Monica Park Christian Church

Witnessing - Loving - Serving - No Creed but Christ


Grief Support Group meets tonight in the Parlor at 6:30


Oola for Christians: Day 8

For the last 7 days we have looked at the 7 key areas of life (the 7 F’s of Oola) and made strides to make positive change in these areas.

It was apparent that Jesus was not on a mission to change people but awaken them to who they are and who He is. As we venture into this next section of this challenge, our prayer is that you awaken to who God has created you to be and know that when we are on the path he has created for us all things are possible.

Over the next seven days, we are going to deal with traits we call OolaBlockers. Blockers are simply the things that get between you and your dreams. If you have not written down your dreams, take the time to at least write one right now. Do not wait another second to put a pen to paper about what is in your heart.

When you encounter a Blocker, first simply call it out. For example, I am feeling fear in this moment. Then, set it in its place. As yourself, what does my life look life if I give in to this blocker? Conversely, what does my life look like if I overcome? Finally, what is the action step I can do right now (20 seconds of courage) to overcome this blocker? This is Simply called, Ready - Set - Go.

For the next 7 days we will walk you through this and together we will change our life and the world around us.

The first (and most common) OolaBlocker is Fear.

This is something that every single person on the planet deals with at one time or another. Is fear the thing that is stopping you from getting your OolaLife? Today we want you to confront that fear. Practice the Ready-Set-Go method. Visualize a big dream that evokes fear. Call it out; “I am afraid of _____.” Put fear in its place by imagining what your life will look like if you give in to fear. Will you feel better about yourself or worse? Stronger or weaker? Empowered or defeated? Next, visualize how you will feel if you break through. Again, ask yourself, do you feel better about yourself or worse? Stronger or weaker? Empowered or defeated? Then, identify the action step required, find your 20 seconds of courage, and push through.

Here’s an example:
READY: I have a dream of working for a non-profit and the thought of pursuing it creates fear in me.
SET: If I give into this fear, my purpose will not be fulfilled, and I will not have the joy I feel this move would provide. If I break through fear, I know I can do what I was created to do.
GO: Create and post resume. As you do this, realize that fear isn’t the absence of faith, but it is saying I trust God with my fears, and I have the faith to live the life I was designed for.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

God, you are so awesome. Your Word says that as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because you are with me. God, thank you for always being with me, for always being for me and being faithful even when I am not. I ask today that you would remove fear from my life because it is not from you. Help me to understand that my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways aren’t your ways so I can trust you with the big picture.


Every act of kindness, each loving word, every peaceful thought, changes the energy of those around us and of the world. 🩷

Pretty amazing, right?

Our actions speak volumes.

Research shows that when a person sees someone act in a kind way, they are far more likely to engage in that behavior themselves.

When we create a world based on kindness and love, we silently model that to others, lifting the consciousness of all - spreading peace, love and light in the world.

Which is just what the world needs now. 🩷

From Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace.

Love and kindness on every page. Find your copy here:


January 7, 2024 Worship Service


Oola for Christians: Day 7

Congratulations on making it to day 7 of the Oola For Christians Challenge! God has built you for great things and you are much more capable than you realize. Maybe this week you didn’t crush every challenge or maybe you did. Remember, progress over perfection. Since you have been working so hard, we wanted to end the first week by having some fun. You deserve it!

Our Fun Affirmation is simple: “I am pursuing the joys of life.”

Before Oola, Heather had walked through a very hard season and she had let the pain of her situation steal her joy. The day she walked up to the OolaBus and wrote down her goal on one of our goal stickers to Go on a Mission trip, she not only allowed herself to dream again, but launched herself back into the life she was meant to live.

So the question is…. What brings you joy?

Today’s challenge is to take an hour or two and go enjoy doing something you love. You deserve a moment to enjoy the life God gave you. So change some plans if you need to and head to the beach, have lunch with the girls or play a round of golf with the guys. Do something that makes you smile.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. PSALM 28:7

God, your word says a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Lord, thank you for restoring my joy and healing the places that have been hurt or neglected. Please bring me back to the dreams you created for me. Help me to pursue what you have called me to do and enjoy the life I have been given.


Affirmations for Fun: I AM pursuing all the joys of life.


Join Eddie each Sunday at 9:45 in the Parlor for " The Conversation".


