8th House Happenings

8th House Happenings

I teach you to feel good in your body through movement and meditation


Happy International Home Birth Day!

Here are a few tips for you!

πŸŽ‡Do your research
πŸŽ‡Ask questions to people who’re knowledgeable in these areas
πŸŽ‡Make informed decisions
πŸŽ‡Honor your body sovereignty
πŸŽ‡Have no fears in advocating for yourself

If I am forgetting a tip make sure to comment them below! πŸ‘‡


Moment of transparency/appreciation:

My mom and I are both best friends and sometimes worst enemies.

We're actually so much alike that it makes us want to punch each other often lol.

There was one point in time when we were going at it so bad I thought I'd never talk to her again. And I was okay with that.

Looking back on that now I wouldn't have ever regretted anything more.

I'm truly thankful to have my biggest cheerleader (and hole poker) by my side.

I'm also suuuuppeerr proud of her for taking leap after leap after leap of faith to make her dreams come true. One of those leaps being the mobile pottery painting studio she opened last month AND she plans on getting her real estate license this year (which is totally perfect for her cuz she loves all things houses and interior design!)

Its been an honor to watch and partake in her journey of reinventing herself at 60 years old. Yes, she's 60 lol.

I love you so much mommy and I'm more thankful everyday to call you my mom, support, and friend πŸ’›

Yall show my mom some love please!


Hi friends and family. Its me Aja Vu and this is my official announcement that I have moved to Panama City Beach, FL.

Sometimes you just gotta make drastic moves without telling anyone (tho a few people knew) to preserve your own mental health.

I remember when my mom moved here a year n some change ago and our neighbor was telling me to tell her to get back there (to NC) "where she belongs" and that just goes to show you that some people expect you to stay small and miserable for a lifetime and that s**ts weird to me.

Well anywho.. I'm here in Florida on my moon line learning how to nurture myself again. I was doing my best in NC but it wasn't enough. It sent me into a pretty deep downward spiral. I was on my Pluto line and Pluto will take you as deep as it can in the name of healing but sometimes that can have a negative impact.

And yes, I know Florida is a political s**t show rn but I'm doing my best to remain positive that things will change for the better. If not, hopefully I'll be outta the country before s**t really hits the fan lol.

So stay connected with me on my journey here in the sunshine state (pretty sure that's what they call fl and I'm too lazy to look it up rn). I found a few spots to host some meditations, dance classes, sound baths, and hopefully some reiki and yoni steams soon. I'm also looking to begin my holistic doula journey again here. And I'll be doing a lot more art.

I also started teaching skate lessons too so ima do my best to keep up with my skate page again so follow if you wanna see that kinda stuffs.

Oh and I cut my hair again. Okay I love yall. Hmu if you wanna see anything in particular about meditation, movement, or holistic birthwork πŸ’›βœŒπŸΎ

K byyyyyyeeee



Join me for another Mystical Movement Meditation class!

Tomorrow's class will discuss community support and what that looks like

DM for the link to join!


Many birthing parents don't know that they do not have to accept everything they are offered or told they "should" get just because it's common practice.

Common practice doesn't equal necessary.

As your doula, I'd help you navigate the planning of your labor and delivery so that you get the best and most autonomous birth experience possible whether in the hospital or at home.

If you'd like more information about hiring a doula and creating a birth plan, DM me to schedule a free 30-min consultation


Join me every Monday for the month of March at 7:00pm virtually for a weekly grounding meditation, ecstatic dance movement, an open discussion on holistic wellness, and journaling session

$33 per session OR $111 for all 4 sessions

cashapp to save your spot and then DM me for the link to join

Photos from 8th House Happenings's post 03/07/2023

A doula is a professional labor assistant who provides physical and emotional support to you and your partner during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

Want more information about hiring a doula? Send me a DM!


New services available! Check out the link in my bio!

Photos from 8th House Happenings's post 01/01/2023

I'm not gon do a 2022 recap cuz I didn't do much this year. I mean I did.. it was a great year. But I chilled. Hard. Lol

But the absolute best part of the year was celebrating my birthday doing my favorite thing with some of my favorite people.

