Shine On Yoga

Sharing the art and science of yoga since 2007. Health & Wellness Cooperative


True Education is about the Art of Beingness -

Its not about doingness -

Life skills are about doingness not about beingness.

Education is the art of drawing out the soul genius that lives inside us all.

We all come with conscious and unconsciousness.

We have super skills and extraordinary challenges.

When our system is working correctly and it’s in an environment that brings calm and ease, genius is always the case.

The problem is that the system is not working correctly so it is very difficult to digest correctly or to be in the correct environments.

What to do??

The importance of Self-development to become True Guides for Children

Through self-development we learn the art of nourishing. When we establish an inner nourishing standard the children will be in the presence of a good example and will receive nourishment. If we are malnourished in any of the three facets of life giving education, then ease and a harmonious rhythm alludes us. When the guide (teacher/parent) is not in rhythm, then the children will easily fall out of rhythm.

Rudolf Steiner, the creator of Waldorf Education says, ““Where is the book in which the teacher can read about what teaching is? The children themselves are this book. We should not learn to teach out of any book other than the one lying open before us and consisting of the children themselves.” It’s not easy to listen to the books of each child. We want them to be in our book. We want the book to look, act and feel a certain way. We as parents and educators need to continuously work on our own self-development so that we can know our own books and in knowing our Self, then truly we can speak and live in truth for our children.

Children reflect the adults around them. They show us where we need to see more or go deeper. They are helping us to heal and move forward into the future. We need to listen to them. They are filled with insights and creativity and if given support and guidance they cooperate and harmonize.


It is time now! Self - Care is REQUIRED!

and it's more than just moving the body in any activity.

A conscious discipline body practice is essential to full embodiment on earth.

I am forever grateful to my introduction to yoga and meditation in 2004.

However, I am indebted to the teachers that truly gave me the keys to the kingdom with somatic movements and kinesthetic awareness.

In the beginning I was harming myself with yoga and it took me years to wake up and unravel the harm that I inflicted on myself.

Thank goddess for the amazing guides that have helped me to understand this difference.

I'm grateful to chart the path of teaching adolescence embodiment practices so that they can find the NOW and be innovative and creative today ! We need them :))))

Looking for support, reach out -


Education is about Beingness

Its not about doingness

Life skills are about doingness not about beingness.

In this world We want /need both.

When you educate you are drawing out the soul genius that lives inside us all.

We all come with conscious and unconsciousness.

We have super skills and extraordinary challenges.

When our system is working correctly and it’s in an environment that brings calm and ease, genius is always the case.

The problem is that the system is not working correctly so it is very difficult to digest correctly or to be in the correct environments.

Our ancestral trauma keeps us locked into unhealthy patterns that restrict the flow and block our minds into narrow-ness

dah dah dah... more is coming.


"The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That is why we put these stories in each other's memories. That is how people care for themselves."

~ Barry Lopez

Art my Me. :)


Excited to offer
Anatomy & Physiology for young girls! I'm crafting curriculum from Western, Eastern & Indigenous perspectives.


This coming year I am offering some enrichment programs! Please reach out if you would like more information.


Getting super excited to roll out this incredible game next week in my Rose Tent: Yoga & Mindfulness Training for Young Girls! I've been developing it over the last few months and it's coming together...

Portals to Infinity is Game for Kids that help them to embody healthy rhythms, learn about the ancient wisdom traditions and design a version of the game based on their unique-ness.

YES!!! What else is possible?


The best description I know of the Aquarian Age and the nature of this gate (30) is above the lines: Freedom recognized as an illusion and limitation accepted as fate. This is the nature of what we are moving towards: the illusion of freedom. Freedom does not exist. This is the recognition that we all fit into a pattern and in that, we all have our place, and in that, limitation is a grace. It is not a punishment. This is the nature of what we are moving toward. The emotional quality of this gate is driving us towards this. It is an extraordinary thing to recognize that the deepest force in the emotional motor in this stream, what it is really looking for, is to get out of the experiential business and to be satisfied with the pattern that gives value to the nature of what it is to BE.

Ra Uru Hu


Waldorf Education is built on 2 pillars;

1. Healing
2. Thinking that begins in the heart also called Etheric Thinking or Living Thinking

We are blessed this week in Center for Anthroposophy Renewal Training, to have Robyn Brown as our keynote speaker. Robyn is the author of A Practical Guide to Curative Education, The Ladder of the Seven Life Processes. The Preface to her book begins with an introduction to Karl König’s work. He described the seven life processes not as forms in the sense of anatomy or physiology, but as a living and weaving etheric being.

