Abundant Life Wellness Center

John 10:10 Holistic Wellness Services serving the DFW area

3100 N. Tarrant Pkwy, Ste 104
Fort Worth,


We believe in you! 💛 We know how much work you are putting in day in and day out, and we want you to celebrate those small wins.

Did you exercise this week? That’s huge! 👏🏻
Maybe you stuck to your protocol: way to go.
Whatever step you took this week, we are proud.

Let us know what you accomplished below or tag someone to let them know you see them too!


🌊⛱️ Summer may be coming to an end but we’re just entering the hottest month of the year! To help you beat the Texas heat, we’re offering a special on our Hydration and Performance IVs! From August 12-17th, you can get either IV for just $99!

🥵☀️Dehydration can impact your health in numerous ways. That is where our Hydration IV can help. This infusion is packed with vital nutrients and minerals that can hydrate you at a cellular level. Most clients leave feeling refreshed and revitalized!

💦💉In addition to Sodium Chloride (NS), the Hydration IV contains a mineral blend of Magnesium Chloride, Zinc Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Gluconate, Sodium Selenite. Not only can this IV assist in hydration, it is great for combating nausea, diarrhea, or cold and flu symptoms.

💪🏼🏋️‍♀️A great IV for athletes or weekend warriors is our Performance IV. This infusion is packed with amino acids and minerals and helps an athlete to give their best as well as recover well. If you’ve been hitting your summer workout goals, this IV is perfect for you.

To get scheduled, click the below!



There’s one thing we recommend that you add to your to do list as you gear up for the school year! ✍🏻✅

Rather than waiting for your child to miss school due to terrible allergies, pop in to our office to clear an entire category of allergies in around 20 minutes! 🌳🌾

This powerful allergy elimination technique is available Monday- Saturdays and only costs $45.

Schedule your appointment while you’re already school shopping in the Alliance area and kill two birds with one stone! 🛍️🛒

If you’re ready to be proactive this year, call us at 817-379-3770 to set up an allergy clearing session.

Click the link below to learn more!


Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 08/03/2024

📓🍏It’s back to school season! 🎒 So we’ve compiled a list of essentials for you that can be found in our office.

Drop by the office or call us at 817-379-3770 to have these products shipped right to your door.

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 08/01/2024

NAD therapy is one way to get energy naturally, safely, and quickly, while also providing the body with so many other benefits, including:

🔺Improved cardiovascular health
🔺Increased metabolism
🔺Reduced inflammation
🔺Advanced recovery from injury
🔺Decreased pain
🔺Sharpened eyesight
🔺Improved hearing
🔺Assisted weight loss
🔺Protected nerves
🔺Slowing the aging process

At ALWC, we offer NAD therapy through IV infusions or subQ NAD injections. Schedule through the link below or call 817-379-3770.



💥We are now hiring a full time office assistant! 💥

Tuesday - Saturday (closing shift)

Tuesday - Friday 9:00am- 5:30pm
Saturdays 9:30am - 2:00pm

Apply on indeed:

Tag someone below who might be interested. 🤍

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 07/30/2024


🌞 It may be because your lifestyle is inconsistent with your body’s natural rhythm. The rising and setting of the sun are aligned with our organs’ natural functioning patterns. When we are living contrary to those rhythms we are not optimizing our energy levels, but rather throwing our body off balance.

🌜However, when we learn this timeline and live accordingly, we find that we are well rested, energized, and have a better mood.

Share this post with a night owl for some accountability!


THREE TIPS to reduce inflammation, according to our naturopaths:

🚴‍♀️Live an active lifestyle where you’re getting enough exercise and water (with electrolytes) rather than sitting inside and on your phone.

🥗Restore your gut health so that the nutritious foods you’re eating can be properly absorbed and utilized.

🛏️ Prioritize your mental health and well being by getting enough sleep and implementing healthy stress management techniques.

If you would like to see a naturopath for personalized tips and advice, click the below
to find out how.



Addressing the ROOT CAUSE of your inflammation is the key to reducing it.

These 3 hidden stressors could be what is pushing your immune system into overdrive.

Which do you suspect is stressing YOUR body? Let us know below!


Do any of these sound like you? 🥺🥺

If you have chronic pain, fatigue, infections, digestive issues, skin problems, or mood swings, we have tools and resources to get to the ROOT of your inflammation as well as remedies to curb your symptoms.

Call 817-379-3770 or click the link below to schedule a FREE consult.


Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 07/20/2024

Happy Saturday, ALWC family! We love seeing your beautiful faces come into our office every week. We pray for you daily and we are honored to help you along in your healing in any way that we can! 💚

Give us a call if there’s anything you need from us or any questions we can answer. 817-379-3770.


🗓️✍🏻We recommend getting an IV every other week, or at least once a month for maintenance.

