USA Armenian Life

Armenian American community news and views magazine; independent non-partisan and FREE PRESS

ԲԱԳՐԱՏԻԿԻՆ ԱՐՇԱՒԱՆՔՆԵՐԸ. Ովքեր են թելադրում Բագրատ սրբազանին անելիքները… USA ARMENIAN LIFE 05 17 24 05/18/2024

Ովքեր են թելադրում Բագրատ սրբազանին անելիքները…
Հետազոտող լրագրողները` Տավուշյան կրկեսի, թռչող կապիկներու մասին:

Բացայայտումներ՝ հետազօտող լրագրողներ՝ Աբօ Չափարեանի եւ Ոսկան Մխիթարեանի կողմէ
Investigative reports by investigative journalists: Appo Jabarian and Vosgan Mekhitarian

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ԲԱԳՐԱՏԻԿԻՆ ԱՐՇԱՒԱՆՔՆԵՐԸ. Ովքեր են թելադրում Բագրատ սրբազանին անելիքները… USA ARMENIAN LIFE 05 17 24 ԲԱԳՐԱՏԻԿԻՆ ԱՐՇԱՒԱՆՔՆԵՐԸ. Ովքեր են թելադրում Բագրատ սրբազանին անելիքները…










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The editorial staff of USA Armenian Life offers its deepest condolences to the Atayan family, relatives and friends on the passing of HAMAYAK ANTRANIG ATAYAN, a devoted member of the American Armenian community .

Obituary: Hamayak Antranik Atayan

Hamayak Antranik Atayan

Born April 12, 1934

Hamayak Atayan, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and brother
Hamayak passed away peacefully with his family by his side on August 2, 2023, in Los Angeles, California.

Hamayak is survived by:
His loving wife Sossy Atayan
His adoring daughters:
Elsa Atayan
Tania Atayan Nave, her husband Jonathan, and their sons Nicolas and Blake
Nathalie Atayan Lawrence, her husband Ken, and their son Elliott
Romina Atayan and her son Ashton Hamayak
Sister: Armenouie Lorentzian
Brother: Khatchik Atayan
Sister: Anahid Tchedikian
Extended families: Lorentzian, Fermanian, Tchedikian, Tchalekian, Keverian, Ekizian, Meguerdichian, Bodourian, Abadjian, Kalajian, Peltekian, Sakr, Der-Nigoghossian, & Sejournet.

A funeral service will be held to honor Hamayak’s life on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at 10:30am at:
Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church
5300 White Oak Avenue Encino, California.

A memorial luncheon will follow at Dikranian Hall.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests to please consider making a donation to Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church.

Hamayak will be greatly missed by all.


Obituary: Hamayak Antranik Atayan

Hamayak Antranik Atayan

Born April 12, 1934

Hamayak Atayan, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and brother
Hamayak passed away peacefully with his family by his side on August 2, 2023, in Los Angeles, California.

Hamayak is survived by:
His loving wife Sossy Atayan
His adoring daughters:
Elsa Atayan
Tania Atayan Nave, her husband Jonathan, and their sons Nicolas and Blake
Nathalie Atayan Lawrence, her husband Ken, and their son Elliott
Romina Atayan and her son Ashton Hamayak
Sister: Armenouie Lorentzian
Brother: Khatchik Atayan
Sister: Anahid Tchedikian
Extended families: Lorentzian, Fermanian, Tchedikian, Tchalekian, Keverian, Ekizian, Meguerdichian, Bodourian, Abadjian, Kalajian, Peltekian, Sakr, Der-Nigoghossian, & Sejournet.

A funeral service will be held to honor Hamayak’s life on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at 10:30am at:
Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church
5300 White Oak Avenue Encino, California.

A memorial luncheon will follow at Dikranian Hall.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests to please consider making a donation to Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church.

Hamayak will be greatly missed by all.



