Murphy's Eats & Treats

A gathering place to enjoy a burger, salad, seafood and plenty of hard and soft serve ice cream as w Online ordering can be done at


Good Friday afternoon,
I am posting today to provide an update on our Ashland location. We have been dealing with a few frustrating issues that we are hopeful are close to being resolved. Once these issues are resolved, which we hope is this coming Monday, then we can plan our opening. Our biggest issue has been liability insurance because of the mini golf course. The whole policy is tied together, so once this is resolved, then we can move forward.

I apologize for the delay in opening as I know the nice weather is finally here and ice cream is on everyone's mind!

I have received dozens of direct messages, and I hope this provides some information as to what we are doing. We will be there this weekend getting the final touches finished, and once we receive our liability policy, then we can file for all of our permits.

We want the shop open more than anyone, so believe me when I tell you this is our top priority.

As far as me disrespecting Ashland and the loyal customer base that built our brand as stated in some of the messages, please know that this is not the case. I should have been more open and communicated our delays more frequently, but as you can see, I did not.

I will keep you posted as we work to get open as soon as possible.

Shaun Keefe


Good morning,

I am posting today to fill everyone in as to where we are and what we are doing. First off, I want to apologize for not putting something out sooner.

I want to address the opening of our Ashland location, we will be opening here very shortly, we will nail down a firm date and that will be the result of scheduling. I will have this date in the first part of next week.

As far as the comments I have seen on various social media platforms, I understand the frustration as we are typically open already, but various issues have delayed us. I understand some people feel that once Framingham opened the Ashland location became an afterthought! This is so far from the truth!

We are opening later than usual but we will be opening. The shop is all set to go even though no one ever sees anyone there but we have been there getting everything ready over the past month.

Again, I apologize for the lack of communication on my part but we hope to see you all soon!

Shaun Keefe


Good evening,

Today we have seen our posts tagged by a company called excitingtee that is trying to sell Murphy's merchandise without our permission. We have no affiliation with them but they have gone back and tagged all of our posts and the people who are on the posts.

I apologize for this as these people are doing this in poor taste and without any affiliation with us.

If you have been tagged I am sorry. We are trying to get them to stop with no luck so far but we will keep trying.

Facebook has been notified and will get back to us.

Please ignore these posts as this is some type of scam!

Again, my apologies!


Murphys Framingham | Just another site 02/16/2024

Fish Friday is here! We have our Captain Mardens delivery scheduled for early this morning and will have our entire seafood menu available.

Save some time and order online at and we will have it ready when you arrive....or pretty close to ready!

We have adjusted our breakfast service to Saturday and Sunday only so if you are up early tomorrow swing by and try out our breakfast menu. Homemade Hollandaise sauce and corned beef hash as well!

Hope to see you soon!

Murphys Framingham | Just another site


Come in and try our Fish Tacos today, we will be serving these delicious Taco's today with our full menu of Fish from Captain Marden's! We will be serving the Taco's each Friday through Lent so make sure to come in and try some!

On another note, we will be changing our Breakfast hours, starting this week we will be doing Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday only for the time being! Its an adjustment we need to make for various reasons so come by this weekend and enjoy a nice hearty breakfast with us!

We are so fortunate to be in this location and to have met so many wonderful people, we are excited to see what this Spring and Summer will offer!

You can order online at


What goes best with the Super Bowl....Chicken Wings and Chicken Bites. Our chicken bites are cut from our chicken tenders, breaded and fried, perfect size for dipping.

The wings have been soaking in brine since yesterday and you will not be dissapointed!

Go online at and place your order, just specify what time you would like to pick them up and we will have them ready for you.

We have Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, James River for a little heat, Buffalo sauce and we also have Ranch dressing as well.

We are doing a limited quantity so come and get em!

We also have our full menu to offer as well!


Online Menu, Chicken Wings/Bites and Breakfast!

If you are looking to order online with us at our Framingham location, it has just been updated to make the access much easier. Go to and it will take you right to our online menu.

This Sunday only, we will be serving up Chicken Wings and Chicken Bites with sauces for dipping. You can get them plain, barbecue or buffalo style for both the wings and bites! Great addition for the game!

You can pre-order your wings and bites and designate a pick up time on Sunday. We did samples of these last week and they are delicious!

We are now serving breakfast on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7:00AM to 11:30AM then we transition to our lunch service when you can grab a freshly made Roast Beef sandwich!


Looking for an idea for dinner? Stop by and try our Top of the Round Roast Beef sandwich, sliced to order! Make it a 3 way by adding some James River or Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, American Cheese and Mayo on top of an Onion Roll! We only cook one 26lb. roast per day so come and grab one before it is gone!


Just a reminder during these cold winter days and nights....we are now open Tuesday through Sunday!

As we muddle through this winter, we will be working on perfecting our new chicken wing offering, we will have plain, barbecue, or buffalo! We will be have them ready for Super Bowl Sunday!

We will be launching our breakfast service on Friday, January 26th!

As always, thank you for your continued support!

Shaun and Eileen Keefe


It is always a tough call on what to do when we have a weather event like we have.

