Plumbing By Jay, Inc.

RMP M-36642
Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
929 East 41st St. P.O. Box 4200, Austin, TX 78765. Phone 1-800-845-6584.


I am Jay your Frisco Plumber for Life, PLEASE NOTE, I AM ONLY SERVING EXISTING CUSTOMERS AT THIS TIME located in the City of Frisco. I am providing Residential Repair Services. I have been plumbing for over 27 years full time, and have been Happily located in Frisco since 2003. I really love this City and welcome its growth. It makes me very proud to be apart of growing City. I was serving


Any photographers available saturday or sunday? Some quick wedding family photos (I know thats an oxymoron) but im trying Making lemonade out of a p**p situation


Good morning Friends, as most of you know, I am getting Remarried, we spent 7 months planning a Cruise Wedding out of Miami and paid for it. It is today, we attempted to leave DFW yesterday on American airlines at around 11:30am. Our Flight delayed by 2 hours long before the storms hit. Then the real mess began. Long story short, American was not honest and kept telling us were going to take off. We went in and out of flights and back and forth, they were blaming pilots and flight attendants and after 13 hours told me that I could get a refund. We tried everything within our power. We should have just drove 20 hours but its way too late. We have to be in Miami by 1pm today. I am angry and disappointed that we wont be able to join our family and guests today. I look back and dont know what I could have done differently.


Last chance today, hope uou have a good plan for the freeze. Looks like 3 days in a row below freezing is coming. Some final things to note:

1. Frisco water department emergency number is 972-292-5800

2. Keep in mind most plumbing companies wont want to risk employess lives and our expensive trucks to get out if its icy. You may be relying on water department and fire department to come

3. Its only a few days, this will pass. Most importantly is that you stay warm. If we lose power and you have a tent, put the tent up inside the home somewhere and get inside. it will help hold the heat in keeping you warm all night long

How to Turn Off Your Water Meter | DIY Plumbing 12/24/2022

How to Turn Off Your Water Meter | DIY Plumbing How to Turn Off Your Water Meter | DIY Plumbing //Turning off the water to your home is the most important tip I can give any homeowner. And knowing how to f...


Lots of freeze ups and damage already Happening. Please remain diligent. Trickle both Hot and cold. It should be a steady stream for both. If you have a tankless heater, you want to keep water moving through them. Especially during the night. It’s dark and colder and that’s when things really freeze up. See my other post about precautions. What a mess and the timing couldn’t be worse. Be prepared to turn your water off on Christmas Day.

Photos from Plumbing By Jay, Inc.'s post 07/22/2022

Good Morning, since I've moved here in 2003. Occasionally I would run into water heaters in the attic that would not stay lit during the hot months or extreme cold months. There have been some new changes to heaters (2014 and newer) that require them to be slightly more efficient. In the chase for efficiency, water heaters and several other items are not working as intended. We are teetering on the edge of these not working at all and are now seeing garage heater pilots going out in the heat as well. I and several other plumbers are working to solve the issue. So far it's a case by case fix, there doesn't seem to be one fix that works for every home. The manufacturers are finally acknowledging the issues. It may be related to air make up. In some cases, installing a draft inducing fan, extra make up air and the like may be needed. Here is a long winded article explaining what one manufacturer thinks is happening.


Good afternoon, hope everyone had a Great
4th of July. I am currently having Voicemail issues with 972-377-4114. Please text to this number if you need plumbing until I can get it resolved. I know I lost a lot of voicemails and have no idea how many. Thank you for your patience and loyalty while T-Mobil and I and work to resolve the issue. Also note, I am still only serving Frisco and only existing customers at this time.

Thank you,



Get ready, could be freeze problem. Couple of things to consider in addition to the plumbing. If we lose power and you have a tent, set it up in your home, if it gets cold in the house. A tent can keep you warm all night. Please be Careful with any space heaters. Several homes burned down last year due to them. Also, please do not use any fuel burning heaters inside the home or enclosed spaces

Freeze Precautions for Frisco, TX.

