Wild Birds Unlimited, Gastonia, NC Videos

Videos by Wild Birds Unlimited in Gastonia. We bring people and nature together through the amazing hobby of backyard bird feeding!

Jim Carpenter at Songbird Meadow 2024

Song birds, bees and butterflies are critical to our eco-system and they need plenty of habitat to thrive. It only takes a few simple actions to make a difference! That's why we're proud to invite you to visit Songbird Meadow presented by Wild Birds Unlimited at the 2024 EPCOT®️ International Flower & Garden Festival. Our very own Jim Carpenter, Founder and CEO of Wild Birds Unlimited, recently visited the garden and invites you to share photos of your visit using #FreshEPCOT or photos of your own backyard habitat using #SongBirdHero.

Other Wild Birds Unlimited videos

Jim Carpenter at Songbird Meadow 2024
Song birds, bees and butterflies are critical to our eco-system and they need plenty of habitat to thrive. It only takes a few simple actions to make a difference! That's why we're proud to invite you to visit Songbird Meadow presented by Wild Birds Unlimited at the 2024 EPCOT®️ International Flower & Garden Festival. Our very own Jim Carpenter, Founder and CEO of Wild Birds Unlimited, recently visited the garden and invites you to share photos of your visit using #FreshEPCOT or photos of your own backyard habitat using #SongBirdHero.

Disney Flower & Garden Festival - Help the Birds Belong
Did you know that native plants play a crucial role in supporting wild bird populations? That's why native plants are featured in Songbird Meadow presented by Wild Birds Unlimited at the 2024 EPCOT®️ International Flower & Garden Festival. Watch this video to learn how you can help the birds by adding native plants to your own backyard. #SongBirdHero #WildBirdsUnlimited #FreshEPCOT #SongBirdMeadow

Make Some Feathered Friends
Wild Birds Unlimited is proud to present Songbird Meadow at the 2024 EPCOT®️ International Flower & Garden Festival. The meadow features a variety of bird feeders including some that are considered "foundational feeders." Watch the video to find out why providing birds a constant, reliable source of supplemental food helps to improve their overall health and body condition. Hang a bird feeder in your yard or on your deck and help save the song birds. #SongBirdHero #WildBirdsUnlimited #FreshEPCOT #SongBirdMeadow

OneWBU EPCOT Flower & Garden Festival
Wild Birds Unlimited is proud to present Songbird Meadow at the 2024 EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival. Watch the video to take a tour. Did you know that it takes a lot for tiny songbirds to survive in the wild? You can help ensure that wild bird populations have every chance of survival by taking a few simple actions in your own backyard: 1️⃣ Watch the birds 2️⃣ Hang a bird feeder to feed the birds 3️⃣ Plant native plants These simple actions can make a difference in your world and theirs. #SongBirdHero #SongBirdMeadow #WildBirdsUnlimited #FreshEPCOT

Santa’s Kindness Ornament!

Is it just us or does a MURDER (aka group) OF CROWS just scream Friday the 13th!? 😱 Did you know that during the winter, American Crows congregate at night in large communal roosts? These roosts range from a few hundred, several thousand, or even up to one million crows! The winter roosts of some crows have been located in the same area for well over 100 years! 👻

Birds love snacks! 💕🐦 Foods like peanuts, mealworms, and Bark Butter bits and spread are a great way to feed the birds and attract more birds to your yard! Keep your bird feeding station stocked with goodies, and you'll see birds stopping by for a treat all fall and winter long! #BirdFeeding #BackyardBirds #FeederBirds #BirdWatching #BirdLovers #BirdFeeders #BirdingCommunity #BirdPhotography #FeedingWildlife #WildBirds #BirdingLife #BirdNerd

WhoOOoo goes there? 🦉 Look at the eyes of this barred owl! Has anyone else seen one lately? 👀🌳

A quick quiz: What is a feather made of? The answer is not, “Snips and snails, and puppy dogs' tails.” But it is made from the same thing as a little boy’s hair…protein! Over 90% of a feather, or a hair, is made up of a tough protein called keratin. In fact, a bird’s feathers contain over 25% of the total protein found within its entire body. Who knew?

