the Branch Church, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by the Branch Church in Grand Rapids. We are a community of belonging and renewal.

How would you finish this sentence? My life is...

Chances are most of us would finish with the word "busy."

This Sunday we are choosing to slow down. To be still. To listen and connect. Join us at Garfield Park (the parking lot off of Madison) at 10am.

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Other the Branch Church videos

How would you finish this sentence? My life is... Chances are most of us would finish with the word "busy." This Sunday we are choosing to slow down. To be still. To listen and connect. Join us at Garfield Park (the parking lot off of Madison) at 10am.

Connection is central to who we are - connection with each other, with our world and with the divine that sustains it all. This clip from our retreat was a great chance to do that with each other.

Connection was a main reason for planning a retreat. We think that goal was reached.

For centuries, faith and spirituality have focused solely on the mind and the heart. Those are important, to be sure! But what might we notice if we started to engage our bodies as well as our minds and hearts? What might we learn about God, about ourselves and about others when we bring intentionality to our movement? Want to explore those questions? Join one of our Embodied Faith classes!

The Necessity of Silence
We know. A group on silence might sound a bit boring. Or just uncomfortable. Plus, if silence is, in fact, necessary -- then we might all be in trouble given our nonstop lives. But these are exactly the things we're going to consider together. Just what is silence? Is it necessary? If so, for what? And how do we practice it in the 21st Century?

Sunday Gathering

Join us starting May 1. Sign up:

Ststions of the cross
The sanctuary is set up for Good Friday. Our time together will include a large portion of time to engage the stations of the cross: snapshots of the final hours of Jesus’ life. The building will be open at 6:30 for those who would like to come early and spend time in quiet and stillness in the sanctuary. Our gathering is from 7-8pm. Kids are encouraged to join us and participate as we encounter these stations and the story of Christ’s death, lamenting the brokenness, pain and confusing of those final hours as well as the brokenness and confusion we are experiencing today.

Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering
Hello again!

Testing Technology
If you're here, drop a comment and let us know!

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering
Good morning!

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Gathering