The Conscious Connection

My name is Kylee Foote, and I am an intuitive spiritual mentor, healer, & multi-sensory communicator of & champion for connection in all its forms.

Ushering spiritual coaches, creatives, healers, & self-seekers into a new paradigm of Sovereign Self Medicine, allowing them to fully own & joyfully embody themselves, knowing THEY are the wisdom, the magic, the freedom they seek. I am also a transpersonal herbalist & nature enthusiast who specializes in working with the conscious wisdom of the plants to clear, shift, support, and nourish people i


Deepening Connections 1/2 Day Retreat
For Nourishing & Strengthening Your Most Vital Bonds

Is your relationship is in need of some serious bonding time? Then we invite you to join us for an insightful day of togetherness!

We all know that the stresses of life have a tendency of taking precedence, and that causes our focus to veer away from the relationships we genuinely want to cultivate. Be it with our significant other, children, parents, or friends, we tend not to have as much energy or space as we would like to put into one another.

Because we understand the value of connection and dedicated bonding time, we collaborated to craft an immersive experience. This opportunity allows you and your partner to refocus on each other, foster deeper trust, intimacy, and celebration of your shared love and companionship.

The core intention of this half day retreat is to embrace the beauty, joy, and laughter inherent in the connection with both yourself and your partner through:

✨️Healing journey
✨️Sound bath
✨️Somatic and QiGong movements
✨️Other joyful, connective activities

Enjoy a delicious allergen friendly luncheon and herbal hand-crafted tea made with love and the intention of opening your ❤ to connection and community.

➡️This 1/2 Day Retreat is not limited to romantic partners, but adult pairings of all kinds—parent/child, siblings, friends, etc. All you need is two willing people with a desire to make their relationship thrive.

Date : Sunday, April 21, 2024
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Location: Wild Rose Holistic Health Danvers, MA


The one thing I wish we all understood:
You are not too much. Nor are you tough to be around or difficult.

Sometimes you meet people who have limitations or resistance within *themselves* that you just happen to be rubbing up against.

It's f*cking uncomfortable for both I'd you, but it *does not* make you flawed.

We are so quick to think the worst of ourselves (and others), but imagine if we could understand this truth & instead remain steady in love--that of ourself & of others...



This is for all those soulful self-seekers who have always felt simultaneously too much & not enough.

For those who have spent a lifetime minimizing, masking, & watering themselves down for others comfort.

Who have prioritized others so much, self-betrayal & distrust have become just a normal part of life.

Who even after all their healing still do not feel safe being fully embodied.

If you're ready to:
☆Let go of the voices of others & follow your own conscious wisdom
☆Own everything about yourself
☆Anchor into the most authentic parts of you

So you ⤵️
♡Are no longer afraid to show up & show out
♡You can finally feel a deep sense of freedom, ease, & confidence like you've never experienced before
♡And you no longer have to chase your worth or anyone else's approval because you'll finally have your own...

Then join me for Owning Self: A 14 week ✨️In-Person✨️ Sovereign Self Medicine Mastery Course!

We kick things off Tuesday, April 2, 2024
》Space is Limited《


Catching the week 2 replay of Surrender Magick, and this is a question I came to while doing some shadow work around surrendering to my enoughness.

👉Remember: Others may be perceiving you, but you're the one living with yourself✨️

Photos from The Conscious Connection's post 02/26/2024

If as individuals we keep refusing to show up for *all* of ourselves, if we keep continuing to deflect, gaslight, ignore, demonize, and suppress these parts of us, we will keep experiencing more of the same.

We have to allow ourselves to be radically honest & compassionate as we bear witness to what we've been conditioned to believe wasn't good enough.

And we have to find approval for ourselves.

You've been waiting for others to give their love & approval to you, when what you've been searching for all along lives within yourself.

I know you've been doing the work, probably for a while now, and you're good about working through the layers. Meeting yourself.

But there are layers even you have been avoiding. And they're ready to be known. You're ready to let go & allow. Surrender & open. To fully own these parts of yourself.

Join me in April for Owning Self: A Sovereign Self Medicine Mastery


It's easy to get bogged down by what you're not doing, who you're not being, but that only leads to more:
》negative self-talk
》feelings of failure

It's way more productive to choose what's easier and more enjoyable.

