Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemen's Apparel

Everything for the man of distinction, from cloaks to cufflinks, shirts to shoes, collars to cravats.

A proper bespoke tailor of fine clothing, offering ready-to-wear and custom-made fashions.


We have been going to the New Space almost every day and it's really starting to take shape. I've been bringing more and more boxes and bins from storage, some of which haven't been gone through since we had to give up our shop 6 years ago. Since we have had to pack in haste several times, there have been too many "Just shove it al into a bin" bins, and now is the time to go through them all.
I'm coming across a lot of "Yes, it's beautiful, but there isn't enough to do anything", the occasional "That's where that got to", and of course, plenty of "What the hell was I saving that for?" And yet I am still running into "I know I have that specific thing somewhere, but where?"
I've been putting together some big care packages for friends who do patchwork quilts and such. and I have a few "Sell or give away" bins, but it's slowly getting dealt with. I almost have real workspace on the cutting table.
Almost ready to go back to tilting at those windmills again.


I seem to be caught in a loop of listlessness. Maybe it's because I let myself get lost in the list all of the things that still need to be done to the new workspace. Maybe it's because of the long list of commissions I still have to make for my Dickens customers. And some of it is probably due to my limitations and recovery from minor surgery a week ago. It makes me crazy to not be productive. Just need to get my butt in gear. Try not to get overwhelmed by the mountain and keep getting a bit more every day.


We have succeeded in emptying 2 of our storage units. Whew! Hope we can get 1 more cleared, but we'll see.
On another front, I had hoped to be able to start working in the new space this week, but there is still too much to get set up and put away. Plus I am having some minor surgery on Friday, so it looks like it will be a little longer before I'm back at it. I really need to get working again. Not working + the move has been very expensive.


Yesterday's move efforts were pretty hefty. We moved a lot of the heavier cabinetry. (Boy, there sure are a lot of shelves needed for this enterprise!) Now to organize those shelves and cabinets. Our thanks again go to Peter (the Great!) who helped these two old guys move all the heavy stuff into the truck and then into place.
The other good news has been that we have emptied one storage unit and should have another empty by Sunday. That will save us a lot of dough.


Another moving day and it was terrific! We got lots of fabric moved. And patterns. And more fabric. (Did I mention that we moved a LOT of fabric?) Still have to sort and organize it all, and yes, there were many "that's where that was" moments.
As always, we are so thankful for the help of our friends Rob and Joanne who were champions.
Also huge thanks to Jane and Paul who helped us bring over lots of shelves and supplies over the weekend.
Our next big push will be Thursday when we move some really heavy cabinets, hopefully the ironing table, and yet more fabric.


Our move into our new space is progressing, but is not a rapid process. We moved out of our shop space in Burbank exactly 6 years ago. We had to move quickly and there was a huge amount of stuff. Our focus was getting out in a hurry and not on packing the storage spaces for efficient unloading into a new space. As we are trying to set up our new space, inevitably we find that things that we need are all the way in the back, or have a dozen things stacked on top of them, or ...
So, it's not like we spend a week moving everything and it's automatically ready to go. Packing in haste means that cartons have to be gone through, decisions made on what to keep, what to throw away , and what to try to sell.
We celebrate the progress we've made and give great thanks to everyone who has helped, or will be helping us turn this into a working space. Soon, please G-d, soon.


We did great today! Moved all the sewing machines, my cutting table, and a bunch of other stuff too. Hero of the day is , along with Lee & Marc. Also a huge thank you to Zad who helped us set up a lot of shelving yesterday! Much gratitude all around!


The move is going slowly and quickly but much progress. Big thanks to our heroes Mateo and Wendy! They truly saved us.


Moving day #2 tomorrow - Moving from storage in Glendale to new location in Pacoima. Would greatly appreciate any who can help!


Dear Patrons, Friends, and Supporters,

It is with a great sense of relief and excitement that I am able to share some excellent news about Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemens' Apparel and AJS Costumes!

