CURE International, Grand Rapids, MI Videos

Videos by CURE International in Grand Rapids. CURE International Children's Hospitals provide life-changing surgery to children in Jesus’ name.


Melania was born with knees that bent backward, but this never stopped her from playing her little heart out and exploring the world around her. Now after receiving surgery at CURE Malawi, she's still playing and exploring, but her ability to do so has been multiplied thanks to her being able to walk on two straight legs!!!!!!

#CUREmalawi #orthopedics #orthopedicSurgery #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

Other CURE International videos

Melania was born with knees that bent backward, but this never stopped her from playing her little heart out and exploring the world around her. Now after receiving surgery at CURE Malawi, she's still playing and exploring, but her ability to do so has been multiplied thanks to her being able to walk on two straight legs!!!!!! #CUREmalawi #orthopedics #orthopedicSurgery #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

"People accuse me of doing drugs while pregnant with Ablakat. They say that's the only explanation for my daughter being born this way," Ablakat's mom, Samrawit, remembered. Despite the judgment and rumors, Samrawit knew Ablakat was a gift from God and named her Ablakat which means "God Sent Her." Thankfully, God also sent a woman who was also a mother a child born with a cleft lip. In Samtawit's moment of greatest lonliness, this woman came alongside her and brought her to CURE Ethiopia where Ablakat got her surgery to close her cleft lip and give her a new smile! All CURE's cleft services are offered in partnership with Smile Train #CUREethiopia #cleftLip #cleftlipandpalateawareness #cleftlipcutie #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

Twins Eli and Elisee are now running on two newly straight sets of legs thanks to the intentional investment in their lives from generous CURE donors all over the world! Join us in praising the Lord for these two little ones: #CUREniger #bowlegs #bowlegsurgery #bowlegscorrection #bowlegsnomore #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

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Prayer is at the heart of everything we do, and as such, we need your help. Will you become a CURE Prayer Partner? Once a month, we'll send you urgent ways you can be praying for the work and for the children we, together, are serving. Make a difference. Sign up here:

Like every hospital, CURE Zambia needs power to keep its lights on and equipment running. Unfortunately, Zambia’s power grid is plagued by frequent unannounced interruptions and surges, which can damage expensive equipment. The hospital’s diesel backup generators are costly to run and do not generate enough electricity to fully power our world-class facility. Zambia does, however, have something to work with: lots of sunshine. Thanks to a USAID - US Agency for International Development #ASHA grant, CURE Zambia recently invested in a state-of-the-art #microgrid that uses #solarpanels to generate energy and commercial-grade batteries to store it for use at night. This investment is already delivering dependable—and free—electricity to CURE Zambia, which allows more kids than ever to receive high-quality medical care and have the opportunity to hear the Gospel! #CUREzambia

Clubfoot is the reality for millions of kids around the world, but it doesn't have to be as clubfoot is extremely treatable! On this World Clubfoot Day, we're dreaming of a world where kids don't have to needlessly suffer from treatable conditions like clubfoot! So far, we've provided over 35,000 children with surgical care to correct their clubfoot, and you can be a part of helping to correct the clubfoot of the next 35,000 children! It's a big dream to dream of a world where kids don't have to needless suffer, but it's one we're working towards together! Join the Clubfoot Conquering Club: #walkRunPlayFree #worldClubfootDay2024

Did you know that the University of Oxford and CURE Ethiopia have an ongoing partnership dating back to 2019? Every quarter, Oxford researchers train and support our medical staff in Ethiopia who work in our Gait Lab — a specially designed room used to record patient motion via video and sensors. Thanks to this ongoing partnership between physicians from Oxford and CURE Ethiopia, complex mobility and walking problems are being identified and remedied each day. As you can see below, kids like Tamirat benefit tremendously from this ongoing partnership with Oxford!

Bella was born with a cleft lip, but her smile has been transformed after receiving surgery at CURE Kenya! When we caught up with her at one of our mobile clinics near her home, her mom told us, "All the wait was worth every minute. Thank you, CURE, for bringing my daughter's smile back!" And that, friends, is better than any five-star Google review! All CURE's cleft surgeries are provided in partnership with Smile Train #CUREkenya #cleftLip #cleftlipandpalateawareness #cleftlipcutie #globalhealthcare #globalhealth #medicalcare #healthcareforall #healthcareisahumanright #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

“When they come to CURE, they experience Christ in reality.” -Grace Mangwende, Spiritual Director of CURE Zimbabwe Watch this captivating testimony of how CURE delivers both physical healing and the life-transforming power of Jesus to children around the world. This season of Easter is a season of new beginnings – it is a time that reminds Christians of the hope and renewal found in the Good News of Jesus Christ! Happy Easter from CURE International! Watch the full video here:

Elsa is a sassy little lady whose left leg began to bow outwards soon after she learned how to walk. Thankfully, her family wasn't messing around and sought out medical help soon after they noticed it. It took a little bit of time, but they eventually found out about CURE Zimbabwe and got her the surgery she needed to straighten her leg! We're so grateful to Elsa's family for catching this early and getting her the treatment she needed before her leg got worse (bowed legs are often a progressive condition)! And we also love the confidence this little one is showing now that she's got two straight legs! #CUREzimbabwe #bowlegs #bowlegsurgery #bowlegscorrection #bowlegsnomore #globalhealthcare #globalhealth #medicalcare #healthcareforall #healthcareisahumanright #globalsurgery #pediatricsurgery #safesurgery #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter

Zadok Before and After Clubfoot!
Zadok had a version of clubfoot that forced him to permanently walk on his tip-toes. But after surgery at CURE Zimbabwe, that's no longer the case, and his swagger is on full display!!! #CUREzimbabwe #transformationtuesday #beforeafter #beforeandafter #clubfoot #clubfootcutie #clubfootjourney #clubfootawareness #clubfootwarrior #orthopedics #orthopedicSurgery

Speech Therapy at CURE Philippines
We're not just a slice-and-dice surgical operation. So many of the kids CURE donors are empowering us to serve need ongoing care long after the surgery. For some of them, it's physical therapy, and for others, like Yuki here, it's speech therapy after cleft lip and palate surgery! We're so thankful for CURE donors who enable this kind and compassionate therapy that we are privileged to get a little sneak peek of here! Also thankful for @Smile Train who we strategically partner with to make sure patients with cleft lip and palate get the best care possible. #CUREphilippines #TebowCURE #cleftLip #cleftPalate #cleftlipandpalateawareness #cleftlipcutie #speechTherapy

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Ashley is receiving treatment at Tebow CURE Philippines, where she received this get-well message from Joseph. Just check out her smile at the end! #CUREphilippines #TebowCURE #medicalMissions #globalMissions #worldmissions

Happy New Year from all of us at CURE! Thank you to the CURE donors who helped provide life-changing surgical and ministry care for children made vulnerable by disability across Africa and the Philippines! It's been a big year, and we're already getting ready to go even bigger in 2024!

Merry Christmas! From the CURE kids to you! We pray you have a Merry Christmas filled with the same love CURE donors make possible in the lives of these kids!!! #merryChristmas #globalhealthcare #globalhealth #medicalcare #healthcareforall #healthcareisahumanright #healthprofessional #healthworkers #medicalMissions #globalMissions #worldmissions

Your get-well messages make such a difference in the healing of these kids! Just check out Aby's laugh at the end of the video after Tebow CURE Medical Director Dr. Eide finishes reading her one of your get-well messages! #CUREphilippines #TebowCURE #getWellSoon #getWellMessage #medicalMissions #globalMissions #worldmissions #healthprofessional #healthworkers #globalhealthcare #globalhealth #medicalcare #healthcareforall #healthcareisahumanright #clubfoot #clubfootcutie #clubfootjourney #clubfootawareness #clubfootwarrior

Maryanne developed windswept legs around age two. By age seven, when she came to CURE, she had difficulty standing or walking for long periods of time, and she was bullied at school. Generous donors stepped in to care for her at CURE Kenya, providing surgery at no cost to her family. Caregivers surrounded Maryanne and her mother with the love of Jesus. Helping kids like Maryanne is what Giving Tuesday is all about—all of us coming together to change the life of a child. It is not too late to help provide 100 surgeries for children waiting for care! The first $25,000 given to CURE for Giving Tuesday will be matched to DOUBLE your impact!

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This is CURE. This is what we do!

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For years, Ara Jane lived with knees that bent backwards. But generous CURE donors helped end her wait for treatment and now she's standing tall! You can help end the wait for more kids, just like Ara Jane, waiting for surgery! Please give generously today.

CURE Zambia's Medical Director, Dr. Lastroni, walks us through one of the common conditions seen across the CURE network: Windswept Legs. It's mindblowing how the human body works and that these medical teams can correct conditions like this! Learn more: #CUREzambia #globalhealthcare #globalhealth #medicalcare #healthcareforall #healthcareisahumanright #globalsurgery #pediatricsurgery #safesurgery #healthprofessional #healthworkers #orthopedics #orthopedicSurgery