Grace Evangelical Free Church

A Family Place


Here’s what’s happening the next few days!


—5:30-6:10pm Dinner. Pizza Spaghetti (spaghetti noodles with pepperoni, marinara, and mozzarella cheese), garlic bread, and chocolate cake.

—6:30pm Awana, Youth, Men's and Women's Bible studies, GriefShare (Final GriefShare, Dec 6).


—6:00-9:00pm, Game Night Outreach, Fellowship Hall.


—8:00am, The Band of Bros. Men's Bible Study, Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome. Book study of Hebrews.

—8:30am-2:30pm, Senior High Bible Quizzing Meet. Spectators welcome.

Sunday, December 3, First Sunday of Advent

—10:30am, Message, ”A Shrewd Business Manager" from Luke 16:1-9.

—6:00pm, Taste & See Prayer Gathering, Upper Room.

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe."
Phil. 2:14-15

-Grace EFC


This week at Grace...

This evening we'll enjoy a Fellowship Dinner of Chicken Stir Fry and Rice, Dinner Rolls, and Crunch Cake for dessert 5:30p-6:10p. Following dinner at 6:30p, Awana, Youth group, Adult Bible Studies, and GriefShare will meet throughout the church.

Tomorrow, November 16, Avail Academy will host a Red Cross Blood Drive, 8a-2p in the gym. Please register online at and enter: AvailAcademyHS to schedule an appointment.

Then on Saturday, November 18, Band of Bros. Men's Bible Study will meet 8a-10a in the Fellowship Hall.

On Sunday, Bible Hour for all ages will meet 9:15a-10:15a, followed by the Worship service at 10:30a, with Grace Youth leading and Noah Bock bringing the message.

Later in the day, the Youth will meet for quiz practice at 4:00p, Young Adults for dinner and a Bible study at 5:30p, and Taste & See Prayer Gathering at 6:00p in the Upper Room.

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, and on Friday, November 24 at 9:30a, the church will be decorated for the holiday season. Please contact Cheryl Seiffert at [email protected] if you would like to participate.

Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.
Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:164-165

-Grace EFC


Dear Grace Family and Friends,

This week at Grace...

Please join us this evening for dinner and Bible studies. The Fellowship dinner is 5:30-6:10pm and this week's menu is Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies, and Cookies.

After dinner, at 6:30 pm, Awana, Youth group, Men's and Ladies' Bible studies, and GriefShare will meet.

Thursday & Saturday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm, the Missions team will host a dessert social, with opportunities to speak with several of our Grace Missionaries.

Also on Saturday, remember to change your clocks before bedtime (fall back one hour) as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end.

Then on Sunday, we'll welcome the Grace Missionaries for a morning of celebration of all that God is doing here at home and around the world.

9:15 am Missionary Reports in the Worship Center (there will be no Adult Communities), children will meet upstairs for a Missionary presentation.

10:30 am Chuck Hayes of International Bible Givers and GlobalFingerPrints will share the message "The Earth is the Lord's and All Who Live in It" based on Psalm 24. Please meditate on this passage in preparation for Worship.

11:45 am we'll meet in the Gym for an International Festival that includes food, fellowship, activities, and a Pinata at 12:45 pm.

The quizzers will practice on Sunday at 4:00 pm, followed by hangout time at the Bock's beginning at 5:30 pm.

The Young Adults will continue their Bible study and dinner at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

On Sunday, November 12, 9:15-10:15 am the Young Adult's (18-30 yo) will add a Bible Hour class, and will meet in the Library. The class will be facilitated by Aaron & Brittany Wellmann. They will be doing a 6-part series on RightNow Media called "The Cost of Control" based on a book by author Sharon Hodde Miller. Please contact Aaron or Jeff Vogel with questions.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isa. 55:9

-Grace EFC


This week at Grace...

This evening we will gather for our midweek fellowship dinner and classes for all ages. Dinner will be breakfast foods - Egg & Sausage Bake, Hash Browns, Blueberry Muffins, and Fruit (GF option available). Dinner is served 5:30-6:10pm, followed by Awana, Youth, Adult Bible Studies, and GriefShare at 6:30pm.

On Saturday, the Band of Bros. Men's group will meet at 8:00 am. All men are welcome, as they study the book of Hebrews.