“He sad the processes need to be taken as a whole, as something that lives and weaves: something that first establishes a rhythmical connection with the surrounding world (breathing); makes itself a “house” (warming); fills this house with substance (nourishing); breaks this substance down by its own effort (secreting); re-establishes it again in making it into its own substance (maintaining); grows; and reproduces.” An incredible book of curative education that speaks volumes for the world today.


Robyn says, we come into this earth plane with two bodies; an Individual and Hereditary body. This thinking aligns with the Human Design system as well, and I will expand that in another writing later. She continues describing that we have a great opportunity with children ages 0-7, because we are able to help children clear the hereditary body with correct movements and develop a healthy will which will be their foundation for the rest of the life. If we miss that opportunity and instead fill their will with much conditioning, programming and trauma they will have to work it out through the rest of the life - and it’s harder. It is essential that we work with this hereditary body so that we can become what we are destined to become in this lifetime. By overcoming the hereditary body we have the strength we need to be our full self or the truth of our higher self.

I will continue more later...

If you are looking for support in Education, Homeschooling or guidance on healthy rhythms or understanding your child better through the lens of Human Design - Reach out!


Life Giving Education: True education must flow as a living structure from person to person in a space that is conducive to giving and receiving in mutuality. It is more than a physical structure with rules, regulations, and agendas. It is a conversation between engaged listeners, each person a part owner of the conversation. We can do more when in alignment with each other as a unit of openness and unpredictability. Social and emotional intelligence is the new conversation. Showing up authentically, allowing flow and making space for each other is essential. Mindfulness, adaptability, emotional freedom… is difficult work. However, it is the work we need to do right now.


Yoga Training for Young Girls
July 22-26th
See below for more details!


I have had the blessing of working with Family Constellations for many years. Recently I started training with the amazing woman that introduced me to the work - Marielena Obrenic.

In Family Constellations, there are 4 Laws from which all follows -
1. The Law of Order
2. The Law of Belonging
3. The Law of Give and Receive
4. The Law of Exclusion

Any Dis-Order is a symptom of a mis-ordered family constellation. It's amazing how much power we have in the Present and it truly is a gift to use the power we have Now to clear the path for our future.

I'm offering discounted rates for anyone interested in this work. I love combining this work with Human Design and my parenting toolbox to support anyone in getting more deeply attuned in order to thrive!

Reach out if you are interested!


Root to Rise: Discovering Stability and Inner Strength

For years, I approached yoga incorrectly, focusing on flexibility over stability and breath. I could contort into impressive poses, earning praise from teachers, but I was harming my body. Everything changed when I found guides with a deep understanding of body awareness. That's when my true journey as a yogi began.

The Turning Point: Root to Rise
One of the most transformative lessons I've learned is the concept of "Root to Rise." By addressing our root issues, we can free up energy and truly thrive. It all starts with our bones and structure. Connecting with our sitz bones and the base of our pelvis allows us to engage our deep pelvic muscles, known as the kegel muscles/exercises. For women, these muscles hold and store a lot, making it crucial to develop a relationship between our bones and muscles.

If you want to learn more, feel free to reach out!

Continuing the Journey
As I've continued on my sacred journey, I've been reminded of the root wisdom I first accessed through yoga. Studying Waldorf Education and Human Design/Gene Keys, I've gained deep insights into the energy and pressure of root issues, tracing back to early human history and evolution.

I'm currently working on a write-up about the Root Races and humanity’s evolution, exploring the powerful Root Center in Human Design. This center drives us with primal urges and life force energy, influencing stress and motivation.

Understanding the Root Center
In Human Design, the Root Center includes various gates, each manifesting unique pressures:

Gate 58: Pushes us to improve and serve others.
Gate 38: Compels us to find and fight for meaningful causes.
Gate 54: Drives ambition and material success.
Gate 53: Initiates new projects.
Gate 60: Seeks to transcend limitations and innovate.
Gate 52: Focuses our energy for deep concentration.
Gate 19: Emphasizes sensitivity to needs.
Gate 39: Provokes passion and emotional reactions.

Collectively, these gates create a boundless source of stress, anxiety, and drive within us.

The Key to Managing Root Energy
Meditation has been the greatest key in managing the energy of the Root Center. Slowing down, breathing, and witnessing the pressures of existence with spaciousness allows us to respond rather than react to the stimuli in our lives. In a world filled with fear and push-pull energies, staying centered is essential.

