Sparkle Up Buttercup

Sparkle Up Buttercup is a female focused health and wellness resource. We help inspire women to lead


I think it’s really easy to stay in what’s comfortable and known. I tend to struggle with this a lot. It’s why

Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.

Oh I do love a comfort zone 🤦‍♀️ struggle is real, but I’ve learned so much growth happens outside of that. It takes getting uncomfortable to get better and grow. As humans we are wired for comfort. As people, we should be constantly changing and evolving. Get uncomfortable in your daily routine, challenge yourself, and grow to new levels. It’s not an easy road but a worthwhile one. Start eating healthier one meal at a time. It will be unfamiliar, but it will soon become your new normal. Schedule your workout times and habit stack it for better success- not my term- it’s from atomic habits. This is where you pair your desired behavior- aka your new process with an existing habit. Currently for me because I’ve been off my game- I let the dogs out every morning without fail. When I let them in, which clearly is also a necessity, I change into my workout clothes. I’ve gotten dressed for a workout, so instead of getting distracted by all 5 million things I could do instead, I workout. I’ve set my intentions clearly, and I follow through because I’ve made it easy.
As always


Bands, bands, and more bands! There are a variety of bands that are available. They are a great low cost way to add variation and a level of resistance to workouts.

So which one is best? I think they all serve a purpose- the long ones have versatility for compound moves such as a squat to press. The b***y bands are great for things like lateral squat walks, glute bridge, etc and can function in different ways. I don’t necessarily know if there is a better, but looking at what you’re trying to accomplish may impact which one you go for.

Either way these are really affordable and a great addition! Stay tuned for some band workouts…..


This has definitely been true for me- I don’t mean it to be discouraging. I mean for it to help us focus on our priorities. We can’t do all the things all the time. It took me a while to incorporate a healthy lifestyle in my life. I made small consistent changes that have helped me live healthier and feel better. There were many days I struggled to be consistent. Days were I was tempted to not workout, take care of my self care, or eat a lot of food that wasn’t going to nourish my body or serve me.

It is hard and a challenge to stick with things with how chaotic our lives can be. Once I finally set my boundaries- I was able to consistently hit different areas I was working to be consistent with. I had many struggles getting there though. So be patient and keep being mindful and aware. It will come along, don’t give up. Don’t let things slip- be persistent and work through the challenges. It is worthwhile but it isn’t always easy 💜


This has become part of my accountability plan. I don’t want to miss twice because twice, turns into three times, then a week and so on. As challenging as it is, if I don’t remind myself of this and my goals it’s very easy to have weeks go by.

It can definitely be a struggle, but I’ve been living this best I can- whether for workouts, healthy meals, or just in life in general. One can happen- we all miss one eventually. I’ve also had where I will continue to let it slide and days become weeks, and that’s what I’m trying to get away from during this time.

Sometimes it takes showing up messy and imperfect to make progress. Some days it doesn’t look how we imagined, but it’s important to show up.

What’s one goal/habit you’ve been working to not miss twice?


Being a busy woman on the go can be rough. It’s taken time to find different things that work for me to keep me on the healthy path.

Oftentimes when I don’t have a plan for all the things that can take me off course is when I struggle the most. There are so many times that it can happen between work and the kids- I wouldn’t eat healthy the majority of the time. It’s about balance, but I lived that way getting what was easy and convenient for all my meals. I felt so sluggish and weighed down. It just doesn’t work for me to be at my best.

So I’ve made changes and gotten healthier and learned that the time I plan and I’m prepared is when I can be at my best. It's also taken time to see what a healthy, balanced lifestyle looks like for me. I’ve put together some of the ways that help me stay on course throughout a busy day in the latest blog post.

Hint- smoothies of course made the list, such versatile goodness that can be mixed up all the time to prevent any boredom.

What are some of your struggle points throughout the day and staying committed to your desired healthy lifestyle?