Sunday, October 22, Pastor Steve will bring the message "Respect One Another" based on Galatians 5:26, Romans 15:7, I Peter 5:5b, Ephesians 5:21, Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 4:32. Please meditate on these passages of Scripture in preparation.

Following the worship service we'll gather in the gym for an all-church potluck. Then at 6pm join us for the monthly Taste & See prayer gathering in the Upper Room.

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. (Eph. 2:19)

-Grace EFC


Hey Grace Fam! Here are some more notable things going on at the church this week:

Wednesday evening we'll have dinner at 5:30, followed by classes for all ages - Awana, Youth, Adult Men's & Ladies' Bible Studies, and GriefShare. Dinner will include Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Scalloped Potatoes, Lettuce Salad, and Jello Cake - GF options and nut free.

This Friday, October 13 will be the monthly food distribution. Please notify the office right away if you are available to volunteer for any of the three shifts - set up 10:00 am-3:00 pm, serving 4:30-7:00 pm, or clean up 7:00 pm until finished.

On Saturday, October 14, the ladies will join together in the Fellowship Hall for a Harvest Brunch. The menu will include: Spaghetti Squash Egg Bake, Spiced Bread with Maple Syrup, and a frozen Pumpkin dessert. Peanut Comer will give her testimony on "A Divinely Placed Life" and Stephanie Tanner will provide special music. Come prepared to be blessed, and bring a friend (register by Wednesday, October 11).

Then on Sunday, October 15, Pastor Steve will bring the message, "Be Nice To One Another", part 2 of the One Anothering series. We'll look at several Scripture verses including Col. 3:9, Romans 12:16, Phil. 2:3, Eph. 4:32, etc. Please meditate on these passages as you prepare for Sunday.

At 2:00 pm on Sunday, the Youth will have their first Quiz Meet of the year at Grace. Come and support our students in their study of Galatians.

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first. (Matt. 19:29-30)

-Grace EFC


Here's what we have coming up at Grace!

Grace Youth will leave Friday afternoon for the Fall Fling weekend at Camp Shamineau. Please keep them in your prayers.

On Saturday, the Band of Bros. Men's Bible Study will meet at 8:00 am, to study Hebrews. All men are invited. Contact Terry Heitzman with any questions.

This Sunday Pastor Steve will begin a series on One Anothering. The message, "Help One Another" is based on several passages of Scripture - James 5:16, I Thes 5:15, I Peter 4:9, Gal. 5:13 & 6:2. Please meditate on these verses as you prepare for Sunday.

Please keep the Vision Team in your prayers, as some of them have a marathon of meetings on Sunday, October 8th, beginning with the Adult Bible Hour at 9:15am, a meeting with the Worship team at 11:30 am, and the entire team meeting at 7:30pm.

Ladies, please sign up for the Harvest Brunch on October 14th at the Welcome Center or contact the office by October 11th. Peanut will share her testimony and Stephanie Tanner will provide special music.

Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. (Mark 11:25)

-Grace EFC


Here's what's going on at Grace this week!

On Sunday, October 1st, please make plans to join us in welcoming our new interim pastor Steve Schoepf (pronounced "Chef") and his wife, Linda. Pastor Steve will preach on "Farm Talk" based on Matthew 13:1-23. Please meditate on the parable of the soils in preparation for Sunday Worship.

Immediately following the service there will be a reception in the Commons as an opportunity to welcome Steve and Linda personally.

The mountains quake before him; the hills melt; the earth heaves before him, the world and all who dwell in it. (Nahum 1:5)

-Grace EFC


This week at Grace...

The Wednesday evening ministries have begun, but it isn't too late to begin attending any of the classes offered: Kids' Choir, Awana, Youth Group, Men's & Ladies' Bible studies, and GriefShare.

The Ladies' Craftastic event is this Friday and Saturday. Bring a project of your own to work on while you enjoy the company of others. Any project can be tackled here - scrapbooking, sewing, knitting, painting, writing thank you or Christmas cards, etc. Contact Andrea Farley or sign up at the Welcome Center.

Then on Sunday, 9/20, 9:15-10:15 am the Adult Communities will continue their series focused on thinking about and discussing Grace's priorities and values. The regular youth classes are in full swing during this time period as well.

