Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz

This is our journey as we learn how to be kingdom entrepreneurs and build Hilare's Kingdom business of Taste & See.

We are part of 100X Acceleration and Expansion and will be sharing our experience and help anyone who is interested in 100X.

Photos from Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz's post 08/24/2024

⚠️ Beware of Getting texts or other electronic communication from EZPass or SunPass, etc. saying that you owe toll money. Do not even click on their links. 🚫

Photos from Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz's post 07/24/2024

So what is the Kingdom of God? What does it look like and how do I know it has come?

Attached is Roman’s chapter 14 (AMPC).

We may have frequently heard or quoted from verse 17: “For the Kingdom of God is neither food nor drink. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

However, do you believe the body of Christ is being discipled to understand and live the true context of this Scripture?

The food and drink reference in chapter 14 is used as an example to instruct us in careful, self-sacrificing, love for others who may be living their Christian faith with less freedom than we have. Their increased religious restrictions are explained as a weaker or less mature faith. So what is our responsibility?

Because everything done apart from faith is sin (verse 23), Jesus wants us to love those who are vulnerable to temptations or legalism as they grow and mature in faith—in totally loving, trusting, following, and living for God and His Word.

We are to be as intentionally tender around those growing in their faith as we are with children we are carefully training up in love and truth. Our religious liberty must not cause others in Christ to violate their conscience, which would bring them shame and separate them relationally from God.

Jesus’ work of salvation in me has set me free to unapologetically live for God, the Author, Creator, and Sustainer of all life. Therefore, salvation is not freedom to do what I want, but actually freedom from bo***ge to self so I may live for what God wants. Only His desires are truly pure, holy and good for all. Thus, I become His goodness to others.

I do not tell others how to live their lives for me. No one owes me anything and I owe God everything. He gave me life and saved my life eternally by laying down His. When I have truly received and live in the love of the One and gave His life for me, I actually get to live so that God may now love others the same way through me.

Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection is my own if I am to be saved.

Being slain on Christ’s cross is death to myself. This is glorious liberation from satan’s dominion of darkness in and through me.

I now embody the glorious Kingdom of the Son of God’s love — HIS righteousness, peace and joy in HIS Holy Sprit. That’s the fruit I am privileged to enjoy from Him and bear of Him for others. Thank God He gives me His grace for it all. That’s the Kingdom of God.

Read Romans 14 here. I’d really love to know what you think and how you see us helping each other live this selflessly as Jesus’ light to the world and salt in the earth, bringing His perfect Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

Peace, Love and Joy to you in abundance. 💗


Would you please join us in prayer?

Caleb Moniz and the One Tribe Youth Group are with a YWAM team at the Orlando airport heading to Miami, Lima, Peru, then Iquitos, Peru 🇵🇪 on the Amazon River for a week to bring the Kingdom Love, power, and will of God to hearts and souls there this coming week!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Dear Father in Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Sprit of this Perfect Living & Loving God in us, thank You for knowing and being exactly what is needed to translate the precious people, families, businesses, governments, …life out from under the dominion of darkness solidly into The Kingdom of the Son of Your Love, JESUS, both along this journey to Iquitos, Peru 🇵🇪 and wherever we all go here and there!

Thank You for being all the power to perfect and inhabit all hearts, minds, mouths, bodies, beings, relationships, technology, transportation, housing, itineraries, belongings, food, provision, and every detail of this blessed journey and everywhere we all are for radical personal, local, multigenerational, national and international success over all the power of the enemy.

Nothing shall in any way harm any aspect of this journey or all of us and all Your purposes, Lord, to seek, save the lost, drive out demons for good, heal the sick, raise the dead, baptize in Your Names, and make eternal disciples and disciple-makers everywhere the go in the power of all Your righteousness and Holy Sprit!

We thank You, Father, for profound manifestations of Your Holy Sprit fruits and gifts.

We ask for multitudes of angels co-laboring with Your body as You stretch forth Your hand to prove Your Word with many signs asks wonders everywhere the team and we are!

We ask for a mighty revival in and through the entire team and all our families to take territories everywhere we all find ourselves moment by moment lift You up, Jesus, so You may draw ALL to Yourself!

