Abundant Life Wellness Center, Fort Worth, TX Videos

Videos by Abundant Life Wellness Center in Fort Worth. John 10:10 Holistic Wellness Services serving the DFW area 3100 N. Tarrant Pkwy, Ste 104 Fort Worth,

✏️📌Back to school season and sickness often go hand in hand, but they don’t have to! Listen to this advice from Naturopath, Tandy Dowdy, to learn how to get stocked up and prepared to handle common illnesses experienced in children.

Grab these products from our office or have them shipped to your door by calling 817-379-3770!

#fortworth #fortworthtx #fortworthtexas #kellertexas #dfw #wellnesscenter #backtoschool #holistickids #healthykids #naturalimmunity #immunity #cold #flu #stomachvirus #naturopath #wellnesstips #naturalremedies #homeopathics #prevention #holistic #functionalhealth #organic #natural #alternativehealth #immuneboost #guthealth #dfwcrunchymoms #dfwmom #fortworthmom #holisticmama

Other Abundant Life Wellness Center videos

✏️📌Back to school season and sickness often go hand in hand, but they don’t have to! Listen to this advice from Naturopath, Tandy Dowdy, to learn how to get stocked up and prepared to handle common illnesses experienced in children. Grab these products from our office or have them shipped to your door by calling 817-379-3770! … #fortworth #fortworthtx #fortworthtexas #kellertexas #dfw #wellnesscenter #backtoschool #holistickids #healthykids #naturalimmunity #immunity #cold #flu #stomachvirus #naturopath #wellnesstips #naturalremedies #homeopathics #prevention #holistic #functionalhealth #organic #natural #alternativehealth #immuneboost #guthealth #dfwcrunchymoms #dfwmom #fortworthmom #holisticmama

⁉️A common approach to forming a health plan is merely guesswork. You may be used to trying things out to “see what sticks.” At ALWC, we believe in working with your body to determine how to bring you to a place of homeostasis. ⚡️Along with reviewing your health history and functional testing, we use Zyto biofeedback technology to run a biosurvey during every naturopath appointment. This technology determines what supplements, diet, and lifestyle practices are most coherent with your body. 📊With over 40,000 items scanned, we are able to form a plan that is tailored to you. Time and time again we see clients resonating with the results of their scan and seeing immediate improvement when they put those recommendations into practice. If you’d like to learn more about biofeedback, click the link below to schedule a FREE fifteen minute consult. https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/practsNslots?sid=dDhJMmxpQ09wdi90WXZISHNNOFVXZz09&pid=MW94MHJndHNFL3EyRnBSaTVSY3Z1dz09&lid=R1FBRmRqZHh3aTVlTzY4bDB2Q3RNQT09&hideFooterInFrame=&hideHeaderInFrame=&uid=undefined&addOnSids=&src=&srcid=&first=&last=&dob=&email=&ph=&address=&city=&state=&zip=&comments=&additionalReqParamJson=&selPatId= … #naturopath #naturopathic #functionalmedicine #functionaltesting #holistichealth #holistic #rootcause #alternativemedicine #healthjourney #zyto #biofeedback #chronicillness #autoimmunity #fatigue #chronicpain #wellnessjourney #migraine #guthealth #ptsd #stress #hormones #fortworth #dfw #fortworthtexas #lymedisease #mold #healingjourney #zytoscan #lifestyle #cancer

✖️Environmental toxins ✖️ slowly but surely overwhelm the system. Listen to Naturopath, Scott Just, provide an illustration describing how this occurs. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, we’d love to help you detox. 😄🗯️ Scott is accepting clients and ready to help walk you through this journey. Click the link below to get started. https://abundantlifewellnesscenter.com/new-client-corner/ … #toxic #toxins #toxicburden #toxicoverload #environmentaltoxins #environmentalillness #detox #detoxify #footdetox #wholebodyvibration #pemftherapy #sauna #infraredsauna #naturopath #naturopathic #holistic #holistichealth #chronicillness #chronicsymptoms #dfw #fortworth #fwtexas #fortworthtexas #fortworthtx #dfwmoms #functionalhealth #functionaltesting #biofeedback #healing

