Innovative Back Solutions

A chiropractic clinic successfully helping patients get their lives back! I will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”

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“To the best of my ability, I agree to provide my patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care.

Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? 06/19/2024

Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? For patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP), treatment guidelines recommend a non-surgical approach as the FIRST-LINE treatment. Ideally, the goal would be to avoid an initial surgery unless it’s absolutely indicated. That means, unless there is loss of bowel or bladder control or retention

Head Tilt and Headaches – Are They Connected? 06/18/2024

Head Tilt and Headaches – Are They Connected?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Head Tilt and Headaches – Are They Connected? We’ve all seen people working on laptops in airports, airplanes, coffee shops, on the train, walking down the street…you name it! So how does this affect one’s neck, and does it contribute to headaches? A 2016 study compared females with posture-induced headaches vs. healthy, age

Circadian Clocks and Low Back Pain 06/18/2024

Circadian Clocks and Low Back Pain

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Circadian Clocks and Low Back Pain According to the National Institutes of Health, circadian rhythms include physical, mental, and behavioral changes that roughly follow a 24-hour cycle, responding largely to environmental light and darkness. Most living things possess this trait including animals, plants, and many microbes.

What Happens When a Knee Injury Occurs? 06/18/2024

What Happens When a Knee Injury Occurs?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

What Happens When a Knee Injury Occurs? Have you ever wondered what actually happens when a player on your favorite sports team has a knee injury? Why is this so common, and why is the knee more vulnerable than the ankle or hip? One reason is simple anatomy. Unlike the hip, the knee doesn’t have a deep socket, meaning ther

How Important is Sleep? 06/17/2024

How Important is Sleep?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

How Important is Sleep? Do you frequently feel sleepy throughout the day? Do you doze off soon after you sit down? Do you feel “restored” when you wake up in the morning? How much sleep is REALLY needed and how important is it? Let’s take a look… The short answer is that sleep is REALLY important! Prior t

What Are Whiplash-Associated Headaches? 06/17/2024

What Are Whiplash-Associated Headaches?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

What Are Whiplash-Associated Headaches? Whiplash and headaches are a very common duo that frequently occur after motor vehicle collisions. The good news is that most headaches that arise immediately following a head injury (or shortly thereafter) usually improve after minutes or days. But unfortunately for some, these headaches may per

A Deeper Look into Headaches 06/17/2024

A Deeper Look into Headaches

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

A Deeper Look into Headaches Headaches are REALLY common! In fact, two out of three children will have a headache by the time they are fifteen years old, and more than 90% of adults will experience a headache at some point in their life. It appears safe to say that almost ALL of us will have firsthand knowledge of what a hea

WHEN Is Surgery Needed for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 06/16/2024

WHEN Is Surgery Needed for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

WHEN Is Surgery Needed for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) often responds well to non-surgical care and there is good evidence supporting chiropractic treatment for CTS. But the question frequently arises, “When should I consider surgery for my CTS?” Let’s take a look… CTS is basically the pinching of the media

Neck Pain and Sinusitis – What’s the Connection? 06/16/2024

Neck Pain and Sinusitis – What’s the Connection?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Neck Pain and Sinusitis – What’s the Connection? The connection between our sinuses and headaches is well established, but what about the relationship between neck pain and our sinuses? Is there a connection? Sinusitis is very common in the spring when pollen counts are high and times when the cold and flu are rampant. It usually manifes

Can Bad Backs Heal Themselves? 06/16/2024

Can Bad Backs Heal Themselves?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Can Bad Backs Heal Themselves? Low back pain (LBP) from a herniated disk often leads to surgical intervention. However, there are patients with this painful malady who can successfully “ride it out” and repeat MRI imaging six to twelve months later often fails to show little, if any, evidence of the original herniated disk

