Dr. Michael Day

http://www.mountainmovementcenter.com Dr. Day wants to inspire you to find the place where Health and Faith intersect.

Your body was designed to heal and have vitality. Dr. Day had all but lost hope when he was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Migraines and spent years searching for answers. This website encompasses all of the lessons he learned, and his passion to help each and every individual discover just how much of a gift their body and mind are.


I had trouble breaking sugar’s effects on my life until I realized that my constant cravings were more about unresolved emotional issues and chronic stress. I couldn’t drive past a fast food restaurant without wanting to grab a soda.
It doesn’t have to be food either. Most of us now crave our phones, or we watch too much auto play episodes of shows at night. =)

When we crave we are looking for a brief lift in our brains and bodies. Stress, fatigue, boredom, or any number of other emotions have taken hold.

In the program I’ve created, Restoration Plan, we spend more time feeding our Spirit and commit to a rediscovery of God’s purpose for our lives because then we can shift our focus there.

We rediscover the joy of exercise, art, vocation, family, and rest. Each persons “why” looks different. But like a person awaking from a long slumber, the participants realize they put a hobby or passion aside they brings them great joy.
“I can get well for lifting my grandchild and taking them to the park.”
“I can eat clean so that I can help in the world of fostering for years to come, I don’t want to be so tired anymore.”
“I can cut out this craving so that I can get back to playing tennis with my friends.”

If we deepen the why, instead of just focusing on how bad we are for craving, then we can truly shift.


Don’t forget to fill your Joy reservoir today. Start with 30 min broken into small bits of simple things that bring you joy Your Spirit needs it.


Favorite book or movie character day. Napoleon Dynamite and Johnny Appleseed.


Morning sun 🌞 + Prayer 🙏🏼 + Breathing 🫁 : Are the perfect recipe for waking up the mind body and Spirit. Talking to patients tableside every day, one of the great maladies of modern day is we are all in a rush, which then creates a ton of stress upon every part of our being.

When I was dealing with chronic fatigue for many years, with some experimentation I found that I felt better when I got out and had morning sun exposure and worked on my breathing.

Next I begin to experiment with reciting the Lords prayer in my mind, expanding on each statement in my Spirit. When I exhale, now I’m not only blowing out air, I’m blowing out and releasing my concerns and cares.

My entire perspective is changed after this morning discipline, and you only need 3 to 5 minutes to complete it!

Research shows you will have more wakefulness, your mood will be better, and you will feel less sleepy throughout the entire entire day if you get this morning sun exposure.

Don’t have time first thing in the morning? Sneak outside for a mini break at work, or at lunch, we can all fine 3 to 5 minutes sometime.

The little steps climb mountains


1.) Prayer has been shown to change Heart Rate Variability Which is a measure of how our body can handle stress. When someone has high heart rate variability, they show that they have a healthy parasympathetic nervous system that can react to stress properly. In several papers it’s been shown that those who pray have a higher HRV!

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

The events of the past can disrupt the heart rhythm and brain and how they signal physiologically and handle daily stress and how we perceive our day and our future.

This heart to prayer connectedness to me is God’s sense of creativity in that everything perfectly works together . The very prayers that heal our physical heart heal our spiritual heart and vice versa. He has hidden his amazing Grace away in plain sight in the most simple activities: heart focused prayer and gratitude.

Giving the entirety of our broken heart and hurts from the past over is so freeing and can have drastic effects on the next 3 health tips!

2.) Time outdoors is becoming a rarity for many. This is another activity we can do so simply and it can have drastic ramifications on our perspective and wellbeing.
Keep a star or moon tracking journal and truly learn to wonder at nature and it’s amazing sounds, smells and sights again.

3.) The microbiome is the beneficial bacteria that help give you immunity and stimulate lymphatic cells. Keep your diet filled with good fiber and low sugar. Eat 1 fermented food daily and take a good probiotic.
For those we see in our practice who really struggle we have complete gut healing protocols and microbiome testing such as the GI Map test.


This Christmas try to ENJOY and then PAUSE ⏸. Enjoy the powerful taste and sensation and give thanks for the amazing experience and then pause. ⏸ That is where you gain control of excess and can internally monitor if you are full before going too far.
Enjoy Christ and his promises.
Enjoy those around you and the sounds and smells
Enjoy the vision you are building for new things.
Enjoy the Rest.

When we can diversify our joy we can hedge against overeating and allow ourselves the Grace to enjoy.


Changing the world is closer than you think!


🧎🏽‍♂️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏃🏽 You can create new thought pattern trails with focused effort and prayer and movement!

Neuroplasticity research shows that movement, Prayer and focus can create new Pathways 🗻 on the adventure that is our mind.

