Free to Be

Personal Growth for Girls, Boys and the Adults Who Love Them! Let's Grow Together!

Photos from Free to Be's post 12/03/2023

Games galore!

Photos from Free to Be's post 12/03/2023

Gingerbread houses and cookie decorating!

Photos from Free to Be's post 11/29/2023

A few weeks ago we had a TOTALLY AWESOME member skateboarding lesson The staff was there all day for us to accommodate all our girls and their kindness and patience with our mostly beginners and their enthusiasm for what they do equals we're going back next semester with our boys! Yup, memberships for boys, with events, are up for registration! They officially start in January! 🙌👊😁


Join us on Saturday December 9th at 1pm for a donation based Empower class! All are welcome!! Let's rally around this amazing team!


We are so very thankful for all of you!! We hope you have so many things you count yourselves lucky to have in your lives, and we hope you enjoy this day of gratitude! And, keep that gratitude all year long!

Photos from Free to Be's post 11/21/2023

A couple of weeks ago, our middle school Girl Squads talked about the power of being your true, genuine self. It's very easy, especially at this age, to convince yourself that you need to look or act a certain way in order for other people to like you. But the truth is, being yourself is the most empowering choice you can make! To illustrate this, the girls made masks representing the faces they put on around their peers to blend in or be accepted. After we took these pictures, they got the chance to destroy the masks in any way they wanted, and let their true light shine through ✨


We hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Help us welcome our new teacher Sarah! Sarah will be joining Meg on Tuesdays to accommodate all the girls waiting to get into that group and then as our other classes get full, she's ready to jump into those too!

Sarah Parsons, an enthusiastic advocate for empowerment, inclusivity, and holistic health, holds a degree in Recreation Therapy from the University of Tennessee. She is currently in her first year pursuing a doctorate in Occupational Therapy at CSU. With many years of experience as a camp counselor for kids ages 5-14, as well as a background as a nanny and former caretaker, Sarah has immersed herself in caring for individuals of all ages and abilities. Coming from a large family (one of six kids!), she thrives in dynamic environments and understands the importance of nurturing self-identity, confidence, and emotional intelligence from a young age. Her mission is to continue impacting lives positively, especially among younger generations, by guiding them toward self-discovery and embracing their unique identities. She is thrilled to be joining the Free To Be community!

We're so excited to have you!! Welcome to the team!!!

Photos from Free to Be's post 11/16/2023

A few weeks back we hosted the most wonderful Mother Daughter Retreat. This was all about moms and daughters being able to spend quality time together with no distractions. We learned from an amazing guest speaker, made food together, danced together and were present with each other. Want to do something like this at home? Here you go!
1. PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY!!! You don't need them.
2. Listen to a podcast or Ted Talk on a topic of interest to you both. Have it playing while you cook a meal together.
3. Eat together and talk. Like really talk. I gave the moms and daughters lists of questions to ask each other to encourage deeper conversations.
4. Do a craft together. We put out vision board supplies and jewelry making supplies for participants to make together.
5. Have a dance party!! For me, dancing with my girls and laughing hysterically was the best part. Search Fitness Marshall on YouTube or any other dance class so you have something to follow.
6. Have fun!! We don't get much time with them at home with us so take advantage of them being here now.

And stayed tuned because next semester we'll do it again for moms and elementary daughters, moms and sons and middle school girls and dads!!

Photos from Free to Be's post 11/14/2023

Our boys groups have been going strong since mid October and I couldn't be having more fun with them if I tried! We've talked about being a good communicator, bullies and being a good leader! All the boys have jumped in so enthusiastically and I'm truly kicking myself for not having them here sooner! They still have a few more drop in classes this semester before we start full memberships for boys in January so if you have a guy in your house who wants to give us a try, we want to meet him!!


We're looking for our next amazing teacher! Come be a part of inspiring young people in Northern Colorado! DM us or send an email to [email protected]

Photos from Free to Be's post 10/26/2023

This week in Girl Squad we're focusing on body image and all the amazing things our bodies are and can do beyond what they look like! As parents, we have a powerful role in shaping our children's self-esteem and body image. Starting young and teaching our elementary school girls to love and embrace their bodies is crucial for their well-being. Here are some tips to help your daughters build a healthy relationship with their bodies:

Be a Positive Role Model: Your own body language and self-talk have a significant impact on your child. Speak kindly about your own body and model self-acceptance.