Not All Shoulder Pain Is Caused By a Rotator Cuff Tear 06/15/2024

Not All Shoulder Pain Is Caused By a Rotator Cuff Tear

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Not All Shoulder Pain Is Caused By a Rotator Cuff Tear One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is a rotator cuff (RC) tear. To determine just how common this is, one study looked at a population of 683 people regardless of whether or not they had shoulder complaints. There were 229 males and 454 females for a total of 1,366 shoulders. (The par

Maybe It's Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome... 06/15/2024

Maybe It's Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Maybe It's Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome... Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can be an extremely painful and activity-limiting condition. It affects many people of all ages and genders, though women are affected more often than men. But how do you know if what you are suffering from is truly CTS or if it’s another condition that’s

What Is Cervical Spondylosis? 06/15/2024

What Is Cervical Spondylosis?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

What Is Cervical Spondylosis? Cervical spondylosis (CS) is another term for osteoarthritis (OA) of the neck. It is a common, age-related condition that you will probably develop if you live long enough. Or, if you suffered a neck injury as a youth, it can develop within five to ten years of the injury, depending on the severi

Can Damaged Nerves Regenerate? 06/14/2024

Can Damaged Nerves Regenerate?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Can Damaged Nerves Regenerate? Previously, we discussed how herniated disks can resorb all by themselves, especially large herniated disks. But what about a damaged nerve—can it self-repair too? First, it’s important to realize that damage can occur when enough pressure is applied to any living tissue. The anatomy o

High-Intensity Interval Training – What Is That? 06/14/2024

High-Intensity Interval Training – What Is That?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

High-Intensity Interval Training – What Is That? High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is characterized by 30-60 second bouts of high-intensity output followed by a very low-intensity exercise (like walking or slow pedaling) which allows one’s heart rate and breathing to recover before the next high-intensity segment. Studies hav

Strategies for Improving Vascular Health 06/14/2024

Strategies for Improving Vascular Health

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Strategies for Improving Vascular Health Efficient blood circulation is essential for the health of nearly all bodily functions, including the heart and cardiovascular system, the kidneys, and the brain. If vascular health is compromised, either from endothelial (blood vessel wall) dysfunction or stiffening of the large elastic arteries

Tips to Improve Sleep Quality 06/13/2024

Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Tips to Improve Sleep Quality Here are a few ways to improve your sleep quality in spite of a busy lifestyle: 1) SET A SCHEDULE: Set a time for BOTH going to bed AND getting up in the morning, preferably at the same times each day—even on weekends. 2) EXERCISE: Try to get 20-30 minutes of exercise every da

A Brief Look at Whiplash Injuries 06/13/2024

A Brief Look at Whiplash Injuries

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

A Brief Look at Whiplash Injuries Whiplash is an injury to the soft-tissues of the neck often referred to as a sprain or strain. Because there are a unique set of symptoms associated with whiplash, doctors and researchers commonly use the term “whiplash associated disorders” or WAD to describe the condition. WAD common

The Carpal Tunnel Under Pressure 06/13/2024

The Carpal Tunnel Under Pressure

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

The Carpal Tunnel Under Pressure The carpal tunnel is formed by eight small bones that comprise the top of the tunnel with the transverse carpal ligament serving as the floor. The median nerve, blood vessels, and nine tendons and their sheaths pass through the tunnel. In a healthy individual, there is a constant fluid pressure w

Where Does Neck Pain Come From? 06/12/2024

Where Does Neck Pain Come From?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Where Does Neck Pain Come From? Let’s first look at the anatomy of the neck in order to better understand the structures of the cervical spine that can generate pain. Starting at the back of the spine, the facet joints allow us to move our neck and head in all directions, and each facet joint is surrounded by a joi

Avoiding Back-Related Disability 06/12/2024

Avoiding Back-Related Disability

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Avoiding Back-Related Disability In 2008, a study published in the journal Spine sought to identify EARLY PREDICTORS in an effort to reduce the number of low back pain (LBP) patients who go on to experience long-term disability. Researchers followed 1,885 low back injury claimants for a year and then later reviewed data collecte

Hands-On Care for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 06/12/2024