Also on Sunday, Pastor Rick Ensrud will preach. His message Your Future and Your Hope will be based on Jeremiah 29:11-13. Please meditate on this Scripture as you prepare for Sunday.
. . approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Phil. 1:10-11)

-Grace EFC


Hey Grace Family! Here's what's happening at Grace this week:

We begin our new ministry year with a fellowship dinner 5:30-6:10 pm this evening. The menu this week will include Pizza Hotdish (sausage, pepperoni, cheese, sauce & noodles), Garlic bread, Green Beans, and Chocolate Cake for dessert (a GF option will be available). The rate has increased slightly to $4.00/plate or $16.00/maximum. The Jailbreakers Catering team will provide the meal and dessert each week this year.

After dinner, please stay and join us for Awana, youth group, adult Bible studies, and/or GriefShare. The Adult Bible Studies will explore: Men's - The Life of Christ (Gospels) and Ladies' - Fully Alive by Susie Larson.

If you are 18 or older, and are not involved in a class, please consider assisting with Awana. There are many opportunities (besides teaching) where your gift of caring for children could be utilized. Contact Pam Olsen for details.

On Saturday, 9/16, the Band of Brothers Men's Bible study will meet for the first time at 8:00 am in Room 303. Their study will cover the Book of Hebrews. All men are welcome.

This Sunday, 9/17, the Adult Communities will begin a series of weeks centered around meeting with Vision team members and elders to discuss the newly refocused ministry values. This series will continue through October 8. The Adult Communities will resume regular sessions on October 15.

Also on Sunday, Noah Bock will share a message from Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Psalm 19 entitled, The Fear of the Lord. Please meditate on these passages as you prepare for Sunday.

Taste & See prayer gathering will be held for this month at 6:00 p.m. this coming Sunday, September 17 in the Upper Room (enter at Door B).

The Ladies' first Craftastic of the year will be held Friday, Sept. 22 and Saturday, Sept. 23. Register today at the Welcome Center (a sign up sheet is available) or contact Andrea Farley. All ladies are invited.

-Grace EFC


This week at Grace...

Last night, Sept. 7th, Grace had its volunteer training for anyone involved in ministry.

The monthly food distribution happens this Friday, September 8,
5-7pm. Please notify the office today if you plan to volunteer, and include the shift you are available to work.

This Sunday, September 10, is kickoff week for the new ministry year. Sunday School and Adult Communities will meet at 9:15 a.m. All Adult Communities classes will gather in the Fellowship Hall to hear from Pastor Jim Wiens, a missionary to Russia. Then at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jim will bring the message. His message "Used Greatly By God" will be taken from Esther 4:14b. Please meditate on this Scripture in preparation.

Also on Sunday, the inaugural practice for the Youth Quizzers is at 4:00 p.m., and the Young Adults will resume their Bible study, along with dinner, at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (enter at Door A). Anyone ages 18-35 are welcome.

Next Wednesday, September 13, all Wednesday evening ministries will begin including the Fellowship Dinner (5:30-6:10 p.m.), AWANA, Youth Group, Men's and Ladies' Adult Bible studies, and GriefShare.

Get ready for a great year of walking together!

God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. (I John 1:5-7)

-Grace EFC


Exciting things are happening this week, as we prepare for the new ministry year.

This weekend, Friday through Monday, the Grindstone All Church Camp will be a great time of fellowship. If you are still debating whether to go, you have until Friday, September 1st to decide. Registration is online at or paper copies are available at the church.

On Sunday, Richard Townsend-Anderson will bring the message. He will speak on "What Holds Us Together" from Acts 4:12 - 5:11. Please meditate on this Scripture as we anticipate Sunday worship.

Monday, September 4, is Labor Day and the office will be closed.

Next Wednesday, September 6, 6:30-8:00 pm there will be training for all volunteers. If you are involved in any ministry, please plan to attend. At that time, you can complete ministry forms, and pick up a copy of the tentative Ministry Year Calendar.

Pray for the family of former member Raymond Stewart who passed away Saturday after living in Texas the past few years. A memorial here in Minnesota is planned for December. Condolences may be sent to Lori at 214 N. Ohio St. Grafton, Texas 76449.

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. (Psalm 86:8)

-Grace EFC

Grace EFC 08/24/2023

This week at Grace...

