CURE International

CURE International Children's Hospitals provide life-changing surgery to children in Jesus’ name.

Photos from CURE International's post 08/23/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. We visited Purity (a current CURE Kenya patient) in school and she was very excited to see us!
2. CURE Malawi Pastors Donel (L) and Maya (R) present bibles to Chisomo and her guardian before their return home.
3. CURE Ethiopia CUREkid Abdelweded playing with a toy during his stay in the ward.
4. CUREkid Mark Anthony showed his excitement to finally get inside the operating room for his cleft lip surgery at Tebow CURE Philippines.
5. Wonderful, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, doing balance exercises in the CURE Malawi physical therapy gym.
6. CURE Ethiopi's PACU(Post Anesthesia Care Unit) nurse caring for CUREKid Selamawit after surgery.
7. CUREkid Jelian had her first casting done by her new friend, Tebow CURE Philippines staff TJ.
8. Christina is enjoying her rehabilitation after successful macro-dactyly toe surgery at CURE Malawi.
9. Abdisa showing off his writing at play ministry in the CURE Ethiopia ward.


Anything can be art if you put your heart and soul into it! So while Safaatou made this green elephant during an art session with the CURE Niger Child Mentor, we're also going to argue that her performative facial impression of the same elephant is also a work of art!
It's such a privilege to see kids having fun as they recover from their life-transforming surgeries!


The only way we advance and grow as a medical community is by passing down knowledge from one generation to the next. Here Dr. Amata supervises Dr. Gilles as he sedates a patient for surgery.


Melania was born with knees that bent backward, but this never stopped her from playing her little heart out and exploring the world around her. Now after receiving surgery at CURE Malawi, she's still playing and exploring, but her ability to do so has been multiplied thanks to her being able to walk on two straight legs!!!!!!


We love seeing people use their platforms for the glory of God, and we're thankful for Kenyan Gospel Artist Daddy Owen and Kenyan Comedian Eric Omondi investing so much in CURE Children's Hospital of Kenya and the kids being treated there!


Will you join us in prayer? We believe prayer really does work and has incredible power! Today we're asking you to pray with us for the upcoming (later this week) groundbreaking in Ethiopia. Please pray for the groundbreaking itself and for the successful build of CURE’s largest-ever construction project: a new clinical services building at CURE Ethiopia. The new, larger space will improve patient flow, allow for more complex surgeries, and help us serve more of Ethiopia's children for the next 20+ years!

If you're a prayer warrior and willing to intercede on behalf of the kids and the work, you can get prayer requests delivered straight to your inbox by joining the prayer partners program:

Photos from CURE International's post 08/16/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. What would a week be without the sight and sound of Timothy's laughter in the CURE Malawi ward?!?
2. CURE Ethiopia Outpatient Department Staff doing a fire emergency refresher drill.
3. Ethel is up and about after a tough few days post-surgery here at CURE Zambia.
4. Victoria and Iness are enjoying their stay recovering at CURE Malawi.
5. Robert from the CURE Zambia laundry team practices the CURE core value of "joy in service" as he goes to pick up dirty linens from the operating room.
6. Pastor Donel (right) presents a children's Bible to Robin (center) through his guardian (left) at CURE Malawi.
7. CUREkid Mark Anthony prayed before he went into the operating room for his surgery at Tebow CURE Philippines.


Success had a laugh with his mother after they left their first pre-surgery consultation with the CURE Zimbabwe doctors. Hospitals can be scary places for kids, but we do our best to make them welcoming and fun! This is all part of the compassionate, Christ-centered care we extend to the children and families we serve. It's a ministry made possible by the generous support of our CUREgivers around the world. They sacrificially give every month to make the lives of someone they've never met better!
We will never get over how incredible that is!


CURE Ethiopia OR Nurse Eden prepares both herself and the operating room for an upcoming surgery. It takes an intentional team to make sure CURE operating rooms are set up effectively and safely.


"People accuse me of doing drugs while pregnant with Ablakat. They say that's the only explanation for my daughter being born this way," Ablakat's mom, Samrawit, remembered. Despite the judgment and rumors, Samrawit knew Ablakat was a gift from God and named her Ablakat which means "God Sent Her." Thankfully, God also sent a woman who was also a mother a child born with a cleft lip. In Samtawit's moment of greatest lonliness, this woman came alongside her and brought her to CURE Ethiopia where Ablakat got her surgery to close her cleft lip and give her a new smile!

