Go Primal Fitness and Training Institute

Go Primal Fitness and Training Institute

Making Gainesville the Fittest Community in America since 2008


👊 Killer Tag Team Tuesday Workout

Here's what we did:

Alt. DB Sn**ch (50/35), split
Calories, any machine, split
Burpee/Box Jumps (24"/20"), split
6x Rope Climbs, split
200m Run, together
For time

40' Cap


🤜 💥 🤛 Happy Tag Team Tuesday.

Here's what we did today:

10 rounds

Odd Rounds:
4x Rope Climbs, split
30/20 Calories (+5 Bike Erg), split
30x Toes-to-Bar, split

Even Rounds:
10x DB Burpee/Box Step-ups (2x50/2x35, 24"/20")
200m Run, together
40x Wall Ball (20/14)

42' Cap


Some people believe because you come in peace you aren’t prepared for war.

Like the old saying goes, better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

Build your body.

Hone your skills.

Become an asset.

Be useful.



Three things you should absolutely commit to:

1. Learning and understanding more. Question everything.

2. Adding greater value to people's lives. Give, give, give and you will reach the many rewards of life.

3. Setting a high standard for yourself. Operate with excellence in everything you do. You'll become a person people can't get enough of.




✅ You can have the best program from the best coach.

✅ You can have the best diet from the best nutritionist.

✅You can have the best playlist, pre-workout, outfit and gear that money can buy.

None of it matters if you aren't willing to put in the effort over a long period of time.

Planning is important, but results come from EX*****ON! 📈


🗣Goals are for people who care about winning once 👇

SYSTEMS are for people who care about winning repeatedly.

Go Primal Fitness is the ultimate "system."

Show up everyday, listen, do the work, and surround yourself with people who have decided average is no longer acceptable.

Go get it 🫵‼️🔥

Did you know you can experience Go Primal Fitness FREE for an entire week❓

Click on the link in our bio☝️ to claim your 🏆 FREE WEEK 🏆


Your greatest asset should be your work ethic.


🤜💥🤛 Happy Tag Team Tuesday‼️

Here’s what we did today…👇

Teams of three
4K Ski Erg
1-Mile Sandbag Ruck (80/40)
100x Body Blasters (Burpee + Pull-up + Toes-to-Bar)
For time, 42’ Cap

One player is always holding the sandbag.

👊Go Get it!


🗣Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great‼️


👊 Happy Tag Team Tuesday‼️

Sometimes a teammate is all it takes to pull an extra 10% effort out of you.

Here’s what we did today👇

Teams of two...

Roll a dice 🎲 to determine your fate:

1. 9K Row for time (switch every 500m)
2. 8k Ski Erg for time (switch every 500m)
3. 18k Bike Erg for time (switch every 1000m)
4. 400/320 Calories Echo Bike (switch every 20 calories)
5. Coach picks
6. Team picks

Every time you switch:
7x 1-Arm DB Sn**ch, left (70/50)
7x 1-Arm DB Sn**ch, right
7x Burpee/Box Jumps (24"/20")

42' Cap


🗣Investing in yourself is the most important investment you'll ever make in your life...

There's no financial investment that'll every match it, because if you develop ✅MORE SKILL, ✅MORE ABILITY, ✅MORE INSIGHT, and ✅MORE CAPACITY, no one can take that away from you.


🗣 Always assign a person more than he/she believes themselves capable of‼️

Make them rise to the occasion.

In this way you compel them and others in their command, thus enlarging the capacity of each, while drawing on resources they never knew they had.


🗣 Comfort is a drug ‼️

Once you get used to it, it becomes addicting.

Give a weak person consistent stimulation, good food, and cheap entertainment and they'll throw their ambitions to the wind.

Your comfort zone is where dreams go to die.


🗣 The more you motivate others, the more you get motivated.

The more you teach others, the more you learn.

What you give to this world gets amplified in abundance to you.

You literally feed off of the energy you emit to the people around you.