Let us all be of one mind in You alone.

Cause us all to only say what You are saying and only do what You are doing so that Your Kingdom will, honor, daily bread, forgiveness, protection, deliverance, power and love are accomplished in and through us all for Your glory, Abba!

Thank You for giving us Your testimony, Jesus, Your perfect blood, and a greater love for You than for our own lives to overcome all the power of the enemy and give You a witness to the uttermost parts of the earth exceeding abundantly beyond anything we can ask hope think or imagine according to Your power at work in us!!

We welcome Your Light in and through us to overcome all darkeness.

We saturate in Your perfect Love for and through us to cast out all fear

We live in Your Life to overpower all death and disease.

We receive and give Your forgiveness always to wash all sin into the sea of forgetfulness.

We follow You into Freedom from self to totally serve and love You moment by moment to avoid all temptation and slavery to the world’s lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life that is not in the Father.

We are Your righteousness, Your holiness. We live in your peace, wholeness and joy as Your Kingdom on earth where You reign always in all things over every other voice and thing.

We are Your ekklesia, the fellowship of Your sovereign government in the earth—in our hearts and minds and over every aspect of life.

We fight our battles by welcoming and acknowledging You through Thanksgiving and praise in all things.

Have all Your pleasure Lord, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN


Timely Encouragement from God’s Word:

Psalm 2

Coronation of the Son

1 Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth take their stand,
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and His Anointed One:
3 “Let’s tear off Their chains
and throw Their ropes off of us.”

4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord ridicules them.
5 Then He speaks to them in His anger
and terrifies them in His wrath:

6 “I have installed My king on Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 I will declare the Lord’s decree.
He said to Me, “You are My Son;
today I have become Your Father.
8 Ask of Me,
and I will make the nations Your inheritance
and the ends of the earth Your possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter;
You will shatter them like pottery.”

10 So now, kings, be wise;
receive instruction, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with reverential awe
and rejoice with trembling.
12 Pay homage to the Son or He will be angry
and you will perish in your rebellion,
for His anger may ignite at any moment.
All who take refuge in Him are happy.

Photos from Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz's post 06/25/2024

I believe we all want what Jesus wants for us: an inner life empowered in Truth to live a life of deep satisfaction and joy!

When you are troubled by the failures of yourself or others, especially of well-known leaders, personally contemplate how many choices lie before you everyday. (It is estimated that we make 35,000 decisions each day!)

The decisions we make outwardly are all first made inwardly: what we eat, how we talk to others, what we will accomplish or not in a day, etc.

If we know how to pay attention to what’s going on deep in your mind, memories and emotions, we will have better command over our choices and our lives.

Sometimes our own inner thoughts and feelings are actually an enemy fighting against what we hope to outwardly possess and accomplish.

Knowing how to create an inner life that helps accelerate your outer success in life is what I help people do.

A life without regrets is a miracle for everyone!

Jesus holds nothing back from us and this passage from Luke 8 holds some beautiful keys for how we may change where we put outlets focus in life to avoids further disappointments.

Luke 8:16-18,21 (NKJV) “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.” … He answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”

I love the same verses in the TPT

“No one lights a lamp and then hides it, covering it over or putting it where no one sees its light. No, he places the lamp on a lampstand so others benefit from its brightness. Because this revelation lamp now shines within you, nothing will be hidden from you—it will all be revealed. Every secret of the kingdom will be unveiled and out in the open, made known by the revelation-light. So pay careful attention to your hearts as you listen to my teaching, for to those who have open hearts, even more revelation will be given to them until it overflows. And for those who do not listen with open hearts, what little light they imagine themselves to have will be taken away.” Jesus told the crowd, “These who come to listen to me are like my mother and my brothers. They’re the ones who long to hear God’s words and put them into practice.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭16‬-‭18‬, ‭21‬ ‭TPT‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1849/luk.8.16-21.TPT

I believe we all want what Jesus wants for us: an inner life filled and empowered in Truth to live a life of deep satisfaction and joy! This means YOU!!


Lord, teach us to pray fervently for all men everywhere and obey in Your GREAT Commission. The world’s people are desperate for you! 🙏


Absolutely! 💯%



Good Morning!

