Family owned authentic Greek cuisine

Photos from Tommy's Place's post 11/17/2021

Thanks to the following friends of Tommy Leonard for your generous donations and making Tommy's Tavern a reality: Richard and Anne Prior, Mark and Sharon Sharon Williamson Duggan, Toni Reavis, Glen Rogers, John and Rhonda Sypek, Falmouth Running Club, Guy Morse, Bill Harbilas and Sally Harbilas, Tom Walrath and Kathy Walrath, Coach Bill Squires, Donna Tocci, Patrick Lentel, Courtney Bird and Carolyn Bird, Don and Sharon Gale Fredrikson, Rick Evangelista,Ben Thacker, Leo Kulinski, Jrd, Helen Kennedy, Joe and Annette Messina, Tammy Night Gibbons, Brian Salzberg, Bill Higgins, Bill Rodgers, Steve Hailer, Karen Smyers, Bob Hodge, Tom Sullivan, Brad Hurst, John and Nancy Donovan McNeff, Bernard Corbett
And of course Billy Neller.
When looking at the photos, you might notice the last seat on the right of the bar. That's Tommy's seat. The ever present glass of Sam Adams is a permanent fixture.
And yes, the door to the Tavern looks like a refrigerator.

Photos from Tommy's Place's post 11/17/2021

Thanks to the following friends of Tommy Leonard for your generous donations and making Tommy's Tavern a reality: Richard and Anne Prior, Mark and Sharon Sharon Williamson Duggan, Toni Reavis, Glen Rogers, John and Rhonda Sypek, Falmouth Running Club, Guy Morse, Bill Harbilas and Sally Harbilas, Tom Walrath and Kathy Walrath, Coach Bill Squires, Donna Tocci, Patrick Lentel, Courtney Bird and Carolyn Bird, Don and Sharon Gale Fredrikson, Rick Evangelista,Ben Thacker, Leo Kulinski, Jrd, Helen Kennedy, Joe and Annette Messina, Tammy Night Givbbons, Brian Salzber, Bill Higgins, Bill Rodgers, Steve Hailer, Karen Smyers, Bob Hodge, Tom Sullivan, Brad Hurst, John and Nancy Donovan McNeff, Bernard Corbett
And of course Billy Neller.
When looking at the photos, you might notice the last seat on the right of the bar. That's Tommy's seat. The ever present glass of Sam Adams is a permanent fixture.
And yes, the door to the Tavern looks like a refrigerator.

Tommy's Place Family Movie 09/01/2021

One families visit to Tommy's Place. A week away from the hospital for the extended family:

Tommy's Place Family Movie Tommy's Place is a magical vacation home for kids fighting cancer located in Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod

The Falmouth Walk - A Circle Of Giving 07/23/2021

The Tommy Leonard and Eddie Marcia Doyle tradition continues....

The Falmouth Walk - A Circle Of Giving Eddie Doyle, part of the dynamic duo with the late but unquestionably great Tommy Leonard who founded the Falmouth Walk, would often look over the crowd gathered in Town Hall

Retreat To Make Memories For Kids With Cancer To Open Soon 07/18/2021

Retreat To Make Memories For Kids With Cancer To Open Soon The first things one will see when walking over the threshold of the deceptively large colonial home on Elm Arch Way and entering the sunny, open space of the living



Tommy's Place is almost ready for the kids.

Tomorrow, Monday the 12th, sod is being delivered between 8-9 o'clock Tim needs help spreading the experience necessary.

Bring a friend(s), a rake and a wheel barrel if you have one.

The 1951 Fire Truck has been delivered
Pass this on to anyone who might be able to help.