For those of you who are battling a sickness, once a week will help get your body back where it needs to be.

Of course, you are always welcome to ask our RNs what they think will be most beneficial for you.

🗯️*️⃣DID YOU KNOW: In each naturopath appointment you will receive a scan using Zyto technology to determine which IV services you need and how many.

📞To get started with a naturopath, or to ask any questions you have about our IVs, click the link below to schedule a FREE fifteen minute consult.


Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 07/13/2024

🤔 Are your supplements real ⁉️

That’s not a question you would even think to ask.
😪Sadly, supplement scams are prevelent.

Here are a few ways to avoid getting duped into buying useless products.

Drop by our office or give us a call at 817-379-3770 to order trusted products. OR click the link below to save 15% on quality brands on Fullscript. 📦✨


Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 07/11/2024

🪥🧴 Are your plastic products harming you?

In this day and age, plastics can be hard to avoid, but there are some swaps and lifestyle changes that you CAN make to avoid this toxic overload.

⭐️ If you would like to determine how much plastic is impacting your health, we have Total Tox Burden testing available. Call our office at 817-379-3770 to order a kit and review the results with one of our naturopaths.

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 07/09/2024

😩❎ DID YOU KNOW that not all “green” products are safe?

🏷️ That’s right. Companies love to trick consumers into buying their products by giving them deceptive labels.

You may be thinking you’re purchasing a clean item, and it’s full of toxins the entire time.

🛒✅ Don’t get deceived; follow this guide to avoid the traps and feel confident in your purchases.


🥩 When shopping for beef, make sure to choose Grass-fed AND Grass-finished.

A “Grass-fed” label means the cattle was started on a grass diet, but may have finished with a grain diet.

🌱A “Grass-finished” label insures the cattle ate nothing but grass and forage for their entire lives.

Follow for more tips from our naturopaths. 📲💚


Shopping for clean food can be difficult to navigate! Here are some ingredients to look for when reading labels. 🔍


Wow! 🤩 We’re so glad to hear when clients overcome health struggles like allergies. For only $45 and around 20 minutes a session, you can experience similar results and relief. 🌳🤧🚫

To learn more, click the link below or cal 817-379-3770 to book.



🌎💻 Did you know we offer REMOTE appointments? As long as you have access to a Zyto hand cradle and a PC computer with high speed internet connection: you can become a naturopath client anywhere in the world!

With Zyto technology you also have access to remote EVOX appointments and allergy clearings without ever leaving home.

Tag a long distance friend below or call our office to order your hand cradle. 📲 817-379-3770


✖️Environmental toxins ✖️ slowly but surely overwhelm the system. Listen to Naturopath, Scott Just, provide an illustration describing how this occurs.

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, we’d love to help you detox. 😄🗯️ Scott is accepting clients and ready to help walk you through this journey. Click the link below to get started.



Detoxing doesn’t have to be an intensive experience. More often than not, it’s the little changes we make to our daily habits that produce the most change. These simple practices have been proven to help the body detox, and yet, they are not hard to add to our routine.

Save this post as a reminder to yourself of easy ways to love and support your body this week! 💚🧡🩷


☣️ Toxic exposure is a reality of our daily lives, but toxic overload can stress our bodily systems and leave us feeling sick and unable to heal.

🛢️Toxins increase the demand on the body’s detoxification pathways, particularly in the liver. When the liver can’t adequately eliminate toxins it leads to a range of chronic inflammation symptoms.

‼️If you’re experiencing multiple chronic symptoms or you can’t lose weight despite diet and exercise, you could be carrying a high toxic burden.

The only way to be certain is to test these levels. Our Total Tox Burden kit tests:

✅20 Heavy Metals
✅31 Mycotoxins
✅39 Environmental Toxins

Call 817-379-3770 to place an order and have the test shipped to your door.

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 06/13/2024

🍑🍃 Fixing your gut microbiome starts with awareness; finding out what pathogens, sensitivities, or allergies you’re up against.

🔍 Once you’ve determined what your obstacles are, then you’ll be equipped to overcome them.

🍵🫚Under the guidance of a naturopath, you can change your diet, kill off parasites, and reduce inflammation in your gut.

This will improve your immune system, skin health, mental health, and overall well-being.

If you’re ready to heal your gut, call 817-379-3770 to have either or both of these tests shipped to your door:

🧪 GI map (stool) test + Review appointment : $496.78
🧪 Food Allergy/sensitivity test + Review appointment: $492.73

*Options available for children.

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 06/11/2024

Do any of these sound like you?

🔬We know balancing hormones can be a tricky thing to navigate. But the first step is determining what your hormone levels are. Is your estrogen too high or too low? Do you have low progesterone or high cortisol?

🌿📑Once we discover your ranges, we will advise you on how to reach optimal hormone levels using homeopathic remedies, herbal supplements, and holistic lifestyle changes.

