LIV Athletic - Gainesville, FL, Gainesville, FL Videos

Videos by LIV Athletic - Gainesville, FL in Gainesville. Fitness Coaching And Accountability Program To Maintain A Body You're Proud Of Year Round

➡️ GAINESVILLE WOMEN who want to undergo a fun, friendly, challenging Strength & Fitness Program! 💪

Learn how to manage a busy life, exercise, and eat healthy in order to reach your fitness goals.

✅ Small group classes (no more than 15 people) so you get personal attention every workout
✅ Personal coach so you have the accountability to stay consistent
✅ Nutrition guidance so you learn how to eat for health and weight loss

Click here to learn how to get started with our 3x a week exercise program -

Open to all fitness levels. Only for those willing to put in the work.

Other LIV Athletic - Gainesville, FL videos

➡️ GAINESVILLE WOMEN who want to undergo a fun, friendly, challenging Strength & Fitness Program! 💪 Learn how to manage a busy life, exercise, and eat healthy in order to reach your fitness goals. ✅ Small group classes (no more than 15 people) so you get personal attention every workout ✅ Personal coach so you have the accountability to stay consistent ✅ Nutrition guidance so you learn how to eat for health and weight loss Click here to learn how to get started with our 3x a week exercise program - Open to all fitness levels. Only for those willing to put in the work.

Would You Rather . . . Do 100 Pushups or 100 Pull-ups for Time?

ATTN - Professionals and Parents! 👋 Got a busy schedule and short on time for your fitness? We can help! We help busy people create a consistent fitness routine, so they lose weight, build strength, and live a healthier lifestyle! Join our 12 week coaching and accountability program and we’ll prove that you can transform your fitness (even with a busy schedule)! 👉 And the cost is a fraction of hiring a personal trainer. Click here to learn about our complete transformation program:

What is your favorite KB movement?

Shoutout to Owen for getting his kick to handstand on the wall!! (. .. and he makes it look easy too!) One of the best parts of fitness is constantly trying new things. You may not be good at it at first, but when it clicks. . . it FEELS SO GOOD!!

Learning how to do a pull-up takes time, but with the right progressions, you will be there before you know it! The seated pull-up variation allows them to use their lower body to assist in getting their chin over the bar as they are building their overhead pull strength. Shoutout to Caroline and Erin working on their pull-up strength. Want to give it a try!? Click here to learn more about our program:

Name That Movement! 3 - 2 - 1 - GO! .....

One of the best feelings is learning how to do Double Unders! (Doing 1 jump + 2 rotations of the rope). They can be so frustrating, but with patience and practice, they will come. Congratulations Jorelle for getting your double unders!!! SO COOL The frustration of learning Double Unders is REAL! Let's help those still working on their dubs. . . 1. How long did it take you to learn them? 2. What is your advise?

What To Do When Your Goal Isn't Weight Loss For the past 10 years it has been the goal of our business to transform lives. We do this by showing our members there is more to fitness than "weight loss." There's more to it than losing weight. In fact, most of our members want to get in shape, build muscle and tone. They feel most empowered when they see *that* kind of transformation in their bodies. Strength allows them to live their lives in a much different way. When you're strong you're more confident and feel more capable. Not to mention, you make only 1 trip to bring the groceries in. The problem is... We don't know how get stronger. We don't know how to strength train. That's why so many people go into a gym with great intentions but feel so confused. Confused what weights to lift, how long to life, how much to lift and if they're doing exercises correctly. It's also why every time you attempt to figure it out, you resort back to the dreaded 20 min of treadmill time. *drops head on desk* Getting stronger requires strength training. And learning how to strength train requires a coach who can guide you. And that's why we exist. We exist to help people learn how to get strong in a safe & comfortable setting. Just show up. Take the 15 min drive to the gym and the hard work of "figuring out what to do" is up to us. In 60 mins you'll KNOW you're effort was worthwhile. You'll KNOW you're getting stronger. You'll KNOW you're staying safe. We takeaway the guesswork & fear. If you want this kind of support, then join our 2022 Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge. This health & fitness challenge helps you get you stronger & in shape. Regardless of your training level. Click here to apply:

When you're in shape, there's no "start" date or "end" date. It's a state of being. It's just who you are. It's how you live your lifestyle. It's the choices you make. It's the decisions you come to. A lot of times, we "wait" until the new year to start a new goal or project. But what if all it takes making a decision to be that health & fit person right now. Not to wait for a date to "start" ...but just "be" the person who make healthy decisions. See the difference? One allows you to hold off on being the person who's in the best shape of your life. The other empowers you to decide to become that The holidays tend to be a season where we indulge on overeating and overspending. We put our health & goals on the back burner and just want to deal with it later. But the decisions you make in Dec will impact your Jan and Feb. It might "feel" like the holidays are in a vacuum, but they're not. So if you know you want to be an active & healthy person, then make decisions today. Become that person, today. Our Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge is currently open for enrollment. This challenge will help you get back into the routine & consistency you crave. Feeling energized & confident. Strong & in shape. We are enrolling people from now until Jan 31st. If you know this is the type of program you need to get back with working out, click here to learn more:

If you got to rename this piece of equipment, what would you call it?

Can I let you in on a little secret?? 🤫 Nothing special happens on Jan 1st. It's just a regular day if you think about it. Some would argue that it "feels" new. "Like a blank page." That can a freeing feeling. Kinda like do over. Like what we did last year in our health & fitness didn't count. Like we get a clean slate. But what if that feeling wasn't because of a date. What if that feeling comes from --> you making a decision. A decision to start getting in the best shape of your life today. You see, waiting until a "date" isn't as empowering as deciding for yourself. Deciding is what gets you results. Decide to start. Decide to show up. Decide to come back. Decide to build a habit. Decide to eat better. It's a series of small decisions that change the shape of your life. Not a date. A big part of our Best Shape of Your Life Challenge is teaching you how to make this small & simple decision consistently over time...regardless of what's time of year it is. You learn to build up the skill of deciding so that "the holidays" or "the new year" don't ever get in the way of you living a health & active life. We are now enrolling both men & woman into the Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge. (Nov 29th - Jan 31st) If you'd like to learn more about the challenge, click here:

Side Effect: You May Surprise Yourself ❤️ Creating a consistent routine with everything you need to be successful year round is easier than you might think. We’ll help you get back on track with your fitness, click here to start learning more:

"I'll just start come the new year..." is a very common thought right about now. And it can all be done in the name of relaxing. But relaxing does not have to equal letting your health & fitness go to the back burner. There's ways to enjoy a restful holiday while staying active and healthy. You se, real growth in health & fitness is when you can learn to do both. When you can enjoy holidays treats and eat a balanced diet. When you can relax and and still get to your weekly workouts. When it doesn't have to be either/or. They way you get here is to build the habit. That's why the Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge focuses on habit development. It's not just a program where you do some workouts. You actually learn how to build the habits that will give you long term success. So that you never let a busy workweek or the holidays get in the way of your health goals. That's real change and that's what you can get inside the Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge. We are currently enrolling: Nov 29th - Jan 31. If you're interested in learning more about how to stay fit year around, click here to learn more about this program:

ANNOUCEMENT...🥁🥁🥁 We know you want to get back to being active & healthy. And we want that for you! Imagine waking up with so much energy to tackle the day. Or running around with your kids while watching the Christmas lights. Or enjoying the holidays without being preoccupied about your weight. It's all possible for you. We've put together a program that will give the moments you'll cherish forever because you are in 👉 The Best Shape Of Your Life Introducing... The Best Shape Of Your Life Challenge We know how much you get from being active & healthy. So we want you to be in the best shape of your life. To learn more about how this challenge works, click here to request more info & we'll reach out with the details: We are enrolling from now until Jan 31. You get so much from being your healthiest self.

Would You Rather . . . Row, Echo Bike, or Run for 1 hour?