Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of The Rockies

At Family and Cosmetic Dentistry of The Rockies, our priority is to deliver quality care to informed Our staff meet all these criteria.

Welcome to Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of The Rockies

At Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of The Rockies, our priority is to deliver quality care to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting. Quality Care
When you have dental problems, you need to turn to a dentist who listens and responds ... an experienced doctor who knows the field and can effectively diagnose and treat your needs .


✨ ✨✨ Want a Smile that Sparkles? Call today or click below to reserve your spot for our one day Winter Whitening special and save!

Nope, No, Never: How Dentophobia Can Affect Our Health 03/19/2020

Going to the dentist can seem scary, but it really isn’t! Here are some tips on how to cope if you're nervous about coming to the dentist.

Nope, No, Never: How Dentophobia Can Affect Our Health If you put off your regular dental checkups because you’re scared, you could be causing more problems for your future self due to dentophobia.

How Certain Food & Drinks Can Stain Teeth- Smile Fort Collins 03/10/2020

Common beverages like coffee and red wine can stain teeth - but does that mean they should be cut out of our diets completely? Learn more about what foods and drinks cause stained teeth and how to keep a bright white smile.

How Certain Food & Drinks Can Stain Teeth- Smile Fort Collins Do you know what foods and drinks can stain teeth? We’re here to take you through a list of the most common stain-causing culprits.

What is Dental Plaque? | Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 03/02/2020

You can’t see plaque, but you can feel this sticky film covering your teeth if you’re not brushing and flossing regularly. Plaque buildup can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene. Do you know how to combat plaque?

What is Dental Plaque? | Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Did you know the dental plaque on your teeth is a bacteria? This invisible film that covers the teeth after eating can cause harmful dental problems.

What Happens During a Comprehensive Exam - Smile Fort Collins 02/26/2020

Taking time for a comprehensive dental exam can prove beneficial in the long run. Not only will we clean the teeth, but we will also look over the mouth thoroughly, checking for signs of any problems. Learn more about the appointment and schedule your exam today!

What Happens During a Comprehensive Exam - Smile Fort Collins A comprehensive exam helps us set the groundwork for all of your future dental care. Make an appointment for a comprehensive exam today.

Hormones and Oral Health: What’s the Connection? 02/19/2020

When hormones fluctuate they can cause oral health problems. Do you know the connection between the two? Learn more about their link and how to prevent problems!

Hormones and Oral Health: What’s the Connection? Hormones and oral health: what’s the connection? Contrary to what you might believe, when hormone levels fluctuate are more vulnerable to oral issues.

Children's Dental Health Month: What Do You Know? 02/12/2020

It’s Children’s Dental Health Month. This month - and every month - it’s important to make sure to teach children healthy dental habits that will secure them a healthy smile through adulthood. Learn more about how you can help them keep their teeth healthy!

Children's Dental Health Month: What Do You Know? Taking care of your children’s teeth is no easy feat - and we’re to help! February is Children’s Dental Health Month and we're here to cover the basics.

Are Your Sensitive Gums Implying Gum Disease? - Smile Fort Collins 02/05/2020

Sore gums can include redness and swelling, bad breath, and even bleeding in some cases. It’s important to get sore gums looked at because it could be a sign of a more serious problem. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies can treat gum disease - ask us how!

Are Your Sensitive Gums Implying Gum Disease? - Smile Fort Collins Gum disease can make your gums red, painful, swollen, and cause things like bad breath or tooth loss. Read more about the signs and symptoms.

Tooth Sensitivity: 1 in 8 Americans Have It | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 02/02/2020

While it's not life-threatening, chronic ache of sensitive teeth can put a serious damper on the quality of a person's life. Learn how to treat and prevent tooth sensitivity.

Tooth Sensitivity: 1 in 8 Americans Have It | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies While it's not life-threatening, chronic ache of sensitive teeth can put a serious damper on your day. Learn how to treat and prevent tooth sensitivity!

Toothbrushing Goals for 2020--Do It Right! | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 01/24/2020

Even best intentions may not be enough if proper tooth brushing isn't occurring. Learn the correct way to brush those pearly whites!

Toothbrushing Goals for 2020--Do It Right! | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Daily brushing is vital for removing plaque from dental enamel. Learn how to brush better in 2020 for a brighter, whiter smile!

Improve Your Sleep in 2020 with Help from Your Dentist | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 01/22/2020

Patients that have a hard time staying asleep at night, or that wake up feeling unrested, may suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea. Learn how a visit to our office could help.