O, I'm going to share something right now that is making me emotional as I type is extremely personal and it is shared with permission...and it happened last night in the midst of a driving rain storm as I was heading down route 3 after a long day at Tommy's Place.
14 years ago, back in 2007, I went into the Floating Hospital in Boston and offered my home on Martha's Vineyard to a family...any family at all that wanted to use it. Well, a family of 6 from Lynn, whose little 8 year old boy Grifyn was fighting cancer, ending up going on that one week vacation. Little did I know that this moment would forever change the trajectory of my life.
I don't know this family. In all of these years I had never met them. I had reached out to the mom Amy several times offering to drive to meet her in Lynn to discuss naming Tommy's Place in Grifyn's memory. Amy was always busy or working or...I finally got the hint. She couldn't do it. I didn't take it personally, I knew it was too much for her. Why would some stranger from Quincy be doing this for her son? I knew she appreciated it because she said it in an email. So I just let it go. It left me empty because I wanted to share this with her. It's ok I thought, it will happen some day...
Well, I was just reading something that said, "Tommy Leonard was a force of nature..."
Now, think about this...nature, rain and Tommy.
Take a look at this text exchange in the photo. Yesterday, I reached out to Amy and asked her if she could tell me about Grifyn's favorite things...colors, tv shows, games... everything.
Please look carefully at the response. "Is it ok to call you"
I have never spoken to Amy, nor do I know her nor have we ever had anything but a quick exchange on a text.
I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm quickly overcome with emotion. After all of these years...a conversation. I pull off the next exit and try to gain my composure. I finally dial Amy and right away..."well, hello" - For the next two hours we talk, laugh and cry (well I cried anyway - Amy is like a machine)
We say Grifyn's name 200 times. I learn so much that I never knew. I let Amy know that without Grifyn and her families kindness and appreciation there is no Tommy's Place. If she doesn't share her family photos and she and her mom don't write letters to "Mr. Anonymous" - there is no Tommy's Place.
As our conversation comes to a close, Amy says, "oh, a cardinal just came to my window" "Really" I say. "Do you know the meaning of a cardinal when that happens," she says. "No" I say.
"It means that loved ones that are no longer with us are nearby" she says.
We hang up the phone after 14 long overdue years. I quickly send Amy a text. I tell her how I suddenly feel more complete as a person - something was always missing.
As I sit there in that cold and rainy parking lot I say to myself..."oh my God, today as I was outside standing in the rain I hear this screeching noise. I look over my shoulder and there it was, a cardinal standing on the excavator."
Tommy's favorite team. The St. Louis Cardinals. Tommy and Grifyn. TWO forces of nature bringing two lost souls together to bring us luck and good fortune as we push forward to open the doors to Tommy's Place...
Thanks for always looking over us's going to be ok and we are going to make Amy's (mom's) dream come true. The last line in Amy's letter to me 14 years ago was..."I hope to do the same for another family someday..."
Well, guess what are about to do the same for 1000's of families someday.
Thank you for the greatest gift anyone could ever receive...thank you for being You because without You there is no Tommy's Place...

Let it Rain...


So, the other day I exchanged emails with a potential donor that was offering an awesome service for our guests that would soon be arriving. I will not say what it is in order to protect our donors privacy but put it this way...the kids are going to LOVE it! I have never met this woman before. I have had one brief conversation with her husband several weeks ago whom I also do not know. He is going to be helping us out with some of our future needs at the house...
So, anyway, I invite the couple over to the house for a tour - my favorite part of this entire process. I love showing people around. I'm hopeful these tours are received a little bit better than a couple of years ago when I first started...when the water was literally pouring through the building and the ceilings were caving in and there I am explaining my vision...I know people thought I was crazy but that's ok because I didn't think I was!
Anyway, the couple arrives the next day. Complete horror show. Guys spray painting in one area carpenters cutting away in an other area...dust flying around, but the show must go on because we need to get these doors opened!!
The couple soon departed. I really wasn't sure how things went...that is until I received an email shortly thereafter...and my eyes almost bulged out of my head!!!
Yes, that's right. In the rain!! The woman came driving up and handed me a card that I wish I could share with you.
I'm just completely blown away by the kindness and generosity of these amazing people...
I'm sorry, but every day is better than the last one. I am so grateful for the amazing kindness of so many individuals...never in my wildest imagination did I ever expect any of this....!
I'm not done yet...there was Lots of rain!!!


Yet another nod to a great guy and an incredible supporter of Tommy's Place...
Brewster and Martha's Vineyard based Specialty Builder's Supply owner Chris Dias.
Chris has literally been with us since day one...ever since we shared a ride back from the Vineyard on the Patriot Boat about two years ago. We were standing in the parking lot of the Clam Shack and I start telling Chris about this project I'm about to start working on...before I am even finished he says, "I'm in" - no rah, rah, no bs just matter of fact..."I'm in"
Well, several months go by and I mention Tommy's Place to Chris again and he says, "I told you I'm in"
"In" is the understatement of the century.
Chris literally helped us with building products and his relationships in the industry from the ground up. Then, about a month ago I'm coming up from the basement and there he is again..."I thought I'd stop by and see how you are doing, looks like you'll be ready for finish soon?" I say, "Yes"
Chris says, "Ok, I'm on it"
As if this guy isn't already up to his eyeballs in the busiest building boom we have ever seen...he stops by a job site where there's not an opportunity to "receive" but rather an opportunity to "Give."
Last week in typical Chris fashion he gets on the phone with me on the other end and starts dialing different suppliers..."WE need this...we need have this much have that much right...WE need it - when can you deliver it?"
Chris tells me he gets a call back and someone says, "you know Chris you are a real pain in the neck" Chris responds, "It's for kids fighting cancer and I'll do whatever it takes"
Chris and his supporters in the industry have stepped up and delivered in a huge way for Tommy's Place!! Mind you, we needed 40 doors and then trim for the 40 doors and 70+ windows!
Thank you to Chris Dias...
Rex lumber (baseboard and casing) Warren Trask co. (1x4 and 1x5 primed pine) Brockway Smith Co. (Interior doors) Huttig Corp. (Interior doors) And a special thanks to Chris Hill, interior trim take off expert, who literally came out of retirement to do "the strangest trim package take-off that he's ever done in his career"
Because as I like to say,
"At Tommy's Place, You've NEVER been here Before"
Thank you to all of the companies that have come together for this very important phase of the project as we continue to move one step closer to opening the doors!!

