Jenny Burton, Ascension Guide

Consistently working on yourself is the single most selfless thing you can do!

This page was created to provide guidance and support for individuals who are ready to discover and tap into their intuition and gifts so they can live happier, healthier, abundant lives.


✨ I manifest my dreams into reality by taking daily inspired action, because every step taken in passion brings me closer to my greatest vision.✨

What steps are you taking to manifest your dreams into your reality?💪


Happy Monday! I have a few spots open this week for Ascension Consultations if you are ready to start your in life, love and business.

This IS for you if you are:

✅ Ready to invest in your spiritual, emotional, and professional development.

✅ Craving deeper insights into your life's mission and how to align your actions with your highest self.

✅ Willing to embrace change and let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your fullest potential.

✅ Feeling stuck or overwhelmed by negative energies and seeking effective techniques to cleanse and elevate your vibration.

✅ Looking to attract and maintain meaningful, loving relationships that resonate with your highest self.

✅ Committed to using high-vibrational energy to unlock the full potential of your business and achieve unparalleled success.

This is NOT for you if you are:

❌ Unwilling to step outside your comfort zone and confront the paradigms that no longer serve you.

❌ Dismissive of the power of vibration, energy healing, and spiritual growth principles.

❌ Looking for instant results without the dedication to continuous personal and spiritual development.

❌ Unreceptive to new ideas, practices, and perspectives that can uplift and transform your life.

❌ Satisfied with your current life situation and not interested in making meaningful changes to elevate it.

❌ Unprepared to commit time, effort, and resources to actively participate in your ascension journey.

👉 By signing up for this Ascension Consultation, you are taking a pivotal step towards elevating your vibration, unlocking new possibilities, and transforming your life, love, and business... transform it all!! ✨Don't pass up on this opportunity to embrace your highest potential and create the extraordinary life you deserve.

💫 Ready to take the next step? Click below 👇 to schedule your consultation and begin your journey towards higher vibrations and a more fulfilling, purposeful and vibrant life! 🙌

PS~ We can do this in person or virtually so the only thing really standing in your way of you stepping fully into YOUR greatness will be your choice 😉


There's so much in the words you speak to yourself!

❌ STOP saying things like you're broke, you're incapable, you're tired, you're depressed, etc.

✅ START saying you're , you're , you're , you're always provided for, you're ...

✅ START manifesting the life you WANT...

✅ START speaking into yourself every single day!!


Not me redoing an entire workbook at 3:30 am for a class I'm presenting next Friday in Lily Dale, NY because Spirit pulled my ass out of bed and said so...


When you trust your , doors WILL open and WILL present themselves!!!

It's real-life !!

Don't let fear or Imposter Syndrome hold you back- you were meant for !

bright, baby...It's time 😎


I'm just over here geeking out 🤓out here connecting and because they go hand-in-hand🤝

and are real- they are science 🧬

There's even a law (like gravity) that's called The Universal Law of Vibration 🫨

The higher the vibration of something, the more it holds and the less it can be physically seen by the eye 👀


You too, are working on consistently raising your own vibrations in which case you could start to see and feel so of these higher vibes (like seeing colors- the energy around things, , etc.) 🔮


is out here Spiriting all over the place and has a message for some of you!

If you are in the business of helping others, CHARGE WHAT YOU ARE !

Too often have I seen businesses fail because they want to help everyone and spend so much time hustling and grinding, only to end with the short end of the stick!

You can be a but you MUST give to yourself first!!

It doesn't matter whether you are male or female- it's time to STEP OUT OF this wounded model of doing, working hard, and fighting for everything and INTO the model of , effortlessness, and ease.

STOP chasing and START attracting- we were literally created this way yet we fight it.

Your body tells you when you are out of so when you brush it off and throw yourself into the grind even harder, your body will speak even louder through exhaustion, depression and illness.

It's time to that program to a new, more aligned channel

If you are feeling that pull to ASCEND- let's do this!!


I saw a post that read "Focus on your wellness or you will be forced to focus on your illness."

You are responsible for your own well-being. It's vital to your life force energy that your prioritize your well-care ❤️‍🩹

Are you ready to live the WELLthy life?

The choice is yours 🤷‍♀️

Photos from Jenny Burton, Ascension Guide's post 08/09/2024

VIBE CHECK: How is your ?

