Telos Wellness

Grow into your best self. Health coaching is NOT…
Expert-driven prescribed advice, solutions, or dictated goals created FOR you, not WITH you.

If you’ve ever wished for someone to hold you accountable to eat better, move more, reduce stress, sleep better (all while still feeling in control) then coaching is for you! Health Coaching IS...
A growth-promoting partnership which elicits motivation and change through visioning, goal setting and accountability.

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 07/13/2024

Hey Everyone! 🌟

I've got news that I've been excited to share and felt today is the perfect day! IYKYK 😇

After 3 years of dedicated coaching and 2 years of being National Board Certified, I'm thrilled to announce some fantastic new additions to my wellness coaching business that you won’t want to miss!

I've been honored to work with employees at one of the largest banks in the country for the past couple years, helping hundreds of busy professionals just like you improve their health and beat lifestyle diseases and Metabolic Syndrome.

Together, we've tackled high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and Diabetes, achieving amazing results like weight loss, lowered blood pressure and cholesterol, and better blood glucose and A1c levels.

But the benefits don't stop there! My clients are also feeling more energized, sleeping better, managing stress like pros, and achieving a perfect work-life balance with simple, achievable habit changes. 🍎🏃‍♂️

Now, I’m taking things to the next level and opening up my services to everyone! 🎉 I’ve been busy rebranding, testing new apps, and designing easy-to-use tools to make your health journey seamless and fun.

Here’s what’s coming your way:

📱 On-the-go workout app
🥗 Meal tracker and nutrition planning
🧘‍♀️ Self-care and well-being tips
📒 Journaling trackers

These tools are designed to show you exactly what to do and HOW to take action to improve your health now and for the future!

Plus, I’m working on exciting challenges, new coaching options, and building a supportive community where you can share, learn, and grow together.

Get ready to transform your health with strategies that fit right into your busy life.

Stay tuned for more updates and be prepared to take your wellness to new heights!

Until then, if you or someone you know is ready to make healthy changes, please DM me for more details.

Let’s do this! 💪✨

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 04/06/2024

What do ya do when there are 45mph winds?? Garage golf!!!

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 04/01/2024

I have a gym again!! We’ve been in n CO for 6 months and workouts have been randomly scattered, so I’m thrilled to have everything in one workable space again.
Bobby is quite excited that we made room for his golf simulator, too! 😍

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 12/15/2023

First Colorado ski day was a success, no major falls, just lots of fun with great company on a beautiful day!

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 11/27/2023

We always make the most of our time together, this Thanksgiving was no exception. Always and forever grateful for this crew! Love em all!!


🎯 If you want to finish the year strong, stay with your “Sphere of Control”.

That means focusing on things you CAN control, like:

🏋️‍♀️ Your workouts
🍎 The food you eat
💯 Your consistency

Are these things exciting? Admittedly, no! But they’re what will help you reach those “bigger” payoffs without the journey feeling so… big.

For example:

Consistent workouts will help you boost energy and burn more fat
Doing regular breathwork or meditation will help you feel calmer (and maybe even reduce emotional eating)

And so on.

Are there things that are totally OUT of your control, like weather, global politics, and genetics? Of course. But it’s not worth your time to worry about them!


❓ Common Question: How do I stay motivated?

My answer?

Don’t wait for it to happen. Take action. Do the thing ANYWAY.

(I know, you were hoping for a better answer, right?)

The thing is, taking action is the quickest route to sparking that motivational fire.

Do you have to do a full-on HIIT workout, meal prep for the entire week, or 30 minutes of meditation? Absolutely not!

Set the bar low at first — choose something that takes a small amount of effort or time.

Go for a quick walk around the block, cook up a double batch of veggie stir-fry for dinner (so you have a healthy lunch for tomorrow), or take a 3-minute breathing break to recenter yourself.

Repeat tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that. 🔄

You’ll feel your motivation start to kick in — and when it does, slowly raise the bar.

Most importantly, CELEBRATE every step forward.

You weren’t 100% into it and you started anyway. That's a win!

“Future” you will thank “present” you for starting today, and not a month, six months, or a year from now.

Want more inspo? Save this and follow me for more! 👍

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 11/09/2023

🍁 Gratitude deserves year-round attention.🍁

Did you know that research shows that practicing gratitude for 15 minutes a day five days a week for at least six weeks can boost your mental wellness AND help your physical health.

It can help:
Lower depression
Manage anxiety
Support heart health
Improve your sleep
Manage stress

Pretty great, right?