Join me on this journey of rooting to rise, and let's explore the depths of our inner strength together.
You are the Key! Unlock Your Self.


"The human body is a microcosm, or a little world, and it is governed by the same laws as the macrocosm, or the great world. By observing and understanding the movements of the stars and planets, we can gain insight into the workings of the human body and use this knowledge to heal and restore balance" – Paracelsus


I'm excited to offer this amazing July Summer Camp for Young girls ages 9-14!
Reach out for more information:
or email [email protected]


I'm SUPER excited to offer this Yoga & Mindfulness Training for Children ages 11 and up in July for 3 weeks!

More info:
or email [email protected]


The Sun entered Gene Key 27 yesterday and I felt inspired to share so I typed this out from one of my guide books.
The image of this hexagram is that of an open mouth. It comes to remind us that the nourishment of our bodies and spirits is important and merits our conscientious attention.

The IChing teaches us that if we wish to gauge someone’s character, we should notice what he nourishes in himself and others. Those who cultivate inferior behaviors and relationships are inferior people; those who cultivate superior qualities in themselves and others are superior people. This is a test that we should apply to ourselves as well as to others.

What you put into your body is obviously important. Because it determines your fundamental well-being, it is wise to be moderate and thoughtful about the food you eat. What you put into your mind is even more significant, and regulating it is a more subtle art. This hexagram gives us 3-Part advice on that subject.

The first counsel is that we should not feed our minds on desire.
When we forego our equanimity and begin to desire something or someone, a host of other inferior influences comes into play: we become ambitious about obtaining the object of our desire; we become fearful that we will not; if we do achieve it our ego is gratified and strengthened and it soon issues another demand for us to meet. A self-reinforcing cycle of negativity is thus created. Therefore it is wise to hold yourself free from desire.

The second counsel is that we begin and continue in a regular practice of meditation. Sitting quietly with our eyes closed for even as little as ten or fifteen minutes a day begins to “clear the waste” out of our hearts and minds, making room for the nourishment of peace and wisdom to enter in. To sit in meditation is to tune your ear to the voice of the Sage, and it is the most powerful way of gaining his assistance.

The final counsel is that we observe tranquility in speech, thoughts, and actions. By cultivating calm and equanimity in all that you say, think and do, you nourish your superior self and that of those around you. One who follows these three counsels now will meet with good fortune.

The IChing or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker


ALL Guardians of the EARTH


What goes up must come down
The game of life is all on the ground.
From big to small.
We’ve got ‘em all.

Divine encounters

Around and around we must go.

But where we will stop
Nobody knows.

But! There is power in the NoW

And our imagination is key 🔑
We have the ability to invent and create
The greatest reality!

The time has arrived
And you hold the power
One ☝🏼 light under the sun.

What else is possible?

Perhaps we can start asking some questions? To navigate the waters and breakthrough

In light end!

What is dividing ?
What is uniting?

What matters the most?
Do you think everyone would agree?
Should agree??

We are the people
Of all colors casts creeds …identities
We get it!

The old ways and some tribal laws
Have failed us

We are not commanded to be loyal to anyone but ourselves, first. When to thine own be TRUE. There is Nothing Else to do.

Shine like the Sun ☀️
You are a Star.
Your frequency matters.

Let’s us take a step back
From all the right here right now commodities
And try to see a new way

In the last 5 years everyone is on iPhones
We all have a DOUBLE
Do you know Who You Are ?

No. That’s why marketing and coaching is the biggest schema out there. (No offense to the amazing marketers and coaches out there… we need you)

We have the power in our hands to create

New technology

New ideas and inspirations

But if we are all on the treadmill
Of public education
Pharmaceutical Associations …

We are Hijacked!
Our precious energy is used
For homogenization of the United or should I say say Divided Nations.

Remember they are United but they are dividing us.
Me and you.
The vast majority controlled by such a small minority.

Come home to YOUR Self
Meander the paths
Straight edges don’t hold
Be flexible and free
With a mindfully structured reality.

Thank you and bless you.
Together we can do this.
Right here Right Now.
Let’s GO!


And here is Chat GPTs expanded version 😝🙃right!!! Go outside and take a walk 😂

What goes up must find its descent,
In life's grand game, all movements are lent.
From towering giants to the tiniest mote,
Every being, every life, every note.

Eclipses dance in cosmic choreography,
Frequency hums in universal symphony.
Divine encounters in each twist and turn,
Lessons learned as we wander and learn.