Do you feel supported? Encouraged? Heard?

What about when you get home- do you feel energized or drained?

On average, a person spends around *2,080 hours per year in a working environment (*based on 8-hour work day, 5 days per week).

Lots of energy is spent working and the culture can positively or negatively impact the businesses' success and those working.

One of my favorite things is to introduce practical mindfulness tools to businesses so if the culture has been in a lower frequency, we're able to shift that energy into a more positive flow. When this happens, everyone and everything benefits!!


🍋 Learning from Lemons 🍋- it's more than just lemonade!

I bought two bags of lemons. I opened one bag and allowed the lemons to roll around in the cart. I kept the other lemons in their bag.

After about a day, one of the lemons in the bag started to mold. After a couple of days, that mold had spread over the entire lemon and was beginning to infect the lemons around it.

After day 3, most of the lemons were green. The lemons I removed from the other bag were still yellow and shiny.

Here's the lesson- You are the lemon. The mold is negative, toxic energy. When you allow negativity to take you over, not only does it affect you, but also the people around you.

On the flip side, it's important to recognize when you have toxic people in your circle and how easily it can spread to you.

Learn from the lemon 🍋


A big turn off and 🚩 for me is hearing a healing practitioner state they are the best by claiming their way is the ONLY way and go as far as putting down other modalities in the process.

It's okay to say you are the best at what you do and mean it. You SHOULD be that confident in yourself and your skills and embrace it.🤗


Your way isn't going to work for everyone and honestly, it shouldn't.

You weren't meant to have to help heal each and every person on this planet.🌎

And, IMO, if you have to put other people or ways of healing down- it's only coming from a place of fear 😱 that the client won't choose you.

Here's some advice- drink some cranberry and flush those kidneys (we hold fear in our kidneys) before you create an infection.

You also wear that fear in your outer energy field like a 🧥; other people can and will pick up on it.

Let it go and OWN what YOU do.

That should be your focus.

Carry on ~

Photos from Jenny Burton, Ascension Guide's post 08/06/2024

Hey Greenville Friends-

You REALLY don't want to miss this opportunity to Release + Renew as we use the Lion's Gate Portal energy to activate our own inner power and authenticity!!

Be sure to get signed up today as spaces are limited.


I am learning to love ALL the versions of myself.

I may be a healer but I’m still healing myself and my own traumas, beliefs and patterns.

I don’t always do all the things.

I forget to speak my gratitude first thing in the morning.

Sometimes I eat fast food and greasy chips.

I don’t have a regular exercise routine.

I cuss, somedays- like a sailor.

Every once in a while, I smell like one.

My house is messy at any given moment but if I think you’re going to visit, I will have the entire place looking like we have live-in maids in 45-minutes flat.

I experience road rage and there are many folks that have been visited by both of my pet birds.

I’m a but I am still learning how to on my journey.

I don’t every single day.

I get it wrong and I make mistakes on the regular- it’s my first time in this life, too!

But sometimes I DO do the things.

I give and to strangers.

I pay it forward in the drive-thru.

I pick up random trash.

I speak positivity into others.

I live courageously and unapologetically.

I set intentions and manifest my dreams into existence.

I teach other people how to do the same, on their terms.

I make my own soaps, house cleaners, essential oil blends and some sauces because I can control what’s in them.

I sing to people on the phone or in messages when they become MY people.

I try to be of service to others as much as I can.

I LOVE nature and try to be in it as much as possible.

I HAVE never claimed that I’m perfect, have all the answers or am further along on my journey than anyone else.

I am here to serve others in the highest capacity possible by sharing my gifts, talents and skills to those ready to make their transformations a reality!

I am learning to love ALL the versions of myself.


✨Happy Wellness Wednesday!!✨

Today, as I continue to jump and shift into higher timelines, I want to bring you along on this incredible journey from lack to abundance in all areas of life. ✨

We've held ourselves back for too long, feeling like there's never enough time, money, love, or happiness. 🌈

But guess what?

WE have the keys to unlock endless possibilities! 💪

I'm here to share some of my favorite techniques I consistently incorporate to raise my vibrations and live in the frequency I desire.