Improve Your Sleep in 2020 with Help from Your Dentist | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Get better sleep in 2020 by treating your obstructive sleep apnea with a custom-make oral appliance made by our dentists!

Canker Sores 101 | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 01/11/2020

Canker sores can be really irritating, especially when they cause each bite of food to be painful. Learn how to prevent and treat them!

Canker Sores 101 | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Canker sores can be really irritating, especially when they make eating and talking painful.  You can have really great dental health and still find yourself plagued …

Make Some 2020 Oral Health Care Resolutions! | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 01/04/2020

Start 2020 with a healthy mouth! Add improving oral healthcare to the top of this year's New Year’s resolutions list with these recommendations.

Make Some 2020 Oral Health Care Resolutions! | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Oral health care resolutions can brighter your smile AND put a spring in your step and you enjoy better overall health. We can help!

Get Your Z’s — Visit the Dentist for Sleep Apnea | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 12/27/2019

Can’t seem to catch some z’s? An oral examination of the mouth, neck and jaw can speak volumes about a patient's quality of sleep. Learn how dentists can help treat and diagnose Sleep Apnea.

Get Your Z’s — Visit the Dentist for Sleep Apnea | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Recently diagnosed with sleep apnea? Not interested in wearing a CPAP mask? Learn if an oral device could be a suitable alternative for you.

Holiday Treats And Your Teeth | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 12/14/2019

Make brushing teeth part of a regular morning and bedtime routines. The new year is a great time to make goals for a heathier smile!

Holiday Treats And Your Teeth | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Brushing your teeth is important all year round, but it deserves extra attention around the holidays. Find out what holiday treats affect your teeth!

Prevent Cavities with These Simple Tips | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 12/05/2019

Cavities form with little or no warning. That's why it's important to have regular dental checkups and cleanings, even when everything feels fine. Here are 8 tips to help keep cavities away.

Prevent Cavities with These Simple Tips | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Ever had a cavity? You can prevent cavities in the future with these few simple steps!

Enjoy Your New Smile With An EFD Same-Day Crown | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 11/15/2019

Cracked and broken teeth often need extensive dental work to fix, but an EFD same-day dental crown is revolutionizing the dental experience by providing a customized dental crown that is created and inserted in the same visit. Find out how this process works with this guide!

Enjoy Your New Smile With An EFD Same-Day Crown | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Dental crowns used to take multiple visits to place, but not anymore. Learn how an EFD same-day dental crown is changing dentistry with this guide!

How To Protect Your Teeth During National Diabetes Month | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 11/07/2019

November is National Diabetes Month and is a reminder to take care of both physical AND dental health. Diabetes increases the glucose levels found in saliva, and when combined with oral bacteria, decay-causing plaque forms. Find out how to protect teeth against decay and disease with this guide!

How To Protect Your Teeth During National Diabetes Month | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Diabetes affects dental health by causing tooth decay and gum disease. Find out how to protect teeth when living with diabetes with these tips!

What To Expect With A Scaling and Root Planing Treatment | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 10/24/2019

Scaling and root planing treatments are used to treat periodontal disease and improve gum health. By using an ultrasonic cleaning device, plaque can be removed from teeth roots and prevent future gum recession. Find out what this procedure looks like with this guide!

What To Expect With A Scaling and Root Planing Treatment | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies To save your teeth from gum disease, a scaling and root planing treatment will be necessary. Learn what to expect during treatment with this guide!

How Invisalign Orthodontic Care Improves Smiles | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 10/17/2019

Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth instead of metal brackets and wires. Invisalign can be removed to eat and play sports, and it’s much easier to clean teeth teeth during treatment than with traditional braces. Find out how to qualify for Invisalign with this guide!

How Invisalign Orthodontic Care Improves Smiles | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Invisalign is a form of orthodontic care that uses removable aligners instead of brackets and braces. Learn what to expect with Invisalign with this guide!

What To Expect With A Tooth Extraction | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 10/10/2019

When teeth become too damaged for repair or a root canal treatment has failed, tooth extractions are usually necessary to maintain good oral health. Teeth extractions usually involve anesthesia to reduce pain and induce relaxation. Find out what to expect during a tooth extraction with this guide!

What To Expect With A Tooth Extraction | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies When a tooth becomes damaged beyond repair, a tooth extraction may be necessary. Learn what to expect during a tooth extraction procedure with this guide!