All CURE's cleft services are offered in partnership with Smile Train


A lot of kids cry wildly during the cast removal process. (The cast cutters are harmless but terrifying . . . and we're adults writing this!) But Tebow CURE Nurse Ronald took special care to ensure that April John felt relaxed and comfortable as he was getting his cast removed. It's just one more example of the kind of compassionate care CURE's team provides to the children we serve. April John will soon have his next surgery so, unfortunately, this isn't his last cast removal. But with kind nurses and increasing courage, April John has got this!

Photos from CURE International's post 08/09/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. Tebow CURE Philippines Child mentor Grace prays for CUREkid Alexcis before her surgery.
2. CURE Malawi Medical Director and Surgeon Dr. Maina cheers a patient during ward rounds.
3. Saladi came back to CURE Zambia for his review a few months after surgery and his confidence and cool was undeniable.
4. CURE Malawi's Pastor Selina shares a lighter moment with Sarafina on the sidelines of bedside counseling.
5. Lyra dropped by to say hi to Tebow CURE Philippines Executive Director Peter before she travels back home.
6. Spine Neuromonitoring team collaborating during the third spine surgery camp at CURE Ethiopia.


Treasure is exhausted after receiving a pre-surgery exam called a "CSF tap" to temporarily relieve the pressure his hydrocephalus is exerting on his brain and to assess if he's ready to receive his life-saving hydrocephalus surgery. Please be praying for this little one. To join us in praying each month for our work serving children like Treasure, sign up to become a CURE Prayer Partner here:


Twins Eli and Elisee are now running on two newly straight sets of legs thanks to the intentional investment in their lives from generous CURE donors all over the world! Join us in praising the Lord for these two little ones:


Bubbly little Peter is at CURE Zambia about to receive life-transforming bowed leg surgery! In order to pass the time, he's doing his best to read one of the Bibles belonging to the CURE spiritual staff. It's a little text-heavy for him at the moment, but thankfully we've got some picture Bibles on hand as well!

Photos from CURE International's post 08/02/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. Nurse Samrawit taking CUREkid Gemechu's vitals at CURE Ethiopia.
2. A CURE Ethiopia patient is happy to be receiving clubfoot treatment!
3. We always find Iness in high spirits every time we bump into her in the CURE Malawi ward.
4. Aissa and Faiza reading while waiting for their surgery at CURE Niger.
5. CURE Ethiopia patients enjoying arts and crafts.
6. Timothy automatically melts our hearts with his infectious laugh echoing in the CURE Malawi ward.
7. We caught up with Case Management Coordinator Nina as she spent some time with the kids at the CURE Zambia hostel.
8. Our friend Bhojohn is back at Tebow CURE Philippines for his brace fitting.


Rachida (L) was born with her toes all connected to each other. But now, she's at CURE Niger getting surgery to separate them! Alongside the surgery she's receiving, she's also been making some great friends in the ward! It's so cool to see what has always set these kids apart from society (their disabilities), is now what they have in common with everyone else, and that sets the stage for some fast-forming friendships!


One of the things we love about the way we get to work is that the vast majority of all CURE surgeons are from the regions where they are working! The more we invest in improving national healthcare, the more we can see surgeons not only from the same region but even from the same country treating the children we've been burdened to serve!


Rabi is now fully recovered and her legs are straight, and her smile is bigger! Her mom is amazed at how quickly Rabi has changed. "Thank you so much," she told us. "My daughter's legs have completely changed, and I'm very grateful to CURE Niger for this wonderful gift."

It's been a process to get here, but Rabi has been strong the whole way and she's even helped in the work of CURE Niger, by spreading her infectious joy to other patients going through the same thing she was! We're going to miss seeing this little one on a day-to-day basis, but we're so happy she gets to go home and live her life on her own terms now!


There are some incredible technologies that allow us to be connected across the globe! There are few other times in history where a Christian on one side of the world can make a donation, and then that money is *immediately* put to use performing a life-transforming surgery thousands of miles away! Technology has made the world smaller and it's so cool to see it put to use in helping the Church be the Church!
If you want to participate in the Church being the Church, check this out:

Photos from CURE International's post 07/26/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. CUREkid Jethro is back with his brand new smile three months after his cleft lip surgery at Tebow CURE Philippines.*
2. CURE Zambia Child Mentor Lillian takes time to read the Bible and share the word of God with patients in the playroom.
3. CUREkid Shairene all smiles as if she is not in pain after her surgery at Tebow CURE Philippines.
4. Fatima practices her dream of being a teacher in the CURE Niger playroom.
5. CUREkid Ermiyas chilling comfortably in the CURE Ethiopia ward.
6. Djamilou learns how to knit with CURE Niger staff member Sara.