Yes, you want to push yourself outside your comfort zone, but incrementally.

Bulldozing never helped anyone get where they want to go 🚧

There's a large part of me who would love to be on stage 🎤 in hand, but the thought of actually doing that, becoming a performer, 😬😬😬

What I've been doing instead is working my way up, building safety & trust for the fearful parts of myself.

First came 1:1 sessions online, then in person, then I started doing farmers markets & shows. From there I branched out to teaching small groups, then I did some speaking at healing expos.

Now, I'm moving into teaching larger groups, and I even had the thought a few weeks ago to do some karaoke or sing at the piano bar & that thought actually made me feel excited rather than pukey 😅

I could focus on how long it's taking me, feel shame for the fear I feel, and beat myself up, but what does that get me?

So I'm choosing to bask in the pleasure of what feels easier, fun, & exciting in this moment and let that be great for now.

You're so much more than what you fear to explore. Let yourself have fun with who you are now. Let life just be easy for a while. You have nothing to prove to anyone, not even yourself.


Hey friends,

I don't know how you're fairing with our transition into Aquarius, but I feel like so many of my fears & insecurities have been ACTIVATED as I'm feeling the call to divest myself of the old ways of being & doing.

It has been a whole thing over here with daily parts work, shadow work, emotional releases, hard truths, you name it! It's been a struggle to shift and let go. I've had to learn to see parts of myself radically different, learn to honor them for who & what they are and have been for me... It's been very cathartic AND highly emotional.

One of the ways I've been supporting all of this inner work is by leaning into my plant friends. Whether it's been tea, tincture, flower essences, or energy work, I've been relying heavily on them to help me make the shifts that feel too hard to make some days.

Two of the plants I've been leaning into the most are Purple Crocus & Pink Oleander. Crocus has been helping me to navigate the feelings of loss & grief that have been surfacing as I let the old perspectives, ideals, fears, & beliefs go with acceptance and surrender, while Oleander has reminded me to live from a place of love rather than fear, remembering that it is safe to move into this new way and to settle into this me I have become.

I'm seeing all around me friends, family, & strangers moving through this same grief & struggle of letting go. I felt called to invite anyone interested to an online Plant Spirit Journey & Healing with Purple Crocus & Pink Oleander this Friday, February 23 at 6:30pm.

Not only will we journey to the essence of both plants at once to receive much needed wisdom, something I've never done before, we will be receiving an energetic healing from each plant, calling in their loving support as we transition from one self to another.

If you'd like to join me this Friday, you can register by clicking the link below:

Looking forward to journeying with you!


Hard truth that's oh so necessary to hear.

You can't bypass you.
Healing is about receiving your own approval.
In order to give that, you gotta know & understand who you are & value yourself.

Not just for your potential or some exhalted future embodiment, but who you are now, in this moment. On this level of being.

It's so easy to fall into that co-dependent default mode of assuming the worst about yourself.
But you have the power of choice.

So choose to get familiar with who you are now rather than striving for a newer, better version of you.


I love you.

I love you when you're happy, when you are sad, scared, angry, & everything in between.

I love your courage. You are so brave. Even when you're scared or unsure, you keep going.

Whether you're being silly or serious, wise or struggling to communicate.

You're not as afraid to put yourself out there & be vulnerable, sharing the most you parts of yourself.

I think you're pretty wonderful✨️

Put simply, I love you always
In all ways ❤️


Let's maximize a deep release of our old selves with the Full Moon & a Healing Plant Spirit Journey to Purple Crocus & Pink Oleander!

With the call to let go will come fear of doing just that, especially when what we're letting go is our old self.

Is it safe to move into who you are now? To stand in your power & embody your Truth? To let go of all as you have known it to know it in a more connected way?

Will those you love & care for still love & care for you, when you no longer live for them but for yourself?

These are the questions we circle around and are too afraid to answer, too afraid to even address.

Purple Crocus & Oleander will help. They will guide & nurture us in our letting go. They will show us the safety in release.