Around and around, the carousel spins,
Destinations shifting, where it begins.
In the dance of existence, we find our vow,
An anchor in the eternal Now.

Imagination, the key to unfold,
Inventing realities, stories untold.
For in this moment, the power is clear,
To shape the world, to hold it dear.

The time is ripe, the power within,
Each soul a light, a radiant kin.
What else awaits in the endless expanse?
Possibilities bloom, in a cosmic dance.

Questions arise, seeking to define,
What divides, what weaves the divine line.
In the tapestry of life, what matters most?
Unity's call, in every soul engrossed.

The people, diverse in hues and creed,
Bound by a thread of shared need.
Yet old ways falter, tribal laws fade,
Loyalty to self, in the heart's cascade.

Shine bright, like the sun's golden ray,
Each soul a star, in the vast array.
Frequency matters, in this cosmic choir,
Harmonizing souls, in eternal fire.

Step back from the rush, the relentless grind,
See a new path, in the boundless mind.
In the age of iPhones, doubles abound,
Do we know ourselves, on this merry-go-round?

Marketing whispers, coaching guides the way,
Yet within us lies the power to sway.
New technology, ideas unfurled,
In the hands of those who reshape the world.

But treadmills of education, media's sway,
Militarization, in the mind's array.
Hijacked energy, in systems of control,
Dividing nations, taking their toll.

Come home to self, meander the path,
In the labyrinth of life, find your hearth.
Flexibility reigns, in the mind's decree,
A structured reality, mindful and free.

Blessings abound, in every step we take,
Together, in unity, our dreams awake.
Right here, right now, let's embark,
On the journey of creation, in the cosmic arc.

Take Back Your Kid! Home School Education | Amber Melendy 04/02/2024

Life can feel broken when everything around us is broken. Generational tribal trauma has left many of us stranded in threads untethered to much but the daily grind, putting on of happy faces but underneath it all is grief, anger, fear, disgust, disappointment, bitterness and on… the astral plane is active with the various not - self destructive realities. This is not the truth. We are energy in motion - we are truth in flow - we are creative beings by our nature. The system is tough and can beat the best of us up. My work is an attempt to support a reunification of of this brokenness that colors our relationships in the home and school life.

Parents are the first and main educators of their children. True education must flow as a living structure from person to person in a space that is conducive to giving and receiving in mutuality. It is more than a physical structure with rules, regulations, and agendas. It is a conversation between engaged listeners, each person a part owner of the conversation. We can do more when in alignment with each other as a unit of openness and unpredictability. Social and emotional intelligence is the new conversation. Showing up authentically, allowing flow and making space for each other is essential. Mindfulness, adaptability, emotional freedom… is difficult work. However, it is the work we need to do right now.

Our health is in our hands. Our life is in our hands. We need our True Self now more than ever. We must get back to nature. We must get back to our True Nature. Use these keys to unlock your potential. We are physical, mental/emotional and spiritual beings and as such we must be present to each of these spaces in our being. When we hold a space for all of ourselves we can attain a level of witness and this freedom creates a spaciousness in the heart. We then have the possibility to fulfill our full potential. Our complete alignment. Living Connected. You are the Key.

The fact is that we have all been conditioned and programmed by something other than our true nature. From the beginning of our lives, the people closest to us see what they see and project what they see onto us (from all of their programming, going back generations). They are colored. In addition, we come here with our own colors or the things we are here to learn in this lifetime. We also have media distortions that have been a destructive force on our psyche. So, we never really get to know who we truly are. It is only when we start to listen to ourselves that we can begin to forge a path home to our Self. It takes much effort to re-write our Story, but truly there is nothing better that we can do with our lives because if we don’t start living our code, our truth, we will never be free. We will go on suffering and justifying it.

Are you ready to write a new story?

“Be the Change you Want to See in This World” Gandhi

Let’s do this together!

Reach out if you need support in Taking Your Child Back!

Take Back Your Kid! Home School Education | Amber Melendy Healthy Rhythms and Home School Coach / Parent /Teacher Education Waldorf Educator Consultations to support parents in the awareness of the uniqueness of their children and a guide map of their body/mind operating systems.


Gene Key 48, also known as "The Well," delves into the core theme of the fear of inadequacy and invites individuals to explore the depth of life with curiosity. Unlike conventional wisdom that suggests wisdom is acquired solely through education, this gene key suggests that true wisdom comes from embodying and exploring the mysteries of human existence.