Many of you have contacted me to express concern about delivery and construction delays. The good news is that there is an end in sight and production will be relaunched in the weeks ahead.

For those who have not been close to the situation, I have been without a commercial workroom, through no fault of my own, for over three months. The company that had offered me a workspace for the past18 months succumbed to financial difficulties and had to surrender their business and the building rather quickly. This left me, and a few others, scrambling to retrieve our stock and equipment and move it all safely into storage.

Unfortunately, the market for available, affordable commercial spaces in the Los Angeles area has been very tight for several years but I have finally found a workable solution that, while not ideal, will be suitable for the foreseeable future! I shall be moving into and arranging the new space in Pacoima shortly, and hope to resume production by the end of July.

At the same time, for the past 2 years I have been contending with some serious health issues which understandably have hindered my productivity. However, at this junction I’m grateful to share that treatments have been successful, and my medical “entourage” are positive and continue to provide excellent updates.

All that said, I was fortunate enough to have received many custom orders from this past Dickens Fair. My intention is to focus on the custom-made orders, both new and some back orders, in the most expeditious manner and to deliver to my customers as soon as they are completed.

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding. I hope to have more updates and “ETAs” available very soon.

With appreciation,

Jeff Schoenberg
AKA Mr. Alan Jeffries


Well, we did it. Not everything got moved, but we moved another 12 racks, easily another 40 bins, and close to 1,000 yds of fabric. Huge thanks to Wendy Polutanovich, Rob Vestal, Nazhat Hester, her husband Tom, and, of course, my husband, Michael R. Cabler. A lot of hard, exhausting work, I wasn't sure it would all fit, but we did. More to do next week, like the machines. I definitely need to get my own workspace and soon.


REQUEST FOR HELP!! It looks like I will be allowed in to start unloading my property from the costume shop. If you are able to assist in loading the moving the truck in North Hollywood and unloading it in Glendale, please contact me by DM. Hopefully we will make 2 trips tomorrow, and more on Wednesday. ALL HELP GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED!!


Today we ttravel back to L.A. from Clockwork Alchemy in San Mateo. The weekend was less than we had hoped for, but maybe our expectations were too high.
We are coming back to an uncertain situation and lots to work out. First, we need to be sure we can get all our property out of the costume shop where we have been allowed to store our things. Presently the building is locked up tight through no fault of ours. This will also mean figuring our where it will get moved to, and what we need to do to get it there.
Next, we need to get a new workspace. We has been putting out feelers, but so far nothing has opened up. I have a lot of clothes I've committed to making, I just need a manageable space to do it in.
And on top of all this, I am responsible for costuming 3 Shakespeare shows in the next 6 weeks. It might seem likje this is the easiest thing to relinquish, but in actuality, these are what will help keep me sane through all of this.
Part of me believes that one has to make one's own luck, manifest one's path, but the other part of me just has to hope we have the stamina to acheive this.


We survived Clockwork Alchemy. Thanks to Matthew Nash for helping us so much. We're really tuckered out.

Photos from Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemen's Apparel's post 04/20/2024

Our first day at Clockwork Alchemy. Kind of close quarters, but we're making a good show.


Emotionally EX-HAUS-TED. We will be coming up to Clockwork Alchemy missing about 1/3 of what we wanted to bring because the rest is locked in the building. I feel like collateral damage in other people's war.


Well, It looks like I will be needing to find workspace again. Ideally looking for 1,500 - 1,800 sq. ft. I would prefer doing this as a private rental situation. (My credit history is still crap after our Oak Street place went belly up.) If anyone has a space they know of, or has any leads, please let me know.