Come, let's soften & surrender. Let's anchor into who we have become together 💕


The Previously Perfectionistic Me would have said "Yeah f*ckin' right! I'm valuable, when I'm good, and I'm only good, when I'm perfect."

But Unapologetically Present Me knows better!

Today, embody your Unapologetically Present Self & own your s**t, girl!

🧚🏼‍♀️Woo Woo

It doesn't matter! Presence over perfection 👑
Own it!


Questions I've been asking myself every day:

✨️Where am I not allowing myself to be me?
✨️How can I allow more?
✨️Are there other ways I need to honor & nourish myself in order to feel more aligned & embodied?

As you're now stepping into more authentic self-expression, you may need regular reminders & checking in with yourself to steer you back to yourself.

Because YOU is who your people are wanting more of. They don't want to hear you say what others are saying in your voice. Your people want to hear what you have to say exactly how you have to say it.

They want to see you expressing your most authentic self in your clothing, your relationships, & other life choices. That's what makes them your people.

They vibe with YOU.
They don't want to see you showing up as some other person you've put on a pedestal.
The want you, only you just as you are.


The majority of the world operates in a fear-based, lack-consciousness, co-dependent reality.

We see that playing out on the world stage every single day. We experience it in our own lives just as frequently.

Fear is being weaponized by people against people & people against themselves.

We're all so terrified we won't have enough, do enough, be enough that we lose sight of the masterful flow of life itself.

We forget that outside of that fear & lack is love & abundance, a space of intricately woven interconnection that has no end, where everything in existence has what they want & need always.

But it takes trust.

Not a trust in others, although that will come, but a trust in Self. A trust that you know the way forward for you, that because you desire it, you will get it, & in getting it, the world at large will benefit.

To see this world, to experience the disconnect, it takes a deep trust in Self to choose differently, to create something new.

Self-trust is something we lose early on out of a need to belong to survive. And in so doing, we learn to disregard what our inner wisdom is telling us, where it is guiding us.

We can't ever truly escape that inner compass and the influence it has on our lives, even though we can & do tell it to f*ck right off & shut all the way up.

Instead we have to be brave enough to choose to actively cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves, learning to once again trust that voice within that is always leading us to more.

If everyone were to step into the paradigm of interconnection, prioritizing their relationship with themself, pursuing their "more", & recognizing how we all play into each others realities, then things like war, strife, & famine wouldn't exist.

This is what Sovereign Self Medicine is all about. It is the radical, revolutionary change we all crave.

A trust in Self that radiates out into a trust of all things.

A new way of being ✨️


You want to be a part of the change you want to see in this world?

Focus on yourself.

F*ck what everyone else is doing. Honestly. Don't let their fears & limitations hold you back. Don't let their voice be the one your listen to.


What do YOU feel? What do YOU think? What do YOU believe & know to be true for you?

Care about that.
Because that's what matters most in your world.

You can try to follow the tide, hoping it'll take you where you want to be, or you can create the waves of momentum & change that you seek.


You have so many thoughts, dreams, & ideas swirling around inside you.

No matter what your healing modality is, your creative juices are always flowing, always coming up with fun new ways to share what you love.

In the past you might have talked yourself out of showing up. Convinced yourself in some way you just weren't ready to go *that* BIG...

But you're here now.
You're not living in the past anymore.
You're done with watering yourself down.
Done holding yourself back.

Enough is enough

You're ready to break FREE, be BOLD
choose YOU & live OUT LOUD

This is your year!
And I'm here for it💃🏼
Riding this 🌊 right along with you ✨️


Why do what they expect?

Why be who they want you to be?

Why be the one to make *them* comfortable & happy?

You can do anything you want, so why not do what makes you feel ALIVE?


Are you calibrating to your own approval or someone you deem more worthy, more intelligent, more embodied, more of an authority than you?

For a long time I've been calibrating to the approval of those I admired, those I thought were better or more successful than me at the things I wanted to be known for.

I wanted so badly for them to find value in what I was bringing to the table. So focused that I forgot to find value in myself. I forgot to approve of the wisdom & power within me.

I allowed the fear of not getting others approval hold me back & limit my self-expression because I was so focused on matching what I projected their ideas of mastery, authority, & wisdom were.