Our Grief Support Group will meet on Monday Jan 8th at 6:30 in the Parlor


Oola for Christians: Day 6

Today’s challenge is to do something nice for a friend, just because. You could make your friend dinner, offer to come by and do a load of laundry, babysit, take your friend to a hockey game, offer to wash their car or simply write them a letter letting them know how much they mean to you. So often we save letting our friends know how much they mean to us until we are asked to speak at their funeral. Take today to let your friends know how much you love them.

“One who loves with a pure heart and speaks with grace will have a king for a friend.” PROVERBS 22:11 NIV

God, thank you that your word says that you are a friend that sticks closer than a brother. How you care for me lets me care for others. Help me to be a person that empowers the people to be who you have called them to be. When I am struggling, help me to know that I am capable of healthy relationships. Today I lift up (your friends name) to you in thanksgiving. Thank you for putting them in my life.


Affirmations for Friends: I AM blessed with empowering, healthy relationships


Slow down a little. Notice more.

Breathe it all in. Give thanks. 🩷

Mindfulness teacher and monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, reminds us of a simple truth: "Peace in ourselves. Peace in our world." 🩷

On this day when the outside world sometimes feels less than peaceful, let's foster peace in ourselves by practicing mindfulness and gratitude.

Let's register the sight of natural beauty and linger over small moments of tea, a candle and spiritual reading.

Let's pause to soak up the sounds of laughter or a bird song.

Let's be amazed that our spirits are embodied here in the world to feel a soft blanket, a soapy dish, a loving hand.

Let’s open to the beauty in the small moments of today.

And contribute to peace in our world. 🩷

Blessings and prayers rising for all those in the path of suffering today. ✨

** This week I’m celebrating 10 years of (almost) daily posts with 10 gifts for you. Thank you from the heart for your love on this journey. All of the gifts are in the January Soul Care Newsletter here:


Oola for Christians: Day 5

Today’s challenge will help you with all struggles of your past and all worries of your future. Our focus today will be on 5th F of Oola - Faith. While we are sharing Oola on the OolaBus, social media or at events, we have heard many people say that they get intimidated by the word “faith”. Don’t be! Start where you are. Whether you are a Bible scholar or someone who has never opened the Bible before, we still know that this is a key component of your OolaLife. So, we want to encourage you to connect in a way today with your faith that will stretch you.

In this challenge, we ask you to take a leap of faith. Depending on the life you currently live, decide today to connect with God in a way that is not in your current agenda. Here are some suggestions that we mention in the Oola for Christians book that you can try.

Make it personal. Talk to God not in a formal prayer that you may have learned at church but about all the things on your heart. Tell him the good, bad and ugly. He is God and can handle it.

Be still. In this day and age we are always on the go. Pause, look around and be in awe that the God of the Universe who created everything in your view also created you. You matter to God. Let it soak in.

Find a church community where you can attend a small group, a church service or a place to serve.

Your faith is your faith. Even though this is a Christian challenge, we recognize faith is very personal. So, our challenge is based on where you are.

I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
MATTHEW 17:20 b

God, today I humbly come before you realize that you made me. Thank you for loving me enough to send your son Jesus to die for me. I am so grateful that you went beyond what I deserve because you wanted to be connected with me. I recognize that you have a plan for my life, and to know that plan I must first know you. Please help me to feel your presence in my life and to know your ways. I open my heart and life to you today.

Affirmation for Faith: I AM grateful, humble and fully connected.


We are never stuck in one place on the spiritual journey. 💛

We are constantly changing, learning, growing.

At any crossroads, we have the power to decide what qualities we want to emerge with from this chapter of life.

We can always choose to evolve into a kinder and more compassionate version of ourselves when we let love lead in all we do.

The purpose of the adventure is not to accomplish or to please others, but to get to the very heart of ourselves - which has always been love.

And always will be love.

Love is the road. 💛

** Join us on the road this year. The Every Day Spirit books are here for your spiritual journey with love:


Oola for Christians: Day 4

You have been rocking the last 3 days of the Oola For Christians Challenge. Keep up the great work! As you continue through this challenge, it’s important to remind yourself that where you are in life is just where you are, not who you are. You are designed by God for greatness and a purpose. Now, let’s jump right into today’s challenge.