Thanks for a great year 2022 ✌🏾

2023.. give us your best πŸ’›

Cashapp ya girl for her birthday πŸŽ‚

Love yall

Photos from 8th House Happenings's post 04/18/2022

I've had so much fun cooking and vending for the and .gso Vegan Vendors Markets!

I cook with love, care, and aim to show people that vegan food IS actually delicious!

If you've had vegan food and thought it was tasteless, sorry not sorry but whoever made it is wack cuz they don't know how to season their food πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

You season vegan food (which is mainly fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes) the same way you would meat. In my unbiased opinion, the vegan version is usually way better because you get to expand your creativity with it.

If you missed me today, I'll be at the Market next Sunday 4/24 from 12p to 5p. Stop by and experience my food, plus many other amazing food and non food vendors!

I hope to see you there!


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this is hilariously accurate

Sometimes we make things a lot harder than they seem because we forget to appreciate the abundance that surrounds us

A little gratitude goes a loooong way

Even if things seem s**tty and confusing,

there’s always a moment in between where you are and where you want to be where you must decide how you want to feel.

Choose to feel grateful and your life will change forever.

Drop a πŸ™πŸΎ if you feel me


You should follow me on TikTok to get the rest of this message πŸ‘‰πŸΎ

Need a clarity reading? DM me. Right meow 😸

Photos from 8th House Happenings's post 01/31/2022

Venus went direct in Capricorn!

What does that mean?

It means relationships will start to flow better

Money will start to flow quicker and in larger quantities

You’ll have a better sense of your values, boundaries, and types of collaborations you desire.

Venus going direct means forward momentum!

Wanna find out how this will affect you personally?

Schedule a tarot or astrology reading with me!

DM for details


πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ thoughts?

She speaks a lot of truth in this video!


Lil afternoon rant about how we often attempt to speed past our negative emotions to immediately find a solution for them rather than giving them the space they deserve to be expressed.

Learning to feel out our emotions BEFORE trying to remedy a situation will spare us a lot unnecessary turmoil if we were to attempt to act in a heightened state of emotion.

The eye of the storm is the most calm and peaceful. From that perspective you can see more clearly and make better decisions.

Peace and blessings to you friends πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’›


Type β€œyes” if you agree

I’m thankful for the lessons of 2021 and Capricorn season.

It was important for me to keep my head down and focus on what I want to see grow in 2022.

I’m not big on β€œnew year’s resolutions” but I am big on daily improvement, goal setting and creating systems for achievement, and keeping an open heart and mind to receive abundance and insight.

I’m looking forward to the spring/Aries season when things really get some momentum and are ready to take off!

I’ll be sharing more astrology content this year to assist you with planning, optimization, self discovery, and healing.

Make sure you’re following for more!


I like taking mini breaks from social media (sharing posts and viewing content) to keep a level headspace.

Social Media can be a beneficial asset if you know how to use it correctly. Equally, it can be a dangerous place to reside if you allow yourself to get trapped in its depths.

When I shut my business down, I tried to continue posting as regularly as possible to stay relevant for when I was ready to start offering new services and products.

That exhausted me more than anything because I felt like I was just randomly posting content with no purpose other than validation, which I never wanted to admit but it was true.

Truth is, since I've shut down the shop, I haven't exactly known who I am. I didn't want to be Aja, the Brazilian waxer anymore. So I had to reinvent myself. But who tf am I without my waxing business? Who am I and what is my purpose if I'm not serving people?

I've spent the last 3 months exploring these questions and attempting to answer them. I haven't exactly come up with one yet. But I will. And I will address them.

I'm ready to start my YouTube channel. I want to document this new discovery of self. And I don't want a "niche".. I just wanna be and attract whomever shall be inspired by my journey. Stay tuned.


Many people (myself included) want to give the impression of being loyal, dependable, resilient, etc and so we remain in positions that are no longer sufficient because we believe these positions are a reflection of our worth.

All of these attributes are great and often come naturally to many people, however its dangerous rhetoric to apply these attributes to our situations before or at the expense of ourselves.

Quitting a situation or position, despite popular belief, does not reflect failure. It reflects strength and dedication to one's own well-being and life path.