I’ve put together a workout for ya to get your Sunday Sparkle on! I’ve put in some of those great lunges and still incorporating some of those foundation moves to keep building in more practice

Reverse lunge 8-10 each side
Bodyweight deadlift 8-10
Walkout with rotation 3-4

Reverse lunge with a twist- can be done without weight as well. Reps can vary here depending on if doing weighted or unweighted. Aim for 10-12 each side
Curtsey lunge- can be done without weight. 10-12
Single leg RDL 10-12 each leg
Plank hold for 20-30 seconds and then rotating mountain climbers for 20-30 seconds
Push-up 8-12
Row- can do regular row or if you want to mix it up do a wide row. 8-14
Bird dog with a zipper. The zipper part is where the opposite knee and elbow meet underneath our body. Aim for 10-12 each side.
Dead bug- I show weighted but can be done without the weight. Aim for lowering each leg 10-12 times each
Russian twist- can be weighted or unweighted. For counting reps I normally just count once I’ve hit the same side. Ex. I start turning to the right count 1, twist left, and when I return to the right that’s my 2nd. Feel free to count as you twist to each side just double the rep number. Aim for 15 reps.

If you want to get your heart rate up try adding the bonus- a standard burpee. If you’re already doing a full burpee with the push up well, you can do that version. Modification shown if you’re not ready to jump your legs back. You can alternate putting one leg back at a time


Happy Friday!! A little Friday thought to get you going into the weekend.
I am guilty of thinking everything has to be perfect and sometimes that’s even an excuse we use not to start. It’s actually consistent showing up that allows us to progress.
There are days where my workout is meh and my eating isn’t all there and that’s how it is sometimes. The goal is never 100%.
It can be really hard to show up consistently. Don’t let the fear of imperfection get in the way of showing up. We all start somewhere. Show up for two minutes, five minutes, whatever you have. The point is you’re showing up and consistent showing up starts to build habits. Start replacing one meal with healthier options. Keep compounding your habits and goals. Remember this takes time- not the answer everyone wants.
It may not be pretty or perfect every day but we’ll still sparkle as we build our healthy habits. Set the goal easy, attainable, and manageable. We can build five minutes to ten and so on. We start eating one healthy meal a week then build to two, three, and so on.


Benefits to working out are many. It’s great for our mental health, cardiovascular health, bone density, and just our overall well-being! It can be hard knowing how to get into a good routine, what a good workout routine and program look like, and sometimes it’s too easy to skip the workout with life pulling us in all different directions.

We all want to look and feel our best, but it can be difficult to put in the consistent work of showing up and making it a priority and habit. There are a few different ways to layer in accountability- let’s face it, we’re less likely to cancel if our time is set with a friend or a professional. Get a workout buddy, pay for a class, or hire a personal trainer.

If you’re looking to take action on your health goals this will give you the accountability to stay with a set program and make those changes happen. I have several options available to help you meet your goals. I have online programming where you work out from a set program designed for you and your needs, and we check-in at various times depending on the program selected. For those in the area, I have in-person training available in the comfort of your home (can be done outside as well if you prefer a more socially distanced approach). We get a solid foundation and form in place and progress. I also have a hybrid option that allows for in-person and online. A variety of options to meet your comfort, needs, and budget. Shoot me a message, and we can discuss in more detail!


Love a lunge! Seriously, it’s hard for me to not to put these in a workout- they are such a great move that works on a foundation level but the progressions are endless! It works multiple muscles even outside the legs and glutes. It involves our core and we’re all about having a strong core!

Add these to your workout, and I’ll continue to show some ways to spice them up if you have solid form 🤪💜

Some important things to know with lunges. It’s easiest to break them down by exercise. One thing remains the same on all of them... engage your core!

Reverse lunge- you’re going to stand with feet hips distance apart. You will take one leg and step back- this can take some experimenting to see what distance works best for each person. Your heel is up on the foot you stepped back with. You lower yourself keeping b***y in- should not be pushed back- until your knee on the step back leg is about an inch off the ground. The shin of the front leg should be in a straight line with the ankle and knee and thigh about parallel to the floor. Raising back up, bring the back leg to return to the starting position with the front leg. You can work same side or alternate sides.

Forward lunge requires a bit more stability so it’s always great to start and master the reverse lunge. The forward lunge again has the starting position with feet about hip distance apart. We are stepping forward this time and we raise our back heel on the remaining leg. We lower until our legs have two 90 degree angles and the back knee is again about an inch above the ground. Use the forward leg to raise back up to standing and bring the forward leg back to starting position. Make sure when stepping forward that it’s straight step forward- we don’t want to be on a tight rope where are feet are close to being in the same line.