If you're reading this and realizing you've been calibrating to someone else's ideals of enough or even your own unrealistic expectation, ask yourself: Can I approve of myself instead?

Radical honesty self-approval calibrating approval seeking self-reflection introspection inner work


For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I changed my page name to The Conscious Connection Coach a couple months ago.

I've known for a while that I wanted to not only change the title I go by, but my business name as well. Down to Earth Holistic Wellness has served me very well for over 10 years, but I've grown out of it.

I held off changing the business name on this page because I wasn't ever quite certain what I wanted to change the name to, only that I knew I needed to change it. But, I've worked with The Conscious Connection for a while now, and it sums up the point at which I find my business.

You may also have noticed I've been almost completely off social media for months now as I've been knee deep in some significant, life-altering transitions. I made the decision to switch to leading groups & teaching workshops & classes full time, which means I am no longer seeing one-on-one clients, and I no longer have a physical office space of my own. I also made the switch to working with other spiritual thinkers, healers, creatives, coaches, and entrepreneurs who are ready to own their magic :)

I will be bopping around to different centers primarily in and around the North Shore of Massachusetts, as well as Southern Maine & Southern NH.

In the time that I've been away, I've been brewing up some fantastic offerings--workshops, classes, connection ceremonies, and courses--that I'm very excited to share with you very soon.

I'm not exactly sure how the plants will factor into the work I will be doing going forward, I just know that they will, but my focus is on helping my peers get conscious to & own their brand of magic.

It's all about connection & Sovereign Self Medicine in 2024 baby, and I can't wait to jump right in!

With a world of love,


Our perceptions are our reality, and they're unique to each one of us. What one can experience with compassion and understanding, another would experience with anger and fear.

We don't need to agree. And we don't need to try to convince each other. We simply need to put our energy into making sure that to the best of our ability, we are working to stay in alignment with our truest nature and eternal beingness.

From there, deep soul to soul connection, the kind we're all craving & striving for, becomes the norm.

✨️So ask yourself: Does my perception of x align with my truth or betray it?

And if that perception is betraying the essence or core of you: How does my Inner Wisdom experience this? What must I release or understand in order to re-align with my Self? And how can I best do that?✨️

Inner wisdom Shifting perceptions Alignment Authentic living Connection Conscious life


A second class offering for Holistic Life Community's 5 Day Fall Festival!

This one is all about the plant energy 🌿💫

I've been working with the energies of plants since my first year of herbalism school. It is something that was born out of my Reiki background and the new knowledge I had about plant medicine & the body.

Over the years, I have honed my skills into a very unique form of energy shifting that I'm ready to share with you!

So if you're curious how working with plant energies can help you transmute the stuck, stagnant energies causing dis-ease inside your body, join me this Sunday!

Head over to and click the link to register!



Coriander is a clearer. It asks us to let go of the old, to step onto a path we've only ever dreamed of. It is about BOLD leaps forward, total transformation.

If you are ready for shake yourself loose of the old paradigm and enter a new timeline entirely, join this journey with Coriander.

This will likely be the last plant spirit journey of the year, so if you've been looking to join, this is the time!

Saturday, Sept 30th
Down to Earth Holistic headquarters in Gloucester, MA

**Space is limited to 6 journeyers**


The best thing I ever did to catapult my healing & help me enjoy life more was to get consciously connected to my Inner Me. Now, I want to help you do the same!

Whether you call it your Inner Self, Inner Wisdom, or Inner Knowing, you're referring to your Inner You–the part who knows (and ACCEPTS!) everything you want & need, all that you believe, desire, & dream of, as well as all that you fear, any wobbly thoughts, & perceived limitations.

This part is your biggest cheerleader & greatest fan all in one–always helping you navigate life in a way that minimizes headaches & maximizes the fun (& growth)!

Being able to clearly communicate with this part of you is where things get a bit tricky for most people & that's where I come in!

In this in-person workshop we will:
✨️Clear & Transmute energy preventing your from connecting & communicating clearly
✨️Learn to discern the voice of your Inner You & Receive a message from them
✨️Hone in on the next best step for you to take to move TOWARDS a more fulfilled, authentic life.