*all CURE's cleft services are provided in strategic partnership with


While surgical healing is fundamentally a science, there is also an art in the way that it is carried out and managed. We praise the Lord for the work He has entrusted to us, both as scientists and artists! Everything He has given us, we do our best to have it all work together for the good of the patients entrusted to us!


"He's so naughty now! I try to chase him when he's in trouble. He's so fast I can't even catch him anymore!" Palmson's mom Nondlela said with a laugh. This is such an amazing quote considering what Nondlela told us when she first brought Palmson to CURE Zimbabwe with bowed legs. She had told us "People always ask why W***y walks with bent legs. They say it's my fault. They say I carried him too much. I'm looking forward to the day he can walk normally."

It took about a year, but Palmson is now walking on two straight legs and moving so fast that Nondlela has a whole set of other problems she never thought she'd have to deal with - like catching him when he's being naughty. What a great problem to have!

Praise the Lord.


Lillian, the Child Mentor at CURE Zambia, spends some time with the kids just about to go in for their surgeries. Operations can be scary but with your prayers and the loving attention of great staff, even the scary stuff is doable! Thanks for praying so hard for these kids!
If you want to know specific ways you can be praying, sign up to be part of the monthly prayer team at

Photos from CURE International's post 07/19/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. Jarius smiles as he gets his vitals checked by CURE Zambia Nursing Assistant Peter.
2. Agness keeps Ability company with a puzzle game as she patiently waits her turn to go into the CURE Zambia OR.
3. Dr. Theuri records a patient's details during a CURE Kenya mobile clinic.
4. CURE International Director of Physiotherapy Christine and CURE Zambia Physical Therapist Mweembe chat with Happiness and his mother as they cast her legs.
5. Thumbs up from Clyde as he recovers from wrist fracture surgery at CURE Zimbabwe.
6. Rev. Timothy shares the word of God during a CURE Kenya mobile clinic. One of the Community Health Volunteers is assisting him with translation.
7. CUREkid Kibenesh and her friends have fun during an arts and crafts session in CURE Ethiopia's long-term patient ward.
8. Happy Faces! Venka (L), Pat (M) and Flora (R) were in high spirits as they played at the CURE Malawi physical therapy gym.


Grateful to have some of the best surgeons in the world donate their time to help with specialized cases at CURE hospitals as well as provide continuing education to the already skilled medical professionals who carry out the mission of CURE every single day!


“I would like to thank God, first and foremost for my daughter’s healing, then Tebow CURE Philippines and * who helped us, and for everyone who supported us and prayed for us,” Jerlyn's mom Jinalyn laughed upon the Tebow CURE Philippines doctors confirmed she has fully healed from her surgery!

Jerlyn bounced back from her cleft lip surgery and has been cleared to restart her life cleft-lip free!

*all of CURE's cleft services are provided in strategic partnership with Smile Train


CURE Kenya recently held an outreach in northwest Kenya where they raised awareness about the treatability of many disabilities and God's immeasurable love for all people, disability or not! CURE Kenya medical staff also saw patients, and were able to schedule many to come receive surgery at CURE Kenya!

Photos from CURE International's post 07/12/2024

CURE Week in Photos
This gallery contains some of our favorite shots from around the worldwide CURE network.

1. A CURE Zimbabwe staff member poses for a photo with Thabo, as he recovers from the post-burn contracture surgery.
2. These rothers, 13-year-old Lameck (L) and 12-year-old Kingsley (R), went home to continue their rehabilitation following successful clubfoot surgery at CURE Malawi.
3. The Three Musketeers! 5-year-old Abraham (L) with 6-year-olds Ernest (M) and Patrick (R) share a moment in the CURE Malawi corridors.
4. Follow the Leader! 15-year-old Aubrey and his caretaker receive a Bible from CURE Malawi Pastor Donel after a discipleship meeting.
5. CURE Kenya recently celebrated 3000 surgeries done this financial year!
6. CUREkid Rj finally arrived at Tebow CURE Philippines for his first appointment and met Child Mentor Grace in the playroom!
7. CURE Kenya Pastor Phillip showcased his multitasking skills by entertaining a patient while sharing the Gospel with the caregivers.
8. Dephin before his burn contracture release surgery at CURE Zimbabwe.


CURE International started out by specializing in pediatric orthopedics. We then expanded into pediatric neurosurgery with our hospital in Uganda. And we've recently been rolling out pediatric plastic surgery across our network of eight hospitals. It's a slow but steady expansion to offer world-class surgical care for the conditions we see most often.
To learn more about the types of conditions treated at CURE hospitals, see the surgical overview page of our website:

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Videos (show all)

Prayer Partners Animation.mp4
Zadok Before and After Clubfoot!
Speech Therapy at CURE Philippines



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