Hagop Djernazian
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Palestine both froze their recognition of Patriarch Nourhan Manougian.
Jordan and Palestine decide to freeze the recognition of the Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian
May 11, 2023
Amman - The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Palestine issued a joint statement, today, Thursday, announcing their decision to freeze their recognition of the Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian, as Patriarch of the Armenian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Land, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, after many efforts and attempts that did not succeed in correcting the Patriarch’s dealings with The real estate of the Armenian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, which is a cultural and human heritage, and a historical part of the mosaic of the Holy City.
The statement stated that the two countries had taken this decision based on the instructions of His Majesty King Abdullah II and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, after Patriarch Manougian took real estate measures and deals that would affect the future of the Holy City, without agreement and consultation with the relevant parties, and without involvement. Al-Snood" and the general body of the Mar Jacob brotherhood, as required by law and church regulations, and his disregard for the calls of Armenian institutions at home and abroad.
The statement indicated that the decision of Jordan and Palestine came after the “deal” related to the Al-Bustan site known as the “Cow Garden” and its surroundings, which extends to the “Al-Qishla” building in Bab Al-Khalil, which constitutes a large part of the Armenian neighborhood, as Patriarch Manougian was asked to stop any measures of This would affect the historical and legal status of these properties, which would change their demographic and geographical nature, but he did not respond to any of these demands.
The two sides affirmed that the Armenian Quarter is an integral part of the Old City as occupied territory, to which resolutions issued by the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly apply, including Security Council Resolutions 1515, 476, 338, 242, 2334, and other relevant international resolutions.
According to the statement, the Executive Council of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has issued several decisions considering the Old City and its walls on the List of World Heritage in Danger, and that Patriarch Manougian's dealings constituted a clear violation of relevant international covenants and decisions, which aim to preserve the status quo in Jerusalem and the protection of the authentic Jerusalemite Armenian heritage.
الأردن وفلسطين يقرران تجميد الاعتراف بالبطريرك الأرمني نورهان مانوغيان
11 أيار 2023
عمان - أصدرت المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية ودولة فلسطين بيانا مشتركا، اليوم الخميس، أعلنتا فيه قرارهما بتجميد اعترافهما بالبطريرك الأرمني نورهان مانوغيان، بصفته بطريرك الكنيسة الأرمنية الأرثوذكسية في القدس وسائر الأراضي المقدسة والمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، وذلك بعد جهود ومحاولات عديدة لم تُفلح في تصويب تعامل البطريرك مع عقارات الحيّ الأرمني في البلدة القديمة في القدس، والذي يعد إرثًا حضاريًا وإنسانيًا، وجزءًا تاريخيًا من فسيفساء المدينة المقدسة.
وجاء في البيان أن البلدين قد اتخذتا هذا القرار بناءً على تعليمات جلالة الملك عبد الله الثاني والرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس، وذلك بعد أن اتخذ البطريرك مانوغيان إجراءات عقارية وصفقات من شأنها التأثير على مستقبل المدينة المقدسة، دون توافق وتشاور مع الأطراف ذات الصلة، وبدون إشراك "السنود" والهيئة العامة لأخوية مار يعقوب كما يقتضي القانون والأنظمة الكنسية، وتجاهله لنداءات المؤسسات الأرمنية في الداخل وفي المهجر.
وأشار البيان إلى أن قرار الأردن وفلسطين جاء عقب "الصفقة" المتعلقة بموقع البستان المعروفة بـ "حديقة البقر" ومحيطها الذي يمتد إلى بناية "القشلة" في باب الخليل، والتي تشكل جزءًا كبيرًا من الحيّ الأرمني، إذ تمت مطالبة البطريرك مانوغيان بوقف أية إجراءات من شأنها التأثير على وضع هذه العقارات التاريخي والقانوني، والتي ستغير من طابعها الديمغرافي والجغرافي، لكنه لم يستجب إلى أي من هذه المطالب.
وأكد الجانبان أن الحي الأرمني جزء لا يتجزأ من البلدة القديمة باعتباره أراض محتلة، ينطبق عليها قرارات صادرة عن مجلس الأمن الدولي وعن الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة ومنها قرارات مجلس الأمن 1515، 476، 338، 242، 2334، وغيرها من القرارات الدولية ذات العلاقة.
ووفق البيان فإن المجلس التنفيذي لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) قد أصدر قرارات عدة باعتبار البلدة القديمة وأسوارها ضمن قائمة التراث العالمي المهدد بالخطر، وأن تعاملات البطريرك مانوغيان شكلت مخالفة صريحة للمواثيق والقرارات الدولية ذات العلاقة، التي تهدف إلى الحفاظ على الوضع القائم في القدس وحماية الإرث الأرمني المقدسي الأصيل.


