Kristin Johnson Fitness

Kristin Johnson Fitness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Kristin Johnson Fitness, .

🏋️ Fitness Coach 🏋️
Strong Over Everything 💪🏻
Personal Trainer | Accountability Coach | Motivational Ju**ie
Ditch the excuses and build the strongest version of YOU!


A lot of you won’t accept that the basics of getting strong and fit really can be so simple. It’s like everyone wants to complicate it-but have never truly stuck to the basics long enough to see results.

So then- you say it doesn’t work and continuously look for the next shiny thing, the more complicated thing- but that’s a sneaky trick that actually keeps you stuck (or injured).

Training 2-3 times a week, for about 30 minutes on a handful of time honored exercises that suit you well is all you need. 💪🏻

What’s the catch? Make sure your intensity is high enough, you are improving, eat well, sleep and manage your stress/recovery.

“But I get bored and need to switch it up!”. Ya know what else is boring? Sitting in a wheelchair in a nursing home because you’ve lost all your muscle mass.

👉🏻By age 70 most Americans have lost 35-40% of the muscle mass and 20% or more of the aerobic capacity they had in their 30s. 🤯

Besides- there's plenty of ways to incorporate other modalities of fitness or add new challenges in to your basic routine.

Don’t believe it can be so simple? Come to my group class tomorrow, Saturday the 17th- 9am and see for yourself how it’s absolutely “enough” by comparing your intensity with me to how you’ve been doing it.

It’s a low-barrier way to see what we’re all about without committing to personal training.

$12 drop in (or you can join on zoom)


I’ve got two group strength classes for ya this week.

Tomorrow, Saturday 9am
Tuesday, 6pm

$12 drop in
30minute full body strength

Location : DBM Strength in Cascade

Hands up if you’ll be joining!


I grew up very evangelical Christian.

Church choir practice every Wednesday.

My mom played in the orchestra every week.

Sunday service no matter what.

Youth group in the 90's. (iykyk)

My best friends parents were missionaries.

Ten commandments hanging on our dining room wall. 📜

Dr. JAMES DOBSON (....waiting for the documentary of the insanity of his teachings).

My critical thinking questions about religion were met with "God works in mysterious ways and lean not on your own understanding".

Purity culture - I was taught I would be like a chewed piece of bubble gum if I had pre-marital s*x and that the bulk of my value as a woman rested on my virginity and finding a husband (go to college to get that Mrs. degree, right?).

They said sins aren't ranked, but we all knew it ranked right up there with being gay and and the murderers.

So you can imagine the shame and worthlessness I carried with me when I was absolutely none of these things I was supposed to be.

I smoked w**d for the first time at age 12.

My parents divorced when I was 14. My dad left and abandoned us.

My mom handling her own trauma with a new relationship and I learned to do the same.

I found attention and connection with an older boy (he was 18) and my best friend.

I lost my virginity to him at 15.

I had two coerced abortions by 19 that I never wanted and carried a deep hatred for myself and shame for over 15 years while I kept it secret from every single person in my life because I just *knew* I was going to hell.

The GRIEF was unbearable.

I'm honestly lucky to be here today because for several years all I could think about was not being here.

I learned to shove all that trauma in a box so that I could just do the next normal thing.

I went to college. I got married. I got divorced.

I've tried just about every anti-depressant on the market.

But it never helped. I wasn't depressed. I was carrying the energy of PTSD and trauma and worthlessness in my body and had to change my thinking about who I was.

At about age 33 I started to pick up the heavy weights again and was reminded of the feeling of being the fastest kid on the swim team. To beat the entire class in the 7th grade bench press.💪🏻

I began to seek out therapy with only the hyper-focus someone with ADHD can have.

I stumbled upon a whackadoo non-traditional counselor in Australia- paid him $1500 to help me release years of physical and psychological trauma over Skype in a matter of a few sessions.

So, when I tell you I can help you get strong- I fu***ng mean it. 👏🏻

I know that whatever you are struggling with- getting physically fit and strong will absolutely change your life- just like it did mine. 💜

While I have a heavy side-eye towards religious institutions- I am more spiritual than I've ever been.

Deconstructing from religious trauma is a lot of work- yet I haven’t lost my spirituality.

I can get absolutely lost in a worship song, 🎵 moved to tears under the stars ✨ or at the edge of the ocean 🌊 , be taken aback at "coincidences" that are actually providential.