Based on the numerous forecasts I have watched and the ride to the shop this morning, Murphy's will be closed today.

We have a lot of young adults who would be driving in this weather and with the forecast of the temperatures dropping this afternoon it is better for all involved to stay off the roads.

We will reopen on Wednesday this week and start our Tuesday thru Sunday schedule on January 16th with the launch of our breakfast service on January 23rd.

Thank you for your understanding and I apologize for any inconvenience!

Shaun Keefe


We hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays so far! We will be closed temporarily so our staff can enjoy some time off before we start again for the next 49 weeks!
We will reopen on Thursday, January 4th at 11:30AM.
We will begin our breakfast service within a couple of weeks of reopening!
We also want to thank everyone for their support during our first couple of months of operation. It has taken us a little time to get acclimated to the new location, but with a few subtle changes during our closure, we are excited to get back at it.
Happy New Year, and we hope to see you on January 4th!
Shaun and Eileen Keefe


I just want to clarify for those that have been inquiring, we will not be holding our Christmas Extravaganza this year. The tree shortage is real and we could not get a guarantee on delivery of the number of trees we would need to consider doing this again.
We will be having our Sensory Santa at our Framingham location, we will be posting the dates and times by the end of the week.
This was a difficult decision for our family to make as we enjoyed it as much as all of you! Hoping we.can bring it back in the future!
Shaun and Eileen


We want to thank everyone as we have had a great start in our new Framingham location, the support that has been shown to us is beyond our own expectations!

It is time to move onto the next step, we are accepting phone orders at 508-434-7744 and we have opened up our online ordering for the Framingham location, Ashland is closed for the season.

You can access our online ordering at:, we shut our online ordering off at 6:30PM as we close our kitchen at 7:00PM, we do serve ice cream until 8:00PM.

We will begin serving our Roast Beef Sandwiches on Wednesday, December 6th. We are excited to introduce these delicious sandwiches to everyone. We have decided to hold off on our breakfast service until after the first of the year, we need to have the correct staffing in place which we are working on daily!

Again, thank you for your support and we hope you will stop by!

Shaun, Eileen and the entire Murphy's staff


Murphy's will be closed today, Friday November 17th due to some of our staff members not feeling well today!

It is out of an abundance of caution that we close the shop today to protect our other staff members as well as our customers while everyone gets checked.

We will reopen tomorrow at 11:30AM and I truly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

Shaun Keefe


Murphy's will be ending our sixth season this Sunday, October 15th in our Ashland location. We will be back in early April with what we hope is a much drier stretch of weather! A huge thank you to all of our loyal customers who supported us this year, we have built some wonderful relationships with so many of you!

We will not be doing the Christmas Extravaganza this year, the last three years we did this it did not work out for us for one reason or another and this year we have something else occupying our time!

We hope that you will find the time to come and see us before we close on Sunday! With Sunday being our final day in Ashland we are very excited to announce our opening day in Framingham which will be on Friday, October 20th at 11:30AM.

Our Framingham location will be serving our regular menu and we do not plan to start serving our roast beef sandwiches for at least a couple of weeks. Our staff has some work to do to familiarize themselves with the new kitchen and restaurant layout and the new flow of our cook line. Once we have everyone comfortable we will introduce the roast beef and shortly after that we will introduce our breakfast service.

It has been a lot of work but we are excited with the finished product and we hope that our existing customers that have visited our Ashland location will stop by and check out our new digs!

We will not be taking any phone orders or online orders for the first week as we are using this time to just get comfortable with our surroundings. It may seem crazy from a business standpoint but we all agree this is the best way for us to have a successful opening!

If you come to join us, please be patient with our staff as some of the staff members have only had a few shifts in Ashland and are still learning.

We will be posting some additional information about Framingham by Monday. Again, thank you to everyone who has supported us over these past six seasons but soon it will be time to pack up the car and make the journey to Framingham!

On behalf of the entire staff of Murphy's, Thank you!

Shaun and Eileen Keefe


Rain, Rain, Go Away!

What a year it has been so far, what will this winter look like?

Murphy's will be closed today, Saturday, September 23rd as the forecast as erratic as it has been is not proving to be beneficial for us to open!

Instead we are bringing our managers and kitchen staff to the Framingham location to help get the place ready for our final inspections over the next two weeks!

I apologize for any inconvenience!



Murphy's will be starting our Fall hours this week. We will now be open Wednesday-Sunday, 11:30AM to 8:00PM.

As we start to wind down our sixth season in Ashland, we are gearing up for the transition to our Framingham location which will be opening soon!

The Framingham location has presented us with some challenges that we did not expect but we are past those now and we are in the process of completing the punch list of items that remain!

Our opening date has still not yet been determined until everything is done, and all inspections have been completed but I will say it is right around the corner and we are excited to get the ball rolling!

Thank you to all of you for the inquiries about Framingham, we have met quite a few people who live near the Framingham location who traveled to Ashland to check us out, it helps to encourage us that this location will have a clientele like our Ashland shop!