🗣 Life is hard for two reasons:

Because you are either leaving your comfort zone or because you’re staying in it.


🗣 Incredible opportunity to try the fittest gym in American FREE FOR A WEEK‼️

🤜 Maybe you’re spinning your wheels and progress is too slow…

🤜 Maybe you’re not getting the results you ultimately want…

🤜 Or maybe you’re simply looking for something fun, different, and challenging…

Whatever the case may be, Go Primal Fitness absolutely delivers. 👊🔥

🙌 Click to claim your FREE WEEK and get started sooner than later on creating a new and improved YOU!


Another incredible Tag Team Tuesday 🤜💥🤛

Here’s what we did:

Partition as needed (except for run and Burpees)

500m Double Unders
3000m Row
1-Mile Run, together
100x Toes-to-Bar
100x Synchro Burpees

All for time

Go Get It! 👊


🗣The fact that you even exist is proof you are a winner‼️

Stop acting like a victim and start acting like the winner you are.


🗣Effort is one of life's few remaining unsliding scales‼️

The more you pay (in effort), the more you get in return.


The more your perception is aimed at success, positivity, and goodness, the more success, positivity and goodness you can perceive.

In other words, you see more of what you choose to focus on.


🗣In the coaching world knowledge matters, education matters, experience matters ‼️

But at the end of the day no one cares how many initials, letters or numbers come after your name...

Ultimately you still need to be able to relate to people and understand the psychology of the person standing in front of you if you wanna be successful in this game.


🤜💥🤛 Happy Tag Team Tuesday‼️

It’s a great day to do a partner workout.

Here’s what we did:

P1 20x Devil Press (2x50/2x35)
P2 50x Toes-to-Bar
Switch, into...
Max Wall Ball (20/14)

Rest 1:00

P1 50/35 Calories, any machine
P2 40x Dual DB Box Step-Overs (24”/20”)
Switch, into…
Max Wall Ball

Rest 1:00

P1 60x DB Floor Press
P2 10x Rope Climbs
Switch, into…
Max Wall Balls

Score = total calories over three AMRAPs

👊Go get it


🗣Congratulations to our August ’23 Athlete of the Month .ding ‼️

This dude’s been super consistent and putting in lots and lots of extra work and we’ve noticed.

Keep up the good work Delaney 📈

Congratulations! 🤜💥🤛


🗣Love the connection and camaraderie of Go Primal Fitness‼️

On Tuesdays we get to partner up and get after it!

Here's what we did today (9/5/23):

20x Wall Walks
200x Double Unders
40/30 Calories, any machine
200m KB Farmer's Carry (2x50/2x35)
60x Box Jump-Overs (30"/24")

Partition all work

Get some 👊


🗣️Winners have a ruthless connection to a vision and they will not stop‼️

They’re unbeatable because they’ll never quit.

These are lessons and skills that can be honed and the gym is THE best environment to do it.

How you do anything is how you do everything!



🗣️Winners have a ruthless connection to a vision and they will not stop‼️

They’re unbeatable because they’ll never quit.

These are lessons and skills that can be honed and the gym is THE best environment to do it.



🗣️Whether you are strengthened by life's challenges or broken by them is completely determined by your mindset‼️


🙌Super fun Tag Team workout today.

Here’s what we did:

With a partner…

Switch every 90s
“Movement” + Max Calories, any machine

Rotate between the following movements:
1. 50x Double Unders
2. 5x DB Curtis P’s (2x50/2x35)
3. 8x Burpee/Box Jumps (24”/20”)
30 rounds (45’)

📲 Score total calories.

👊Go Get it‼️

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Go Primal Games. Teams of 2 (MM/FF) competition for both Genfit and CompFit classes. February 3, 2024. Sign up by Decemb...


3606 SW 34th Street
Gainesville, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 05:00 - 19:15
Tuesday 05:00 - 19:15
Wednesday 05:00 - 19:15
Thursday 05:00 - 19:15
Friday 05:00 - 19:15
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00