I also feel connected to God though breath work as I literally aspirate the consonants that make up His name.

(YHWH -> Yahweh -> Yah (in) - Weh (out)) 🧘 .

I'll make another post going into this with more detail because it's so amazing!

Mostly- I had finally gotten to a point where I accepted myself and believed I was lovable.

Maybe you don't have a box of trauma like I did- maybe you just want to feel better in your clothes and be able to have s*x with the lights on. 😅

One thing I do know - getting strong at 35, 40 or 50 is a way easier than waiting until you can't get out of a chair at 70.

I had 3 clients last week in tears in the middle of their session.

I'm grateful and honored to be trusted to hold space for their emotions- and to know when to hold them and when to say:

"alright now- lets go take it out on this next set- I gotchu".

If you need someone like that in your life- there's a few ways to work with me. 👇🏻

I'm currently focused on growing my online membership that I just launched last month.

We have 11 members and growing.

If you'd like to be part of it - and improve your fitness, strength, mental health, happiness and value connection with others doing the same- I'd love to have you. (and be grandfathered in at the founding member price).

👉🏻 If you’re a current gym, client of mine… Yes, this is for you too! You need more than two sessions in the gym with me to feel truly supported in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Comment or DM me the word ✨membership✨ and I'll send you all the info.

Much Love- and Strength!


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 20/06/2024

This sweaty 🥵 walk fueled by the Kendrick Lamar Pop Out Live concert on Prime for Juneteenth 🙌🏻. You watchin’?


Single arm barbell press - Natalie is working her way up to the regular barbell! Why does it matter?

Here’s what she said to me this morning: “I moved over 3000 lbs of steel this weekend cleaning out a workshop!

It matters because strength makes you capable of doing anything you want/need to do. It gives you options and choices to live a capable, healthy life. ⭐️


I whole heartedly believe that properly applied full-body strength training is the most effective and efficient way to to look good, be strong, and feel confident to do anything you want in life without being tied to the gym everyday.

If you’re used to doing body part splits several days a week in the gym like most people do, this will require a willingness to shift the way you think.

Splits are typically how home workout videos are programmed, and it’s most often what you see people do in the gym or bodybuilding articles.

Back/Biceps, Chest & Triceps, Leg day or even Upper Day/Lower Day.

I started that way too and switched to full-body workouts about 10 years ago and never looked back.

👉🏻 For one, you get back your time. Two days a week for about 30 minutes each.

It also gives you more time on other days to explore other types of movement (mine right now are spin class and walking).

👉🏻 Secondly- the amount of overall work is less. HOWEVER, the intensity must be higher and you gotta be willing to be temporarily uncomfy.

Less volume = better recovery = less risk of injury.

👉🏻 Thirdly- if you don’t have a ton of time for additional cardio- or if you just don’t like cardio - full body workouts done properly combine the benefits of both strength and metabolic conditioning.

🎯A few tips that have worked for me and my clients:

▪️Short but intense workouts are my preference. Get in, do the work, get out.

▪️Choose exercises suited to you that are basic, time honored movements that work a lot of muscle at once.

▪️Aim for a desired rep range and give your full effort to achieve muscle failure within that range.

▪️Prioritize good form over anything.

▪️Get your mind right before each session and eliminate distractions (aka don’t you dare scroll between sets).

▪️Recovery matters a lot. Spend more time out of the gym than in the gym.

▪️Have a plan and follow it. No more piecing together moves from instagram or "figuring it out" when you get to the gym.

If you do this the right way- it is incredibly effective, safe and something you can do the rest of your life.

If this is sounding really good to to you and you know you need some help-

I've got something special coming in June to help you with all this. 😊

You'll have an opportunity to join the ✨Strong Queen Team✨.

A exclusive monthly membership that covers everything: workout plans, accountability, education, nutrition, community, goal setting and femininity- because strength and femininity are inseparable.

As soon as I get the info page up and running I'll send out a link.

If you are interested and want to make sure I send you the info directly- comment or DM me “Queen Team”


For some reason we're hardwired to avoid change.

We stay in sh*tty relationships. We stay in sh*tty jobs. We even eat the same sh*tty foods.

Because we'd rather the pain of disappointment than the pain of the unknown.