In closing, I want to send a huge shout out to our amazing staff in Ashland who have taken all of the Framingham kids under their wings and trained them to be ready when Framingham opens! We are blessed to have the staff that we do!

As always, thank you all for your continued support, we will be back open on Wednesday!

Shaun and Eileen Keefe


Good afternoon,

We will be closing the restaurant at 4:00 pm today, Thursday, July 27th.

We have decided to close based on numerous weather reports indicating strong wind and rain starting after 4:00PM.

With a lot of our staff as new drivers and some of our younger staff needing rides, we just do not feel putting them in harms way is worth selling a few burgers and ice cream!

Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for understanding!

Shaun and Eileen Keefe


Murphy's will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:30AM-8:00PM, we will be closing for a few days around the Fourth of July holiday.

We will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so our staff can enjoy a little time with their families.

We will be back at it on Thursday!

We hope everyone enjoys the Holiday and as always, thank you for your support of our small business!

Shaun and Eileen


Murphy's Eats & Treats will be open Tuesday thru Sunday from 11:30-8:00 starting tomorrow. We will be opening a little earlier tomorrow to get ready for the arrival of some of the kids who will be stopping by after school let's out for the summer!

Thank you to everyone who reached out about the different times the schools are letting the kids out, it is appreciated!

We have additional staff in place to keep the line moving!

We hope to see the Happy faces of the kids celebrating another year done!


Murphy's will be back to our hours of Tuesday through Sunday starting next week. We are looking forward to seeing all the kids on the last day of school!

We will have supervision outside when school is over so we can make sure everyone stays safe during their time with us!

We have extra staff well to make sure the lines move along!

Thank you!

Shaun Keefe


We will be opening on Memorail Day at 3:00PM for Ice Cream only!

Why not kick off the unofficial start of summer with some Richardson's ice cream!

We will also have our soft serve Orange Sherbet starting Friday!

We are extending our hours next week to Wednesday thru Sunday, full menu, open at 11:30AM.

Thank you for all the support we have received regarding our newest location in Framingham. We hope to be open by July 13th serving ice cream while we finish the renovations to the kitchen area.

Hope to see everyone at some point this weekend!

Enjoy and be safe!

Shaun & Eileen Keefe


We are excited to announce that we are opening a second shop!

We will be opening another Murphy's Eats and Treats at the former CJ's Northside Grill on Edgell Road in Framingham.

We have some work to do inside and outside of the restaurant and we are looking to open serving ice cream only in mid-July. Once we have that process in hand and our staff trained which will be mid-August, we will start to move into serving lunch and dinner. We will then move into serving breakfast in November to round out our service! We have our fish delivered daily by Captain Mardens!

It is important that we take the time needed to train our new staff and streamline our processes.

It is also very exciting that this is in our neighborhood and the location is fantastic!

We have talked to Joe Breed formerly of Riley's Roast Beef fame and he has agreed to come in and teach us how he made his Roast Beef as it will be cooked and sliced right on the spot! And just so you know, we do not have microwaves in our shops, everything will be cooked to order. The only thing frozen in our shop will be the ice cream and fries!

We are expanding the ice cream area and will be carrying 35 flavors of Richardsons Ice Cream along with Soft Serve ice cream as well!

We look forward to getting the car shows back to the glory days and some other fun community activities!

As we move along in the process we will keep everyone updated, keep an eye out for the announcement in about 6 weeks for our opening date!

Thank you to all for your continued support, this should be fun!

Shaun & Eileen Keefe


Murphy's will be open until 6:00PM today, heavy rains are expected this evening so we will be closing the grill at 5:30PM and the shop at 6:00.

Come enjoy our indoor seating and join us for lunch or an early dinner!

(Sorry but we are out of Scallops)

Let's go Bruins!


Good luck to all of the runners, we will be cheering you on!

Thanks to Rina Ponniah and Sarah Jebashaker for our awesome chalkboard!


EDIT: WEe do not have an issue with our soft serve, we are required to do Bacterial Testing when we open for the season and once a month after that. We had the lab in last week to take the samples for our opening but we will not receive the results until tomorrow.

Also, our online ordering system has a glitch and that will be fixed tomorrow as well.

Thank you for the text and calls about the confusion I created.......Shaun

We have had overwhelming support this weekend from all of our customers and I personally wanted to thank all of you not only for your patronage of our business but also for your patience and understanding as we get back underway for the season!

We have decided to stay with the Thursday thru Sunday schedule for the next couple of weeks, we will post on here when we have the date for the full schedule!

To answer the soft serve question we have been asked, yes we do have soft serve but we were not able to serve it until the test results from the dairy testing are returned to us and the Board of Health stating that the machines are ready to go. We expect these results the first part of this week and we will have our soft serve machines back up and running next Thursday!

Good luck to all of the runners tomorrow! Enjoy the week and we will see you at the shop next week!

Shaun, Eileen, Kathy, Sarah and our entire Staff

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Murphy's Eats & Treats



911 Edgell Road
Framingham, MA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 11:30am - 8pm
Thursday 11:30am - 8pm
Friday 11:30am - 8pm
Saturday 11:30am - 8pm
Sunday 11:30am - 8pm

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