Here’s how we're doing it together:

💡 Gratitude First: Start every day by counting your blessings. The more we appreciate what we have, the more we open ourselves up to receive.

💭 Shift Your Mindset: Replace "I can't" with "I CAN and I WILL." Visualize your success, abundance, and joy. Believe it’s possible, and watch it unfold.

🎯 Set Bold Intentions: Be clear about what you want. Dream big and set specific, actionable goals. When your intentions align with your desires, miracles happen!

🌱 Invest in Yourself: Your growth is the best investment. Take time to learn, grow, and nurture your mind, body, and soul.

💞 Spread Love and Positivity: What you give, you receive. Share kindness, support, and positivity, and watch how it multiplies in your life.

📚 Embrace Learning: Every challenge is a learning opportunity. Embrace them, and turn your setbacks into comebacks! Be a student of LIFE!!

Remember, abundance is not just about material wealth, but also about rich relationships, vibrant health, and a joyful spirit. 🌟💖

Join me in this incredible journey to abundance. Let's take control of our destinies and live the life we've always dreamed of!

Comment below on how you're making today a step towards your abundant future. Let's inspire each other and grow together! 🌱

Stay blessed and keep shining! 🌟✨

💖 Jenny B, Ascension Guide


Hypnosis is only like what you see on TV, stage hypnosis.

Fact: Stage hypnosis works because the people on stage are highly suggestible and enjoy entertaining others anyway.

Clinical hypnotherapy will never have you barking like a duck or
quacking like a dog ;)


Some of y'all seem so 'high up on your horse' that you must have forgotten there were other things that happened outside of what a single book written by a king tells you.

Please study up on ALLL of the history (not just the Bible in this instance) before you start spouting off at the mouth!!

Quit trying to always 'compare'.

Stop fishing and stop making it seem your way is the ONLY way....I'm getting kind of tired of that one!

You can start with the "Festival of Dionysus". Or read about "Marie Antionette- Queen of France" (she was the one holding her own head in the red dress).

STOP being the problem!! GOD is LOVE, period.....stop hating all the damn time!!!!!


Have you ever wondered why the same unhealthy patterns in your current life seem to keep showing up, as if on repeat?

Let’s delve deep into your past lives to discover what can help you ascend to your higher self.

Book today!

DeFunk Your Soul | Jenny Burton 07/25/2024

Become !!

Discovering your self and living in your truth can feel overwhelming, and even impossible when you have been living in your untruths (the untrue BS, conditioned stories
you've been telling yourself and possibly even believing) for so long.

It can seem easier to stay in that lower vibrational, mucky , even when it isn't serving you and your highest
purpose simply because it's comfortable and what you know.

In this 6-month intensive signature container, you will follow my 3-step HUG METHOD™ of transformation to , and along your life's journey.

You will have the opportunity to:
- Gain spiritual through Intentional Connection with the Universe

- Establish an intimate relationship with your Spirit Team and Higher Self or oneness to create the life of your

- Discover your authentic self to live in your truth of joy, and connectedness to all

- your energy systems so you can align your purpose with your life

- your inner wisdom for quantum healing and growth without the burnout


DeFunk Your Soul | Jenny Burton Discovering your authentic self and living in your truth can feel overwhelming, vulnerable and even impossible when you have been living in your untruths (the untrue BS, conditioned stories you've been telling yourself and possibly even believing) for so long.  It can seem easier to stay in that lo...


😭 Did you recently go through a break up?

🚩 Have you finally rid your office of that toxic person?

😔 Or maybe you’ve just been in a funk lately?

Did you know energy from others can stick to you, meaning you are literally carrying other people's 💩 energy straight into your home!! EEEKKK!!! Let me help!

I offer Home/Office Energy Cleanings!🏘🏢

Using items like 🪵palo santo, 💎crystals, sea salts and 🔔bells, I clear each room in the space of lower vibrational energy, inviting in love and light and all the good vibes!

Reiki is done throughout the space as well as furniture.

The outside perimeter of the space will also be cleansed.

Schedule today by clicking the link below 👇:


is technique that allows the practitioner to universal energy through your body that activates your response to heal old traumas, clear mental, emotional and spiritual , speed up recovery times, boost your immune system, alleviate chronic pain, promotes better rest/sleep patterns, and much more!