How much longer do you want to stay in the suck? 🤔

I can’t promise the best results of your life in 28 days, but I CAN give you the kick-start to a lifelong transformation, not just becoming smaller.��A real change so you don't have one more summer of primal screams in your closet over trying to find something to wear that fits and looks decent.��I honestly believe you're a click away from really improving your situation.��You just need to believe in coaching, which I know isn't easy. Coaching has changed my life, and I know it will change yours too. 💜��We're going to wrap this up at the end of the day today, so decide soon.

My most successful clients have made swift decisions.

The ones who think about it- well….are still thinking about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

All challenge materials dropped into participants accounts this morning.��You either make the best decision of the year so far.��Or quite literally, your money back if you follow the program and don't get any results.��So what do you say?��We doing this or what?


You know the metal teeth scraping tools straight from hell the dentist uses? Well, I have a friend who loves it so much she bought her own scaling kit to use at home.

And here I am taking 2 Xanax and requesting the gas just to get through a cleaning. 🫣

A couple years ago I cancelled 2 appointments in a row and asked to re-schedule. I got a notice from my dentist that if I cancelled a 3rd time she was no longer going to keep me as a patient.

I haven’t missed an appointment since.

Just like me and the dentist - most people I work with aren’t adept gym goers. They don’t wake up excited to train. They’re not reading about deadlifts on their lunch breaks.

Yet they understand the value of fitness and taking care of themselves and want to avoid the consequences of neglecting it.

They have gotten to a point where they need or would like some help and come to me.

And you might continue to avoid it if you don’t have someone who cares enough to say 🗣️ "HEY, you committed to this now SHOW UP or leave".

I know- the gym can be very stressful.

Maybe you’ve had a bad experience, have only gone for the sake of becoming smaller or maybe the last time you were in a gym was in high school gym class.

Maybe you’re a former athlete who let themselves go and is embarrassed to start again

Maybe you have this idea that everyone who eats healthy and goes to the gym loves it.

A good majority of my clients come in, do the work….and you’d never hear about it on their socials.

This might be the only time you hear me talking about the dentist, but I do have nice teeth and I plan to still have them at 80yrs old- just like my clients plan to still be squatting ass to the grass with their gray hair.

The lesson here…

You decide the level you win at in life.

For me, it’s not about a 6 pack. It’s about experiencing joy in moving my body and lifting heavy things. Being strong enough and lean enough to do all the things in life I want to with the people I love. Liking what I see in the mirror naked, fresh out of the shower. Knowing I have one body that moves me though all of life's experiences and believing I deserve strength, and I deserve to feel good. 💜💪🏻💃

If you want that for yourself- that will require ✨coaching and accountability✨.

If you could do it by yourself - you’d have done it by now.

Being scared to do something is normal.

Feeling scared or embarrassed to reach out for help is normal.

One thing that has really helped me is by looking around and realizing how nervous everyone else is, all pretending they're fine.

Then I realize that it's not just at the dentist or the gym it’s everywhere.

✨Everyone, everywhere is so scared of letting themselves down.✨

But they won't even do the very thing that could give them the strategy and accountability necessary to reach their goals.

The lessons we all need are in the very things we're avoiding.

If you don't start, you'll never discover your own power.

Imagine one day you step out of the shower and aren't scared to look in the mirror….and even better you now walk out feeling like a total complete badass and it positively transforms every area of your life.


You can have this summer look just like last summer OR you can check out my Transform in 4 program that kicks off this THIS Friday, May 3.

It’s all online, I tell you exactly what to do & hold you accountable - all you have to do is DO IT and I’ll take care of the rest. ✌🏻


You’re already anxious about wearing the shorts and bathing suits, aren’t you? 🫣

You planned to be in better shape this summer, but the current reality is you are exactly where you were last summer.

You think if you just had someone to tell you exactly what to focus on to get strong and lean without all the nonsense and overwhelm- you’d do it.

As someone with 10 years in the fitness arena- I’m here to un-complicate it so you can feel good about wearing the shorts by June without having to track macros, figure it out on your own or deprive yourself.

The way to feel good about yourself is to do what you say you’re going to do.

To do that… Make it as simple as possible.

Join my 28 Day Transform in 4 Challenge and I’ll tell you exactly what to do (without the nonsense and overwhelm) and the accountability you need.

It can be so simple.

✔️Move Your Body
✔️Eat better
✔️Improve your mindset
✔️Change your life

If you’re sick of feeling like your spending so much of your time and energy trying to be fit and get back on the wagon- let me show you how to get rid of the wagon all together and live a life that feels good- not one you’re constantly chasing. ✨.