So no matter what you’ve been through you can heal!

🏃🏽It won’t be easy. When you create new trails you have to Bushwhack. You will want to turn back . To give up that workout, to not work on breathing, to not get inspired reading and praying.

🧎🏽‍♂️But Blazing new trails is always worth it! I’ve seen it change thousands of patients lives.

🏃🏾‍♀️Commit to 10 new gratitude thoughts a day, 5 more minutes of exercise than you did yesterday and use your malleable brain to write down goals and create new vision.

🗻a lot of signals are coming up from the body to the brain to create new pathways. So flexibility and breathing, and a workout combined with a scripture you are meditating on is like supercharging your neuroplasticity change!

🌞don’t quit when you get deep on the new trail. Keep going!


🔥 The Pressure and Heat of Life are Inevitable.
To have a Health Comeback you have to shift your perspective and not let the heat shrink you back and lead you to quit.

Pray to see more opportunities because of the heat for :
🔥Gratitude for new things
🔥clearing our negative thoughts patterns and habits
🔥The ability to relate to others in a trial and the skills to now help and encourage them
🔥A refocus of Gods plan for your life

The heat may not go away but it can be a Catalyst for a new life. There’s always another in the fire with you!


It’s about the Big Picture with functional and natural medicine .
You can’t prescribe a probiotic without explaining the effects stress and emotions have on the Gut, Brain, Axis.
As well, addressing neurotransmitter balance when healing the gut or immune system is so vital!
1.) Think of your two way street and take time to relax and rest before your next meal. Say Grace and spend some time being grateful.
2.) Notice how much your daily stress ties in to your energy levels.
3.) Spend time on stress relieving hobbies, music and time in nature daily.
4.) Get enough exercise daily to be out of breath and not too much that you are exhausted during the healing phase.


🍲 Food Reset Tip: Learn your triggers 🪤 and build your Joy Reservoir. ⬆️
Many times we are trying to get our eating and lifestyle back on track.
But we haven’t analyzed and built self awareness to look for triggers in our life or how to manage them.
Not addressing Emotional health, and busy schedules and lack of quiet time can all drop down our joy Reservoir, changing the neurotransmitters in our brain. This will make us crave! We will go back to the old food to bring our brain and joy Reservoir up artificially.
In the Restoration Plan I’ve written we are journaling daily and learning our life again .
Then we change our vision about the Why of the change. We journal and connect to big goals God has for us and we have for ourselves. Then we check in with our reservoir throughout the day with Movement Snacks, brain breaks called (hammock moments) and we infuse more Joy into our “everyday”
When you have been though tough times this could be the only way to reset your food. I had begun to move less and eat worse because of trauma I had been through . Until I worked through the Joy Reservoir concept I couldn’t breakthrough.!

Step 1: journal. Study and pray about your day and begin to be more observant about your daily patterns
Step 2: infuse more gratitude into all you do. Move 5 minutes more a day, stretch 5 minutes more a day.
Step 3: unplug from media more often!
Step 4: say no. If we take on too many things into our schedule. There is no time to fill our reservoir!


I want to help people from all walks of life build their mindset and spirit up for the journey of healing, whatever they are going through. We often wish our health or emotional battle would just go away. What I found was that God was calling me to ask, seek, and knock and go on a journey. That journey had plateaus and setbacks and hardships. But the lessons and the mentors and the guides I met were all part of who I am now. It was NOT easy, but I kept pressing and learned so much to help others!
I went from bedridden and on five prescription medications to healthy and vibrant.
It was a Spiritual and Mind shift first. Then my food, and movement and natural healthcare began to really work and I could stick to radical lifestyle changes because I had changed from the inside out! Thank you God!


TECH NECK solution. The 📱 is hurting our necks! Star Wars edition 🌙
Take a break and make the crown of your head point to the sky. When looking at our phones or computers our head goes forward taxing our muscles, joints and nervous system.
This can lead to changes in breathing, stress perception and muscle and joint pain!
1.) lift the crown of the head.
2.) take five deep breaths.
3.) relax your muscles of your face and jaw.
4.) pray, recite a scripture , meditate on the good and use the time to fill your joy reservoir back up!

Big thanks to for the light saber and edit!


Anyone out there with Tech neck pain?
This simple tip could help. Orient yourself to your sternum and lift it as if you have a string pulling it towards the ceiling. As you do this, your shoulders and ears will become more aligned and your shoulder blades will sit back where they are supposed to. Now take a five exhale mini “hammock moment” break from the Tech.