On Sunday, Professor Brian Beecken will speak on Romans 1:20, "Science Shows God's Existence, Nature & Word". You can prepare to hear by meditating on the passage this week.

The Pastoral Search Committee will meet Monday evening (8/28) at 7:00 pm. Please pray for the team and the detailed process.

The Vision and Food Distribution teams will meet on Tuesday, August 29. Pray for them as they continue this ministry evaluation segment.

Grindstone All-Church Camp happens over the Labor Day weekend (Sept. 1-4). Please register by Friday, September 1 at or pick up a form at the Welcome Center.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance? (Isaiah 40:12)

- Grace EFC

Grace EFC


Hey all! Here's what's happening this week at Grace:

Last night, August 16, the Pastoral Search Team met.

The gym floor is being patched this week, and next week will 'cure'. If all goes well, we'll resume use the week of August 27th.

On Sunday, August 20, Todd Luken will bring the message "What's New With You?" based on 2 Corinthians 2:15. Please meditate on this Scripture as you anticipate the Worship service.

Also on Sunday, at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, the Taste & See prayer gathering will meet. Praying together is always valuable. With major changes in the air, it's even more important. Please join us if you can.

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God." (2 Timothy 1:6-8)

-Grace EFC


Here's what's happening at Grace this week! Please consider joining us at the following:

This Sunday, August 13th, Bob MacDonald will bring the message "Personal Courage" from Joshua 1:9. Please meditate on this Scripture as you prepare for Sunday.

Immediately following the Worship Service, we'll all gather in the gym for a luncheon provided by the Jailbreakers Catering Team. This catering service is a new ministry of FreedomWorks that will train the men in the culinary arts, and provide them opportunities for employment when they resume life in the community.

The Grace family has partnered with FreedomWorks in various ministries over the past several years. This is one more way that the Grace family can encourage and support the men of FreedomWorks, as some of the catering team will stay to help serve lunch.

We will have donation baskets on the tables as a way to reduce expenses.

Then at 5:00 pm the Young Adults will host a church-wide game night. Come and play board games and enjoy a pizza and salad dinner (with drinks) in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Luke Snell if you plan to attend at [email protected].

Hope to see you there!

-Grace EFC

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Cor. 4:16-18)


Dear Grace Family,

Exciting things are happening this week at Grace!

Friday, August 4th, join the team for the monthly Game Night Outreach. Contact Tim Schwartz with questions.

This Sunday, we'll begin a new segment of guest speakers for the month of August, as the search continues for an interim pastor.

August 6th - Paul Kling
August 13th - Bob MacDonald
August 20th - Todd Luken
August 27th - Brian Beecken

Paul Kling will bring the message "Stuck in a Rut" and will speak from Mark 10:46-52. Please meditate on this passage in preparation.

The Youth will leave Sunday for the annual BWCA trip. Please pray for them to know Jesus in refreshing ways that will extend beyond their time in nature.

The Vacation Bible Camp in Nigeria begins August 6th and runs through Friday, August 11th. Praise God for answered prayer in the timely arrival of the passport that was needed! Pray for the campers to experience the transforming power of Jesus in their lives, and for stamina for the leaders.

The Labor Day weekend Grindstone All-Church Camp begins in one month. Registration is open online at or paper copies are available at the Welcome Center.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

-Grace EFC


Hello Grace family! The following happenings are taking place this week:

1) Please pray for the Elder Board as they met last night. And continue to pray for the Vision Team and various ministries as they move through the ministry evaluation process.

2) The wait is over! This evening, July 26, Tim Zimmerman & The King's Brass will "present hymn classics with a contemporary flair," a worship style enjoyed by all generations. Please plan to join us, and bring a friend.

3) This Sunday, July 30, Richard Townsend-Anderson will bring the final message in The Vision Series. His message entitled, "Whose Light Is It?" is based on I Cor. 13:12a, Eph. 2:10, and I John 1:5-7. Please meditate on these Scriptures in preparation for Sunday.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

-Grace EFC


Tomorrow, Thursday, July 20, Cheryl Seiffert is looking for a few people to help move furniture from the Library. To help with this project, please contact her directly at 763-458-6660.

Next Wednesday, July 26, at 7:00 pm, Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass will entertain and inspire us with their special brand of music. We are still in need of rooms for two of these musicians. If you have an extra room for the night of July 26, please contact Pastor Scot.