Let me know 3 things you’re grateful for this year (DM me or leave a note in the comments! 🖊️).

I’ll go first: I’m grateful to our community and its support. Because of you, I get to do what I love every day! 💖




👉The best way to quit a habit is to rely on DISCIPLINE.

While it’s true that discipline has its place, there’s something else that works much better — and helps you put the power of discipline into action.


Instead of trying to “gut it out,” taking some time to understand what triggers your habits can help you address what’s really going on with a mindful response.

Whether it's boredom, stress, anxiety, or loneliness sparking your habits, awareness can lead to understanding… and understanding can lead to change.

So next time you're about to give in to an old habit, stop! And then ask yourself, “What’s really going on?”


At my 50th birthday dinner I had a thought, does anyone else ever do an extra workout to “earn” eating dessert?

I get it. On one level it makes sense because why wouldn’t I want to burn off those calories before I eat them? Or conversely, workout so you can eat and enjoy whatever you want.

But here’s the problem with that way of thinking. When you start to rationalize and justify treating yourself because you’ve “earned it” … it can turn your health-promoting activities into an unhealthy relationship with food, using it as a reward instead of fuel.

Now, if I want some dessert, I enjoy a small amount, take my time eating it and really savor every bite.

Have you ever felt caught in this tradeoff – or some other tradeoff? Let me know in the comments.👇👇👇👇


🚴‍♂️ Here’s something to keep in mind when the going gets tough…

The journey to becoming healthier is NOT like riding a stationary bike — where you're pedaling but not actually getting anywhere.

It’s more like you’re riding out in the world, and every time you push the pedal down you’re making progress.

And if you’re going to reach your destination, there are two things you need to do:

Keep moving forward… and keep your balance! 💪

And when you hit a steep incline or a bumpy road, something to remember is your WHY…

Why you started
Why it matters to you

Because that’s the only thing that’ll keep you going when it gets tough.

Right now, my “whys” are wanting to help as many people as possible enjoy life through healthy mindset and active lifestyle habits.

What about you? What are your WHYs?

✅Share it below and let's inspire each other to keep pedaling! 🙌👇


Most people get breakfast wrong.

But when you do it RIGHT, it’ll fuel and energize you for the rest of the day.

Here are 3 breakfast ideas that contain a balance of protein, healthy fats, and unprocessed carbs.

1️⃣ Veggie-Packed Egg Scramble + Oatmeal:
Load up an egg scramble with nutrient-rich veggies like broccoli, spinach, and peppers. Pair it with ½ cup of cooked oatmeal mixed with a spoonful of almond butter.

2️⃣ Spinach and Berry Smoothie:
Blend almond milk, a handful of spinach, ¼ avocado, ½ frozen banana, a few berries, a dash of cinnamon, and protein powder. One of my favorites.

3️⃣ Greek Yogurt with Berries and Walnuts:
Load your bowl with plain greek yogurt (I love Icelandic yogurt too!), a handful of blueberries, strawberries, a few walnuts and a big ole dash of cinnamon. Hearty, filling, and packed with flavor, probiotics and antioxidants!

A balanced breakfast can help regulate blood sugar, keep you feeling satisfied, and most importantly, keep your energy levels steady.

Want more ideas for perfectly balanced meals? Comment “BALANCE” to get my “Plate Perfect” guide for free 👇



👉 "Keeping my life and habits in balance is the best way to reach my goals."


Yes, balance is important.

But sometimes you have to allow things to get OUT of balance, especially if you’re doing something new or tackling a big goal.

A few examples: starting a new job, learning a new hobby, or diving into a new fitness routine. 🏋️‍♀️

All of those can temporarily throw your life out of balance because they require more of your time and energy — which means other areas of your life get LESS time & energy.

And not only is that OK — but it also can be necessary!

But here's the catch... 🤔

The ultimate goal is to create a NEW sense of balance — one that includes your new “thing” plus all the other aspects of your life that are important to you.

Making that happen can take some time and experimentation.

It's not about striving for a perfect balance — it’s more about finding your new normal.

Remember: as you grow and change, so do your goals and priorities!

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips! 🎯🚀



👉 If you're not sore, you didn't work out hard enough.

🎉MYTH! 🎉

Contrary to popular belief, muscle soreness is NOT a reliable indicator of how effective your workout was.

💡Muscle soreness generally happens when you stress your muscles in a new way or push them to a new level of intensity.