🍲 You can Reset your Food and have a health breakthrough by “Setting a New Vision”. 👓 Sit down and spend some time in prayer and ask God to remind you of all the purposes, people and plans that can light up your Spirit with new vision. Now every time you eat, you connect the “big picture “ to your healthy plate. 🥗 When we focus on symptoms and self judgement the stress of these emotions makes a crave more! 🍰 Set your vision and change your health. Ask God to help and spend the time and write out 📝 what you are reminded of in a time of reflection. In my darkest health days of chronic Fatigue and digestive issues, I envisioned helping patients, and being vibrant for my future family. I was able to cut sugar and my comfort fast foods by praying over this vision daily. Remember you don’t have to be perfect!


💨 breathing can help w/ chronic fatigue.😔 Try this homework 📚 to reset your stress and feel more energy during the day.
Ten deep breaths. 4 second inhale. 7 second exhale. Repeat 🔁 5x a day.
Follow for more health tips like this weekly!


Try this Body awareness exercise to let go of muscle tension ! So many of us hold tension and stress that we can let go of with simple awareness and breathing. That muscle tension registers to our brain as a “sympathetic “ signal . Sympathetic or “stress” dominance changes cognition, memory, focus and energy levels!
I have found doing this exercise helps you build physical and mental awareness to the foods, postures and life events that we react negatively to. Once we grow in awareness we can make positive changes !

Try a 7 second exhale for every muscle area you contract and relax. Close your eyes and really focus for 5 minutes a day!


Love my family. So great to share a sport that was at the center of my childhood with them. As a coach, Dad often had us looking at plays as our bedtime story.


I am so passionate about patients finding answers for fatigue after years of battling chronic fatigue and brain fog.
Oftentimes we see the Gut and digestive system is the true root cause.
Watch this video if you are struggling with not feeling yourself.


One of the biggest tools we give patients is to activate their core and to quickly test if their Transerse abdominus is doing its job. Once you can test and become aware of it activated, research shows you are much less likely to have a back spasm or disc injury.
Then we go about coaching our patients to move through range while learning to breathe; while keeping it active. Give it a try!


Game changer alert! 🚨 If you’ve been dealing with long-term and not feeling yourself, this test and this concept of the HPA axis or could be life-changing.

I battled fatigue in the form of chronic fatigue syndrome for many years, and when I learned about adrenal stress index testing my life was forever changed. To understand what our hormonal system is supposed to do from the minute we wake up to the minute we go to bed, is a great tool! This helps us pattern more rest and rejuvenation into our day. In modern day as we react to “tigers” or stressors, we may eventually have trouble managing the hormonal stress that puts on our body.

The hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis is an amazing feedback loop, that lets us respond to stress, gives us mental awareness and clarity, but when it gets overused can also cause issues spanning our entire organ systems.

Some common causes of adrenal fatigue or HPA axis blunting our gut imbalance, chronic inflammation, blood sugar issues, chronic stress, and sleep issues.

The great news is a functional medicine practitioner who is well trained, will test for all of these common linking patterns. If you are in the area I highly recommend you looking us up, our trained medicalphysician Dr. Myra Phipps will take great care of you!

1.) Design your day with more rest, and recovery mid day. Take time to really savor balanced meals, without multitasking.

2.) if you were dealing with fatigue avoid the blue light of smart phones and screens, and even the light stimulation of TV after 8 PM. You will not have to do this forever, but this is a great way to reboot the rhythm.

3. Work on gut health, inflammation levels, and stress levels by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, increasing your fruits and vegetables and remembering to hydrate.

Call us today at 864-448-2073 to learn more and inquire about getting adrenal testing!

‎Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) on Apple Podcasts 10/13/2020

For over a decade I have talked table side with patients and helped guide them on their healing journey.
If there is one thing I've learned, you can't separate a patients Physical issue from their Mind and Spirit.
We want to be well so we can love better and share our gifts with those we love.

I want this podcast to inspire you to fulfill of our God's purposes for your life while talking on topics such as nutrition, movement, natural health, functional medicine and Biblical principles.

‎Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) on Apple Podcasts ‎Christianity · 2020

The Power of Rest: To Heal your Body and Soul. Learn simple tools to reset your stress. 10/12/2020

I'd love for all of you to go watch my new video, Like it, and leave a comment.

You can also go listen to it on Apple podcasts under Dr. Day Radio.

Rest interwoven into our day is as important as exercise, and healthy eating and often overlooked.

I see many health complaints and food addictions helped my incorporating short breaks for prayer, gratitude, movement and quiet.

All it takes is 2-5 minutes to achieve a reset of your nervous system and to reset your mind, body and spirit.

I go over how past traumas had affected my ability to rest and how the scripture that God could take away my yoke of grief and sadness helped me on my path to healing.

I go over my favorite ways I rest now, and simple things to remember.


