Plumbing By Jay, Inc., Frisco, TX Videos

Videos by Plumbing By Jay, Inc. in Frisco. RMP M-36642 Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners 929 East 41st St. P.O. Box 4200, Austin, TX 78765. Phone 1-800-845-6584.

Second video of lighting a water heater.

Other Plumbing By Jay, Inc. videos

Second video of lighting a water heater.

Due to the Extreme heat Plumbing items are breaking. Water heater pilot lights are going out all over Frisco. All brands are doing this. If you would like to try to light the water heater yourself, there are instructions on the front of the heater. Here are a couple of videos also. If the heater doesn’t light within a few minutes of holding the button down. Let it sit for 5 minutes before trying again to let the gas leave the unit. If it doesn’t light after that, there may be another issue.

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 7 of 22. 28 push-ups. I challenge Troy Barrow . #22pushups for #22kill I guess I'm going to have to 22 days over 60 days. I keep forgetting. #beinghonest.

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 6 of 22. 28 push-ups. I challenge Theron Young . #22pushups for #22kill

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 5 of 22. 22 push-ups. I challenge Diesel Mayabb . #22pushups for #22kill

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 4 of 22. 22 push-ups. I challenge GILBERT URVINA . #22pushups for #22kill

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 3 of 22. 22 push-ups. I challenge Trinity Mayabb . #22pushups for #22kill

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 2. 22 push-ups. I challenge Austin Cardwell . #22pushups for #22kill Austin. You can do them on your knees or Air push-ups.

I was challenged by Bill Woodard for the 22kill push-up challenge. I accept this challenge to honor and bring awareness for all of my customers, family and friends that have and serve in the military or law enforcement. Day 1. 22 push-ups. I challenge Greg Sisengrath. #22pushups for #22kill

Happy Father's Day.