Support Davit Mnatsakanyan in his marathon Hunger Strike protesting Azerbaijan's inhumane blockade of Artsakh / Nagorno Karabakh. The illegal blockade is ongoing so is Davit's hunger strike.
IN FRONT OF Azerbaijani Consulate General IN LOS ANGELES
11766 Wilshire Blvd, Suite #1410
Los Angeles, CA 90025

He will be there till December 29, 2022 (time: TBA)

Join him for as long as you can. Help him and humanity STOP Azerbaijan’s Genocidal Blockade Of Artsakh/NAGORNO KARABAKH


AANSI Chairman, U.S. Army Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley, Esq. Condemns Azerbaijani Blockade of Artsakh; Calls for Robust Humanitarian Assistance to Artsakh Armenians


USA Armenian Life TV Appo Jabarian and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley on AANSI


Յովնան արք Տէրտէրեանի մասին նոր բացայայտումներ եւ հրատապ հարցումներ.... անպատասխան հարցումներ


USA Armenian Life TV with Appo Jabarian and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley on AANSI Journalistic Mission; AANSI Humanitarian Brigade to Armenia

USA Armenian Life TV with Appo Jabarian and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley on AANSI Journalistic Mission; AANSI Humanitarian Brigade to Armenia

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley, Founding Chairman, AANSI -- The American Armenian National Security Institute makes an unprecedented announcement on the formation of the first-ever AANSI Humanitarian Support Brigade to Armenia and Artsakh.

Mr. MacCarley also points out the positive strategic developments in the burgeoning military, economic and political alliance between the United States of America and the Republic of Armenia.

The United States and Armenia have been longtime allies since WWI when tens of thousands of Armenian Legionnaires throughout the Armenian Diaspora mobilized to join forces with the Allied Powers.


Double Trouble: Dr. Mehmet Oz and Turkey
by David Boyajian

TV personality Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Oz is the Republican candidate for U.S. senator in Pennsylvania. He could become the first senator to hold dual citizenship, notably that of Turkey and America.
Which country does Oz owe his allegiance to? That’s what journalists and others have justifiably been asking.
It’s an important question, particularly as Turkey remains a rogue NATO member and unapologetically repressive and corrupt.
Moreover, Ankara has long supported international terrorist organizations such as ISIS.
Oz and Turkish Terrorism
Ahmet S. Yayla was Turkey’s counterterrorism chief from 2010-2013. He acknowledged in 2020 that “Turkey was a central hub for ... over 50,000 ISIS foreign fighters, and the main source of ISIS logistical materials [including] IEDs [improvised explosive devices], making Turkey and ISIS practically allies.”

Terrorism expert/State Department adviser Dr. David L. Phillips directs Columbia University’s Peace-building and Human Rights Program. In Turkey: A State Sponsor of Terrorism? (2021), Phillips showed that if a “non-NATO country behaved like Turkey, it would warrant designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.”