This can cause delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which is a natural response to microtrauma in muscle fibers.

But just because you're not sore doesn't mean your workout wasn't effective.

📈In fact, as your body adapts to a consistent workout routine, you'll likely experience less and less soreness — but you're still improving your strength, endurance, and overall fitness!

Save this and follow me for more health and fitness facts! 👊🏃‍♀️🔥



⚠️ Battle Against High Blood Sugar! 🍬

Here are some shocking stats:

👉 96 million adults over 18 in the US have prediabetes (that's 38% of the population!)
👉 37.3 million adults have diabetes

Those numbers are way too high if you ask me.

Here’s a quick rundown of how blood sugar issues can happen:

1️⃣ Blood sugar levels start to creep up over time due to various factors (obesity, inactivity, a high-carb diet, meds, genetics, or even getting older — the list is long)

2️⃣ Your body pumps out insulin to clear the blood sugar — a good thing, at least at first.

3️⃣ But over time, too much insulin can make your body resistant to it, leaving excess blood sugar in your bloodstream.

4️⃣ Chronic high blood sugar can cause serious health conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more.

The good news is, you have a strong ally in the battle against high blood sugar — regular exercise! 🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Exercise helps because:

🔥 Exercise can lower blood sugar levels as your muscles burn sugar as fuel.
🔥 It improves insulin sensitivity, helping to keep your blood sugar levels balanced.
🔥 Consistent workouts assist with weight control and help prevent insulin resistance.
🔥 Exercise boosts overall health while also keeping sugar cravings at bay!

Struggling to make exercise a regular part of your life?

We’ve got you!

If you’re ready to take the leap to a healthier and fitter you, I am here to guide you.

I will help you break free from autopilot mode, so you have a daily focus and direction freeing up time and energy for yourself.

Want to learn more? Click linktree in bio to sign up for a free consultation call.

Remember, every step towards regular exercise is a step towards better health.



What you're doing RIGHT NOW is shaping the future you'll have tomorrow, next week, next year, and 10 years from now.

Scrolling through your phone for hours? 📱
Avoiding that workout you promised yourself? 🏋️‍♀️
Choosing convenience over healthy food choices? 🍔🥗

Think of each of those as a brick in the foundation of your future. Is that what you envision for yourself?

Let's flip the script! 🔄

A lot of times, we get stuck in cycles and habits that aren’t productive.

What could you replace those habits with, so that “future you” (3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years from now) will thank you for?

This isn't about chasing perfection. It’s about setting yourself up for the life you want and deserve!

I’ll start: I'm currently working on staying present and positive because it helps me reduce feeling stressed and anxious about our move and where we will land.

How about you? What's ONE THING you're doing today to create a better tomorrow? Share it in the comments! 👇


🥣Ready for a snack that checks all the boxes?

It’s protein-packed, fiber-rich, and calcium-filled, with a boost of Vitamin D and antioxidants!

Plus, it can even include probiotics for gut and immune health.

Let’s bring back a forgotten favorite — Cottage Cheese with Berries!🍓

The key is choosing high-quality cottage cheese.

1️⃣Go for cottage cheese that has “probiotics” or “live and active cultures” on the label for the best gut benefits.

2️⃣If you can, go organic.

3️⃣On a plant-based diet? Select a plant-based cottage cheese. There are several brands out there!

Cottage Cheese & Berries Recipe
(serves 1)

½ cup (115 grams) low-fat cottage cheese
½ cup (75 grams) berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc.
A drop of pure vanilla extract
Optional: ½ to 1 tsp honey or maple syrup

Simply mix all the ingredients and enjoy!

Want to meal prep? Portion out your cottage cheese & berries into reusable containers for a grab-and-go option.

How simple is that?

If you make this, snap a photo and tag me. I would love to see your creations! 📸

Photos from Telos Wellness's post 09/18/2023

Want to know how to reset your mood for more happiness?


Exercise isn't just for toning your muscles. It's a NATURAL MOOD BOOSTER that can significantly level up your happiness game. Here's why:

🧠 It’s a Hormone Helper: Exercise helps your brain produce more mood-boosting hormones that alleviate depression, anxiety, and stress.

💦 It Stimulates the Release of Endorphins Breaking a sweat leads to a rush of endorphins, triggering positive feelings that can last for hours.

🧘‍♂️ It Reduces Stress 2 Different Ways: Moving your muscles releases pent-up tension, and physical activity helps your brain cope better with stress.