I quit running my shop because I was overwhelmed and ready for change. I struggled with guilt because I felt like I failed and let many people down.

After some deep introspection, I realized that that journey was just a temporary stop on my path to enlightenment. It served me well.

Now I feel nothing but joy and gratitude for the experience and lessons that came with it. I take the memories that journey and store them in a special place in my heart to remind myself that if I did it once, I can do it a million times again.


Too many people (myself included sometimes) are so focused on fresh, new energy, opportunities, experiences, relationships, etc coming in but have not cleared out the space to allow this newness to come.

If you have an old, raggedy, broke down hoopty sitting in the garage, taking up space, how you gon expect a new, cute, eco-friendly, fuel-efficient, safe, and spacious car to manifest in its place? There's no room for it!

Clearing space and remaining open and ready to recieve is an integral part of the manifesting process.

Often times, we may not even know what we wanna manifest or worse, we know what we want but are unable to see a clear path to reaching it because we don't allow ourselves to see past the mess we have in front of us.

This eclipse happening on the 19th going to be the clean up crew of the century! A perfect time for burying and celebrating the death of what no longer serves.

Don't fear losing what no longer has purpose in your life anymore. Embrace the excitement of experiencing something new the same way you would embrace the excitement of a new baby coming to the family.

Keep in mind that the best way to appreciate the new is by appreciating the life cycle and everything that came with the old.


I remember seeing something recently that said the Mediterranean diet was "the best for you". Apparently because of the carbs or calories or fats or something idfk..

Seeing things like this is s little frustrating because many people are not taught to listen to their bodies and to eat what they're body is asking for (and there's a difference because feeding your body and feeding your parasites).

I was/is vegan for about 3.5 years. During that time I thought there was levels to this vegan s**t starting with "processed faux meat vegan" and ending in "breatharian" πŸ˜‚

Little did I know, these were all simply personal choices of each individual based off of the needs and wants of said individual.

When I made that discovery, I felt waaayy less pressure to eat certain foods and waaayy less guilt when I started craving non-vegan foods. I felt like I needed to hide the fact that I had a cookie with milk chocolate chips that one time πŸ˜…

How dumb right? First of all.. why do I gaf if people know what I eat especially if they know I eat something non-vegan? Lol no idea.. societal pressure I guess πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

Well anywho.. I wanted to tell you all what the REAL best diet is for you!

The real, best diet for anyone looking to lose weight, gain weight, be healthier, etc. is.....a big ole bowl of NO F***S GIVEN.

There is no "real" or "best" fad diet for anyone! First off all, diets die. It's in the name. What should be focused on is mindful, conscious eating for your specific body type and lifestyle!

If you focus on knowing your own body's needs and health goals, you can make better eating decisions without guilt, pressure, or doing things that could possibly cause more harm than good by following fads.

Learn to listen to your body and give it what it needs and focus on cultivating a healthier, more positive mindset and you will see and feel a huge difference.

Need some help with transitioning to a healthier lifestyle and mindset?

Send me a DM ☝🏾 I would love to help


Smiling through the pain doesn't make the pain instantly go away.

It reminds the pain that it is valid, welcome to bring whatever messages it carries, and that my peace and happiness will always be there to comfort it.

When I'm sad, angry, dissatisfied, etc, I don't force the feelings to go away. I don't ignore them. I do my best not to judge myself for having these feelings and attaching them to my thoughts.

Instead I follow these steps:

1. Validate my feelings. I remind myself that I'm allowed to have these feelings as they are apart of my authentic human experience

2. I allow all forms of expression of my feelings to be released in a mindful way i.e. crying, cussing, shouting if appropriate and available, maybe even moving the energy through my body (punching the air or gently yet firmly slamming my fist on any near by surface)

3. Practice gratitude. This sometimes includes writing or reciting a list of things I'm grateful for out loud. Usually during this step is when my Intuition steps up and starts telling me things I need to hear and offering me solutions.

4. Self. Freaking. Care. This can look like whatever healthy modality I choose. Usually, if available, I'll nap. Because rest is essential. If no nap time is available, maybe some time in nature, time with my dog or family, a meditation break, a snack and water to refuel, or uplifting music.

