Discover Hope

At Discover Hope, our mission is to inspire pivotal growth and hope in the lives of children, their families, our community and our team.

We provide in home behavioral health treatment using the methodology of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We are dedicated to providing a fun and caring work environment characterized by integrity and humility, which enables us to provide excellent services to our clients. Discover Hope is a private agency founded in 2012 to provide excellent services to children with Autism and related disorders a


Our team of professionals are trained to be there and help you along the way, the best way they can!


If you are a parent wondering how to deal with temper tantrums, you are NOT alone!

While some tantrums are more difficult to manage than others, the best tantrum is one that never even happens in the first place!

We have a set of set of strategies to help you minimize and prevent tantrums.


At Discover Hope, we Put People First because we know we couldn't help our clients without our incredible staff. We are so proud of them and feel so lucky that they have chosen to work with us. Our staff member spotlight this month is one of our Behavior Technicians: Erika!

❓ Why did you decide to work in the ABA field?
I worked many different jobs before this including restaurants and retail and never felt it was meaningful to me or that I was part of something valuable. When I heard about ABA, I knew it was the perfect place to start getting some experience in something psychology related and make a difference in the world.

❓ What do you love most about it?
There is so many positives about this job it’s hard to choose just one. If I had to pick one, I would say seeing the impact a good team can make on each kiddo and their families. There’s nothing like the pride you feel when a kiddo accomplishes something they have never done before! An honorable mention, these kiddos have me laughing and crying in all the best ways, you learn just as much from them as they do from you.

❓ What is the most challenging aspect of it?
Juggling so much both on and off the job. It’s important to go in everyday with your best effort and there’s definitely days where either you or your kiddo are not having the best day but you still have to give them 110% and leave everything else at the door.

❓ What would you tell someone who was thinking of going into this area?
During my first day of training, I heard this and it’s what I tell everyone who asks me if they should go into ABA; it’s not a job that’s just for a paycheck. If you go into it thinking it’s easy money, you will not succeed and will not give clients the effort they deserve. This requires job requires so much patience, dedication, time, energy, flexibility, passion, and silliness! That being said, it’s so worth it all to change these families lives.

❓ What do you do during your non work time?
I very much enjoy my alone time so I’m usually out running errands by myself and picking up some snacks or unnecessary purchases for myself. I also love being home and just recharging.

❓ What is your favorite movie or book and why?
I’m not a huge movie person, I usually forget the whole movie in a day or two but right now my favorite movies are the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, they’re so emotional and funny.

❓ Tell us one interesting or unique thing about you.
I packed up my life in LA and moved away from the only place I ever knew right out of high school when I was 17. I moved to the Bay Area with no money, no job, no family, just a college admission and hope! 3 years later, it’s the best decision I ever made!


We are always seeking to hire the Best & Brightest and we love when new team members find passion and joy in making a difference!


Happy Independence Day! ❤️🤍💙

Discover Hope wish you all a warm and happy 4th of July.


At Discover Hope, we Put People First because we know we couldn't help our clients without our incredible staff. We are so proud of them and feel so lucky that they have chosen to work with us. Our staff member spotlight this month is one of our Behavior Technicians: Amber!

❓ Why did you decide to work in the ABA field?
I really enjoy helping others and spending time with kids. This job in the ABA field allowed me to both help others and learn new things.

❓ What do you love most about it?
What I love the most is bonding and having a connection with clients each session. Being able to help and see how far a client has come or achieve a goal makes me so happy.

❓ What is the most challenging aspect of it?
The most challenging aspect of this job is that not every session will run how you want it to. There are many times where I’ll realize things won’t go to plan and I’ll have to work around it.

❓ What would you tell someone who was thinking of going into this area?
I would tell someone who is interested in going into the field that they have to be patient and understanding, but also willing to learn new things. You’ll learn so many new things in the field and have different experiences with each kiddo you have in a session!

❓ What do you do during your non work time?
On my non-work time, I enjoy taking care of my bunny! I usually spend my time at home most days playing games/piano and cooking. However, I really love going out to shop or check out food hotspots with my friends.

❓ What is your favorite movie or book and why?
My favorite movie has to be “Up” which is a movie I grew up with since my childhood. The message of the movie shows the real adventure of life and how we sometimes lose sight of the things we have.

❓ Tell us one interesting or unique thing about you.
One interesting thing about me is that I’ve been playing piano for 15 years! I even have a Certification of Merit.


If you're looking for an activity you can do with your child at home >> Try Dot Sticker Art!

This activity can help develop your child's fine motor skills.

What to do:

1️⃣ Roll out a sheet of white paper and tape it to the surface it's on.
2️⃣ Draw some flower stems along the edge of the paper with markers.
3️⃣ Provide your child with some colorful dot stickers, markers and any other art supplies you have.
4️⃣ Encourage your child to start getting creative! You can jumpstart by showing an example.