Encourage Healthy Habits: Focus on the importance of a healthy lifestyle rather than appearance. Encourage physical activity, balanced nutrition, and plenty of sleep.

Celebrate Individuality: Teach your child that we all come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Emphasize the beauty in diversity.

Media Literacy: Discuss media representation and help them understand that the images they see are often retouched. Encourage critical thinking.

Compliments Beyond Appearance: Praise your child for their intelligence, kindness, creativity, and other qualities that make them unique.

Limit Negative Talk: Avoid making negative comments about your child's or others' bodies. Critique actions, not appearances.

Promote Self-Compassion: Teach them that it's okay to make mistakes and to be kind to themselves in times of difficulty.

Open Communication: Create a safe space for your child to talk about body image concerns or bullying. Listen without judgment.

Encourage Their Passions: Help your child develop a strong sense of self through their interests and hobbies.

Positive Affirmations: Share affirmations with your child, such as "I am strong," "I am kind," and "I am unique."

Remember, building positive body image is an ongoing process. Let's support our girls in loving and appreciating themselves for who they are. 💪💖

Photos from Free to Be's post 10/24/2023

WHAT A WEEKEND! In addition to teaching babysitter training and hosting a mother daughter event, I had the privilege of attending the Alpha Phi Red Dress Gala at the University of Wyoming that was organized by the amazing Brookelle Otte. I have posted about Brookelle before. She was at our very first Free to Be event as a junior in high school and came to everything we did from that point until lockdown. Her words about Free to Be that she has shared with me in her words, cards and this email invite, are as inspiring and motivating to me as she says Free to Be has been for her. Watching her walk around the room, talking to attendees and standing up at that podium with such confidence was definitely a highlight of my weekend! Brookelle, you should be so proud of yourself as I know so many, including me, are of you! Thank you so much for inviting me!

Photos from Free to Be's post 10/22/2023

These four sitters are ready to go! Two days of learning how to care for, manage and entertain kids plus CPR and First Aid certification! Our next training will be over winter break if you have a future sitter in your life!

Photos from Free to Be's post 10/15/2023

Our Fall Festival went down yesterday! It was a beautiful day to connect and have fun! Thank you to everyone who was able to join us!!


I Miss My Kids. Can You Relate? I sent an email out last night about how I've been feeling as a parent lately and so many people responded saying they are feeling the same so thought I'd put it out here too.

This is a picture from when I was the Queen in those girls' eyes! My girls and I were inseparable, we did everything together and they wouldn't have had it any other way. We're in a different time now though. I feel so excited and happy for all that our children are doing and experiencing and at the same time, sad that a lot of that stuff is no longer with us, Mom and Dad. Don't get me wrong, we still get, "I love you", lots of hugs and fun times together but it's definitely not the same. The little girls who used to be attached to us are now involved in dance, band, after school activities and of course they need their time with friends. As a child and family therapist who, you know, studies child development for a living, I know this is normal and positive and what we want for our children. This is their time to figure out who they are and how they fit in the world and their need for independence is real. And... I miss them. Maybe those of you with tweens and teens feel the same way? You're not alone.

So, this is your reminder to be intentional. We may not get all the time from them we did when they were little but they do still need us; our time, attention and love. Plan those parent-child dates and actually go on them. Take advantage of driving them to their activities and really talk with them. Always hug them goodnight and always tell them how much you love them. Always.

Moms and daughters, looking for something to do together? I put the Sunshine and Sass Mother Daughter Retreat together specifically to give you an opportunity to come relax, have fun and most importantly, CONNECT with each other! We will make food together, move together with a fun, all levels dance class led by Nina Hamlett, school director of Canyon Concert Ballet (yup, we're going to shake it together!), connect with each other through activities led by me, plus learn together from an amazing guest speaker, Patricia Johnson!