Photos from Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemen's Apparel's post 12/21/2023

Some great pictures of our shop from The Great Dickens Christmas Fair, courtesy of Kathryn S Renta

Home - Dickens Fair 10/25/2023

The past several years have been challenging in many ways for many of us. Between not having a regular workspace, some severe health issues, and, of course, the pandemic, we certainly have had our share. It has indeed been a strange and stressful time.
All of that said, I have a new workspace. My health seems to have stabilized. And I am getting myself back on track working on many past, unfilled orders
I appreciate all of the patience and understanding that you have shown. I am working hard to get back orders made, while also making ready-to-wear stock for this year's Great Dickens Christmas Fair. Currently I am a one-man operation, so things are not moving as fast as I would like. I am doing my best to get caught up.
Thank you again for all of your understanding and good wishes. We hope to see you at the Dickens Fair.

Home - Dickens Fair Visit London at the historic Cow Palace Exhibition Halls! Enter the winding lanes of Victorian London and immerse yourself in a world of music halls,


Dear patrons, supporters and friends,
To say that the last few years have been challenging, if not daunting, would be a great understatement. Between losing our studio space, attempting to rent studio space, and sometimes borrowing studio space, manufacturing our product line, as well as fulfilling custom orders, has been uneven, to say the least.
Then there has been the Covid pandemic. Our world and livelihood shut down completely for more than a year and a half. Suppliers which we regularly had used closed. Some survived, some went out of business, and some changed ownership. Once they were able to reopen, most were not in any kind of position to replenish their wares. Textiles which had been plentiful pre-pandemic became unavailable.
We have managed to endure. I have had to get used to doing work myself that I used to have a staff of 4 to do. And I had to take outside employment as well to keep house and home together.
Some of you may also be aware that I required major surgery this past spring. It appears that I have come through quite well, and my latest check-up has shown no evidence of recurrence. (I am almost back to my regular self (whatever that is.)
With all of this, and the fact that this pandemic is not yet over, we have made the difficult decision not to participate in this year’s Great Dickens Christmas Fair. I plan to continue working on filling my past commissions, building new stock, and returning again in 2023. If you have an unfilled order with me, please be assured that I am still working diligently to get these completed.
If you need to contact me, please do so at [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support and understanding,
Jeffrey Schoenberg
AKA Mr. Alan Jeffries


So, what is going on with Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemen's Apparel?
To our loyal customers and supporters,
Things have been difficult for us since we lost our shop space several years ago. We looked for quite a while for a suitable space, but did not have much success. The loss of a space and having to put everything into several storage units took quite a toll on me, both physically and emotionally. I don't think I realized how much at the time.
I tried renting work space at a Maker's space. It seemed to work out at first, and I was able to get back to filling back orders and making some lovely pieces. Then COVID-19 came on the scene, and I did not feel that any seriousness was being applied to safety protocols, so I had to leave there. It was very frustrating, but I just didn't feel safe there.
In addition to all of this, the industry in which work (film and television costuming) completely shut down. Life went into a kind of stasis. And I must admit I rather withdrew into myself.
In the past 15 months, there has been a bit of a turn around. I have been able to work in a friend's workroom. It might not be ideal, but it is serviceable. I also have been able to obtain some union costuming work, which has helped bring in an income. It also means that I can resume filling back orders although only on one or two days a week. Be assured that I am still hard at work on getting all of my past custom orders off my list.
Now, to add to the course of events, I am facing some surgery in a couple of weeks. The prognosis is good, but it is surgery none-the-less.
Depending on how long it takes me to recuperate, I look forward to getting back to my labors and fulfilling all past orders. It is my hope that I shall be well enough to travel to the Bay Area later in the summer to do fittings on any commissioned garments that require such. It is also my intent to return to the Great Dickens Christmas Fair this year and the Mr. Alan Jeffries Fine Gentlemen's Apparel will be back as strong as ever.