What should you do to prepare for Freezing weather from your homes plumbing. I'll try to be brief, keep in my mind this is my opinion based on Frisco, TX.

1. Cover outdoor faucets with a styrofoam cover (don't drip these) REMOVE THE HOSE

2. When you see that we are going to have 3 or more days below freezing in a row (meaning no high temp above 32) or days that are in the Teens, I recommend opening cabinets to any plumbing that is on an outside wall. If you are standing at a sink and the other side of that wall is the outside, open the cabinets.

3. If you live in a house in Frisco older than 2014, then I would trickle a couple of faucets farthest from the water heater both hot and cold.

4. If you live in a house in Frisco 2014 or newer, then trickle as many faucets as you can. The pex piping runs in the attic most of the time and it can freeze up

5. If you have a tankless water heater, trickle the water at a faucet both hot and cold. This is especially critical if the tankless is located in one of those outside boxes. The lines can freeze behind the brick and cause issues. If it is in the teens temperature wise, I would recommend turning the water on enough that it gets hot. 2022 update: maybe consider purchasing a CPU battery back up device or some sort of small generator to power the tankless in the event we lose power again, this may not be be possible for everyone since some tankless are hardwired into the electrical system

Things to note: These houses are not built to withstand freezing temperatures for more than 2 or 3 days and are not built to withstand temperatures in the Teens. If you trickle water make sure that someone is home to monitor, in some cases I have seen the drains freeze up or clog and then the sink overflows. Be prepared to turn the water off to the whole home. Call your local Frisco Fire Department or the Water department if something goes wrong. They may be the only ones able to get there. Water heaters that are older tend to break during extreme heat and extreme cold weather. Outdoor faucets can still freeze even with the styrofoam or towel wrapped around them, because the piping is just behind the brick. Placing a hay bale leaning up against the faucet will help or placing an electric heater pointed at the wall from the inside (use safety, and read the instructions, don't burn your house down), but these seem complicated.

I understand this seems wasteful running the water and heaters, but its better than having a leak and suffering through it while waiting on a plumber. I am not currently taking on new customers, I may not be able to answer any questions. I am just trying to help, if you think this is wrong, there is no need to bash or harass me. Do your own thing.


Thank you,


Plumbing by Jay, INC.


Merry Christmas, as a reminder, don't dump RV waste down storm drains.


Sometimes I just need to ride my bike. Physical and mental health are just as important as knowing how to fix a leak. Happy Sunday


Hello everyone, Repairs are taking longer than expected. A lot of homes have more than 1 break. There are material shortages happening. I’m working a list and have helped many so far. I’m working late and long hours, but I wanted to let you know, you may want to try to find another plumber to get water restored quicker. It’s really bad. I am sorry. Several other friends of mine in the plumbing industry feel the same way. We want you to know, we are trying!!! We feel for you, we also have freeze ups in our own homes, not many homes were spared during this. If it takes me days or weeks to get back to your message or phone call, please know that it wasn’t because I didn’t care, I am making a daily list and going in order. If I just stayed home and handled the calls and messages, I would have helped no one in person. These repairs are complex. Hang in there.



I and many other plumbers are overwhelmed. I am not accepting any new clients or customers the rest of this year. If you live in Frisco, Tx and I have worked for you before either at your current home or a past home, I consider you an Existing Customer. For non existing clients, I don’t have anyone to refer you too at this moment. I am receiving so many calls that it is crashing Verizon’s voicemail system. Here is what I would prefer.

