ES Health

The health ministry of Eastside Church of the Nazarene. We encourage health in spirit, mind & body


Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that the body needs for growth and development. People who don’t have enough vitamin C in their bodies have a vitamin C deficiency, also called scurvy. The human body does not make vitamin C naturally so we have to get all the vitamin C we need in the food we eat. Vitamin C is often consumed in fruits and vegetables, but it is in many foods.12

While most people get enough vitamin C in their normal diet, some people become vitamin C deficient. It takes about two to three months of consuming too little vitamin C to become deficient. You are more at risk for developing scurvy if you smoke to***co, consume an excess of alcohol, or have a variety of conditions, including an eating disorder, gastrointestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), food allergies, or type 1 diabetes.2
Maxfield L, Crane JS. Vitamin C deficiency. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2023.


Why You May Be Nauseous After Eating and How to Stop It

Feeling nauseous after a meal is not usually a concern. It is often temporary and resolves within a few days. Eating a bland diet, staying hydrated, and getting rest can help reduce symptoms.

However, if you constantly feel nauseous after meals, or if the nausea is accompanied by vomiting, severe abdominal pain, or confusion, contact your healthcare provider. It may be a sign of a more serious health condition that requires medical management.

See full article at


BMI Not Always a Good Indicator of Metabolic Health, Study Shows
By Julia Landwehr
A new study tracked rates of BMI obesity for 20 years and found that many obese people were actually metabolically healthy.1
BMI has been noted as an inherently flawed health metric, but is still widely used in the medical community as a quick, easy means of assessing an individual's health status.
Experts recommend doctors analyze health from a more well-rounded perspective, including BMI, body composition, and metabolic health.


A new blood test was found to be 91% effective at diagnosing Alzheimer’s, compared to traditional methods like cognitive screenings.
The findings come amid larger efforts to develop a simpler test that can diagnose Alzheimer’s without requiring people to undergo invasive screenings.
These findings could lead to a more efficient way to diagnose patients with cognitive decline.


Parents hear my heart: don’t expose your kids to scary things. Your eight-year-old does not need to watch Stranger Things, your 10-year-old does not need to see It 2, your 4-year-old does not need to see Thor: Love and Thunder, and your 7-year-old does not need to play Five Nights at Freddy’s.
Fear is a dangerous thing. You, the adult, might be able to watch it and brush it off, but I promise your child can’t. I work with kids all the time. I hear it. I hear the “Want to know the nightmare I had last night?” And “I couldn’t sleep last night because I was scared.”
I always ask, “What made you afraid?” The answer, every single time, is something they watched or played.
A parent's job is to protect the child's innocence. Letting them play Hello Neighbor is not protecting them. Letting them watch Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness is tearing away their innocence.
We are weakest when we are fearful. That’s when the devil comes in easily.
Please censor what your child watches and plays. I know they will whine, they will complain, they will cry and beg to watch and play what their friends do, what you do. But it matters. It does matter. It matters more than you truly know.
It’s so hard for a child to overcome fear. They already feel like there are so many things they can’t control. Emotions are hard to navigate as a kid. Don’t make it harder on them by allowing fear into their lives.
Adults need to do the hard things so kids don’t have to.

- Elissa Hope Anderson

Morning worship at Eastside! 07/28/24 07/28/2024


Morning worship at Eastside! 07/28/24 Welcome to the morning worship service from Eastside Church of the Nazarene in Gastonia, NC.Today, we see how God speaks with desperate peopleService: https:...

Photos from ES Health's post 07/26/2024

A panic attack can be physically debilitating and feel terrifying—at least until symptoms resolve minutes or hours later. However, some people may refer to a panic attack as an anxiety attack and vice versa.

You may be wondering about the differences between a panic attack vs. an anxiety attack. The primary distinction is that panic attacks are an official medical term referring to physical body symptoms. Anxiety attacks don't have a specific definition. Here's what you need to know.


New Research Predicts This Generation Could Have 'Unacceptably High' Cancer Rates
Generation X is likely to see higher cancer incidence than the previous generation, a new study predicted.
In particular, thyroid, kidney, prostate, and other cancers are expected to be more prevalent in Generation X than in Baby Boomers.
Experts said lifestyle factors and environmental exposures are likely behind the rise.

4 Reasons To Add Oats to Your Morning Routine 07/24/2024

4 Reasons To Add Oats to Your Morning Routine Oats contain vital nutrients like fiber that help with heart and digestive health. However, people with gluten allergies may want to avoid them.


The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) recommends performing regular skin checks at home.1 But do you know what you're looking for during those self-tests?

One of the most obvious signs of skin cancer is an abnormal-looking mole. A spot that has grown or changed since the last time you checked is one of the most common signs of melanoma. Per the AAD, you should use the ABCDEs of melanoma to check your moles, which include the following:2

Uneven borders
However, those are not the only warning signs.

The three major types of skin cancer—basal and squamous cell carcinomas and melanoma—often look different. And some rare types of skin cancer might be mistaken for other skin conditions entirely.