Honestly, we just don't see the problem here. 🤔 😂

Suet and Bark Butter are great, high-fat foods to help the birds in your yard fuel up for the fall! 👍💖 Stop by today to grab some to share with the birds in your backyard!🏡 #birdsuetfeeder #birdfeederwithsuetholder #birdfeedersuetcakes #barkbutter #suetfeederforbirds #birdfeedersuet

Fall means that American Robins can be seen in large flocks and will assemble at birdbaths and prance around in your yard. Ensure your bird bath is clean and the water is fresh for them to stay hydrated and repair damaged feathers. All birds need fresh water so bird baths can also increase the variety of birds in your yard that don’t typically go to feeders like robins and waxwings. Be sure to check out our full selection of baths and accessories in store to ensure your yard is MOST inviting to those beautiful Robins!

Migration season is an amazing time of the year for backyard bird feeders! 💯 Keep your feeders full and your eyes glued to your yard as migrants pass through, stopping for a meal to refuel! 👀 Migration season brings the opportunity to see new and exciting birds that you may not normally see. 😲 Do you have an exciting migration story of seeing such a bird? Share it in the comments! 💬👍 #migration #birdmigration #annualbirdmigration #birdfeeding #birdwatching #wildbirdsunlimited

I mean...we try not to judge but...😏😏😏

GREAT NEWS! 🥳🙌You don't have to take your hummingbird bird feeder down just yet! 👍 Passing migrants will be thankful for the opportunity to fuel up along their long migration journey. 🙏💖 Leaving feeders up helps feed hummingbirds passing through! But don't worry; it won't stop them from choosing to migrate. We recommend taking down your hummingbird feeder once it's been two weeks since you've had any visitors. ✅ #hummingbirdbirdfeeder #wildbirdsunlimited #birdfeed #wildbirdsunlimitedhummingbirdfeeder #bestbirdfeeder #birdfeederhummingbird #birdfeederforhummingbirds #hummingbirdmigration #birdfeeder #birdfeeding

Put your millet out! As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, many birds begin their journey south for the winter. While some birds are content to fly great distances, others only migrate a short distance, making it possible to attract them to your yard with a little bit of effort. One of the best ways to attract fall migrating birds is to set up an environment that mimics their natural habitat. This means providing food, water and shelter that meets their needs. Many migrating sparrows enjoy eating millet seeds, so be sure to include that in your feeders. By making your yard welcoming to migrating birds, you can enjoy watching them all fall long.

As we near fall, many gardeners start to think about putting their gardens to bed for the winter. However, there is one important task that should not be overlooked: allowing your garden to go to seed! This may seem counterintuitive, but by leaving some of your plants to produce seeds, you can provide a vital food source for the birds that visit your backyard. In particular, finches and sparrows are attracted to the seeds of coneflowers, sunflowers, and black-eyed Susans. So next time you're tidying up your garden, resist the urge to deadhead everything. Instead, let nature take its course and watch as your backyard becomes a feeding ground for our feathered friends!

Hummingbirds are thirsty for feeders! 💯 If it was slower at your hummingbird feeders this summer....have hope! Immature hummingbirds are showing up at feeders for the first time, while adult hummers in northern North America are beginning to migrate down south to warmer weather. 😎 Now is a great time to ensure your feeders are clean and filled with fresh nectar for the long journey of life and travel ahead. We recommend placing multiple feeders throughout your yard to prevent bullies from hogging all the nectar. 👍 Our favorite feeders are our High Perch Hummingbird Feeders, which are dishwasher safe, have raised nectar ports, unobstructed viewing, and a lifetime warranty. 🙌😊 We do not recommend dyeing your nectar red; instead, we use a red feeder and place it next to flowering plants. 🚫 #hummingbirds #hummingbirdfeeder #wildbirdsunlimited #birdfeedingexperts #birdfeedingspecialist

Did you know you can attract MORE birds to your yard by feeding raw and unsalted peanuts? Check it out! 🥜😲 #peanutbirdfeeder #bestbirdfeeder #birdfeeding #birdfeed #feedingbirds #feedingbirdspeanuts #feedbirdspeanuts #birdfeederforpeanuts #wildbirdsunlimited #nationalpeanutday

Autumn migration season is here. Millions of birds are on the wing, covering thousands of miles across oceans and continents. Grab your favorite field guide and hit the road to see one of the greatest wildlife spectacles on earth. 8 Great Fall Birding Trails: https://www.audubon.org/magazine/september-october-2013/8-great-fall-birding-trails