1. Existing customers only. If you have a water leak or burst pipe, turn the water off to the home. Contact the closest non emergency fire department near you for help or call the city water department 972-292-5800 or City hall dispatch 972-292-6010

2. Voicemail is not working. Please TEXT to 972-377-4114. Text your Name, Address, and the problem.

3. If you can’t text, you can try to call 972-377-4114 and leave a message.

4. Please do not email, Facebook, or other. It’s too bulky and time consuming at this time.

5. I’m receiving calls and texts in the thousands. It may be days before I can get back to you. I am sorry. I wish that this had never happened. I know that we can get through this. Be safe and try to stay warm.


Freeze Precautions for Frisco, TX.

What should you do to prepare for Freezing weather from your homes plumbing. I'll try to be brief, keep in my mind this is my opinion based on Frisco, TX.

1. Cover outdoor faucets with a styrofoam cover (don't drip these)

2. When you see that we are going to have 3 or more days below freezing in a row (meaning no high temp above 32) or days that are in the Teens, I recommend opening cabinets to any plumbing that is on an outside wall. If you are standing at a sink and the other side of that wall is the outside, open the cabinets.

3. If you live in a house in Frisco older than 2014, then I would trickle a couple of faucets farthest from the water heater both hot and cold.

4. If you live in a house in Frisco 2014 or newer, then trickle as many faucets as you can. The pex piping runs in the attic most of the time and it can freeze up

5. If you have a tankless water heater, trickle the water at a faucet both hot and cold. This is especially critical if the tankless is located in one of those outside boxes. The lines can freeze behind the brick and cause issues. If it is in the teens temperature wise, I would recommend turning the water on enough that it gets hot. 2022 update: maybe consider purchasing a CPU battery back up device or some sort of small generator to power the tankless in the event we lose power again, this may not be be possible for everyone since some tankless are hardwired into the electrical system

Things to note: These houses are not built to withstand freezing temperatures for more than 2 or 3 days and are not built to withstand temperatures in the Teens. If you trickle water make sure that someone is home to monitor, in some cases I have seen the drains freeze up or clog and then the sink overflows. Be prepared to turn the water off to the whole home. Call your local Frisco Fire Department or the Water department if something goes wrong. They may be the only ones able to get there. Water heaters that are older tend to break during extreme heat and extreme cold weather. Outdoor faucets can still freeze even with the styrofoam or towel wrapped around them, because the piping is just behind the brick. Placing a hay bale leaning up against the faucet will help or placing an electric heater pointed at the wall from the inside (use safety, and read the instructions, don't burn your house down), but these seem complicated.

I understand this seems wasteful running the water and heaters, but its better than having a leak and suffering through it while waiting on a plumber. I am not currently taking on new customers, I may not be able to answer any questions. I am just trying to help, if you think this is wrong, there is no need to bash or harass me. Do your own thing.


Thank you,


Plumbing by Jay, INC.


Merry Christmas to all of my Friends and Customers. Many of you are both. May you have a wonderful day and a very blessed New year.


Second video of lighting a water heater.


Due to the Extreme heat Plumbing items are breaking. Water heater pilot lights are going out all over Frisco. All brands are doing this. If you would like to try to light the water heater yourself, there are instructions on the front of the heater. Here are a couple of videos also. If the heater doesn’t light within a few minutes of holding the button down. Let it sit for 5 minutes before trying again to let the gas leave the unit. If it doesn’t light after that, there may be another issue.


Ok, so enough have expressed interest in hearing about the Water, Im going live at 4:00pm today. If you have a question, I’ll do my best to answer them. Video should be shareable afterward and I will try to answer questions to After. I’m guessing it will be about 15-30 minutes


With the news media and Erin Brockovich bringing water problems to the forefront, I have yet to see very many solutions offered. I have studied water for a very long time and can break this down in what I believe would be an unbiased opinion from a Plumber that’s been dealing with Water for 30 plus years. Would there be any interest in a Live Facebook post to answer some questions that you may have? 15 like or more and I’ll set one up. This is not just a Texas Problem.