At its essence, Gene Key 48 encourages individuals to confront their fears of inadequacy and embrace the journey of self-discovery. By delving into the depths of their own being and the intricacies of human experience, individuals can unlock profound insights and cultivate wisdom. This gene key emphasizes the importance of curiosity, openness, and a willingness to explore the unknown in order to transcend limitations and fulfill one's potential.

You are the Key! Unlock Your Self!

Need Support? Reach out -

Guerreiro da Paz (lyrics) English below 03/09/2024


I call the force, I call the force
I call the force
forces of the stones to firm me
I call the earth, I call the earth
I call the earth
I call the earth to root me
I call the wind, I call the wind
I call the wind
I call the wind comes to rise me up
I call the fire, I call the fire
I call the fire
I call the fire to become purified
I call the Moon, I call the Sun
I call the stars
I call the universe to illuminate me
I call the water, I call the rain
and I call the river
I call all to wash me
I call the ray, the lightning and the thunder
I call all the power of the creation
I call the sea, I call the sky and the infinite
I call all to free us
I call Christ, I call Budha
I call Krishna
I call the force of all Orixás
I call all with their divine forces
I want to see the universe light up
I thank for the life and the courage
To the universe for the opportunity
And my life I dedicate with love
To our humanity's alive dream
I am messenger, I am comet, I am indigenous
I am son of the nation of the rainbow
With my siblings I will be one more
In the noble cause of Inka Redentor
I am warrior, I am warrior and I am going struggling
My sword is the word of the love
My shield is the kindness in my chest
And my helmet is my gentleman's talents
I thank our Mother and to our Father
And to all my brothers for to help me
My glory for all I give
Because us all are one in this union
Ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã
From the begining
all of us are brothers!
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Live the Power of the whole


Eu chamo a força, eu chamo a força, eu chamo a força
Força das pedras para me firmar
Eu chamo a terra, eu chamo a terra, eu chamo a terra
Eu chamo a terra para me enraizar
Eu chamo o vento, eu chamo o vento, eu chamo o vento
Eu chamo o vento vem me elevar
Eu chamo o fogo, eu chamo o fogo, eu chamo o fogo
Eu chamo o fogo para me purificar
Eu chamo a Lua, chamo o Sol, chamo as estrelas
Chamo o Universo para me iluminar
Eu chamo a água, chamo a chuva e chamo o rio
Eu chamo todos para me lavar
Eu chamo o raio, o relâmpago e o trovão
Eu chamo todo o poder da criação
Eu chamo o mar, chamo o céu e o infinito
Eu chamo todos para nos libertar
Eu chamo Cristo
Eu chamo Budha
Eu chamo Krishna
Eu chamo a força de todos Orixás
Eu chamo todos com suas Forças Divinas
Eu quero ver o Universo iluminar
Eu agradeço pela vida e a coragem
Ao Universo pela oportunidade
E a minha vida eu dedico com amor
Ao sonho vivo da nossa humanidade
Sou mensageiro, sou cometa, eu sou indígena
Eu sou filho da nação do Arco Íris
Com meus irmãos eu vou ser mais um
Na nobre causa do Inka Redentor
Eu sou guerreiro, eu sou guerreiro e vou lutando
A minha espada é a palavra do amor
O meu escudo é a bondade no meu peito
E o meu elmo são os dons do meu Senhor
Eu agradeço a nossa Mãe e ao nosso Pai
E aos meus irmãos por todos me ajudar
A minha glória para todos eu entrego
Porque nós todos somos um nesta união
Ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã
Desde o principio
todos nós somos irmãos!
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Viva o Poder de todo o Universo!

I call the force, I call the force
I call the force
forces of the stones to firm me
I call the earth, I call the earth
I call the earth
I call the earth to root me
I call the wind, I call the wind
I call the wind
I call the wind comes to rise me up
I call the fire, I call the fire
I call the fire
I call the fire to become purified
I call the Moon, I call the Sun
I call the stars
I call the universe to illuminate me
I call the water, I call the rain
and I call the river
I call all to wash me
I call the ray, the lightning and the thunder
I call all the power of the creation
I call the sea, I call the sky and the infinite
I call all to free us
I call Christ, I call Budha
I call Krishna
I call the force of all Orixás
I call all with their divine forces
I want to see the universe light up
I thank for the life and the courage
To the universe for the opportunity
And my life I dedicate with love
To our humanity's alive dream
I am messenger, I am comet, I am indigenous
I am son of the nation of the rainbow
With my siblings I will be one more
In the noble cause of Inka Redentor
I am warrior, I am warrior and I am going struggling
My sword is the word of the love
My shield is the kindness in my chest
And my helmet is my gentleman's talents
I thank our Mother and to our Father
And to all my brothers for to help me
My glory for all I give
Because us all are one in this union
Ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã ñdarei a sã
ñdarei a sã
From the begining
all of us are brothers!
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Orei ouá
Live the Power of the whole universe