👦💙 Did you know that boys are often raised with the expectation to "be tough" and "hide their emotions"? It's time to shatter that stereotype and provide them with the safe spaces they need to express themselves.

📊 According to recent studies, a shocking 70% of boys report feeling pressure to conform to traditional masculinity norms, which can hinder emotional expression. 🚫 This can lead to long-term consequences, including increased rates of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

💪 It's crucial that we break this cycle and create a nurturing environment where boys can openly share their feelings, fears, and dreams without judgment. Let's empower them to embrace their emotions, promoting healthier and happier lives for all.

💬 Start a conversation with the boys in your life, let them know it's okay to cry, to talk about their feelings, and to seek help when needed. Together, we can rewrite the narrative and build a more compassionate world for everyone. 🌍💙

Photos from Free to Be's post 10/02/2023

Our Girl Squad members had their first special event on Saturday! Everyone had a blast at Rollerland for a private Free to Be skate party! We love when we find things all ages can do together ❤️❤️❤️

Not a member? You can join any time! Or, we have 2 special offerings for ANYONE coming up this month (you don't have to be a member)! Babysitting training on PSD off days and our Special Mother Daughter Retreat, Sunshine and Sass on October 22nd! (Middle and high school girls and their moms or other significant female in their life)! We hope to see you at something soon!


💡 This week in Girl Squad, we’re talking all about being assertive! Why is assertiveness important?

Being assertive means expressing your thoughts, needs, and feelings respectfully while considering others' feelings too. It's an essential skill that equips kids with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and empathy.

🧒 Benefits for Kids:

1️⃣ Confidence Boost: Assertive kids feel more self-assured, which helps them make decisions, set boundaries, and handle peer pressure.

2️⃣ Healthy Relationships: They learn to communicate effectively, fostering better connections with friends, teachers, and family.

3️⃣ Problem Solvers: Assertive kids tackle issues head-on, finding constructive solutions instead of avoiding or suppressing problems.

4️⃣ Empathy & Respect: They understand the importance of listening and respecting others' opinions, building empathy along the way.

🌈 Tips for Fostering Assertiveness in Kids:

1️⃣ Active Listening: Encourage them to listen and understand others before expressing themselves.

2️⃣ Teach "I" Statements: "I feel...when...because..." helps kids communicate their feelings and needs calmly.

3️⃣ Role Modeling: Demonstrate assertive behavior in your interactions.

4️⃣ Praise Efforts: Celebrate when they assert themselves in a positive way.

5️⃣ Problem-Solving Together: Involve them in decision-making and conflict resolution.

📚 Remember, assertiveness is a skill that develops over time. Be patient and provide a safe space for your kids to practice and learn.

Let's empower the next generation to speak up, stand up, and shine brightly! 💫 Share your thoughts and tips in the comments, and let's inspire one another to raise assertive, confident kids. 🙌💕


Happy National Daughter's Day! These girls always pump our founder Jaime, and each other, up!


Brooke and her beautiful daughters! "Kory and Amaya have opened my heart in ways I didn't even know was possible! They are my greatest gift and I can't wait to see what they teach me next! 🩵" Happy National Daughters Day!

Photos from Free to Be's post 09/07/2023

Last year, in Girl Squad, we didn't have any 5th graders, so this year's group of 6th graders are all BRAND NEW! I felt worried... no one knows each other, there's no one (their age) to show them this is a safe place, a fun place... Are they going to like it? Will they be ok?

It's week 2 and these are the pictures Ms. Addie sent me with a message of how amazing and special this group of girls is. And here it is. The power of connection and feeling seen, safe and accepted. ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Free to Be's post 09/07/2023

Girls can be anything!


This semester in Girl Squad, our middle schoolers are diving deeper, beyond talking about growth mindset, and getting into what it means to act from their highest selves. It is often our egos that get in the way of us showing up as our highest self and so with each lesson this year, the girls will be challenged on choices they make and if those choices allowed them to be in highest self or did ego get the best of them (It happens to us all, the key is to learn from these moments so we know different next time we are in a similar situation!) Middle school is a time of growth, self-discovery, and finding out who they truly are. 🧡💫 Here's some wisdom to help your middle schooler be their best self during these exciting years:

1️⃣ Self-Discovery: Middle school is the perfect time to explore interests and talents. Encourage them to try new things, join clubs, and discover their passions. Their highest self loves to learn and grow!