Curtsy lunge- so it is what you imagine- it’s like we’re being formal and performing a curtsy before royalty. Minus the bowing. We want to make sure we have enough room behind us as one leg is going back. Start with feet hip distance apart. Keeping one leg and both hips facing front, one leg goes back and crosses to the other side of the front leg (this moving leg is going back and diagonal).The back leg heel is lifted and we are lowering until the knee is about one inch off the ground. No b***y out and no bowing. Raise back up and bring leg back to starting position. You can work the same leg or alternate to the other side. This takes some practice and balance.

Lateral or side lunge- we are again as you can probably guess by now…. Feet hip distance apart for our start. Make sure there’s room to the side of you for this one. I’m trying to avoid too many dogs in this video so hopefully you have a few less obstacles! You step one leg out to the side- you don’t want to overextend here. Make sure all your toes are still facing forward. Don’t move the foot sideways on the step out leg. You keep the leg you kept in place straight as you stick your b***y out and lowering body as you keep your chest up and bend the step out leg like you're doing a one legged sit to a chair behind you. Raise back up and bring the leg you stepped out with back to the starting position. Again you can continue to work the same side or alternate.


Be the designer of our world… so many times I have felt like the consumer. Days, weeks, even years felt like they flew by and I wasn’t quite sure what direction I was even trying to go in. I was just going with no direction and letting life dictate where I went and what I did. I was reactive and not proactive. When you’re just reacting with no habits or plan, it’s hard to focus on building the life we want to live.

It’s been so important for me to design the life I want to live as far as the direction I’m going on my own personal journey but also my family’s journey. Life will keep you so busy that if you don’t live intentionally and make room for the things we’re working towards, we can get lost.

Design, create, and live the life you want. It’s not built at once. Cultivate small habits that compound into larger processes that keep your life going in the direction you want. Plan your workouts, food, time for your passions, and people and things you care about 💜


Food tips vary across a large spectrum. The best food tip I can offer is find what works for YOUR body and use that consistently. I don't believe theres is one strategy that works for every person (I could be wrong). The most broad advice I could give that probably would work for everyone is less processed foods and more fresh foods. I think that's one that would work for everyone! As far as high protein, low carb, intermittent fasting, keto, or insert any trending topic, the application and usefulness is going to vary. I think it is good to try new tactics, but when trying them really pay attention to how your body is responding. I've posted a new blog post with more information on the website. Let's find what works for each of us and


One of the things I look back on and wish I had learned sooner was scheduling self-care. I was so guilty of burning myself out, being sporadic with anything I was taking on, and not taking enough time for just me. I would tell my younger self to make the time and not feel guilty about it. Whats I've gotten better about now is incorporating new things in slowly instead of trying to dive into all ten things on my list at once. It just doesn't work. I learned to start small and build from there. I've made changes over the years and have successfully incorporated taking care of myself and even finding myself again. It's taken diligence and being protective over my me time, but it's also given be passion, joy, and an ability to give more to those around me without feeling like an empty shell of a person. I've had to learn how to plan my time and find ways to build slowly, so I can be successful instead of unsuccessful like before. I encourage all you busy ladies to take even 2 minutes and do something you enjoy and that brings you life. The goal being short because it's typically more achievable than trying to dive straight into an hour.
More on the blog.
So do the self-care so you can


Any other moms feeling like they are hanging onto their sanity by a thin thread?!
No…. Just me then 😂 seriously, I can imagine that’s almost an every day feel. Like what’s next…. Because I’m not sure what else is left 🤷‍♀️ but then I find there’s more 😂

It can definitely be a struggle, and I’m here to say I feel ya, I really do! It’s one of those super crazy times. Some days I’m getting it all done and like heck yeah! While other days I’m not sure if I accomplished one thing that I intended to get done because of all the other chaos that ensued.

I’m here to say the best we can do is honor the things we have set as a priority and some days that looks different than our normal. When you get off track- regroup, refocus, and replan. As moms I feel like we can use our ability to figure it out and improvise to our advantage! Flex that Supermom muscle and make sure you include your own well being in those priorities, even if it’s only 15 min! I’m preaching to myself right now as well because I’m guilty of getting caught up in all 5 million things that are in your face demanding to be done and feeling like there’s not enough time.

Hang in there ladies- we got this 💜 Sparkle Up Buttercup! New blog post up on how I attempt to keep my sanity!


