Jeannette Botello - Supplemental Benefits Consultant
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Aflac's programs are unique in that unlike health insurance, that pays doctors and hospitals, Aflac pays it's policyholders CASH, to spend as they see fit.
What Aflac does for about 50 million people worldwide is provide them with peace-of-mind in knowing that, God forbid something happens, their family will be protected from the financial hardships associated with these illnesses and injuries.
About 1 out of 8 people seek medical attention for an injury.
Enjoy your summer vacations!!
Check out how Aflac can help keep your employees more satisfied in their jobs through better benefits:
Aflac is unique in that, unlike other insurance that pays someone else (doctors and hospitals) Aflac pays the policyholder directly. They pay CASH to cover the out of pocket expenses, such as co-pays, deductibles, experimental treatment and even for going out of network for treatment.
Jeannette Botello - Supplemental Benefits Consultant What Aflac does for about 50 million people worldwide is provide them with peace-of-mind in knowing
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Glendora, CA
203 S Glendora Avenue Suite A
Glendora, 91741
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