Cross Creek Early College High School, Fayetteville, NC Videos

Videos by Cross Creek Early College High School in Fayetteville. Cross Creek Early College High School is a School of Choice Program through Cumberland County School

Other Cross Creek Early College High School videos

And more of the Senior walk. (I couldn't post them all together)

The start of the walk, led by Mrs. Williams the Assistant Principal and the principal Mr. Qually..

The Senior walk represents the students walking out of High School for the last time 😭 Its so great to celebrate their accomplishments, but very emotional at the same time. All of the underclassmen and staff come out to line the sidewalk to cheer for them 😍

Mrs. Thaxton is from Hawaii and in her culture making handmade lei's are tradition for occasions such as graduation. Mrs. Thaxton, Mrs. Henry, and the juniors came in to surprise the seniors with their own lei. It was such a cool moment. 🌷🌹🌺🌸