Has Oz ever forthrightly condemned his country’s terrorism, repression, or corruption? Seemingly not.
Does Oz even care that Turkey sponsors ISIS and other terrorist organizations? I find no evidence of that.
Take his January 10, 2022 Washington Examiner op-ed. He expressed his “deep concerns about many of its [Turkey’s] authoritarian domestic policies and harmful foreign policies.”
Which “policies,” exactly? He didn’t say. I asked his campaign for examples. It hasn’t replied.
Moreover, Oz’s alleged “concerns,” noted journalist Benjamin Baird, appeared only after the latter’s stinging, detailed, exposé of the doctor’s “many entanglements with Turkey’s government” (National Review, December 23, 2021).
Americans, said Baird in June, can rightly “question Oz’s loyalty and wonder why he wishes to prolong his allegiance to an oppressive authoritarian state.”
John Fetterman, Oz’s Democratic opponent, has failed to slam Oz on the above points, particularly his rival’s apparent indifference to Ankara’s support of terrorism.
Oz even claims he’s “never been politically involved in Turkey in any capacity” and doesn’t “really have a relationship with the leadership there [in Turkey].” Oh, is that so?
President Erdogan is Oz’s “Leader”
In a Turkish TV interview, the doctor said this after meeting President Erdogan: “I met with our leader in Turkey [emphasis added]. There is the question of how I can help Turkey as a representative [emphasis added].”
Oz served two months in the Turkish army and has extensive real estate holdings in Turkey. They include a $2 million dormitory leased at no cost to the regime’s Education Ministry.
When Oz announced his candidacy in 2021, Turkey’s U.S. Ambassador Hasan Murat Mercan immediately telephoned his congratulations.
The mega-millionaire candidate, incidentally, switched his voting address from his New Jersey mansion to his in-laws’ Pennsylvania home only in 2020.
Oz claims to maintain his Turkish citizenship only because his mother lives in Istanbul and has Alzheimer’s disease. Yet exiled Turkish journalist Abdullah Bozkurt points out that Oz could easily acquire a Turkish “Blue Card,” which confers most citizenship privileges.
In March, Oz stated that as a dual citizen senator he would forego asking for certain American security clearances. Now, though, he swears he’ll drop his Turkish citizenship — but only if elected.
Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s Secretary of State, has questioned why Oz had “the time and energy to vote in a [2018] Turkish election” but not in New Jersey’s 2018 primary. The candidate, added Pompeo, must detail the "scope and depth" of his relationship to Turkey because they raise “national security concerns.” He hasn’t done so.
Unfortunately, probably because Trump is absurdly pro-Turkish, he endorsed Oz.
The Doctor and Mass Murder
In 2019, U.S. Senate Resolution 150 passed 100–0. It recognized the genocides of “Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians … and other Christians” committed by Ottoman and post-Ottoman Turkey from 1915–1923.
Queried about the Armenian Genocide, Oz’s campaign shot back with this disingenuous generalization: Our candidate “opposes genocide and the murder of innocent people in all forms … the evils of World War I should be commemorated.”
Of course, few people publicly favor genocide, murder, and evil. Oz’s evasive non-answer places him again on Turkey side and at odds with the U.S. Senate.
The true intensity of the Oz–Turkish love affair is known to few Pennsylvania voters.
The Oz–Turkish Love Affair
Oz has been a consultant and publicist for Turkish Airlines, 49% owned by the Turkish government.
He was once elected to the High Advisory Council of the Istanbul-based World Turkish Business Council (DTiK). The latter is affiliated with Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEiK), an arm of President Erdogan’s regime.
Oz spoke at DTiK’s 2019 conference in NY City. It was co-hosted by Gunay Evinch.
Ankara hired Evinch’s law firm, Saltzman & Evinch, to collect intel on certain of Turkey’s critics in America.
Evinch co-chairs the Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC) with Halil Mutlu, Erdogan’s cousin. In America, Mutlu represents Erdogan’s Islamist AKP party.
During a TASC fundraiser in 2019, Oz sat beside Murat Guzel, the event’s host and the subject of FBI financial investigations.
At a 2019 Turkish parade in Brooklyn, NY, Oz and Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul embraced each other. In 2018, the U.S. Treasury Department penalized Gul for Ankara’s unjust detention of Andrew Brunson, an American Christian pastor.
Oz offers lifestyle programming on the BiP communications platform. BiP is owned by the Turkish Wealth Fund, headed by Erdogan himself.
In 2022, Enes Kanter Freedom, the NBA basketball star, former Turkish citizen, and Erdogan critic, tweeted:
“People in Pennsylvania needs [sic] to understand that [Dr. Oz] is a Foreign Agent and he works for Dictator [Erdogan]. Ask yourself, why would a Turkish citizen, who lives in Jersey and works in New York City would want to be the Senator from Pennsylvania [emphases added].”
Nice Guys Finish Last
In May’s GOP primary, Oz beat David McCormick by just 951 votes out of 1.3 million.
Had McCormick used the points above (some of which I gave to his campaign and another GOP contender, Kathy Barnette) to hammer Oz, he would have won.
If John Fetterman lacks the stomach to expose the entire Oz –Turkish love affair, particularly Ankara’s support of ISIS, he may lose too — and will deserve it.
David Boyajian’s main foreign policy focus is the Caucasus. His work can be found here (



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Videos (show all)

Support Davit Mnatsakanyan in his marathon Hunger Strike protesting Azerbaijan's inhumane blockade of Artsakh / Nagorno ...
Ast Humanitarian AssAANSI Chairman, U.S. Army Major General (Ret.) Mark MacCarley, Esq. Condemns Azerbaijani Blockade of...
USA Armenian Life TV  Appo Jabarian and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley on AANSI
USA Armenian Life TV  Appo Jabarian and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Mark MacCarley on AANSI
Specia Report -- AZERBAIJANI AGGRESSION AGAINST ARMENIA -- with Appo Jabarian and US Army MAJ. GEN. (Ret) Mark MacCarley



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