Step 4 is the most vital step because too many of us have not been able to express our feelings in a healthy way, be validated for them, or be nurtured into understanding them and the messages they bring.

Your feelings, your existence, your expression is valid. Allow yourself to feel in order to heal.

DM me for 1:1 Spiritual Guidance coaching to help you understand and validate your own feelings


Welcome November!

We look forward to your abundance and blessings!

I saw this post last night and it had 111 likes so of course I had to capture the moment!

We start off the month with a 111 portal into a Scorpio New Moon on Thursday (follow me on tiktok for the New Moon tarot reading for each sign ) and a partial lunar eclipse on November 19th!

Transformation is not an easy process. It can be scary and sometimes painful. But when we allow ourselves to move through and become an observer, we take back charge of our lives and come out in the other side stronger, more resilient, and wiser.

DM me for personal clarity readings or spiritual guidance assistance throughout these transformative times!


I am not okay. I'm not okay. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm exhausted. I feel helpless sometimes. I'm broke. I'm broken. I feel unlovable sometimes. I feel unworthy sometimes. I feel uncomfortable sometimes. I reject myself before anyone can reject me. I push people away before I get abandoned. I'm hurt. I'm sad. I'm weak. I'm at rock bottom. But while I'm down here, I get to look up. And see the light. And remember there's nowhere to go but up. So I stand up and begin climbing. And the light glows brighter. And the air gets clearer. And the days feel better. And then I remember, there's nowhere from here but up.


With a certain level of self-awareness comes a plethora of new skills and abilities. One of those being communication skills. This is such a valuable asset because in order for us to come together the way we need to create the world we desire, we MUST know how to actively listen and respond with intention for innerstanding, consensus, and collaboration. Everyone wants to be innerstood, but not enough people want to overstand. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Be blessed yall πŸ’›βœŠπŸΎ


More food for the womb!

I'm still in the process of healing my womb space and shrinking my fibroids so I'm making sure my meals are high in fiber to cleanse my system, high in iron to prevent or reverse iron deficiency, and high in antioxidants, beta-carotene, and fatty acids to reduce inflammation, repair tissue, and regulate my endocrine system.

Along with that I'm taking milk thistle supplements (milk thistle is the name of the herb, it does not come from a cow lol) and d**g quai liquid supplements to cleanse my liver and balance my hormones.

In the next few weeks, I plan on doing a liquid fast to detox my body. The body is able to heal much faster when the digestive system isn't working so hard (for most people!)

I may make that into a challenge πŸ€” would anyone like to fast with me? Comment below!


This was the most important lesson I've ever had to learn.

Bad moments are just that. Bad MOMENTS.

They do not define you, your life, your character, or your heart.

There's always an opportunity to rise above, to learn, to grow, and to master.

Please be kinder to yourself.

I love you πŸ’›


I'm cooking up some vegan grub!

Place your orders by Monday 10/18 at 5pm to pick up your plate on Tuesday! 10/19!

Text or DM me to order

Address will be provided upon payment confirmation



Mercury Rx is a time of reflection.

It shows you what you've been neglecting.

It shows you where you need to step your game up and where you need to fall back.

It shows you the power of being drawn back and released at break-neck speed like a bow and arrow.

Embrace MRx and all its wonderful benefits.


Go follow me on TikTok for more tarot content!


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Videos (show all)

You should follow me on TikTok to get the rest of this message πŸ‘‰πŸΎ @hericanebeautyco Need a clarity reading? DM me. Right...
πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ thoughts?She speaks a lot of truth in this video!
Lil afternoon rant about how we often attempt to speed past our negative emotions to immediately find a solution for the...
Go follow me on TikTok for more tarot content! πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎ@hericanebeautyco
It happened y'all. I'm on the TikkyToks! Go follow for yoga shit, tarot shit, spiritual shit, vegan shit, and government...
I was blessed to serve my first belly facial client πŸ€— She is 7 months pregnant and progressing beautifully! I was so exc...



Greensboro, NC

Opening Hours

Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 12pm - 7pm

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