The Vision Team, along with the Elders, have begun the ministry evaluation process! They are currently meeting with leadership of the following ministries: Worship, Food Distribution, Grace House, and Wednesday Fellowship Dinners. This process is detailed and time-intensive. Please support their commitment with prayer for the Lord's will to be done, and for wisdom on how best to implement the mission of Grace EFC To Invest in our neighbor so as a family we all will know and love Jesus.

Finally, this Sunday we'll continue the Vision Series with a message on Building Faith & Family. Joe Pull will speak from Ephesians 2:18-22. You can prepare to hear the word by meditating on this passage and the question "What looks different in the life of a person who is building up faith and family?"

See you there!

-Grace EFC

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Romans 12:2)


Sometimes I've asked pastor friends, "What's the favorite sermon you've preached and why?" I remember one friend who responded, "My last one.” He explained that he’s always felt that his most recent message was always his favorite. I’m borrowing his thought and revising it slightly. My favorite sermon is always "The next one!" I feel so blessed that you have entrusted me week in and week out to declare the reason for the hope within us. My love of preaching the Word has only grown through the years with you. I do not take for granted the trust that you've extended to me for this task. You have graciously released me to prepare and to preach "the next one" for seventeen years. But this Sunday's sermon for me will not only be "the next one," it will be "the last one" - at least, as a Senior Pastor for a church that I serve as a shepherd. I write that last sentence with a lump in my throat. Gulp.

Consequently, as I soon enter "refirement", I've pondered what I would say on this last Sunday for months. What passage would capture my ardent desire for Grace? Thankfully, with God's sovereign guidance, I'm sensing He's answering that question for me. Because I am committed to expository preaching, I think that we should simply continue the storyline of Acts and explore the last and lasting words of Paul he wrote after his first imprisonment, which Luke records in Acts 28. In other words, what happened after Paul was released from his first imprisonment? While we're unclear about where he went and what he did, we know that he wrote what scholars call "The Pastoral Epistles" (Titus, I Timothy, and II Timothy). In them, Paul underscores the indomitable hope we have in the victorious Christ. It seems most appropriate that this Sunday, we affirm our confidence and assurance in the onward, unrelenting, victorious, and expanding Kingdom of God and the ways that the Lord calls each of us to further God's realm in our particular spheres. I encourage you to read those three short letters this week as we prepare for our corporate worship.

After our worship, Linda, Mindy, and I look forward to the picnic on the grounds. I understand that the Bar-B-Que and drinks will be provided. We're all encouraged to bring the side dishes. It will be an opportunity for Linda, Mindy, and me to say, "Thank you, dear Church, for being such a loving church family. What a joy it has been partnering with you in this part of life's great adventure!”

One final note:
Sunday marks the half-way point of this current budget year. Presently we have roughly a $50,000 deficit, which is comparable to historical patterns of our giving at the mid-year point in past years. That said, however, might I encourage us to step into this deficit in a BOLD way and show extravagant giving. The expenses of the church will continue in the summer and, if anything, will increase in the coming months as the Pastoral Search Team begins their work in earnest and interim ministry secured. We can love only because God first loved us. We can only truly give knowing that He first has lavished everything on us. Let’s respond to our great and gracious God from Whom all blessings flow as together we expand the Kingdom of God.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gerald

P.S. In that soon I’ll be discontinuing my church’s email address, I’m listing below my personal contact information:
email: [email protected]
cell: 612-532-8397
address: 221 74th Way N., Brooklyn Park, MN 55444


What a week we are experiencing! 180+ Adventurers and 80+ adult and student volunteers are exploring Mystery Island in this week’s YAK (Youth Adventure Klub). The whole church campus is abuzz of activity. Truly what a joy it is to see the gospel presented so well, by so many, and for so many. Perhaps you could treat yourself and stop by and simply behold what’s happening as Grace reaches out in such creative and inviting ways not only to the “Klubbers”, but to their families. I’m sharing some pictures taken this week of Mystery Island! This Sunday we’ll join together in celebrating all that will happen in the coming days.