2️⃣ Kindness Matters: Being kind to others is a superpower! Treat everyone with respect and empathy. Their highest self will shine when they spread positivity and support.

3️⃣ Confidence Boost: Let go of perfectionism! It's okay to make mistakes; they're valuable lessons. Encourage them to embrace their unique qualities and talents. They are amazing just the way they are!
4️⃣ Friendship Magic: Encourage them to evaluate how they feel after spending time with people. They need to surround themselves with friends who uplift and support them. They need to be a good friend in return. True friendships help them grow into their highest self.

5️⃣ Resilience: Life has its ups and downs, but they're strong enough to handle it. Their highest self thrives when they bounce back from challenges and keep moving forward.

6️⃣ Stay Curious: Encourage them to keep asking questions, exploring, and discovering. Curiosity is the key to unlocking their potential.

7️⃣ Dream Big: Their dreams are worth chasing! Help them set goals, work hard, and believe in themselves. Their highest self has limitless potential.


☀️Girl Squad is all about connecting, learning valuable life skills and FUN!! The role of play, games, and meeting new people in building confidence and self-esteem in kids has been well documented by research.

All our sessions will help build confidence and self-esteem by encouraging girls to interact and share with each other plus they have a lot of fun together and are making safe, personal connections.

Each week, we will cover a different theme like friendship, trying new things, body acceptance, communication, self-care, conflict management, etc. that will teach new skills and further help build their self-worth!
Join now at
Free to Be



Photos from Free to Be's post 08/29/2023

First class in our new space, so grateful💜


We start every new season teaching/reminding our members what it means to have a growth mindset. This is not a destination and it's something we all, adults too, need to be focused on!

🌱 What's a growth mindset, you ask? It's the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Encouraging this mindset in kids can set them up for a lifetime of learning and resilience! 💪

🌟 Here's how you can nurture a growth mindset in your little ones:

Embrace Mistakes: Teach them that mistakes are opportunities to learn. It's okay not to have all the answers right away. 🙌

Effort is Key: Celebrate the effort they put in, regardless of the outcome. Let them know that trying their best is what truly matters. ⚡

Challenge Comfort Zones: Encourage them to take on challenges that stretch their abilities. Growth happens when we step outside our comfort zones. 🚀

Positive Self-Talk: Help them replace "I can't do this" with "I can't do this YET." Language matters and can shape their mindset. 🗣️

Learn from Others: Show them that learning from others' successes and failures is a valuable part of growth. 🌟

Set Goals: Guide them to set achievable goals. Working towards something gives purpose to their efforts. 🎯

Persistence Pays Off: Teach them that setbacks are temporary. Perseverance and resilience lead to curiosity and progress.

You all got this! 🌟👦👧

Photos from Free to Be's post 08/28/2023

The new place is all ready to go and we couldn't be more proud! We want our members to be the first to experience it all, so we'll post the finished product pics next week! Thank you, everyone, for all the support and love, and we hope to see you at something soon since we are now for EVERYONE!! Brooke, thank you for your passion for what we do and for welcoming the first groups into our beautiful new space! And, Meg is on a well-deserved vacation, so we're excited for her to be back and see it too! Addie, , thank you so much for filling in, and we're so thankful to still have you with us, even in small bits!

Big side note to the Amazing Joe O'Brien who is literally THE BEST behind the scenes partner ever! Free to Be would not be what it is without him, and I'm forever grateful for the shared vision of what this is and will be for the families of Northern Colorado! And our loves, Reagan .obrien2 and Reilly , we love you so much! You have been a HUGE, like, the MAJORITY of what this is all about. Love you both so much!!



We're home!! 😭🥰🙌🔥❤️ Feeling ALL the emotions!

We have a lot of work to do this weekend but Monday Girls, we'll be ready for you!!