Guerreiro da Paz (lyrics) English below Warriors of peace!! we are all brothers! I call upon the powers of the universe to guide us, strenghten us and to help us.united in the heartGUERREIRO DA PAZ...

Photos from Shine On Yoga's post 02/01/2024

Are you ready to Know Your Roots, Relieve Your Stress, Resolve your Back pain? Listen up ⬆️

Through the study of yogic philosophy, I learned that in the last epoch of time our karmic seeds lay in the Sacral center but we are in such dense Maia that the seeds went down even lower into the root center. This is why we see so much distortion and confusion. So many layers. So much ancestral trauma and generations of suffering. The program is strong and we are all tethered to it.

All great teachers have foretold of this time. Where the gurus will no longer accept guruship and the lineage comes to a close or what I call a shift into the Spectral Sphinx: Cross of Love.
A time where Each one is out for themselves. Know your codes. Know the map. It’s possible and available. Take yourself lightly and gently. Hold the doors open. The kingdom is within if we allow it to enter. Receptivity is a gift. Creativity is a key. Unlock yourself.

I have an open Root as well as Head, and am here to be wise about the pressures and stresses of life. The openness used to make me run around in a hurry all the time… without even knowing what I was running from or too. I mean I had an agenda … always. So I was a long (neck) a way from the heart of the matter. Right here right now. Everything is possible in the now. This is the time of extraordinary shifting to the line of the 6 as a backdrop. It is substantial. It is. You are. I am. Together we rise. All parts. Claim your Self. It is the key to a victory.

“Root Center & Back Problems

One of the things that's interesting about the nature of the Root is that the Root has no direct access to the Throat. Everything else does, other than the Head Center. So, given the basic structure of the BodyGraph, you can see that we don't have particularly good connections to our Root. That's why most of humanity suffers from back problems. We don't have an easy connection to our base, to the base of the spine, to the Root Center, to the adrenaline system.

We know the by-product of adrenalized stress. We know what happens when that energy fuels something else. You've already seen how profound the Root is in fueling the format process, and providing the pressure for the format energies, and how significant the format energies are in being able to understand design, and understand the way in which we work together in concert. So, the Root is very significant, but because we don't have a natural way of getting to it immediately, we don't see the Root manifest on its own. We never get to see that. We never get to experience that. And so, we don't give respect where respect is due.

The Root Center is essential for us. It is a very, very complex center. It has more gates than the Spleen or the Solar Plex. It's incredibly complex. It has more gates than the Self. It has the same number as the Sacral. Only the Throat is more complex, so this Root Center is really something.”


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Shine On Yoga


Gainesville, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 1pm
6pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 7:30am
6pm - 8pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 11am
6pm - 8:30pm
Thursday 6:30am - 7:30am
6pm - 9pm
Friday 3:30pm - 5pm
6pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 9am - 10am
Sunday 9am - 10:30am
7pm - 8:30pm

Other Meditation Centers in Gainesville (show all)
Shambhala Gainesville Shambhala Gainesville
1899 NE 23rd Avenue
Gainesville, 32609

Shambhala Gainesville offers meditation instruction, classes and retreats as well as yoga, classes on Buddhism, mindfulness, and contemporary societal issues.

Awakened Heart Yoga & Meditation Awakened Heart Yoga & Meditation
5208 SW 91st Drive
Gainesville, 32608

We offer online classes on meditation, spirituality, and walking the spiritual path.

Gainesville Retreat Center Gainesville Retreat Center
1551 SE 51st Street
Gainesville, 32641

A Meditation Retreat

Karuna Cottage Gainesville Karuna Cottage Gainesville
3215 NW 17th Steet
Gainesville, 32605

Karuna Cottage is an urban forest sanctuary by Hogtown Creek hosted by Nancy Lasseter & Ewen Thomson.

655 Reitz Union Drive
Gainesville, 32611

A student organization at UF that aims to teach stress management techniques and attitudes for personal and professional success. Our goal is to preserve one of the most endangered...