The Power of Rest: To Heal your Body and Soul. Learn simple tools to reset your stress. Dr. Day goes over simple tools he learned after healing from traumatic events in his life and what he has learned guiding patients for over a decade in pract...

‎Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) on Apple Podcasts 10/02/2020

Go subscribe on Itunes and leave a review if you have a minute, it's always so hard to start putting yourself out there, so I would love the support!
We want to talk about topics such as Muscle, Movement, Chiro, Nutrition, Nature, Community and God. All of my favorite things. New episodes weekly.


‎Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) on Apple Podcasts ‎Christianity · 2020

Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) - Michael Day 09/28/2020

I would love for you to go check out my new podcast. I go into my personal healing story and how I learned so much through God's grace through this trial and suffering.
To be added to Itunes soon as well!


Dr. Day Radio (Where Faith and Health Intersect) - Michael Day Dr. Day will go over research on topics such as prayer, healing, personal growth, muscle and movement health, natural health and functional medicine. This podcast was made because we believe God designed you to thrive and heal. Dr. Day has treated thousands of patients using natural and faith based....

Photos from Dr. Michael Day's post 05/11/2020

So many articles have attempted to talk about zinc for a known issue that rhymes with the song “my Sharona”
But for many patients I have talked to they just want the tools to strengthen their immune system, not a promised cure. 🤔After all, we are now seeing the the worst cases are rare and have concurrent co-morbidities:(aka health risk factors)
This is a slide summarizing a research paper I was reading tonight (see reference on first slide) ▶️this is a great opportunity then for us all to learn how we have all gotten so immune dysregulated as a society. 🚦neurodegenerative cases are on the rise as well as autoimmune, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
I want to share what I learned after years with Epstein Barr virus, and chronic fatigue and migraines and how I healed.
I no longer trusted in my body and viewed it as sick and unable to heal after years of struggle . Now I see so many around me also lacking that empowerment. 🚨I had immune imbalance for years and I hope of the next several posts to empower you with information.

Again this is not a cure promise but when you slide right in this paper there is data showing that Zinc has been shown to improve
1.) t helper and natural killer cell production which neutralize viruses
2.) reduce inflammation
3.) protect the brain
4.) reduce NF-kappaB (implicated in a myriad of inflammatory disorders)
5.) improve testosterone
How much?: up to 50 mg in certain studies (but talk to your doc)
Some research points to taking copper as well as zinc can cause copper depletion. 🥩Foods as Medicine :
Red meat, lentils, eggs, and nuts have the highest amounts of zinc.

One paper pointed to zinc picolinate as being the most bioavailable.


In this exercise first I’ll take you through the concepts of the hip hinge and how to keep the hips and core active by lunging “around the clock” while using a broom stick as a balancing and cueing tool. THEN Comes the FUN part! Tilt the broomstick at different angles and see if while still keeping your hips hinged if you can catch it as low the ground as possible!
Go play in your Home and have some fun!

Hidden Health Fix: The Gut-Brain Axis, Stress and Easy Tips to help Balance it. 03/03/2020

Hidden Health Fix: The Gut-Brain Axis, Stress and Easy Tips to help Balance it. The Gut-Brain Axis is effecting so many with chronic health issues and yet so many still don't know about the connection. In this video Dr. Michael Day D.C.,...

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Videos (show all)

Morning sun 🌞 + Prayer 🙏🏼 + Breathing 🫁 : Are the perfect recipe for waking up the mind body and Spirit. Talking to pati...
This Christmas try to ENJOY and then PAUSE ⏸.   Enjoy the powerful taste and sensation  and give thanks for the amazing ...
🧎🏽‍♂️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏃🏽 You can create new thought pattern trails with focused effort and prayer and movement! Neuroplasticity res...
🔥 The Pressure and Heat of Life are Inevitable. To have a Health Comeback you have to shift your perspective and not let...
It’s about the Big Picture with functional and natural medicine . You can’t prescribe a probiotic without explaining the...
🍲 Food Reset Tip:  Learn your triggers 🪤 and build your Joy Reservoir. ⬆️Many times we are trying to get our eating and ...
TECH NECK solution.  The 📱 is hurting our necks!  Star Wars edition 🌙 Take a break and make the crown of your head point...
Anyone out there with Tech neck pain? This simple tip could help. Orient yourself to your sternum and lift it as if you ...
🍲 You can Reset your Food and have a health breakthrough by “Setting a New Vision”.  👓 Sit down and spend some time in p...
💨 breathing can help w/ chronic fatigue.😔 Try this homework 📚 to reset your stress and feel more energy during the day. ...
Try this Body awareness exercise to let go of muscle tension !  So many of us hold tension and stress that we can let go...
One of the biggest tools we give patients is to activate their core and to quickly test if their Transerse abdominus is ...


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