Total Tox Burden - Toxin Test
☣️ Toxic exposure is a reality of our daily lives, but toxic overload can stress our bodily systems and leave us feeling sick and unable to heal. 🛢️Toxins increase the demand on the body’s detoxification pathways, particularly in the liver. When the liver can’t adequately eliminate toxins it leads to a range of chronic inflammation symptoms. ‼️If you’re experiencing multiple chronic symptoms or you can’t lose weight despite diet and exercise, you could be carrying a high toxic burden. The only way to be certain is to test these levels. Our Total Tox Burden kit tests: ✅20 Heavy Metals ✅31 Mycotoxins ✅39 Environmental Toxins Call 817-379-3770 to place an order and have the test shipped to your door. … #totaltoxicburden #totaltox #environmentaltoxins #toxicburden #mycotoxins #heavymetals #toxicoverload #chronicillness #chronicinflammation #autoimmune #autoimmunedisorders #autoimmuneillness #inflammation #cancer #jointpain #anxiety #rash #brainfog #insomnia #neuropathy #muscleweakness #dfw #fortworth #fortworthtexas #fortworthmoms #dfwmom #naturopath #functionalmedicine #naturalmedicine #alternativemedicine

For just $15 you can use our Whole Body Vibration Machine. Not only will you get the benefits of an hour workout in only ten minutes, you will see improvement in ✅ Circulation and Lymphatic System ✅ Strength and Performance ✅ Energy and Endurance ✅ Balance and Coordination ✅ Flexibility and Coordination ✅ Metabolism ✅ Bone Density Click the link below to book a session. https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/practsNslots?sid=SkFETjFYa3JjK3ptTTMyWXp2MDQ0dz09&pid=TW9ucFVHdWlwcytSdzd1M0lIWlltUT09&lid=T0JYTG8xQVFOQ1pBN3dMTG5YTDhiZz09&hideFooterInFrame=&hideHeaderInFrame=&uid=undefined&addOnSids=&src=&srcid=&first=&last=&dob=&email=&ph=&address=&city=&state=&zip=&comments=&additionalReqParamJson=&selPatId= … #exercise #fitness #fortworthfitness #metabolism #lymphatichealth #detox #vibration #wholebodyworkout #bonehealth #flexibility #energy #strengthtraining #workout #dfw #fortworth #fwtexas #keller #kellertexas #wellnesscenter #lymphaticdrainage #toxin #naturopath #naturopathicmedicine #naturalremedies #naturalmedicine #detoxify #fitnesslife #lymphaticsystem #wholebodyvibration #wholebodyvibrationtherapy

🩸We often hear our clients say that UBI/Ozone IV therapy has improved many of their chronic conditions related to Mold, Lyme, Cancer, Heavy Metals, and Autoimmunity. 💡This therapy is also said to improve lingering symptoms after recovering from Long Covid, Mono, Flu, or any type of virus that might leave one fatigued. 💉Many clients report feeling an immediate increase in energy following each session. If you are struggling from any these conditions and would benefit from this service, click the link below to get scheduled! https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/servicesall?mid=1983&pid=TW9ucFVHdWlwcytSdzd1M0lIWlltUT09&lid=T0JYTG8xQVFOQ1pBN3dMTG5YTDhiZz09&hideFooterInFrame=&hideHeaderInFrame=&src=&srcid=&first=&last=&dob=&email=&ph=&address=&city=&state=&zip=&comments=&additionalReqParamJson= … #lyme #lymerecovery #lymedisease #cancer #healingcancer #mold #moldillness #moldtoxicity #ozone #ozonetherapy #ozoneubi #lightherapy #bloodirradiation #iv #ivtherapy #longcovid #mono #flu #fatigue #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrome #dfw #fwtexas #dfwtexas #fortworth #naturalremedy #naturalhealing #naturopath #wellness #wellnesscenter

IV Room at ALWC
🍃 At ALWC, we believe in creating an atmosphere that is conducive to your peace and healing. That is why we offer a dedicated IV room that is equipped with over a dozen IVs designed to support you. Our IV room is staffed with RNs who will administer shots or IVs that are custom to your needs. With the most affordable prices in DFW and only high quality ingredients, you can trust that you are in good hands. If you’re ready to book an appointment, please head to the link below to find a date and time that works for you! https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/servicesall?mid=1983&pid=TW9ucFVHdWlwcytSdzd1M0lIWlltUT09&lid=T0JYTG8xQVFOQ1pBN3dMTG5YTDhiZz09&hideFooterInFrame=&hideHeaderInFrame=&src=&srcid=&first=&last=&dob=&email=&ph=&address=&city=&state=&zip=&comments=&additionalReqParamJson= … #IVtherapy #nutrientIV #IVdrip #affordableIV #dfwIV #FortWorthIV #Lyme #mold #cancer #hydration #anxiety #allergies #dfwfitness #lymedisease #lymerecovery #moldillness #detox #vitaminshot #B12 #meyers #NAD #glutathione #migraine #ozone #UBI #ozonetherapy #ozoneinsufflation #CoQ10 #VitaminD