And talking about celebrating: This Sunday we “arrive” with Paul in Rome. To adapt the often cited feeling, for Paul “There’s no place like Rome!” He was in the geo-political center of the world in his day. To be there was an answered prayer. But there was one problem: he was locked up. He could not roam Rome! And yet, he discovered that even though he was locked up, the gospel wasn’t! Ironically his influence grew because of the very hardships and setbacks he experienced. This Sunday we’ll look at Acts 28 and focus on those letters which Paul wrote during his first imprisonment in Rome: Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon. Then the following week, June 25th, we’ll conclude this series, as we look at “Acts 29” - those letters Paul wrote after this first imprisonment. If possible, why not read through both Acts 28 and the four prison epistles in preparation for our time this Sunday. I believe doing so will encourage you greatly.

This Sunday night, the Taste and See Prayer gathering will be meet in the Library at 6:00 p.m. What an opportune time not only to gather to give thanks for this YAK week we’re experiencing, but also for the Church to pray for the upcoming season of transition as the fresh vision both takes shape and gives shape.

As Paul would pray for the Ephesians, so I pray for you: that the Lord would give you inner strength and power through his Spirit and that if you are presently feeling “locked up” that you would experience the freedom we have in Christ (Ephesians 3:16).

See you Sunday,

Pastor Gerald

P.S. Scenes from this week’s INCREDIBLE and AMAZING YAK's Mystery Island Exploration.


What a great week awaits us! This time next week the YAK (Youth Adventure Club) Mystery Island Week will be in full swing. But much will be happening between now and then for what we believe will be an exciting week for the 150+ Adventurers and the whole leadership team. This Wednesday and Thursday (June 7-8), from 6-9 p.m. the YAK team will put on finishing touches of decorations, assembling backdrops, sorting teaching supplies, and rehearsing the dramatic skits. Consider coming to help in this final push. Then, on Sunday, June 11, immediately following our worship, the YAK team will transform the whole facility into a Mystery Island that will be so inviting for the children who arrive on Monday morning. Let’s PRAY for the director, recreation team, teachers, drama and worship team, and those serving lunches each day of the YAK week. And, of course, most importantly, let’s pray that each child will hear, understand, and respond to the gospel of Good News of Jesus Christ.

This Sunday we’re nearing the homestretch of accompanying the Apostle Paul through his missionary journeys. You’ll remember that since January we’ve been discovering The Birthmarks of the Church, as Luke presents them in Acts. This Sunday, we’ll accompany Paul on his voyage from Caesarea to Malta where, as you know, he and the whole crew were rescued from what seemed to be their certain demise. Acts 27 reveals four “anchors” that the Lord gave Paul and now gives us whenever we encounter the storms of life. You may not presently be encountering “storms". The wind may very well be at your back. But I assure you that in this fallen world, you and I will meet strong hurricane-like headwinds. At that time, I’m hoping that we'll remember the resources which we’ll affirm this Sunday from Acts 27. Please meditate on this chapter in preparation for our time of worship.

This Friday, June 9, is our monthly outreach to this whole region through the “Second Friday of the Month” Food Distribution. Please consider joining with the the food distribution team in the set up, actual distribution, or the clean-up. If you never have witnessed this ministry, perhaps you could come and simply watch the team demonstrate the love of God in such practical and welcomed ways.

Finally, what joy it was last Sunday to welcome our newest members: Avis Doering, Christian Henrikson, and Dorothy Molzen. Please welcome these friends as they grow with us in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. And I heartily encourage others who are part of this place called Grace to become official members of this Church family. Obviously important decisions will be made in this coming season of transition which the membership will be invited to make. I’m thinking that it would be so positive for that decision-making to be shared by all who call Grace their home. Something to think and pray about.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Pastor Gerald

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iWonder VBS - June 14-18 2021


755 73rd Avenue NE
Fridley, MN

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4am
Tuesday 8:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4pm
Friday 8:30am - 3pm
Sunday 9:15am - 12pm

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Fridley, 55432

This page is to help keep the youth and parents of ZAO, the student ministries program of GEFC informed about everything that is happening.

Creative Church - Spring Lake Park Campus Creative Church - Spring Lake Park Campus
7651 Highway 65 NE
Fridley, 55432

Located in Spring Lake Park, MN - Creative Church loves Jesus, believes His Word, and wants everyone to know how good He is!

Woodcrest Baptist Church - Fridley MN Woodcrest Baptist Church - Fridley MN
6875 University Avenue
Fridley, 55432