Today’s challenge focuses on the 4th F of Oola: Field (aka your job/career). Stay-at-home parents and students, this includes you.

We discussed the first day of the challenge that as long as you have breathe you have a purpose. In the Field chapter of the Oola for Christians book, there is a segment that says: 70% of people can’t stand their job. What could be worse? Investing 8-10 hours a day in a job you don’t like, then bringing that misery home and creating a toxic life outside of the office, too. Dissatisfaction with your current work might be God’s way of nudging you to look for something more meaningful.

Caution: Please do not quit your job, without this …

Don’t stay endlessly in a job you hate, but only make the leap with a solid plan. Ask yourself what is the purpose that I was designed by God to fulfill in this life? You may not be able to know exactly what your next step for your career path may be, but it is important to identify, “what would get me out of bed in the morning with excitement.” It may be serving your company in a different role, working towards owning your own business or completely changing professions. We get out of bed each morning excited to share Oola with the world. But we all provide different roles in the company based upon our unique skills and individual passions. We share Oola in different ways. We all are different and that is an important truth to finding our purpose without comparison.

So, the challenge for today is two parts. First, if you have a job today, show up and give it your all. Arrive early, stay late, serve others, and be grateful for employment. Work as if you’re working for the Lord and not for a boss or your toddler. Be intentional to steward well the job you currently have.

Second, take time to ask yourself and to pray about what your purpose is and write down what your dream career would look like? Dream big. Don’t google “good paying jobs.” Create a vision for the job you would do for free if money didn’t matter. Then begin building a bridge from where you are today to where you want to be.

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” PROVERBS 16:3


God, today I put my life in your hands. I know you uniquely created me and put me on this earth for a reason. Please give me the guidance to live and fulfill the purpose you created me for. Help set my heart on fire for serving you and serving others well. Please give me the courage to step out and be who you have created me to be.


Affirmation for Field: I AM pursuing by purpose in life.


Our spiritual wisdom is always right here within.

It just needs a little daily attention. 💜

And the more attention we give it, the more we remember.

We remember how unique and radiant we really are.

We remember we are part of a whole and we are all connected.

We remember that countless blessings surround us right now.

Put all that together and we feel lighter.

Even amidst challenges, remember there might be some blessings around you too. 💜

Adapted from today’s page in Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace.

Inspiration for every day of the year. Yours is here:


Start off the new year with a new way of speaking... Get over the fear of speaking in public. Learn how to converse in social settings. Join us tomorrow, Thursday Jan 4th in the Parlor at 7:15 and see what Toastmasters has to offer you


Ladies... We are back together NEXT Wednesday Jan 10th in the Parlor at 6:00

It will be so great to see us all back together


Oola for Christians: Day 3

The thing with family is that just like each one of us, every family dynamic is different and unique. As David was writing the Oola for Christians book, they recognized that even though Jesus was perfect, his family life wasn’t. It is important to realize that you cannot control your spouse, kids and or relatives. In a family, everyone has their own opinions, roles, and personalities. What you do have control of is YOU. Yes, you have the power to control you! And this power in return will affect those around you. A better you, makes a better family. So how will you use this power?

Your challenge for today is to ask yourself, “Am I loving my family well?” And then take action on your answer.

This challenge is not about making sure the laundry is done and the beds are made. Whether you are a daughter/son, mother/father, aunt/uncle, brother, or sister you are valuable. Regardless of how your family interacts, you can be the best version of yourself when you take care of yourself and love others well. Not just going through the motions in your role but really acknowledging the influence you have whether you see it or not.

Secondly, take action. Where can you be more unconditionally loving, patient, and respectful? Yes, families know how to push buttons, hey they are the ones who installed them but when you are loving well you can’t go wrong. Who needs a hug, a phone call, a text of encouragement or an apology from a mistake you made or words you said last night, last week, last month or last year? Don’t just think about it, do it right now.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.8 Love never fails.

God, today I come before you and say thank you for letting me be a part of your family. I know I am not always perfect, and I make mistakes. Thank you for not giving up on me. Please help me to learn from you and to love my family well. Today, any issues I have with my family I give them to you. Help me to see them as you see them. I know I was designed by you for greatness and a purpose, so help me to fulfill my purpose within my family by loving them as you have loved me.