Well Frisco, we are in the same water district. I can tell you as a plumber, this Chloramine is Bad Stuff. It’s destroying our Plumbing systems and I can’t imagine what it’s doing to us. Do your own Research and let me Know what you think. I have gotten out of the Water Filter installation business for several reasons, but I do believe every house should have one.

Consumers in Plano have been asking city officials good questions about their drinking water quality for over two weeks now... and they are not getting the answers they deserve. North Texas Municipal Water District is cutting corners on quality and rather then provide responsible answers to their consumers is hidding behind misrepresented TCEQ regulations.

The following are real answers to the questions North Texas Municipal Water District and the City of Plano don't want to tell you. Let me be perfectly clear... if a Community Water System is forced to conduct a chlorine burn because they are experiencing nitrification... it is because they have FAILED... it is not a "maintenance procedure" permitted by TCEQ... it is a remedial action to correct a serious problem they themselves have created because the are cheating on the regulations.

A free chlorine burn is performed after the drinking water utility looses control of the water quality. The Disinfection Byproducts Rule is very clear... Community Water Systems are required to reduce the total organic carbon (Dirt) in the source water that when disinfection (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramine, UV, Ozone) is performed the toxic disinfection byproducts are not formed. The best available technologies are clearly defined in the regulation: 1. Lime softening followed by granular activated carbon filtration; or, 2. Enhanced coagulation followed by granular activated carbon filtration. Removal of total organic carbon (Dirt) precursors is what the regulation intended to accomplish. REMOVAL OF DIRT FROM DRINKING WATER... PERIOD.

What did North Texas Municipal Water District chose to do instead... ADD AMMONIA to chlorine to form chloramine. Good people of North Texas... this is a cheap dirty trick and a really bad idea. It does not reduce the DIRT in the drinking water... it masks or covers up the ability for chlorine to react with the remaining DIRT and form "regulated" disinfection byproducts. Sadly... they only care about "regulated" toxins. Chloramine actually forms toxins 1,000 time more dangerous... they are just not yet "regulated". They know this and frankly just don't care.

So... the ammonia (which is nitrogen) is pumped into your drinking water... it is not "Safe"... it is a weaker disinfectant... which allows (actually feeds) bacteria and biofilms in the pipes, plumbing systems and appliances. This biofilm exhausts the chlorine freeing up the ammonia (nitrification) which is like candy to bacteria and your system begins to fail. After this failure... the free chlorine burnout becomes necessary. Again... it is not "Safe" it is toxic and dangerous. Just where do you think the broken down biofilm ends up? Yuck!

Below are the question that have been submitted and have gone unanswered - and how I would answer them:

• When will the test results of the burnout be available for public review?

They will not do water quality testing during the burnout... they know the numbers will be well over the regulatory limits... so let's just call it creative timing. Don't sample... Don't tell.

• Will these tests during the burnout be performed by a 3rd party testing lab and if so what lab will it be?

They will not test... PERIOD.

• If any sample test returns a result higher than the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL), how long will it be before the public is notified? What media outlets will be used if notification is required?

Won't happen... they only are required to sample every 90 days...

• What was the current level of nitrifying bacteria before the burnout and when will a test be performed once the burnout process is finished to show the effectiveness of the burnout? When will these results be available to the public?

They don't have to test... or tell you anything.

• What are the qualifications of the staff responsible for collecting water samples during this burnout process? How often will fire hydrants be flushed during this process and will a sample be collected each time? Is there any difference in frequency of hydrant flushing for dead end mains?

They are supposed to develop an engineered flushing plan... most don't. They are supposed to use their hydraulic flow model... most don't know how... or don't trust their models.

• Once water samples have been taken how long will it be before they are given to the lab for testing?

They don't plan to sample anything... they intend to clean out their pipes chemically... and dump the accumulated biofilm, sludge and debris into your homes and businesses. It will ruin your water heaters and other appliances.

• Your website states:

“Chlorine maintenance does not have a negative effect on water quality. While water may take on a slightly different taste or smell, this does not alter the quality of the drinking water provided to consumers. The water remains safe to use and drink.”