Just a Monday reminder for all of us... don’t wait til tomorrow if you can do it today. It’s tempting and easier to say I’ll just wait until ______- insert whatever you’re waiting on. I’ve been guilty of this and had to learn- even if it’s not what I expected or how I wanted it to be- I have never regretted starting in that moment. It gave me momentum once I started, even though far from perfect, and I was able to build from that and work through it. Whether getting back into a workout routine or eating habits. It’s even applied to bigger things in my life. I want everything to be just right and have held myself to a high standard. Truth is sometimes the best way to get to the standard is to fumble though it and learn as you go and accept that we all don’t have it all together from the get go.

I’m in the midst of starting a new job and trying to find my way back to many things that were habit for me from exercise, food, business, etc. I’ve gotten in my own head and struggled with wanting to wait for better timing. Better timing isn’t just ahead. The time won’t be just right a day, a week, or even a month from now. It’s a busy time of life and things will keep coming up with kids, family, work, and so on. It’s been a struggle, but I’m learning. So don’t wait until tomorrow, a month from now, 3 months. Make a plan to start today! What are you putting off- maybe we can help and encourage each other 😊💜

Photos from Sparkle Up Buttercup's post 02/02/2021

It’s been a different kind of week. Took some time off training and everything in general because our sweet Frenchie had her puppies. It was like having newborns again- the sleep deprivation was real. Hopefully things are settling down some- still a few speed bumps, but I was still able to get my work out in and refocus on some things like healthier eating. Worth it, but as it says- here’s to getting back in the grove!

It can definitely be hard to do all the things when things are crazy. Breath and get back to some sense of normalcy and then don’t hesitate to get back in your routine. I’m not upset I had to take the week off. I was probably expecting things to be a bit smoother than they were, but reality is they weren’t. I didn’t get discouraged- I focused on the important things, and I’m getting back into my routine as I’m able. Life sometimes doesn’t go as planned, and it’s ok. Breathe and get to a place where you can get back to your goals and healthy habits. Don’t get discouraged for what you feel you didn’t do. Focus on doing what you can. Here’s some pictures of the little stinkers that have been keeping us going- they’re pretty precious ❤️😍


Let’s talk habits.... whether we’re talking about fitness, nutrition, etc. If we don’t build habits into our lifestyle, especially as women with a to do list a mile long, we will struggle to consistently do things that take care of our health or help us make changes in our lives. It’s too easy to get pulled in different directions when we don’t have healthy habits in place. It’s easy and great for motivation to get us started, but it really is the formation of good habits that keep us on track. That involves planning and self awareness to keep on track. What’s one habit you’re trying to build into your life? Let’s see if we can help each other and give feedback on how we can be successful with building a new healthy habit into our lives! 😁


Let’s sit and talk a min- with my trusty and adorable sidekick, Bentley. She also wants to help spread the word. 🐶 There’s a new blog post up looking at weight loss and some key take always for long term success. Main takeaways- focus on healthy and nourishing foods. Make sure you’re not going overboard on the calorie deficit and massively intense workouts. A few other key points in there for you 😊 what are some things you think weight loss involves? I’m curious to hear as I’ve had some ideas about what I thought would be true.


Tuesday Tip... ever feel the weight of being pulled in so many directions?? If you’re wanting to find time to workout but having trouble with it because of kids or schedule, there are ways to work with those challenges! Don’t get discouraged. Here’s some ways that can help.

*if your younger kids are on a consistent nap schedule, schedule your workout time for 25 min at least- need a warm up and some post stretching. I know we all want to do as many things during this uninterrupted time- this counts as self care 💜

*if you have older kids than can help- a special treat or small amount of money could get you some help and supervision while you workout.

*move in small increments throughout the day. Only have 10 min use it! Take a short walk- it will refresh you. Or do some body weight moves- 3 rounds of squats, 2 rounds of push ups, and hold a plank for 30 seconds. If you can do a couple of these throughout the day it’s better than not moving at all 😊

*commit to finding the best time to workout. Whether it’s your crazy schedule or the kiddos- it can take some time but there is a way to commit to a workout in all the chaos! Be patient as you work through finding that time- it can be difficult at first so be prepared and keep at it.

*ask for help. Whether your partner, friend, or family- a lot of people are willing to help, we just need to ask. Be flexible- working out in the evening can be rough, but it can be done!

Hope these tips help encourage you as well as help you think of some ways to take care of yourself and move your body.