Check out the details for Transform in 4.

Deadline to sign up is Friday May 3.


I’m working with a small handful of people in May for 28 days to help them lose 5-8 pounds & wear the shorts with confidence without tracking calories, depriving themselves + figuring it out on their own with ZERO risk.

Would you like the details?

Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 31/03/2024

Best kept secrets from a fitness trainer who has trained in over 20k sessions!👇🏼👇🏼

Have you reached a standstill in your fitness journey and dont know why?

These are a few of my tips to help change that and to help you get back on track!

✨You are showing up and sleep walking through your workouts.

✨You are relying on group classes, catered to the masses.

✨You are cherry picking workouts from Instagram or TikTok.

✨You aren’t giving yourself enough time to recover and You aren’t prioritizing quality sleep.

✨You are often skipping your workouts without realizing how often you are doing it.

Are you ready to make a difference in your fitness journey?

OR maybe you have and are looking for the right trainer to help you reach your goals!🔥

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?👇🏼👇🏼

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.



Keep this in mind!

While achieving physical goals is undoubtedly rewarding, true fitness encompasses holistic well-being and self-care.

👉🏼It's about celebrating the strength, resilience, and vitality that come from nourishing our bodies with nutritious food, moving with joy and intention, and prioritizing rest and recovery.

It's about cultivating mental resilience, self-confidence, and inner peace through mindfulness, self-reflection, and positive self-talk.💓

Let's shift the narrative from chasing the elusive ideal of the 'perfect body' to embracing a more empowering approach to fitness—one that values self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care.

✨Because when we prioritize our well-being from the inside out, we unlock the true potential for vitality, joy, and fulfillment in every aspect of our lives.

Not sure how to do this or where to start?

Stop second guessing what to eat or how much to eat and sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 24/03/2024

Fitness just isn’t a one size fits all!

To your surprise and what you may see in every other post on the internet, there is no way the same workout and same eating will give you the same results as the person posting it.

That is where you have to find out what kind of workouts actually work for you!

Maybe you have been at it a while and aren’t sure if you see progress yet and I know what that is like, SO I want to encourage you and give you some things to keep in mind!

If an exercise feels too easy, focus on improving your form.

Find exercises that are suitable for your body. Everyone is n0t the same.

Learn to master the basics first before moving onto more complicated exercises.

👉🏼Do you feel stuck in your fitness journey right now?

Not sure how to do this or where to start?

Stop second guessing what to eat or how much to eat and sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.



It may seem tedious at times but it is worth it!

What I have found in my own fitness journey is when you find a workout style you love, doing it often is something you look forward to.

And when you implement the lifestyle I teach, you aren’t dieting and restricting yourself from foods you enjoy either!

It is your commitment to taking care of you that makes you want to keep going and keep showing up for you.

It does pay off and in a short amount of time you WILL start to notice a difference in your confidence and strength, mentally and physically.

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?

You don’t have to do this alone!✨

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 17/03/2024

I like to keep it real!👏🏼

And that includes the truths about how fitness is going to be a little different for everyone and how we need to actually talk about the ups and downs of a fitness journey!

✨There is so much information out there and I hope these help clear up some of the confusion about it!

Stretching is underrated and matters when it comes to mobility while you are building muscle.

Do not ignore a nagging injury... if something hurts, pause and address it!

🔥Consistency matters more than intensity.

Ladies, strength training will not make you bulky!

Mindset is everything!

Are you ready to get started on your fitness journey?

OR maybe you have and are looking for the right trainer to help you reach your goals!

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?👇🏼👇🏼

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.



Having a fit body is a good goal!

BUT there is so much more to fitness than just that!

👉🏼Think about how you feel when you get a good workout in and fuel your body properly?

After a while you start to feel like you can do anything!

That has been the fire behind why I started working out and strength training.👏🏼

After losing myself after having kids, I knew I needed to take care of me and do something that made me feel whole and strong again.

I love how strong I feel when I am consistent and pushing myself to lift. And not just in the gym.

When I feel strong physically, I also feel strong mentally, and emotionally.

✨That is where my passion to help others came from!

I want you to know how strong you can be inside and out too!

Not sure how to do this or where to start?