IASIS Neurofeedback Changed My Life
😳✨ Listen to this incredible testimony of the powerful impact of IASIS Neurofeedback! Do you relate to the feeling that your brain is stuck in survival mode? No matter what you do, it is as if you are destined to be triggered, worried, and afraid? ❤️‍🩹 IASIS can help you, too. It is a tool designed to balance out your brain waves so that you can operate at a functional level and begin living a life of peace, stability, and freedom. Living in fight/flight/freeze is NOT the end of your story. 🗯️IASIS has also been shown to provide dramatic improvement in ADHD, anger, mood problems, migraines, and seizures. To learn more, click the link below and schedule a FREE consult with our Emotional Wellness Practitioner, Inger Russ, LCSW, ICP. https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/servicesall?mid=1986&pid=TW9ucFVHdWlwcytSdzd1M0lIWlltUT09&lid=T0JYTG8xQVFOQ1pBN3dMTG5YTDhiZz09&hideFooterInFrame=&hideHeaderInFrame=&src=&srcid=&first=&last=&dob=&email=&ph=&address=&city=&state=&zip=&comments=&additionalReqParamJson= … #brainhealth #traumarecovery #CPTSD #brainwaves #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #fightorflight #sympatheticnervoussystem #stress #angerissues #moodswings #anxiety #PTSD #anxietydisorder #seizures #migraines #ADHD #anxietydisorder #worry #fear #triggered #stressed #moodregulation #IASIS #neurofeedback #microcurrentneurofeedback #emotionalhealing #emotionalwellness #mentalhealth #trauma

🧖‍♀️🌸 This Mother’s Day, give your mom the gift of a day of holistic self-care and pampering. From May 1 - May 11th we are offering 15% off all of our esthetic services and esthetic gift cards. Click the link below to schedule one of our facials, reflexology, Indian head and shoulder massage, or eyelash/eyebrow tinting. https://abundantlifewellnesscenter.com/holistic-esthetics/ Or click the link below to purchase a gift card. https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/onlinegiftcard?pid=YnM1RTI5akZqdkROMkdmY1NINHFFUT09 … #facial #holisticfacial #skincare #naturalskincare #healthyskin #holisticesthetics #holisticesthetician #esthetics #estheticians #dallasfacial #fortworthfacial #dallasskin #fortworthskin #dallasbeauty #fortworthbeauty #mothersday #selfcare #moms #momlife #momlove #acne #aging #wrinkles #smoothskin #aginggracefully #agingbackwards #agingwell

Naturopath Referral Program
🙌🏻 We are now accepting clients for our naturopaths!!! We are so happy to finally be fully staffed with the addition of new naturopaths at ALWC. After being at a waitlist status for years, we are ecstatic that there is no longer a wait to starting your health journey with us. Because of this, we are excited to re-launch our naturopath referral program on May 1st! In this program, all existing clients of naturopaths will receive a ✨FREE✨follow up appointment once your referral has had an appointment with one of our naturopaths. This program is a new rollout and does not apply to visits prior to May 1st. Do you know anyone that has trouble with sleep, hormones, fertility, pain, digestion, anxiety, depression, allergies, autoimmunity, Lyme, or mold? Tag them below! 👉🏻 click the link to learn more. https://abundantlifewellnesscenter.com/new-client-corner/ … #wellness #wellnessjourney #healing #healingjourney #functionalhealth #functionalhealing #functionalmedicine #holistichealth #holistichealing #naturopath #naturalmedicine #homeopathic #naturalremedies #naturopathic #lifestylemedicine #rootcause #functionalmedicine #naturalhealing #wholeness #slowhealing #abundant #holisticmedicine #herbal #herbalremedies #movement #foodismedicine #crunchy #healthydallas #dfw #dallasfortworth #alternativemedicine

We love helping clients get to the root causes of their health concerns like we did with @aliciakguzz with @rowe_casa_organics. 🙌 Let us help you too. Visit https://bit.ly/3T1xkbP to either set up a free 15 consult to learn more or to start the process seeing one of our Naturopaths. 🍃 *Please note: Jennifer Trejo is not seeing new clients but our other Naturopaths are.

🤭Shh! It's a surprise! Stay tuned to hear our BIG #ANNOUNCEMENT coming very soon!! 👉Join our newsletter and be the first to know! Link in bio, or visit abundantlifewellnesscenter.com to sign up! 🎁 When you sign up, receive 10% off your first service at ALWC! (Excludes Naturopathic services and testing.)