If you’re looking for encouragement in the word of God this morning, we are live on Zoom:

Whoever is hungry and thirsty, come eat and drink!

Taste and See Freedom Church Sundays 10:30 Eastern time.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


Good Morning!

If you’re looking for encouragement in the word of God this morning, we are live on Zoom:

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...



FREEDOM is a highly utilized word. It is especially popular when a person or movement is impassioned for their cause and is demanding attention be paid to some hindering, opposing, threatening force:

🛑 a set rule or regulation,
🛑 a restrictive relationship,
🛑 a destructive habit or practice,
🛑 a tradition or imposed cultural norm,
🛑 a limiting mindset or physical condition,
🛑 a seemingly corrupted government or law,
🛑 a presumed oppressive enemy or authority,
… etc.

One thing is for sure. FREEDOM is neither unique to any singular nation or generation, nor even to any species or element on earth. It appears to be an intrinsically universal longing and pursuit.

Therefore, any consideration of a word so vital to LIFE as a whole, MUST include serious study of its origin as foundational to life.

❓ What is the source of freedom’s desire and “right”?
❓ Who can define Freedom? … Who possesses that level of authority over all who could be subject or set free? Why?
❓ Is there an author of liberty? Or is it a personal, internal drive each of us must assess and define?

if the latter is true, then we have all sorts of other complex questions to ask and answer. To name just a few:

Whose right to freedom is greater to another’s right to freedom if the two rights conflict?

Who is responsible for freedom? In other words, are others responsible for my freedom? Am I responsible for my freedom? Am I responsible for anyone else’s freedom?

Who pays for freedom? What is the cost? Is the responsible party free to pay or not?

FROM WHAT must freedom be procured and FOR WHAT does one need to be free?

These are just the beginning of our questions we’ll discuss in Taste and See Freedom as we head into ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT YEARS FOR THIS QUESTION IN OUR LIFETIME.

It’s high time to ask and discuss this issue of Freedom so that we are no longer distracted, deceived, even destroyed.

We will be tackling this question in the upcoming weeks in our group Taste and See Freedom.

TODAY, on this last day of 2022, Please share below:

1. What does freedom mean to you?
2. Why?
3. In what area would you most immediately like to experience freedom?
4. What would that look like: Freedom FROM what FOR what?
5. BONUS: Is there a larger scale freedom that impassions you for a person, a people, or a species?

Thank you for thinking on this with me. I believe we can change a whole lot this year if we focus together, come together, grow and work together.

Love and blessings from God for the so much more to you and yours!

🙏❤️ Hilare Moniz


If you are hearing the Lord say, "Come."
If you are being called into more with the Lord, to go deeper and meet Him at His feet seeking the one thing that's needful, let me know.

I’m about to go deeper with some ladies.
We are going all in at Jesus’ feet.
We are surrendering all of us to seek all of Him and His Kingdom.
We are going for the ONE thing that’s needful. 🙌


The Wisdom Challenge is FREE & LIVE NOW!
Register @ www.Hilaremoniz.com.
Don't miss this opportunity to accelerate your success for a whole new year of growth, impact, fruitfulness, health in every area, and an abundance of JOY.


Start Your Year with the 31 Day Wisdom Challenge 12/31/2021


Don’t miss this opportunity to join tens of thousands from around the world for the kickoff to YOUR BEST YEAR YET!!

Register FREE!


Start Your Year with the 31 Day Wisdom Challenge Kick-Off 2022 reading Proverbs with Pedro Adao & Special Guests where you will gain Wisdom to help you reign in life...


How would you answer?

If I could just be free from ______, I would have more confidence for 2022.


Our mentor

FREE! God Idea Challenge... 10/12/2021

YOU CAN Live Your God-Given Purpose and improve the lives of others like you’ve dreamed you would do?

The answer is already inside you!

Do not miss this week’s Free sessions live or recorded. Register at: https://aj309.isrefer.com/go/GODIDEA/Our100xJourney

FREE! God Idea Challenge... You're just one GOD idea away from your life radically changing!