Hands-On Care for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Hands-On Care for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is a very common cause of shoulder pain that affects about half of adults at some point in life. Essentially, the condition describes the pinching of pain-sensitive structures in the shoulder that restricts normal use or function, with raising the shoulde

Posture and Whiplash 06/11/2024

Posture and Whiplash

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Posture and Whiplash Posture assessment is a key component of the chiropractic examination, and the posture of the head and neck is especially important for a patient recovering from a whiplash injury. Forward head carriage describes a state in which the head sits more forward on the shoulders than it should. In orde

Do Labral Tears Cause Hip Pain? 06/11/2024

Do Labral Tears Cause Hip Pain?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Do Labral Tears Cause Hip Pain? One of the structures that is frequently blamed for hip pain is called the labrum—the rubbery tissue that surrounds the socket helping to stabilize the hip joint. This tissue often wears and tears with age, but it can also be torn as a result of a trauma or sports-related injury. The cli

Managing Forward Head Posture 06/11/2024

Managing Forward Head Posture

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Managing Forward Head Posture With the rise of smartphones and social media apps that keep users glued to small screens for hours upon hours, forward head posture is becoming more common. Unfortunately, this postural fault can set the stage for neck pain. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 60% of patients with neck pain

Should Playing Music Create Tingling Wrists? 06/10/2024

Should Playing Music Create Tingling Wrists?

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Should Playing Music Create Tingling Wrists? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition caused when pressure is applied to the median nerve as it passes through the wrist. When playing a musical instrument, especially for hours at a time for several days in a row, the fast repetitive movements of the fingers can cause the tendons—all nin

Chronic Whiplash Predictors: Psychosocial vs. Anatomical 06/10/2024

Chronic Whiplash Predictors: Psychosocial vs. Anatomical

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Chronic Whiplash Predictors: Psychosocial vs. Anatomical Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) is a term used to describe the constellation of signs and symptoms that can arise following the sudden acceleration-deceleration of the head and neck that can occur in automobile collisions, physical trauma (such as sports or assault), or a serious fall.

Low Back Pain and the Hips and Legs 06/10/2024

Low Back Pain and the Hips and Legs

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Low Back Pain and the Hips and Legs It’s estimated that 84% of individuals will experience at least one episode of low back pain during their lifetime, with 23% developing chronic low back pain. While dysfunction in the lumbar region is typically thought to be the cause of a patient’s low back pain, there’s a grow

Study Reveals Link Between Whiplash and Injury to the Brain 06/09/2024

Study Reveals Link Between Whiplash and Injury to the Brain

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Study Reveals Link Between Whiplash and Injury to the Brain In a 2010 study, researchers examined MRIs taken from 1,200 patients (600 whiplash and 600 non-whiplash neck pain patients) and noted that those who had sustained whiplash were more likely to have a brain injury than non-whiplash neck pain patients. The specific type of brain injury found

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome… In a Nutshell 06/09/2024

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome… In a Nutshell

Same day appointments available. No Long-Term Treatment Plans. Call us when you need us at 352-505-3993.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome… In a Nutshell Here it is: carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in a nutshell! WHAT: CTS is caused by an injury to the median nerve (MN) as it travels through the wrist. WHERE: The eight small carpal bones and a ligament form a tunnel in which tendons and nerves pass thro

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Non-Surgical Back Pain Relief!!!
Introducing a Game-Changer in Back Pain Relief! 🌟🌿 Are you tired of living with chronic back pain? Discover the revoluti...
The evolution of @goprimalfitness with @thedeanoflean #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #fitnesspodcast
Try this quick shoulder mobility hack 💪🏻
When your patients love you, they stop by with sweet Valentine’s!! #ourpatientsrock #chiropractor
Curbside Check-In service!!!




919 NW 57th Street
Gainesville, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 11:30am
2pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 8:30am - 11:30am
2pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 11:30am
2pm - 4:30pm
Friday 8am - 11:30am

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The Joint Chiropractic The Joint Chiropractic
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