Ready to inject more joy into your routine? If you're not sure where to start or need some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out.

My new Telos Wellness Collective is designed to help you incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine by helping you:

Gain energy
Improve your mood
Sleep better

Let's turn your fitness journey into a HAPPY one. Which type of exercise gives YOU a mood boost? Let me know in the comments! 👇💬


👉One of life’s little “jokes” is that there’s usually a silver lining hidden in doing hard things…

… and also in doing things you don’t WANT to do. (I can hear echoes of my mom’s voice right now!)

When you do hard things — you discover (and build) REAL strength.

The kind of strength I’m talking about has nothing to do with being able to lift the heaviest weight, run the fastest mile, or hold the longest plank (though those are great achievements!).

Instead, it’s KNOWING you have the strength to do what you have to do, when you have to do it.

It’s being able to count on yourself.

It gives you confidence that carries over into other areas of your life.

So if you feel like you’re standing at the foot of your own personal fitness mountain right now, I want you to know this: you are stronger than you think.

You just have to DECIDE to take action, and then watch those inner strength muscles grow!

Another sign of strength? Reaching out if you need support or a game plan.

My monthly membership, Telos Wellness Collective helps midlife women get stronger and leaner. Want to know more? Drop me a DM with the word "STRENGTH." Let's conquer your mountain together. 🏔️💖



👉Drinking water can help me lose weight.

🎉FACT! 🎉

Water isn't a magical potion that melts away the pounds, but it can help make your weight loss journey smoother.

🔬Research shows adults can burn 24-30% more calories at rest for about an hour after drinking .5 liter (17 oz) of water.

💧Drinking water before meals can also reduce your appetite. This means you might eat less during meals, lowering your overall calorie intake.

Aim to drink 1-2 liters of water per day for optimal benefits.

You can get even better results if you replace sugary drinks with H2O.

Just remember, drinking water is only one part of a healthy lifestyle that promotes weight loss. Pair it with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep to reap the benefits.

Save this and follow me for more health and fitness facts! 💪💧🏋️‍♀️



🔔 Bone Health Alert! 🦴

Did you know 1 in 2 women and up to 1 in 4 men will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis?

Or that HALF of all people age 50 and older are at risk of breaking a bone due to poor bone health?

Mind-blowing, right? Here’s something to keep in mind:

What you do TODAY can dramatically impact your bone health in the future. 👊

Want to keep your bones strong so you can stay independent and vibrant as you age?

🥛Get enough calcium & vitamin D: Ask your healthcare provider about how to ensure you get your daily requirement.

🏋️‍♀️Exercise regularly: Resistance training and weight-bearing exercises are KEY — aim for a minimum of two resistance workouts a week.

🚭Limit alcohol and don’t smoke: These can contribute to bone loss.

👩‍⚕️Ask your healthcare provider: Get advice on your risk of developing osteoporosis and consider getting a bone density test.

💪Need guidance in building healthy habits that support your bones and overall health? Our monthly membership, Telos Wellness Collective might be a perfect fit for you! It offers workouts, meal plans, accountability and support to help you gain energy, improve your mood and sleep better in just a few weeks. Want to know more? DM me the word “Wellness” and we can chat.

As the old saying says, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

What are you doing for your bone health today? Comment below! 👇


Raise your hand if you’ve ever treated healthy as a destination.

By that I mean, you set a goal, make a plan, and then brought it to life.

But then once you reached the goal, you slipped back into your old habits.

You are not alone! (Shocking stat: between 80% to 95% who lose weight eventually gain it all back.)

The fact is, being healthy is a lifestyle.

The good news about THAT is that it’s not about being PERFECT. It’s about being consistent and making it part of your regular routine.

You may have a day where you:

🍔 Indulge in a cheat meal
🛋️ Miss a workout
😴 Don't get enough sleep

But that doesn't mean you've failed. It just means that the next day, you’re back on track. It's about long-term habits, not short-term fixes.

Something to think about: What's one thing you're doing TODAY, to make your health a part of your lifestyle, and NOT just a goal?



NEXT TIME you need to clear out the mental cobwebs and improve your focus …

Get up and MOVE for 20 minutes 🚶‍♀️🚴‍♂️🏋️‍♀️

Go for a walk, do some stretches, just move!

It works because moving your body helps:

1️⃣ Boost blood flow to your brain: This helps fire up neurons and promote cell growth — particularly in the hippocampus, a key area involved in emotions, memories, and learning!