Running To Tommy's Tavern 04/22/2021

Still time to get your name on the wall at Tommy's Tavern located at Tommy's Place, a free of charge vacation home for Families dealing with childhood cancer. Click on the picture below. Any level of donation will be tremendously appreciated.

Running To Tommy's Tavern Running to “Tommy’s Tavern” at Tommy’s Place in Falmouth THE MISSION OF TOMMY’S PLACE “Tommy’s Place” is a vacation home for kids fighting cancer. The home will be located at the former historic Elm Arch Inn just off Main Street in downtown Falmouth. One family at a time, along ...


So it rained yesterday and...

Tommy's Place got some great news!

The NHL Boston Bruins have officially come on board to unite two Legends - Grifyn Sawyer who inspired this dream of Tommy's Place all the way back in 2007 and Quinn Waters (aka The Mighty Quinn) who is coming to help carry on Grifyn's torch as the official Ambassador to "Grifyn's Room" at Tommy's Place! We are excited for our sponsor's, the Lucci family of Plymouth, who are thrilled to bring a Boston Bruins theme to their room with the assist of Taniya Nayak and her talented team of designers!
We certainly have a family hat trick going on here with the Sawyer, Lucci and Waters families coming together as one as we head towards our goal of opening the doors to Tommy's Place this summer!!
Who knew on that fateful day back in 2007 when I walked into the Floating Hospital in Boston on a steaming hot August summer day and offered my home to a deserving family...I remembered seeing a picture of a little boy and I said to the doctor's assistant, "what about that little boy wearing the Bruins shirt - maybe he wants to go?"
That little boy turned out to be Grifyn. After their visit, I received a letter from Grifyn's mom Amy addressed to "Mr. Anonymous" thanking me and the very last thing that she said in that letter will forever be with me...
"I hope to do the same for another family some day..."
Well Amy guess and Grifyn are about to do this for 1000's of families - for without your gratitude and appreciation there is no Tommy's Thank YOU!!


Rick Orton and his awesome team at Cape Cod Express deliver for Tommy's Place! With sponsors, designers and supporters from across the country, Tommy's Place was faced with a logistical nightmare when it came to the warehousing and delivering of furniture and decorating for our 6000+ sq. ft. house...that is until we reached out to Rick and his team, and his response was, "we'd be happy to help!"
Next time you see their familiar trucks heading down the road give them a beep and thumbs up...better yet, next time you need to pick a delivery company reach out to Rick and his team at
We are very grateful and appreciative to have the best in the business on our side!
Thanks Rick and Cape Cod Express!!


Look who's waiting for you to donate to Tommy's Tavern. Let's finish the job... go to to find out how to get your name on the wall!


Today, marks the two year anniversary of Tommy's passing, but his legacy grows at TL's Tavern at Tommy's Place

8-year-old boy gets first glimpse at sponsored room in Tommy's Place 01/13/2021

8-year-old boy gets first glimpse at sponsored room in Tommy's Place 8-year-old boy gets first glimpse at sponsored room in Tommy's Place More Videos   Ex-boyfriend charged with killing college student missing since 2008 By    Trump impeachment vote: What you need to know By    Boston 25 Wednesday midday weather forecast   Prepaid stimulus check debit cards cou...


Patrick Lentell has joined the TL team supporting Tommy's Tavern

Photos from TL's Tavern at Tommy's Place's post 12/23/2020

The Tavern under construction:
The plumbing is complete just waiting on the electrical to be installed. That's that bar where you see the plumbing connections.

Running To Tommy's Tavern 12/23/2020

Tommy's Tavern will be located within Tommy's Place. Here adults can gather, surrounded by memorabilia from the Quarterdeck, the Eliot Lounge and Cheers. The bar seat on the right end will always be vacant. That's Tommy's seat. This will truly create memories for many people for many years.
Learn more at

A huge thank you to Billy Neller of Litchfiled CT. as our Platinum Sponsor.
Also contributing are Richard and Anne Prior, Toni Reavis, Mark and Sharon Duggan, Donna Tocci, Bill Rodgers, Guy Morse, Helen Kennedy, Russ and Joan Pelletier, Don Frederickson, Rick Evangelista, Ben Thanker, Leo Kulinski Jr, Tammy Night Gibbons, Brian Salzburg, Bill Higgins, Steve Hailer, Joe and Annette Messina and Brad Hurst

Running To Tommy's Tavern Running to “Tommy’s Tavern” at Tommy’s Place in Falmouth THE MISSION OF TOMMY’S PLACE “Tommy’s Place” is a vacation home for kids fighting cancer. The home will be located at the former historic Elm Arch Inn just off Main Street in downtown Falmouth. One family at a time, along ...

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26 Elm Arch Way
Falmouth, MA

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PO BOX 293
Falmouth, 02541

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