So we've been thinking for a while now, if we want girls to grow into women who can use their voice and know their worth in a room full of men AND we want boys who become men who respect women and who know for themselves, it's ok to have and show emotions, shouldn't we be doing this work together?! We are beyond excited to be adding classes for boys this fall!

We have two test groups happening in September, for free, and need a few more boys to give it a try! There is one spot left in the 1st to 3rd grade group and 5 more spots in the 4th to 6th grade group. If you think the boy in your life would like to give it a try, get registered here! Scroll down to the boys groups and sign up for free!


Give me ALL THE BACK TO SCHOOL PHOTOS!!! I love seeing them! It's so fun to look at all the years of first day photos. The excitement in their ever changing faces year to year makes me smile! So I'm adding to the wave of photos consuming your feed! Happy 1st day of school everyone!!

Photos from Free to Be's post 08/16/2023

So excited for these girls starting their first year of middle school!! In our last Welcome to Middle School session, the girls wrote their hopes for the new school year on wish paper, and we lit them up, releasing them into the universe! We hope everyone has a fantastic start to the new year! We're rooting for you!!


Did you hear the news??!! The time has come for us to say goodbye to our space at 140 W. Oak. I remember walking into that space for the first time and knowing it was where Free to Be would impact so many girls' lives. Since that time, we transitioned from a place for middle and high school girls to a place for girls in 1st to 8th grades. We've hosted classes, events, parent-child experiences, retreats and even a sleepover! This location has held space for laughs, tears and everything in between and as great as it has been, it's not big enough for what's coming. My vision for what's next for Free to Be has grown beyond what this space can hold and I am beyond excited for everyone to enjoy our new location and all it has to offer! (More on all this to come very soon)

For now though, I want to share the story of how we found this place because it truly is meant to be! It was back in March that my husband and I began discussing moving Free to Be. I went to a women in business class at a beautiful space, at that time occupied by another business, and from the moment I walked in, I was in love. I texted my husband a ton of pictures and said, "This is what I want the new Free to Be to look like!" Since then, we looked at a lot of spaces. None of which worked out for multiple reasons and through the whole process, I stayed calm. I kept repeating, "We'll find the right place". A few weeks ago, we found out we didn't get yet another space. My husband hopped online to do another search and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw first on the page, the very space I fell in love with back in March! We immediately set a time to go look, put in our letter of intent and it was accepted! I can't help but believe this is what was meant to be all along and I CAN NOT WAIT for everyone to come learn, grow and be part of this community that we are growing... way beyond what it is now!

Until we announce what is to come, if you want to get in on what we are already known for, get the girl in your life signed up for Girl Squad! We begin the week of August 28th in our beautiful new location at 507 Cowan! See you soon!

Photos from Free to Be's post 08/05/2023

Our first running club was a small but MIGHTY group! We met every Thursday evening for a run, accountability, and smiles and ran the Human Race 5K this morning! The first picture is at our pasta dinner last night. Proud of us!!

That will be the last time a picture is taken in front of that wall...❤️


Stay tuned...


Not your average after school program, Girl Squad focuses on building confidence, strengthening the social and emotional skills needed to have healthy relationships plus we have A LOT of fun! Registration for fall is now open! Classes for girls in 1st to 8th grade.


On repeat!

Photos from Free to Be's post 07/18/2023

Throwback to our small but mighty Smart Cookie camp last month! These two girls spent a week doing awesome experiments, building crazy contraptions, learning about themselves and the world around them, and even making art with exploding paint! They also came out of it with an amazing new friend 💕 Sign up for next week’s Smart Cookie camp to give your daughter this super cool STEM experience. It’s a lot of fun!

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Videos (show all)

Happy National Daughter's Day! These girls always pump our founder Jaime, and each other, up!
We're home!! 😭🥰🙌🔥❤️ Feeling ALL the emotions!We have a lot of work to do this weekend but Monday Girls, we'll be ready f...
Happy holidays!
Venti triple shot
Give the gift of Personal Growth this holiday season!
We're Better Together!
Girl Dads 💜 Girl Squad!
Parents ❤️ Girl Squad!
Parents 🧡 Girl Squad!
Be Strong!
Be YOUnique!



507 Cowan Street
Fort Collins, CO

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