Sound up your alley? Join me!


✨️Channeled message from the Earth:
Allow yourself to flourish.
Allow yourself to grow.
Open up to your deepest nature, and let it guide you forward.
Allow your nature to be present & expressed.
Fully & without reserve.✨️

If you are holding yourself back in any way, let this message be your reminder to be bold, be brave, & embody your YOU 💖



A couple months ago, I *finally* answered the lifelong calling to sign up for a pottery wheel throwing class.

The first class was earlier this week, and the perfectionist in me was front & center! As each piece collapsed, I was confronted over & over again with how uncomfortable (and irritable!) I get, when I'm not immediately good at something.

Perhaps you can relate 🥴

And yet, inevitably life is full of moments when we "fail"/make mistakes, are imperfect in some way or we learn how *not* to do things.

We can let these moments stop us from ever trying something new again OR we can embrace imperfection as a necessary part of learning & living boldly with joy & curiosity...

The way I'm beginning to see it: these are opportunities to know myself & the world in a new way, even if it's not exactly in the way I expected. I'm learning to have fun with it all, choosing to thrive in the messy parts of life.

This class doesn't feel like just a pottery class. It doesn't even feel like just a longstanding dream being actualized. It is, of course, but it's also a portal into greater self-mastery, and I am HERE FOR IT 🙌✨️



There are lots of new faces here, so time for a reintroduction!

👋 I'm Kylee, a multi-sensory coach, storyteller, & nature enthusiast here to help you put YOU back into your life!

15 yrs ago, I set out to learn Reiki, so I could heal myself & others of crippling pain. Little did I know that that choice would set into motion a complete reclaiming of Self.

Over the course of my journey, I found parts work/shadow work, became an clinically trained transpersonal herbalist, developed my own healing techniques working with the energies of nature, learned profound wisdom from the plants, & cultivated a deep connection with my Inner Self--the ultimate guidance system.

Each one of these things has had such a powerful influence on me & my life that it only made sense to bring them into my healing & coaching work.

For a long time now, I've been focused on deep inner healing & trauma work, both personally & professionally. But, after recently owning my full truth & subsequently undergoing a massive internal & external restructuring, I've decided to move away from the trauma & instead embody the excitement & joy in life--liven things up & have some fun, ya know?!

You'll often find me randomly breaking out into song or character, making all sorts of silly faces, dancing around & sing narrating my actions or responses, and humming or whistling w/o realizing 🙃 I talk A LOT (Gemini moon!) & expressively. It's part of the charm 😉

I love all things spiritual, esoteric, & connection. I can quite literally talk about any & all of these for hours.

If you're a storyteller, writer, artist, or creatrix, who has recognized your people-pleasing, perfectionistic, & self-doubting ways, & you want to embrace a whole lot more of YOU, this is your place! And if you're highly intuitive, extra or multi-sensory, or neuro-spicy to boot, welcome! You're my people & we're bound to get along famously!

Ok, time to talk about you! What do you ❤️? What do you wish would change (or go away completely 🙊)? And how would you rate the level of you that you bring to your life? Let me know in the comments ⤵️



This Saturday Alycia & I are teaming up for what will likely be our last plant spirit journey for a little while.

When Alycia first told me about Mike & his new space Danvers Wellness Center, I knew without a doubt that we had to facilitate a journey to hawthorn here.

Hawthorn is a wonderful heart healer, a beautiful guide out of the darkness of sorrow, and a trusted friend that is always ready to infuse you with steadiness & resiliency.

If your heart has felt heavy or you've been navigating your way out of your own deeply held sorrow, this journey is for you.

Alycia will be debuting her new beautiful handmade drum, and I'll be guiding you to your special meeting point where you will meet & learn from Hawthorn.

After the initial journey, we will have a brief stretch break before going into a deep healing session performed by the energy of Hawthorn.

Eaxh journey is truly a one of a kind experience!

Join us in creating a bit more space within for peace & contentment to take root ❤️

Photos from The Conscious Connection's post 08/15/2023

Day 3

Homecoming ❤️

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Gloucester, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 2:30pm - 5:30pm

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