Study: Adding More Olive Oil to Your Diet May Help Reduce the Risk of Dying From Dementia

New research shows that consuming about half a tablespoon of olive oil daily could reduce one's risk of dying from dementia.
- The study also found replacing just one teaspoon of margarine or mayonnaise with olive oil each day was associated with an 8–14% lower risk of dementia-related death.
- The study does not prove causation, but the findings are in line with dietary recommendations of using olive oil in place of margarine or mayonnaise for a healthier diet.


Sorry for the break friends. We're back on schedule. Please share with your friends who are interested in being healthy!

Here's What Dermatologists Actually Recommend for Your Shower Routine 07/11/2024

Here's What Dermatologists Actually Recommend for Your Shower Routine There's plenty of online chatter about how extensive your shower routine should be. Here's what dermatologists say about the best way to cleanse yourself—and how often to do it.


The City of Gastonia Government and Gaston County have been informed by the Salvation Army of Gaston and Lincoln Counties that it will transition its emergency homeless shelter program to a homelessness prevention program. Food Pantry, Case Manage, and Emergency Financial Services will continue at the Center of Hope Facility located at 107 S. Broad Street in Gastonia. As part of its transition, the organization will no longer accept new shelter residents at the Center of Hope Shelter effective July 15, 2024, and the last day to provide emergency shelter for the remaining residents will be August 31, 2024.

“The City of Gastonia and Gaston County acknowledge the need for essential services that the Salvation Army provides and we will support this transition to further serve those who are experiencing homelessness,” said Mayor Richard Franks. “We will carefully assess the current needs in our city and work with our partners to create the most feasible next steps for everyone involved.”

The decision to transition The Salvation Army’s emergency shelter program to a homelessness prevention program was a collective effort driven by the organization’s volunteer-led Advisory Board. This decision was informed by a Mission Planning Study conducted in 2023, which involved more than 70 community members. The study revealed that the emergency shelter program, while a tremendous community asset throughout its 20 years of service, is not the most cost-effective, transformative way to serve those experiencing temporary homelessness.

“We want to assure the public that this transition does not signify an end to our commitment to serving those in need within our community,” said Chad Brown, Chairman of the Gaston County Board of Commissioners. “The City of Gastonia and Gaston County are fully committed to continuing our collaboration to ensure that the essential services are available to those who require assistance, and we recognize the importance of working together to support our community members during this transition period.”

For more information about the new program, services available, volunteer opportunities, and donations, contact Major David Phelps at 704-572-5623.

For information about resources for those experiencing homelessness, visit the City of Gastonia’s Homelessness Resources page

Should You Ever Go Outside Without Sunscreen? Here's What Dermatologists Say 06/12/2024

Should You Ever Go Outside Without Sunscreen? Here's What Dermatologists Say There's been mounting conversation online about whether it's really necessary to apply sunscreen before going outdoors. Here's what experts have to say about whether it's ever okay—or even beneficial—to skip sunscreen.


Summer sun can be harmful to your eyes. UV blocking sunglasses can help protect your surface tissue, cornea and lenses from harmful rays. Don't forget them when you spend time outside this summer!


Celebrate National Donut Day on Friday, June 7
National Donut Day is Friday, June 7, when people across the U.S. will celebrate by scarfing down Long Johns, apple fritters, and other tasty pastries.

The Salvation Army started this event in 1938 to commemorate the work of “Donut Girls” – female Salvation Army volunteers who served American soldiers battling on the frontlines of war. They began volunteering in World War I, making and serving thousands of donuts per day for U.S. troops. The women also prayed with the soldiers, helped them write letters, and mended their clothes. The Donut Girls were later credited with popularizing the donut in the United States after the troops (nicknamed “doughboys”) returned home from war.
Today, the donut serves as a symbol of the comfort The Salvation Army provides to those in need. The Salvation Army annually serves nearly 24 million Americans, providing food, housing, clothing, disaster relief, addiction recovery, and other critical services.
Helen Purviance, one of the first Donut Girls, said it best: “There was also a prayer in my heart that somehow this home touch would do more for those who ate the donuts than satisfy a physical hunger.”
The Salvation Army wishes everyone a happy National Donut Day on Friday, June 7.


D-DAY June 6, 1944. The Allied Invasion of Occupied France
(Paratroopers left at 6:30 PM ET on June 5; Landings in France at 12:30 am ET)
The D-Day operation brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the Allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. The operation, given the codename OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France. The beaches were given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and their allies landed on D-Day. Casualties from these countries during the landing numbered 10,300. By June 30, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores. Fighting by the brave soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Allied forces western front and Russian forces on the eastern front led to the defeat of German N**i forces. On May 7, 1945, German General Alfred Jodl signed an unconditional surrender at Reims, France.


World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, and government entities and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment.

First held in 1973, it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development, and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually, incl. participation from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, South Africa and the United States.[citation needed] Every year, the program has provided a theme and forum for businesses, non-government organizations, communities, politicians and stars to advocate environmental causes.