To all of our dear friends, customers, and supporters,
We are astonished and extremely grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support and generosity that you have shown us during our GoFundMe campaign. To see the extent of those who have shown us such kindness and love, we are humbled and over whelmed. The word “Gratitude” seems insufficient to express our feelings. Thank you all most sincerely. We have successfully redeemed all of our belongings and are no longer threatened with auction.
Our two most immediate goals are to find a better solution for our storage needs, and to get a proper workroom set up. We cannot continue to pay for storage spaces that cost us more than the rent on our former storefront. (Even more that the increased rent that our former landlord had wanted on our former place.)
For our storage needs, we needs about 1,500 square feet of warehouse space. We have racks of costumes; bins of shoes, accessories, hats, fabrics, and notions; sewing machines; office furniture and equipment; shelving; and all of the other supplies that a functioning costume business requires.
Our workroom needs are about 500 square feet that will accommodate a cutting table, ironing table, our industrial sewing machines, and adequate lighting. We need to have sufficient electrical supply to be able to run a few of these machines at the same time.
If anyone happens to know of any available space in the greater Los Angeles area, or better yet, know someone who might have some empty warehouse space, we would be glad to hear about it. We prefer not to go through an agent at this time. We are not on secure enough footing just yet to enter a long term lease situation.
Again, our gratitude to everyone who came to our rescue. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg), organized by Marc Perry 09/22/2020

We are both moved and grateful for the outpouring of love and support for our GoFundMe campaign. We are 2/3 of the way to our goal. Please help us if you can and help spread the word. It is all very much appreciated.

Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg), organized by Marc Perry I am Marc Perry and I am creating this GoFundMe for the awesome and talented … Marc Perry needs your support for Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg)

Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg), organized by Marc Perry 09/18/2020

Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg), organized by Marc Perry I am Marc Perry and I am creating this GoFundMe for the awesome and talented … Marc Perry needs your support for Help Save Mr. Alan Jeffries (Jeff Schoenberg)


First of all, we are fine. We are not sick, but our hearts go out to those who have had to battle this virus, and our deepest sympathies to the friends and family of those who have lost the battle.
How it has effected us is in workspace. As we had posted earlier this year, the workroom we had been using, The Costume House, had to relocate and at the time there was no room for us there. As Clockwork Alchemy was approaching, I took a workspace in downtown L. A. so that I could keep working on orders. It wasn't ideal, but it was serviceable. Even though Clockwork didn't happen, I continued at the workspace as best I could and then the pandemic came. I did not feel comfortable with the non-compliance with safety protocols. While I was at my table, I was OK, but in the room with the sewing machines, it was crowded and many of the people were not masked. Continuing there wasn't an option for me.
I have spent the last three months trying to get the workroom created and set up at The Costume House. We are almost there. Not quite up and running, but almost.
In the meantime, my regular work in theater and film is completely shut down. I have lost 8 shows or events due to the pandemic. A television show I was hoping to go back to is still on hold. The biggest thing to juggle has been keeping the 7 storage spaces that house all of my business, costumes, machines, etc. While there has been some relief and safety from eviction in housing and businesses, these protections do not extend to storage facilities. We have continued to have rent increases and the facility has held off on impounding and auction through the end of September. It has been very depressing.
If I haven't been prompt about returning your communications, I apologize. I am not skipping out on any obligations, I am not ignoring past due custom orders. If you could please continue to extend you patience, it would be appreciated. ALL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED. Thank you for your understanding.
Jeffrey Schoenberg , AKA Mr. Alan Jeffries

Clockwork Alchemy 2019 03/21/2019

We're on our way. See you there!

Clockwork Alchemy 2019 Clockwork Alchemy a Steampunk convention held March 22-24, 2019.


Tickets now on sale! Order now for Early Bird savings.

Tickets for our 36th season are now on sale! Purchase your tickets today and receive up to $7.00 off with Early Bird Savings

Profile pictures 09/04/2018

We will be returning for our 11th year. Please come see us.

Our 36th season of merriment and wonder begins Saturday, November 17 and runs for six weekends, including the Friday after Thanksgiving, through Sunday, December 23, 2018!


We are in the middle of relocating our business. Please stay tuned for more information as it unfolds. We are aiming to stay within a 8 - 10 mile radius or where we were. It will all depend on rental rates. In the meantime our mailing adress is P. O. Box 3884, Glendale, CA 91221 Thank you for all your good wishes.

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P. O. Box 3884
Glendale, CA

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