Thank you to Toddler Approved for this great activity!


A: ABA can help a child grow in both simple and complex skills depending on the child's needs. According to Autism Speaks, ABA fosters basic skills like looking, listening, and imitating as well as more complex tasks like reading, conversing, and understanding a person's perspective.


We're hiring Behavior Technicians in the Fremont area!

Click the link below for more info. ⏬


There are a few things we know for sure:
- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
- Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
- Pineapples DO belong on pizza (this is a fact and is therefore not up for debate)
- Without our amazing clinical team, there is no Discover Hope!


Do you find yourself constantly reminding your child to use soap? Do you think it's time they use the potty and wipe all by themselves? With a few simple steps, you can teach your child how to be successful with personal and household tasks... and have fun, too!

Click this link below to learn How to Make Hygiene Tasks Fun 👇


The Discover Hope team wishes you a happy Mother's Day weekend!




We are with you every step of the way! 💙💚💛


If you're looking for an ABA activity you can do with your child at home >> Try playing Simon Says!

This classic game may be overwhelming and overly challenging for a child with autism, but it can be easily adapted!

Here are some tips:
🌼 Use words the child recognizes, try visual aids and demonstrate the actions expected of the child (for example, "jump!").
🌼 Limit the number of actions Simon can choose.
🌼 Be sure that the child is never "out," even if he or she acts when "Simon" didn't prompt them to.
🌼 Reward them for a job well done. Repeat this exercise to improve overtime.

Thank you to Apollo Behavior for this great activity!


A: We currently do not accept families with a private pay arrangement. We work as a subcontractor through Easter Seals Bay Area working with families with Kaiser Insurance. Not sure if that's you? Start here to see if you are eligible for services.


At Discover Hope, we Put People First because we know we couldn't help our clients without our incredible staff. We are so proud of them and feel so lucky that they have chosen to work with us. Our staff member spotlight this month is one of our Behavior Technicians: AJ!

❓ Why did you decide to work in the ABA field?
I decided to work in the ABA field because I was really interested in it after hearing many of my fellow classmates and friends talking about their experiences! It was also a great opportunity for me to increase my skills in the clinical field, as I was really interested in psychology.

❓ What do you love most about it?
I love how rewarding it is to work in the ABA field! Being able to see my clients' progress, no matter how big or how small, is so amazing to see. I also love how supportive the people I work with are, they always provide meaningful feedback and I feel like I can turn to them whenever I need help with my clients.

❓ What is the most challenging aspect of it?
The most challenging aspect of it is being able to give a lot of your energy to your clients during sessions after having a long/bad day. I commute to school in the mornings a few days a week and sometimes it's difficult to feel energized for my evening sessions.

❓ What would you tell someone who was thinking of going into this area?
I would tell them that if they are passionate about making a difference in the lives of children, especially underserved populations, going into the ABA field is a great field to go into!

❓ What do you do during your non work time?
I'm either studying for classes or playing video games like Minecraft or Skyrim!

❓ What is your favorite movie or book and why?
I love the A Series of Unfortunate Events books! They were the first books that really got me into reading. :)

❓ Tell us one interesting or unique thing about you.
I was raised by my grandparents, along with living with two of my closest cousins, until I was 8 years old! So I have a very close bond with them. :)


We're hiring Behavior Technicians in the Fremont area!

Click the link below for more info. ⏬



"Everyday you see little improvements, and when you step back and look at the big picture, you see dramatic changes."

Here at Discover Hope, we stay motivated because we know what we do matters!


On Day 1, new employees learn about our clients' rights, which includes:
🌼 Treatment by well-trained and competent professionals
🌼 The most effective treatment procedures available
🌼 Services whose overriding goal is the client's welfare. among many more

Photos from Discover Hope's post 03/26/2023

If you're looking for an ABA activity you can do with your child at home >> Try this Articulation Exercise!

This activity can help develop your child's speech articulation skills.

Many young children are extremely motivated by small trinkets or "treasures" as a reward for correct productions. They don't need to be items to keep, just something fun to find.

What to do:

1️⃣ Create cards like the ones in the top photo.
2️⃣ Gather some treasures and hide them under any small containers (plastic party cups and bowls work perfectly here).
3️⃣ Place the cards on top of the containers and have your child say the target word. When they've said it correctly, they can lift the cup and check underneath.
4️⃣ You can use this link to purchase articulation cards for this activity. They cover all 24 speech sounds, so you'll never have to search for another set of cards:

Thank you to Teaching Talking for this great activity!


A. Your Family's Discover Hope team consists of three people. First, there is the Clinical Director who is licensed or certified in ABA and provides oversight and parent training. Next is the Program Supervisor who directly oversees the behavior therapist and comes to the home weekly to observe the sessions, train the behavior therapist, and address any parent questions or concerns. The behavior therapist is the one who works directly with the child teaching them social skills.