Stop second guessing what to eat or how much to eat and sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 10/03/2024

It is wild to think I have done that many training sessions!😱

But it also has given me the experience an insight to share a few tips with you about fitness and what you need to know!

✨If the exercise feels to easy, focus on improving your form. Instead of mindlessly going through the reps, treat every rep as if it is the only rep you are doing.

✨The real work starts when your mind says stop. That is where you have to dig deep and trust the process.

✨An exercise that works for your friend might not work for you so you have to find exercises that are suitable for your body.

✨It is not necessary to spend every day in the gym if you want to look good and be strong, but if you enjoy it and you want to the you can!

My passion is to help you feel empowered and this tip works!💪🏼

Not sure how to do this or where to start?

Stop second guessing what to eat or how much to eat and sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.



We don’t exercise to punish ourselves for the cake we ate yesterday!😆

That is out and celebrating our bodies is in!🔥

That is how we need to be looking at our workouts!

👏🏼Celebrating the fact that you are healthy and strong enough to go to the gym and move your body to get eve stronger.

How much more motivated would you be to go if you were going to celebrate?

It is something to keep at the front of your mind as you are going into your fitness journey!✨

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?

You don’t have to do this alone!✨

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 03/03/2024

There is a reason women are flocking to the weight section at the gym! 💪🏼

They want to get strong and fit and in order to do that you have to add resistance.

✨You can’t just go and do ten sets and expect to see that growth you are hoping for.

You have to push yourself and lift heavy enough that your muscle fibers start to break down. That is where the growth happens.🔥

You are essentially damaging your muscle to make it stronger.

👏🏼That is one of the reasons I love weight lifting, not only because it keeps me in shape and makes me stronger but it is in correlation to life.

As a human, in order to really grow, you have to get broken down a little first.

🫠And just like when you are in the gym, you are sore, it sucks, you sometimes wonder why you are doing it, but eventually it gets easier and you look back at all the growth you have had and how far you have come!

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?

You don’t have to do this alone!✨

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.



The gym is where I started to heal!💓

Heal from my past traumas and feeling like I had no control of the outcomes.

✨I remembered that I felt strong mentally when I was working on getting strong physically.

And I wanted to feel that way all the time.

So I kept showing up.🔥

If you are in an unsure season in your life, bet on yourself.

Get strong for yourself and watch your confidence in you grow.

👉🏼You will not only feel good about how you look on the outside but how strong you feel on the inside too!

Let the magic of working out and getting strong heal you!

You deserve it!👏🏼

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health? Maybe you want to build muscles or increase your athletic performance?👇🏼👇🏼

Sign up for my FREE calorie and macro guide to help you to achieve your goals.


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 25/02/2024

I see you!👇🏼

Soley focused on your fitness and stressing about the macros, the caleries, how ling you spend in the gym every day.

👉🏼BUT, what if you took a step back for a minute…

Take a look at the bigger picture and how everything going on in your liife is related to your health and fitness.🔥

You have a stressful day and eat those candies in your car door on your way home.

The kids are bouncing off the walls all day and you grab the last donut on the counter for breakfast as you run out the door.

✨Whether that be your kids, marriage, job, or past trauma, it affects how you think about yourself.

What you think about yourself on the inside impacts how you walk through life on the outside.

Yes, that includes your fitness and only focusing on the fitness part of your life, you are missing the big picture.

💪🏼Give yourself a fresh start with Abbreviated training in 1 hour a week.

Improve your nutrition, movement, lifestyle and mindset so you can Be Strong in every area of your life without making it your whole personality.

LEARN TO LIFT (YO-SELF UP) starts 2/26!

📲Link in BIO to join!

Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 21/02/2024

You have heard the phrase trust the process!

Same goes for your fitness.👏🏼

It takes time and consistency to see results and I’m not talking about the fancy new fad diet you saw on TV.

I am talking about real workouts with nutritious foods that leave you feeling good about yourself and the direction you are going.

It is easy to fall into the trap of a fad diet and bullying yourself when you don’t see results or you see results fast then when you stop for a couple of weeks, all your hard work goes out the window.

The way I coach and train is a lifestyle change for sustainability.🔥

It's time to stop shrinking yourself, babe.

👉🏼Give yourself a fresh start with Abbreviated training in 1 hour a week.

Improve your nutrition, movement, lifestyle and mindset so you can Be Strong in every area of your life without making it your whole personality.

LEARN TO LIFT (YO-SELF UP) starts 2/26!