If this is the case and a burnout is being performed for maintenance, where dose the nitrifying bacteria end up during this process?

• What is an acceptable level of flushing to ensure the Disinfectant Byproducts (DBP) like trihalomethane don't end up in customer homes?

• What plan dose NTMWD have in place to discontinue this burnout process? If there is not a plan to discontinue this process, when will there be one? Much larger cities (including Dallas Water Utilities) have already put an end to the burnout maintenance and surely NTWMD has the same concerns about this questionable practice.

o In this article from 1999,, this issue of chlorine disinfection and the byproducts it produces, namely trihalomethanes which is a category that includes several toxic chemicals, is discussed as well as the necessity to prevent this practice and what can be done so it is no longer needed. That was nearly 20 years ago! As this article and several other more recent ones report, devastating, incurable, life-altering results come from trihalomethanes, like cancers, reproductive issues, and miscarriages.

o Our neighboring cities covered by Dallas Water Utilities (Addison, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Cockrell Hill, The Colony, Coppell, Denton, DeSoto, Duncanville, Farmers Branch, Flower Mound, Glenn Heights, Grand Prairie, Grapevine, Highland Park, Hutchings, Irving, Lancaster, Lewisville, Mesquite, Ovilla, Red Oak, Richardson, Seagoville, University Park, and Wilmer) do not have to be concerned about these burnouts as they are not necessary given how Dallas Water Utilities manages their water supply.


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Family holds Christmas early for dad with terminal cancer 09/02/2017

This is one of my Favorite Customers. A great Family. David and I are Brothers in Christ and share a lot of the same Ideals and beliefs. We were instant Friends. I always enjoy talking with this Family. I hope and Pray that they have the Best Christmas ever.

Family holds Christmas early for dad with terminal cancer A Frisco husband and father received the kind of diagnosis nobody wants to hear. He has cancer, and it's terminal.


Public Service Announcement that may save a life. If you have your roof replaced, after they are done, get up in the attic and check the silver vents that go through the roof for the HVAC and the Water heater. Check the vents at the at the water heater also. Several are getting knocked loose and allowing Carbon Monoxide to enter home. This can kill you or someone you love.

Also, one of my customers found Mold in their Hvac unit that was making the family really sick with migraines. It's a real good idea to have a qualified HVAC company check the units every year.

Thanks for your time Plumbing By Jay

Timeline photos 12/25/2016

Merry Christmas everyone. Don't let this guy fix anything. He doesn't have a plumbing license. 😜

Timeline photos 12/19/2016

Just a reminder. The temperatures will not most likely get warm enough to thaw piping that has froze. This tankless unit had the pipes frozen below the unit in the wall. Luckily nothing appears to be broken. Used my kerosene heater to warm area and water is flowing. Remember to trickle the water on both hot and cold at a few faucets in home. Especially the ones located on a north wall.


OH NO!!!!!!! Well it is staying cold enough that even the Outdoor faucets with Styrofoam covers are starting to freeze. What this means is that the freeze is penetrating through the Brick, through the wall and starting to freeze the pipe in the wall. The water freezes and starts to come out through the faucet and or break the pipe. Nothing you can do right now until the Freeze goes away. If you have water flowing, Contact the City of Frisco at 972-292-5800. or if they can't help, contact the Closest Fire Department (non emergency) number near you. They will come and shut the water off until it can be fixed. I am booked until after 1/3/2017. Please don't leave hateful messages like a few years ago, I and other Plumbers are doing the best we can. There is already a shortage of good plumbers in Texas and the Freeze makes it worse.

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Videos (show all)

Second video of lighting a water heater.
Due to the Extreme heat Plumbing items are breaking.  Water heater pilot lights are going out all over Frisco. All brand...
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...
I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness ...




P. O. Box 818
Frisco, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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