At Discover Hope, we Put People First because we know we couldn't help our clients without our incredible staff. We are so proud of them and feel so lucky that they have chosen to work with us. Our staff member spotlight this month is one of our Behavior Technicians: Atish!

❓ Why did you decide to work in the ABA field?
The work I was doing before felt very unfulfilling to me so I wanted to align my life with things I valued. I felt like ABA was a good opportunity to start doing that and step outside of my comfort zone, while also getting a chance to learn about something completely new to me.

❓ What do you love most about it?
I love that there are days where I can go into a session with a client and by the end of it, none of what I did feels like “work” to me because you get to mix teaching and having fun together. Also, there’s always small moments with my clients that just melt my heart.

❓ What is the most challenging aspect of it?
Some days the work can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to keep a calm mind, which can affect balancing all of the work that needs to be done.

❓ What would you tell someone who was thinking of going into this area?
You’ll go through every range of emotion with this job, but at the top is how rewarding it is to make a difference in these kiddos' lives. Do your best to enjoy and learn from this experience, as it is a unique one.

❓ What do you do during your non work time?
Huge sports fan, I’ll watch random basketball games nobody cares about. Weightlifting, gaming, trying to perfect my chai tea recipe, reading, meditating, getting lost in music, or hanging out with friends/family.

❓ What is your favorite movie or book and why?
Hard to pick a favorite, but City of God is up there for movies. It’s visceral and raw in how it portrays the violent gang life in Brazil. It catches your attention from the start and doesn’t let go.

❓ Tell us one interesting or unique thing about you.
I’d like to say I’m somewhat of an amateur food critic. I’ve had many 30min-1hr drives to try some over-hyped food, only to be left mourning the gas I wasted driving there. Rarely is it ever worth it, but I’m dedicated to my craft.


We're hiring a Behavior Technician in the Fremont region!

Come experience a company that puts people first >> including our employees!

Click here to learn more 👇


Our team is Passionate about Excellence!


Parenting is hard.

But remember these two things:
1️⃣ You are not alone
2️⃣ There is hope

Click the link below to remind yourself that what what you do as a parent is difficult and that you are doing an amazing job!


If you're looking for an ABA activity you can do with your child at home >> Practice identifying functions!

This exercise can also help develop your child's vocabulary skill.

What to do:

1️⃣ Create cards like the ones in the photo
2️⃣ Have your child pick out the icon that fits the prompt
3️⃣ Reward them for a job well done. Repeat this exercise to improve overtime
4️⃣ You can use this link to find more card ideas:

Thank you to Golden Care Therapy for this great activity!


A: Once the Discover Hope team finds what works for your child, we will take time to show you the effective strategies. This personalized approach is what our parents love. At first, the parents that come to us are at their wit's end having no idea how to train their child. Many of them have given up their dream of seeing their child understand and function in social situations. But our parents tell us that having an ABA therapist truly does offer hope that your child can learn and grow socially.


At Discover Hope, we Put People First because we know we couldn't help our clients without our incredible staff. We are so proud of them and feel so lucky that they have chosen to work with us. Our staff member spotlight this month is one of our Behavior Technicians: Sei!

❓ Why did you decide to work in the ABA field?
I wanted to work with kids for a long time but never really had an opportunity to do so before so when the universe added the opportunity in my cards, I decided to just go for it!

❓ What do you love most about it?
I like seeing all the cute kids learn and grow over time.

❓ What is the most challenging aspect of it?
The most challenging thing for me is overstimulation. I get overwhelmed with loud sounds and moving objects easily, so sometimes with some more rambunctious kiddos it's a little harder to stay grounded.

❓ What would you tell someone who was thinking of going into this area?
If you don't have good stamina at first, don't worry. You will soon.

❓ What do you do during your non work time?
Play video games, watch movies, and go out with my best friend :)

❓ What is your favorite movie or book and why?
My favorite movie is Happy Feet! I love musicals and penguins and I've been hyper-fixated on this movie since I was probably 10. My favorite book is Touching Spirit Bear. It's about a troubled teen on his last chance being shipped off to a remote island to learn to appreciate life and nature. (It has Native American characters and mentions of Tlingit spirituality and I LOVE it.)

❓ Tell us one interesting or unique thing about you.
I love making people personalized cakes for their birthdays! I'm not good at decorating yet but I guarantee you will fall in love with my baking.


Our Hiring Event is ending soon! 🗣

Don't miss your chance to skip the application! Only for two more days, find out what it's like to work for a company that will Put You First. Click on the link below to schedule your interview. 👇

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Fremont?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Discover Hope’s Mission

To inspire pivotal growth and hope in the lives of children, their families, our community and our team. We are dedicated to providing a fun and caring work environment characterized by integrity and humility, which enables us to provide excellent, expert services to our clients.

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39210 State Street, Suite 220
Fremont, CA

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