Give your energy the attention it deserves- get your Reiki session scheduled today!

Click the link below 👇 to schedule:


I am currently credentialed in the following practices:

Medicine Practitioner
Spiritual Awakening + Intuitive Development

My mission is to create a unique and personal experience to enhance your healing journey and connection to self.

Whether your journey has brought you to a place of grief or growth, I believe your body has the innate ability to heal itself, especially when you are caring for yourself from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.

When your body, mind and spirit are in alignment you can step into your purpose and live in a place of joy, wonder and


🌟 What Is Your Health Costing You? 🌟

Have you ever taken a moment to truly consider this? When you think about your health, are you investing in preventive care or just waiting for illness to strike? 🤔

💪 Preventive Care means:
- Investing in regular wellness visits 🩺
- Embracing a balanced diet 🥗
- Incorporating movement and exercise into your daily routine 🏋️‍♀️
- Prioritizing mental well-being 🌿

👎 On the flip side, neglecting these proactive measures often leads to:
- Expensive medical treatments 💸
- Reliance on prescription medications that can cause additional issues 💊
- Getting trapped in a vicious cycle of reactions rather than prevention 🔄

🙌 It’s time to shift our mindset from “sick care” to the real meaning of “health care.” By prioritizing preventive measures, we can maintain our health, avoid potential complications, and ultimately, enjoy a happier and more vibrant life.

✨ Remember, your health is your greatest wealth. Investing in it today can save you immeasurable costs tomorrow. Let's break the cycle and start living proactively! 🌟

Click the link below so we can discuss what wellness looks like for YOU!

The Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary 07/19/2024

Hey friends- there is still time to join The Haven Yoga's 3rd Annual Mountain Rest Yoga Day Retreat tomorrow, Saturday, July 20 in Mountain Rest, NC!!

So many amazing things are planned like hiking, reiki, Hypno-Yoga (I'm helping teach this one), great food, and a beautiful community of like-minded souls!
If you want to get some healing in before the summer comes to an end- don't walk, RUN to get your day pass by clicking on the link below👇 and select The Mountain Retreat/ July 20, 2024:

The Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary Our yoga studio is in the heart of downtown Simpsonville. Join us for unheated yoga, meditation and breathwork.


Hypnotherapy allows you to gain control over learned patterns and behaviors by shifting your thoughts and emotions so you can make healthy changes in your life.

Are you ready to make the changes in your life that are holding you back from being the best version of yourself?

It's time to let go of past traumas, old repeating patterns, negative thoughts and behaviors that no longer align with you and step into your best self.

Join me as I guide you into your inner mind, your beautiful, amazing subconscious to release, remove and overcome these long-term issues and habits with a healing hypnotherapy session.

Click on the link below 👇 to schedule your hypnotherapy session today:


What’s included in my spirit energy sessions?

During your 1.5 hour session, I will intuitively connect with your energy as well as your past loved ones, spirit guides, angels, ancestors + pets as they share messages of guidance +
support for healing.

I do not get to control who or what messages come through during our session together but I can guarantee the messages received will be what is needed in that moment vs what may be
wanted or expected.

With that said, I DO NOT allow lower vibrational energy into the space, ever!

*Includes oracle card reading


Ascension means rising, leveling up, and reaching higher potentials.

Whether through my hypnotherapy, mediumship, oracle readings, reiki, or past life regression, the goal is always to elevate you and lift you up.

It’s important in my work that you feel connected to and can become your higher self!

Book a service today or message me for more info.


The Grand Reveal!

I’m Jenny Burton, Ascension Guide. I’m here to guide you to unlock your limitless potential through my unique combination of psychic mediumship, psychology, and intuition.

If you’re ready to break free from self-limitation and reclaim your self-worth, let's embark on a journey of heart-centered healing and vibrant, purposeful living.


A lot has been happening behind the scenes and I’m so thrilled to unveil my new brand!

I’m ready to stand apart and embrace what makes me unique.

Look out world!

Here comes Jenny Burton! 😜

Are you ready to ASCEND…?



When you live in a state of 'zero F # given' in regards to other people's opinions of you....

That, my friend, is called ASCENSION!

Sounds like a nice place to reside, right?!


It's happening! Stay tuned ;)


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3523 Pelham Road Ste B
Greenville, SC

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