Striders, Grandville, MI Videos

Videos by Striders in Grandville. Family owned Run Specialty Store here in West Michigan! Whether you're thinking about starting to ru

RunGR and Striders Summer Training Kickoff Tonight at 6pm!

Don’t miss all the fun starting at 6pm tonight! RunGR and Striders are celebrating Global Running Day by kicking off the Summer and Fall Training season together! We will be running from the Striders store in Grandville at 6pm. RunGR coaches and friends will be there and all are invited after the run for discounts on pizza and beer at Oakestown Brewery and Crust 54 next door. Please remember there is a lot of construction, so leave yourself plenty of time to arrive. #running #rungr #striders #oakestownbrewery #crust54

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RunGR and Striders Summer Training Kickoff Tonight at 6pm!
Don’t miss all the fun starting at 6pm tonight! RunGR and Striders are celebrating Global Running Day by kicking off the Summer and Fall Training season together! We will be running from the Striders store in Grandville at 6pm. RunGR coaches and friends will be there and all are invited after the run for discounts on pizza and beer at Oakestown Brewery and Crust 54 next door. Please remember there is a lot of construction, so leave yourself plenty of time to arrive. #running #rungr #striders #oakestownbrewery #crust54

Lace Lock: this trick will snug up the heel of your shoe so that you don't get heel slippage. Try it today! #striders #tipsandtricks #running

Get shoes that will keep your feet warm and dry during the coming months at our Gore-Tex Shoe Sale, Thursday Oct 19-Saturday Oct 21! All in-stock Gore-Tex shoes 20% off! #goretex #striders #sale


Have you gotten your summer kicks yet? If not, stop by, pick up some Saucony shoes, and AUTOMATICALLY receive a FREE $20 gift card to our neighbors at Osgood Brewing!

Okay guys, here's the scoop. We just got the new Venu 2 series in the store and it is AWESOME! If you're looking for a multisport smartwatch this is for you. . Here's a cool little promotional video from Garmin!