Happy Monday! Monday’s can often be seen as rough and often dreaded. 🙋‍♀️ been there before. Not all Monday’s are bad though. Remember do what you can today, and it’s a great day to start the week strong and carry over great things throughout the week 😊 Today I am focusing on planning the week and making sure I stay on task during a busy week of work, kiddos, and all the other responsibilities 💜 Having a plan helps me stay on task, otherwise my attention can go to all the other five million things that weren’t in my intentions. Then the week is over, and I haven’t worked on what I’ve identified for me to have a successful week. It’s one thing to get off task because of life... it happens, but another thing to let all the tasks dictate your life and direction. What’s one thing you’re doing to sparkle on this Monday?


Ready to sparkle ✨ in 2021? Here is a body weight workout to get ya started! These sets work full body

Strongly recommend the warm up first, added bonus if you have a foam roller and roll before starting! Each exercise should last 30 seconds. Rest for anywhere between 15-60 seconds after doing the three exercises in the circuit (advanced can complete the 3 rounds in a circuit with no rest- then rest for 30-60 sec between circuits). Will take 20-30 minutes depending on amount of rest. Warm up is 1 round, repeat each circuit 3 times. If you’re just beginning or haven’t been consistent in working out recommend at least 30 seconds of rest in between the circuits. To make things more challenging less rest, increase speed while maintaining form, or lose modifications

Walkouts 4-5
Down dog push up 5
Dead bug 20 (10 ea side)

Circuit 1:
Squats 15-20
Plank rows 20-30 (10-15 ea side)
Dead bugs 30-40 (15-20 ea side)
Rest if needed and repeat two more times

Circuit 2:
Curtesy lunge 24 (12 ea side)
Push-ups 8-10 (on knees for modification)
Bicycles 30-40 (15-20 ea side)
Rest if needed and repeat two more times

Circuit 3:
Single leg RDL 20 (10 ea side)
Tricep dips 16-20
Tuck-ups 16-20
Rest if needed and repeat 2 more times

Feeling spicy 🌶 add the finisher. Do two rounds. No more then 30 seconds of rest between 3 sets of exercises.
Squat jumps (modification shown squat to calf raise) 14-20
Commandos 10 (5 ea side)
Flutter kicks 40 (20 ea side)

5 Tips to Keep your Momentum Through the New Year 12/29/2020

The New Year is quickly approaching! You don't need to wait until then to start looking at your goals. Get ready for 2021 and stay consistent with your goals with these tips. What are you working on for 2021?

5 Tips to Keep your Momentum Through the New Year We all look to start the New Year strong. Our fire is lit and we're ready to go! This year we're finally going to eat healthier, work out every day, and keep the extra weight off. Then February comes, and we're losing that fire fast. It's easy to get lost in the chaos, especially as we become busy.....

Photos from Sparkle Up Buttercup's post 12/23/2020

As we’re getting ready to start the New Year, many are looking to get back on their health and wellness journey. I’m offering my services to help you reach your goals- whether it’s getting in a consistent workout routine to feel your best, improving your nutrition, or trying to shed some extra weight- I got you! I’m doing free consultations to help you see if this will be a good fit. I provide in person, online, and hybrid training (a combination of in person and online) to meet all your needs.

As a busy mom and working , I’ve learned tips and tricks to maintain a healthy lifestyle while keeping up with the demands of the busy life of a woman. I provide you the accountability and motivation you need to keep you going because let’s face it, sometimes our own motivation disappears in the piles of laundry, kids begging to be fed, and meeting all the other demands we face as women whether working or manning the full time mom job.

Sparkle Up Buttercup is focused on empowering women on their health and wellness journey by inspiring and teaching about healthy lifestyles. I help you to build every day habits that lay a strong foundation for success towards the goals you’re trying to reach. We work together to overcome all the obstacles that come our way. Let’s sparkle and shine our way through the New Year!

Contact me to find out more information and to set up a consultation. I look forward to working with you!

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Videos (show all)

I’ve put together a workout for ya to get your Sunday Sparkle on! I’ve put in some of those great lunges and still incor...
Love a lunge! Seriously, it’s hard for me to not to put these in a workout- they are such a great move that works on a f...
Any other moms feeling like they are hanging onto their sanity by a thin thread?! No…. Just me then 😂 seriously, I can i...



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