October Is Dental Hygiene Month | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 10/03/2019

October is Dental Hygiene Month and serves as a reminder to brush and floss teeth daily along with schedule regular dental checkups. Committing to this oral hygiene regimen will prevent decay from forming and keep teeth healthy. Find out how to celebrate Dental Hygiene Month with this guide!

October Is Dental Hygiene Month | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies October is Dental Hygiene Month and reminds us to brush and floss our teeth daily, along with visiting the dentist. Keep your teeth healthy with these tips!

Safeguard Your Health With An Oral Cancer Screening | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 09/26/2019

Oral cancer is silent and fast-moving, making it difficult to notice without a proper examination. However, oral cancer can be treated easily once detected, especially if it has only recently developed. Find out how an oral cancer screening protects oral health with this guide!

Safeguard Your Health With An Oral Cancer Screening | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies An oral cancer screening looks for signs of disease in the oral cavity, face and neck. Learn what to expect during an oral cancer screening with this guide!

Get A Beautiful Smile With Cosmetic Bonding | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 09/18/2019

Cosmetic bonding is a cheaper option for those who need minor dental work and who want a prettier smile. Cosmetic bonding can remove stains, close spaces between the teeth and protect exposed tooth roots. Find out what else cosmetic bonding can do for oral health with this guide!

Get A Beautiful Smile With Cosmetic Bonding | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Cosmetic bonding is an easy way to repair minor damage to teeth and improve the look of your smile. Find out how the bonding process works with this guide!

Improve Your Breathing With Sleep Apnea Therapy | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 09/13/2019

Sleep apnea restricts airflow at night, making it difficult to breathe and causing problems like insomnia, headaches and dry mouth. Sleep apnea therapy is a great way to diagnose the problem and create a specialized treatment plan so that it’s easier to breathe and sleep at night. Find out how to treat sleep apnea with this guide!

Improve Your Breathing With Sleep Apnea Therapy | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Sleep apnea causes your breathing to repeatedly stop and start as you sleep, and induces snoring. Find out how sleep apnea therapy can help you!

Perks of a Comprehensive Dental Exam | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 09/05/2019

While regular dental checkups should be performed every six months, a comprehensive dental exam is just as important but should be completed every three years. During this exam, all extraoral, intraoral and soft tissues of the mouth will be examined for decay and disease. Find out what to expect during a comprehensive dental exam with this guide!

Perks of a Comprehensive Dental Exam | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies A comprehensive dental exam is a thorough evaluation of the entire oral cavity. Find out why comprehensive dental exams are so beneficial with this guide!

Get Ready For School With Dental Sealants | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 08/22/2019

Dental sealants are used to protect teeth from tooth decay and prevent cavities. Sealants provide an impenetrable layer on top of teeth that prevents food particles, plaque and bacteria from entering the tooth. Find out how this process works with this guide!

Get Ready For School With Dental Sealants | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Kids' teeth are vulnerable to sugar and decay, especially during the school year. Find out how dental sealants can protect your child’s teeth this year!

The Benefits of Botox Treatments and Dental Health | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 08/15/2019

Many aren’t aware that Botox treatments are used in dental offices to treat headaches from bite issues, teeth grinding and over-exposed gums. Find out what to expect during a dental Botox treatment with this guide!

The Benefits of Botox Treatments and Dental Health | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Botox is used to treat wrinkles, but also helps dental patients suffering from teeth grinding and headaches. Find out how dental botox treatments work!

Preparing For A Dental Implant | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 08/08/2019

Dental implants provide structural support to the jawbone, cheeks and lips when teeth are missing. With implants, it is easier for the mouth to chew, eat and speak, and improves oral health. Find out what the process of a dental implant looks like with this guide!

Preparing For A Dental Implant | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Dental implants help patients eat, chew and speak better after losing a tooth. Find out how to prepare for a dental implant by following these tips!

How Fillings Can Improve Oral Health | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies 08/02/2019

Cavities are painful consequences of tooth decay that create holes in a tooth and damage oral health. Fillings are a great option to counteract decay by restoring a tooth to its former health. Find out what the process looks like for a filling and how it improves oral health with this guide!

How Fillings Can Improve Oral Health | Fort Collins Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies Dental patients with cavities will need fillings to restore their teeth. Find out what to expect during a dental filling and how they improve your teeth!

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4745 Boardwalk Drive Ste D102
Fort Collins, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm

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