Photos from Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz's post 07/31/2021

30 July 2021 ~ Pedro Adao receiving ordination in the Bahamas with incredible impartation and honor.

We all keenly felt the deep sense of honor for what the Lord is doing, for Pedro and His faithfulness, for the Adao family and how Pedro and Suzette have carried us into birth as parents, raising us as Kingdom sons and daughters, and for all of us and what we have been born into.

One powerful prophetic word after another was released over Pedro with blessings, favor, protection, expansion, acceleration, and prosperity. We praise God and receive along with our mentor.

As I was cropping these pictures I began to appreciate the symbolism of the art around my office/studio scene interacting with the photos. My computer cover is positioned like God’s Lion of the Tribe of Judah presiding over the ceremony!

The piece the Lord had me paint of His 2 Sovereign Crowns of Love: as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and, before that, as the Worthy Lamb Who was slain. Pedro so beautifully represents Christ’s bride. In her service to the crown of her King above, she is keenly aware of His crown of thorns He bore for us prior to His glorious resurrection! 🙏❤️🙌

I see the Lord’s hand inviting Pedro and us all up higher in undistracted intimacy and life for Him!

All of the background pieces are prophetic paintings depicting the sovereignty and protection, joy and provision, sacrifice and vision, faithfulness and redemption, preeminent position of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in our lives. I saw God aligning Pedro with His majesty and Pedro receiving the position. . . . Change us all Lord! Have Your way in us all, Jesus! 🙏🕊🔥

My office/studio was birthed through the call of God unlocked in my and Michael Moniz’s lives since the Lord brought Pedro Adao to us as a mentor. We are not the same people over and over again and have now a number of phenomenal mentors in our lives. From here, hearts, homes, dreams, influences and calls of God are being set free to blossom and we are so deeply grateful!🙌💗🌷🌸

How much more amazing the night was to be able to witness it with our 💯❌ brother and sister, Sean and Ashley Robinson Sotomayor!! 😭🙌🔥🕊❤️

The 100X Kingdom Entrepreneur 3 Day Intensive 07/19/2021

The 100X Kingdom Entrepreneur 3 Day Intensive Welcome to the The 100X Kingdom Entrepreneur 3 Day Intensive


Taste and See Freedom Group!
Don’t miss it! Pass the Word! It’s Free!! It’s life changing!


Hey everyone,
Our Awesome 5-Day Journey to Freedom Challenge begins March 29th at 1pm EDT.

Join at freedomfromnarcissism.com!

Invite anyone who is looking for freedom from the pain of difficult and dysfunctional relationships. Expect breakthrough! The Lord will meet you right where you need. 💖

Photos from Our 100X Journey: Michael & Hilare Moniz's post 11/08/2020

This was an awesome event for the Kingdom!

2020 Convergence Challenge 09/19/2020

Register FREE now for 2020 Convergence with Pedro Adao, Graham Cooke, Lana Vawser, and more through this link.


Please let us know if you have any questions. We would love to journey with you!

God bless you!
Michael & Hilare Moniz

2020 Convergence Challenge Welcome to the 7 Day 2020 Convergence Challenge


Do you know anyone who needs freedom and healing from Narcissism?

Walk out of brokenness into a powerful of destiny!

For surprisingly radical, personal breakthroughs, JOIN our upcoming "HELP! I LIVE WITH A NARCISSIST" Challenge starting MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th.

Registration is found at TasteandSeeFreedom.com

These are 5 powerful, transformative days with
• and PRIZES!!

DAY 1: What is Narcissism and How Does It Affect You?
DAY 2: What's it Going to Take to Be Free?
DAY 3: How Does Transformation Happen?
DAY 4: Solutions: Living at Rest.
Day 5: What has God Provided -- How to LIVE FREE?

Please share this link everywhere. You may help even just one person's life. Thank you.



Join us live for our life-changing 30-day deep dive at Jesus’ feet ... Come get the 1 thing that’s needful and let Jesus heal you and redo your root system for a powerful life in His destiny for you!! SweetSecretsofSuccess.com

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Hey everyone,Our Awesome 5-Day Journey to Freedom Challenge begins March 29th at 1pm EDT. Join at freedomfromnarcissism....


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