2️⃣ Improve your memory and focus: Regular exercise can reshape your brain, enhancing your memory, thinking skills, and focus over time. Studies even show that exercise can increase the size of your hippocampus! 🧠

3️⃣ Lift your mood: After a workout, you'll experience a mood boost thanks to the rush of endorphins ("feel good" chemicals) your brain releases. 😃

The workout doesn’t have to be intense. The goal is just to get your blood pumping and your body moving for at least 20 minutes.

Need some guidance on how to start? Shoot me a DM.

What's your favorite quick, easy activity to help clear your mind? Share in the comments! 👇💬


Photos from Telos Wellness's post 09/05/2023

🚨It’s pretty common to think of exercise only as a way to change your body composition (gain muscle, lose fat, lose inches around your waistline, etc.). 🚨

Sure, exercise is a powerful tool — one that does SO MUCH MORE than help you get stronger and fitter… it also helps make you healthier!

But the fact is, your workouts are only part of the equation when it comes to changing your body's size and shape.

Here are some other key pieces of the body transformation puzzle:

1️⃣ The foods you eat – What you eat, and how much, plays a huge role in supporting your goals. Opt for whole (vs processed) foods that fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.

2️⃣ Your activity level – Apart from your regular workouts, being more active every day plays a major role. Take the stairs, go for a walk, or do a quick stretch every hour.

3️⃣ Manage stress – Having unmanaged stress can affect your body down to your cells. Find ways to unwind and relax.

4️⃣ Sleep – Yes, sleep can help you by managing your appetite, stress, recovery, and so much more! Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

Together, those components boost your health, energy, and overall wellness. 😊

👉 Do you struggle with one (or more) of those puzzle pieces?

Here’s a little challenge for you:

Choose ONE ACTION on ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE that you can take today – and keep doing it until it becomes a habit. Then, layer on another piece, and another.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to start, let's chat! Just DM me the word "FUTURE." I'm here to guide and support you on your fitness, health, and wellness journey.


🎉💪 Wishing you a relaxing, happy, and safe Labor Day. It’s time to celebrate all the hard workers in this country. We hope you have a fantastic holiday.


💰You don’t randomly find a million dollars in your bank account without making a few deposits, right?

It’s the same with your health.

Having great health requires making regular deposits into your personal wellness bank:

💪 Pumping out extra reps during your workout
🍏 Choosing nutritious, whole foods over junk
😴 Prioritizing your sleep to rejuvenate
🧘‍♀️ Carving out time for mental wellness & mindfulness

Every little deposit you make today will pay dividends in your future health and vitality.

And guess what? It’s NEVER too late to start making those deposits.

You might not see the payoff instantly. You might not drop a pant size or run a marathon tomorrow.

But just like a savings account, the compound interest of these healthy habits will build up over time.

What's ONE healthy deposit you will make today? Inspire others & share below! 👇👇


🤔Commonly Asked Question: "Do I really need to work on my mobility and flexibility?"

💡The short answer: YES!

Here are just a few reasons why:

1️⃣ Improved Performance: Better flexibility and mobility can lead to better workouts. You'll be able to perform exercises with a larger range of motion, which helps target muscles more effectively. 🏋️‍♀️🚴‍♀️

2️⃣ Injury Prevention: Good mobility helps you with proper posture during workouts, which is key to preventing injuries. When you have better alignment, it can help reduce your risk of strain or injury during workouts and everyday activities. 🛡️

3️⃣ Posture and Alignment: Regular flexibility and mobility work can fight posture problems caused by sitting a lot — or correct imbalances caused by workouts. For many people, better posture means less discomfort and fewer aches and pains. 😌

4️⃣ Aging Gracefully: Keeping your joints and muscles flexible helps combat the natural loss of mobility that comes with aging, keeping you active and agile for years to come. 👵👴

Remember, like any other fitness goal, improving mobility and flexibility takes time and consistency. It's not a race, but a journey towards better health and performance.

Do you have a favorite stretch or mobility exercise? Let me know! 👇💬


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Challenge Yourself!Jump into Spring with my 21 Day Kickstart to Better Health ChallengeChallenge begins April 17thYou'll...
Find out how health coaching with me can work for you! I’m so thankful to my amazingly talented friend
Hey! Looking to move a little extra this weekend? Like it? Let me know with a comment below!
My sister, Martha, speaking for our family to spread awareness about FTD. @marth27


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Tuesday 9am - 12pm
1pm - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
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