Affirmation for Family: I AM unconditionally loving, patient and respectful


We find ourselves at the dawn of a new beginning - a new chapter on our spiritual journey.

It’s a journey of the heart; an adventure of the soul with lessons drawn from simple things that lie within us and around us.

Making space is key to welcoming in the new. 💗

We make space by letting go of yesterday’s artifacts and releasing what no longer serves the person we are becoming.

This might include commitments we have outgrown, addictive or negative behaviors that we no longer align with, or maybe unkindness toward ourselves.

Then we welcome in the light. ⭐️

The rays that shine through our new window might illuminate inspiration, intuition, self-care, joy, gratitude, creativity and the gift of some delightful, unscheduled time for play and adventure.

It’s beautiful how when we release what no longer serves us, we make room for beautiful small things.

May they surround you.

And may we offer a whisper of thanks for the sunrise of new beginnings. 💗

From the opening pages of Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace. For your heart and soul - right here:




Men... Join Eddie tomorrow morning at 8:30 at the Goldmine for food and fellowship


Oola for Christians: Day 2 –

Today’s challenge is focused on personal finance. Finance is a word that will get some excited and cause others to cringe.

The Bible says, “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given.” – Matthew 25-29 NLT. So today we pose the question, have you been a good steward of your money? Even if it feels you have just a little, have you “used well what you’ve been given?”

We’ve all done it, but overspending is not being a good steward. Drowning in debt and serving payments instead of purpose isn’t honoring God’s purpose for your life. Are you giving and saving the way you know you should?

Today, we want you to identify 1 area to spend less and 1 way to bring in more money. Spending less than you make creates a positive cash flow gap, and by definition, is being a good steward of your money.

Looking for ways to spend less? Is Starbucks, credit cards spending, and Target part of your daily routine? Consider making your coffee or lunch at home. Calculate how much you would spend and set it aside. If you do this for the entire challenge then you can possibly pay a nice portion off your credit card debt, give to a local charity or church, or invest for your future.

How about ways to bring in more money? Closets and garages are places where money is laying around. Sell everything that you don’t use or need and take that money to “get caught up”, pay off debt, invest in your future or make the lives of others better. You may not be able to organize and launch a garage sale today, but can you sell one thing in the next 24 hours? We think you can. Looking for other ways to bring in more money? How about picking up an extra shift or start a side hustle. The point is to spend less, bring in more, create a Green Gap and become a responsible steward of the money you are blessed with and trust “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given.”

I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. JOHN 10:10b


Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me. Help me to be a good steward of the things in my life. Lead, guide and direct me and my spending. Help me to realize who I am in you and have the confidence to not need to compete with others. Give me the discipline I need to make those decisions concerning money. Help me to have the abundant life you created so I can truly live and give the way you have designed me to.


Affirmation for Finance: I am financially free and living abundantly


You are spirit in human form, filling a role that only you can fill. 💗

Your life is important. Your love important. You are important.

So be yourself with all your heart. 💗

Bring your authentic gifts to the table.

Relax into the knowing that you are a unique and beautiful creation.

Not only are you enough, but you are playing a sacred role that was created just for you.

No one can fill your shoes. We need your love. 💗

From Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace. Books and app are here for your spiritual journey:

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Who we are

Monica Park Christian Church is a part of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in the US and Canada. We have been serving Garland at our present location since 1956. Though our past is rich, our future is even more exciting. On Sundays, we have a vibrant worship service at 10:30 and have fellowship groups of all kinds. We pride ourselves on Christian service and in the summer offer Character Camp for kids and a new Preaching Festivalfor Ministers all over the Southwest. Our church is very welcoming and we have plenty of room for you and your family.

Videos (show all)

January 7, 2024 Worship Service
December 31, 2023 Worship Service
Christmas Eve 12/24/2023 4PM Worship Service
Christmas Eve 12/24/2023 10:30 Worship Service
December 21, 2023 - Blue Christmas Service
December 17th 2023 Worship Service
December 10, 2023 Worship Service
December 3, 2023 Worship Service
November 26, 2023 Worship Service
November 19, 2023 Worship Service
November 12, 2024 Worship Service
November 5, 2023 Worship Service



2600 Broadway Boulevard
Garland, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 12pm
Tuesday 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 8am - 12pm
Thursday 8am - 12pm
Sunday 9am - 10am
10:30am - 12pm

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