7 Lifesaving First Aid Items You Should Take on Vacation

Travel prep means planning for the unexpected. Our writer—a dad, former pro firefighter and paramedic, and present-day certified health coach—spoke with emergency room physicians to curate this list of essentials so your next adventure is unforgettable in all good ways.

Whether you’re trekking through the rainforests of South America or chilling poolside on a luxury cruise, travel can open the door to some of life’s most memorable experiences. But travel also comes with risks, and it’s important to be prepared for unexpected bumps along the journey. From minor cuts and stings to allergic reactions and upset stomachs, injury and illness can quickly derail even the best-planned itinerary.

With safety as a top priority, traveling with a comprehensive first aid kit is essential. As a former paramedic who personally treated thousands of people in an emergency setting, I know how important it is to be properly equipped. What gets packed into that travel kit that is often the biggest question, which is why we consulted with emergency department doctors to get their best recommendations for travel preparation that can keep you and your family safe and smiling, wherever you venture.

Vaccines/Prophylactic medications- Check the CDC website for recommendations.

Prescription medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications- Benadryl - Antibiotic Ointment - Imodium Anti-Diarrheal - Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen - Anti-Sting Ointment - Hydrocortisone cream
Wound care- Band-aids of various sizes, gauze rolls, Coban (self-adherent wrap), and tape, maybe a venom extractor

Insect repellent

Pediatric supplies- Medicines, a nasal aspirator, a thermometer

First Aid/CPR certification, mouthpiece, suction rescue device


Health Benefits of Cycling
Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap, and good for the environment.

Riding to work or the shops is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine. An estimated one billion people ride bicycles every day – for transport, recreation, and sport.

Low impact – it causes less strain and injuries than most other forms of exercise.
A good muscle workout– cycling uses all of the major muscle groups as you pedal.
Easy – unlike some other sports, cycling does not require high levels of physical skill. Most people know how to ride a bike and once you learn, you don’t forget.
Good for strength and stamina– cycling increases stamina, strength, and aerobic fitness.
As intense as you want, a fun way to get fit and time-efficient

Health benefits of regular cycling
Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels, and lungs all get a workout. You breathe deeper, perspire, and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.

The health benefits of regular cycling include:
Increased cardiovascular fitness
Increased muscle strength and flexibility
Improved joint mobility
Decreased stress levels
improved posture and coordination
Strengthened bones
Decreased body fat levels
Prevention or management of disease
Reduced anxiety and depression.

Cycling can improve both physical and mental health and can reduce the chances of experiencing many health problems.

Obesity and weight control

Cardiovascular disease and cycling

Cancer and cycling- can reduce your chance of bowel and breast cancer.

Diabetes and cycling—People who cycle for more than 30 minutes daily have a 40% lower risk of developing diabetes.

Bone injuries, arthritis, and cycling- Riding a bike improves strength, balance, and coordination. It is a low-impact exercise that places little stress on joints.

Mental illness and cycling- Mental health conditions such as depression, stress, and anxiety can be reduced by regular bike riding.

The Dermatologist-Approved Way to Pop a Pimple at Home 06/01/2024

The Dermatologist-Approved Way to Pop a Pimple at Home If you must play dermatologist, this step-by-step guide will help you avoid enlarging, infecting, or scarring your blemish.


The best habits to help you slow down aging might not be too surprising—like exercising and eating more vegetables. What’s more shocking are the things you might be doing every day that are actually making you age more quickly. Here are the things that could be affecting how old you look and feel.
- Throwing the most elaborate, perfect party ever
- Ignoring your depression and hoping it goes away
- Being too busy to slap on some sunscreen every morning
- Having a cigarette or two on the weekends
- Bailing on girls’ or guys’ night out
- Having a to-do list longer than your grocery list
- Hitting up the coffeehouse every day
- Sleeping on a cheap pillowcase
- Ordering a bottle of wine to go with dinner
- Hunching over your laptop
- Eating junk food
- Using a straw
- Not wearing sunglasses
- Eating big meals
- Not exercising
- Skipping the weight machines
- Not taking care of your smile
- Buying only fat-free foods
- Wearing too much makeup
- Skipping intimacy

How often should you wash your sheets? The answer might surprise you. 05/31/2024

How often should you wash your sheets? The answer might surprise you. It can be a pain to wash your bed sheets often. Here's why you shouldn't procrastinate on this essential chore.


Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the lungs' airways, which are tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. Asthma causes narrowing and inflammation of the airways, leading to breathing problems. About one in 13 people in the United States has asthma—though they don't all have the same type of asthma.1

There are many types of asthma. The types often have similar symptoms, but the triggers, age of onset, severity, and treatment may differ.2 Knowing the type—or types—of asthma affecting you can help you avoid triggers and manage your symptoms.

The type of asthma that affects you depends on several factors, including the substances you're exposed to where you live, work, or exercise. Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native people might live or work in areas with more substances that trigger asthma, so these groups may be at greater risk for the different types of asthma.3
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Asthma Disparities in America.

Anxiety Test 05/30/2024

Anxiety Test This anxiety test will help you get clarity on the situations that could be contributing to your feelings of stress, anxiety and burnout.

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Gastonia, NC

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