📲Link in BIO to join!

Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 19/02/2024

Are you just starting on your fitness journey?

Maybe you have been at it a while and aren’t sure if you see progress yet!👏🏼

Either way, I want to encourage you and give you some things to keep in mind!

1️⃣There is no magic pill. Although there may be someone out there telling you there is… there isn’t. showing up and working out will get your further than all the diet pills out there,

2️⃣Comparing yourself to others won’t do you any good. We are all on our own fitness journey and at different fitness levels. The only competition you need is to be a little better than you were yesterday.

3️⃣Recovery is as important as the workouts. Rest days in between are crucial to your fitness. I don’t mean taking a week off, but taking a day off to rest is good!

4️⃣Focus on progress, not perfection. It is better to start messy and imperfect than to never start at all. That is progress and you will start to see it pay off over time!

5️⃣Long-term consistency beats short-term intensity. You may want to hit it hard and push yourself now that you have felt the motivation to workout, but this can lead to injury and burnout.

Keep going! Add a little more weight every time and stay consistent!

Are you ready to take your health back and become the person you truly want to be?

Let's get you there together!🔥

Join my BeStong project!



Who takes care of you?

I hear you… YOU do!👏🏼

That is strong of you and I hope that today you are taking time to do something for you.

✨Self care can be as simple as taking a walk or getting into the gym for those big lifts!

It starts with small movements and choosing to do things that make you feel your best, whatever that is!

There is no reason to wait until you have nothing left to give before you take time for yourself.

Keep your cup full then pour from that!🔥

As a single mom, I have learned this the hard way and spent plenty of time taking care of everything and everyone just to forget I needed to take care of me too!

That is why I love to work out and to show you how empowering it is to be strong both physically and mentally!👏🏼

Ready to feel empowered and strong?

Apply to work with me and join the BeStrong project! 💪


Photos from Kristin Johnson Fitness's post 14/02/2024

Happy Valentines Day!💓

As a fitness trainer to women it is important that you are reminded of amazing you are!🔥

Taking care of your day to day pressures, choosing to eat healthier, and to keep showing up for you!

That isn’t easy but if you are someone that has done it, you know it is worth it!

While you are navigating your busy schedules and fitness here are a few love notes from me to you!

✨Your worth isn’t determined by how much you weigh.

✨Don’t forget how capable you are.

✨You deserve a life without hating your body.

✨You are stronger than you think you are.

Give yourself a little love today and do something that makes you feel like the baddie that you are!

And don't feel bad for eating that chocolate covered strawberry later! 🍓💓

Ready to feel empowered and strong?

Apply to work with me and join the BeStrong project! 💪


Our Story

High Intensity Strength Training and Nutritional Coaching.

Private, Semi-Private, Group and Online Training.

12 Week Weight-Loss Coaching Programs.

Videos (show all)

Training is hard. Might as well make it as fun as hard can be. 💪🏻😆#strengthtraining #fitnessmotivation #fullbodyworkout ...
Shoulders on FIRE 🔥. #fitnessmotivation #strengthtraining #girlswholift #personaltrainer #grandrapids #gymhumor
I’m a personal trainer in the Grand Rapids area and wanted to show you some awesome equipment I use. ✌🏻💪🏻🔥High End Machi...
I know you’ve been there… holding a plank for endless minutes while you scroll on your phone to pass the time! 😩If you w...
Deep Post-Workout thoughts from your personal training bestie. ✨✌🏻💪🏻#strengthtrainingtips #strengthtrainingforwomen #str...
Why are chin-ups so hard though? 😩. If you’ve been trying with bands for a while and are not seeing the kind of progress...
Just because someone looks the part doesn’t mean they are qualified to coach anyone. Be weary of pseudoscience, bullshit...
Life of a Personal Trainer ✌🏻 #fitnessmotivation #strengthtrainingforwomen #fullbodyworkout #workoutroutine #strengthtra...
👋🏻 Hey it’s me- wading through the dark side of the fitness industry so you dont have to. Grab your personalized nutriti...
Getting fit enough to do this isnt as hard as you think- and if you’re feeling behind its not too late!  I’ve trained pl...
I love doing this stuff, but it always comes at a cost. I didnt get my workout in- but I did get my daily steps. Freezer...
Follow me to learn how to get your strength training done in 1 hour a week so you can be fit without spending everyday i...

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