The Salvation Army Fremont, Nebraska, Fremont, NE Videos

Videos by The Salvation Army Fremont, Nebraska in Fremont. Among Americans, The Salvation Army has long been a symbol of wholehearted dedication to the cause of human brotherhood... Giving freely of themselves, the men and women of The Salvation Army have won the respect of us all. President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Other The Salvation Army Fremont, Nebraska videos

Another amazing day at VBS more kids more fun God is truly at work at the Fremont Corps to God be the glory.

Join us for Worship!
Give thanks!! CCLI611254

Join us today for Worship this beautiful Sunday!

Volunteer to be a bellringer!
Your time is incredibly valuable! You can help The Salvation Army of Fremont raise funds for our programs that meet the needs of those who are struggling. By being a bellringer, you are bettering the lives of those in our community. Sign up for a spot today at

Join us for worship!

We need your help!
When you volunteer to ring the bells at our kettles, you’re supporting our Red Kettle Campaign. That means you’re changing lives and strengthening our community. The funds raised in the kettles will stay right here in the local community and help your neighbors in need. Sign up for a spot today at

Donate to our Virtual Red Kettle!
Amid the highest levels of inflation seen in decades, millions of Americans continue to face incredible financial struggles to escape poverty. The Salvation Army serves all people with the love and support they need to find a new way forward. When you give to The Salvation Army, you are making an impact on the lives of those in need—right in your local community—every day. Join our effort to put love above all else and show families in need that love exists beyond these difficult times. Donate today at

Join us for Worship!
"From Water to Wine" John 2:1-11

Join us for worship!
"Counting the Cost" Luke 14:25-33 CCLI #611254

Remembering Who is the Vine

Seeking the Lost
Hosea 11:1-11 Join us today for worship! CCLI #611254

Join us for Worship!
"What a guy" Philemon 1:8-14

Encouragement in Faith
Join us for worship this beautiful Sunday! CCLI#611254

The Call of Wisdom
Join us for worship this lovely Sunday morning! Fremont, NE CCLI#611254

Memorial Day Service
Today we take time to remember those who have given their lives to protect our Country and our Freedoms. CCLI #611254

We are Witnesses
Join us for worship this beautiful Sunday CCLI#611254

Pam Sunday

Wind in the Wilderness - Worst Baby Names Ever!
Sermon - Lt. Rodney Scripture - Hosea 1:1-9; 11:1-4 CCLI# 611254

Join us for worship!
"Sticks and Stones" Jeremiah 23:1-8 CCLI #611254