📮We offer affordable pricing on our hormone testing at $450 for females or $550 for males. This includes the lab fee AND a review appointment with one of our naturopaths. Call our office at 817-379-3770 to have a hormone kit shipped right to your door!


🥑🥕Not sure where to start when it comes to getting the right amount of nutrients? We’ve got you!

Work with one of our naturopaths using NutriPro testing to get to the root of why you’re not meeting your nutrient goals and are plagued with unexplainable symptoms.

📊The NutriPro Test can help identify nutrient deficiencies, which are an underlying condition for many chronic diseases, and learn if genetics are making it difficult for you to absorb nutrients or convert them into a usable form.

🧬This quick and effective test measures genetic variations that may be in your body as well as your nutrient levels to gauge how your genetics could be affecting nutrient absorption.

📞If you are experiencing stubborn symptoms and suspect nutrient deficiencies and genetic issues may be to blame, call us at 817-379-3770 to get the process started.


🥺🍃Do you have emotional triggers, limiting beliefs, relational conflict, poor self-image, or medical trauma?

📝🤔Maybe you’ve tried to address these issues but nothing seems to work. That is because simply thinking about these roadblocks doesn’t always resolve them. Sometimes your body is used to the “same old way” of doing things and needs support and intervention in order to bring about change.

💻🎧 EVOX is a perception-reframing therapy using biofeedback software that works to help your body release old patterns and brings you back into a healthy, well-rounded way of viewing the world. You will no longer be clouded by a false mentality and begin to live with healthier perspectives.

Click the link below to schedule a FREE 15 minute consult with our Emotional Wellness Practitioner, Inger Russ, LCSW, ICP.


Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 05/30/2024

🫨🚨 Have you heard of Cell Danger Response?

This theory suggests that when the body is in a state of stress, the cells begin to work on protecting the body, rather than healing the body.

🛟 Safety and survival become priority, while peace and wellness are put on the back burner. This means that your goal of living an abundant life will remain prohibited as long as you remain stuck in fight or flight.

Considering the fact that your cells are working diligently to keep you alive, it’s time to decide to provide a safe environment for your body so it can begin healing. ❤️‍🩹

We would love to help cultivate that with you. Visit abundantlifewellnesscenter.com to learn how.


🔔 Did you know that emotions can remain trapped in our bodies? Thankfully, our bodies do a really good job at letting us know that we have emotional roadblocks we need to work through. Often our “symptoms” are messages that something is wrong emotionally. These 5 signs are good indicators that you have trapped emotions. Do you have any of these symptoms? Comment below! 👇🏻

Photos from Abundant Life Wellness Center's post 05/25/2024

🌞⛱️Are you looking for ways to lose weight for the summer? We have good news for you!

Our Skinny Shot has a ⭐️NEW⭐️ and improved formula!

With added ingredients, you will not only see better results, but you’ll be giving your body even more nutrients.

Call 817-379-3770 to schedule or drop by the office as a walk in!


🙋🏼‍♀️Looking for help as you start your journey at ALWC? Maritza’s got you covered.

Our Client Coordinator is ready to walk you through the process of becoming a new client or simply answer any questions you have about our services.

☎️ Click the link below to schedule your FREE phone consultation today!


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Abundant Life Wellness Center

Abundant Life Wellness Center is a holistic health practice, offering state-of-the-art technology combined with individualized service. At ALWC, we believe that each person should be approached as a whole, integrated being and not just a collection of symptoms. Each person is biochemically different from one another. Therefore, no two people who come to us will receive the same recommendations and plan of action. We customize the way we help people based upon their individualized needs. Our goal is to get your body to a healthy, balanced state where it can begin to heal itself the way God created it to do.

Learn more at www.abundantlifewellnesscenter.com

Videos (show all)

✏️📌Back to school season and sickness often go hand in hand, but they don’t have to! Listen to this advice from Naturopa...
⁉️A common approach to forming a health plan is merely guesswork. You may be used to trying things out to “see what stic...
✖️Environmental toxins ✖️ slowly but surely overwhelm the system. Listen to Naturopath, Scott Just, provide an illustrat...
Total Tox Burden - Toxin Test
For just $15 you can use our Whole Body Vibration Machine. Not only will you get the benefits of an hour workout in only...
🩸We often hear our clients say that UBI/Ozone IV therapy has improved many of their chronic conditions related to Mold, ...
IV Room at ALWC
IASIS Neurofeedback Changed My Life
🧖‍♀️🌸 This Mother’s Day, give your mom the gift of a day of holistic self-care and pampering. From May 1 - May 11th we a...
Naturopath Referral Program
We love helping clients get to the root causes of their health concerns like we did with @aliciakguzz with @rowe_casa_or...


3100 N. Tarrant Pkwy. , Ste 104
Fort Worth, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

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