Kopp Animal Chiropractic

Animal Chiropractor in Greenville, SC.

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 03/03/2024

This is Chief! He is a 4 year old dachshund and chihuahua mix. The poor guy had a terrible injury and was in extreme neck pain. After several ER and vet visits, he was referred to me.

After his first treatment, the owner reported “he feels good and wants to be his normal self.”

After his second visit, his owner reported “he is doing great and hasn’t had any episodes of pain.”

After his 3rd visit, his owner told me “he back to his old self. We can’t thank you enough and sink your praises to friends and family.”

I am so happy Chief is doing so well! Great job to his owners who took such good care of him!


Denver came in for a re-check today, and he is doing great! Gigi the Poodle was there to greet him and give him kisses for healing so well! Not bad for a dog that was paralyzed a few weeks ago!


This little cutie is Scout! He is a 7 year old Havanese Poodle. He wasn’t getting enough attention last Christmas so he decided to injure himself and had to go to the emergency vet 🤦‍♀️

He had a hunched back and he was in severe pain. At the emergency vet, he was diagnosed with a bulging disc. He was put on medications but never fully recovered.

His awesome mom brought him to me a couple weeks ago. After his second visit, she said “He has more energy and is friskier. He is running to the window to bark at things and is playing with his brother which he has not been doing for 2 months.”

Way to go, Scout! 👍🐶
And, way to go to Scout’s mom! Not everyone deserves dogs, but this woman does!

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 02/27/2024

I just loved working on this boy! His name is Yahoo lol
His litter mates were Bing and Google 🤣
His amazing and wonderful mom wrote a review for me out of the blue after I treated her kitty one time! I guess she was very happy with the results!

It tells the story, so here it is:

“Mesmerized! Grateful! Amazed! I don’t know which word really sums up how we feel right now. We have 5 rescue animals in our home, 4 cats and 1 dog. All loving beings but all have their own personalities and tragic beginnings before they came to us. Yahoo, our orange and white tabby, was rescued when he was 7 months old from a shelter in NJ. Yahoo is now a few weeks shy of 11 years old. Yahoo is more of a dog cat. He is everywhere we are all the time, and Yahoo has been through every single part of our young adult life. He is loved and cared for like our child. He has ALWAYS been a GI cat, constipation and frequent vomiting after eating. It’s a vicious cycle we chased for years. The constipation recently got worse to the point his GI track stopped moving.

My husband and I were devastated that Ya wouldn’t even make it but after IV fluids, 5 enemas, and sedation to manually remove all the p**p, he made it home. I started searching immediately for alternatives to treating him as the chase to find the right dose of medication was not what we wanted. He was going to have to be reliant on those medications for the rest of his life.

So I called Dr. Kopp in desperation for her to help Yahoo. We are firm believers in chiropractic care as humans and see the benefits daily. We were unsure how this could help Yahoo and how it would be similar or different to us humans.

We are mesmerized by the change we see in Yahoo after just one visit. He was instantly calm. I could see and feel his sense of peace. And the best part is we have never been able to give Yahoo a belly rub in 11 years. As a kitten he would bite our fingers or kick our hand away with his hind feet quickly and swiftly if we ever got too close. Good news… Ya now loves belly rubs. We can’t wait to see his continued progress and healing.
Dr. Kopp has a healing gift we are forever grateful for.”

Thank you, Sarah, for such a wonderful review! And, thank you for trusting me with your sweet boy’s health! I look forward to treating him again soon! ❤️


This is Lena the English Foxhound. She is smart and fabulous and 14 years old! She was having what her owner would call “jolts.” She would have severe jolts of pain and then run away and try to hide or climb into the bathtub. She would circle, pace, and pant feverishly. This would happen multiple times a day. She also had symptoms of dementia. After her first adjustment, she made it a day and a half with no jolts. After her 6th treatment, she has gone 2 weeks without any jolts and her owner has stated that her symptoms of dementia have decreased!
I just adore this sassy dog and her awesome mom! Way to go, Lena! And, great job to her mom that stuck with it and loves her Lena so well!

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 02/15/2024

This cute nugget of a boy is Nugget! He’s a 12 year old papillon mix that decided to chase after a squirrel one day. 🐿️

Well, he went pretty hard and ended up injured …AND with no squirrel. He was limping on his rear right leg and his front left leg. After one session, his loving and amazing mom said he wasn’t limping anymore, and was even back to playing with his brother! Let’s lay off the chasing of squirrels though, ok Nugget?! 🤔 lol



Happy Valentine’s Day! If you don’t have anyone special today, remember that Gigi loves you! And, so do I!

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 02/13/2024

Tinkerbell (my cat) decided she didn’t want to stay in her carrier this morning on the way to my office, so she climbed out. Not a big deal, right? Except for the fact that 10 days ago she was attacked by a dog and suffered 3 fractures and 2 puncture wounds through her spine and abdomen. She was told that she needed surgery for the broken bones and the wounds to walk again, and she might not even survive. But, Tinkerbell really wasn’t into surgery. She said “uh no thanks.”
So, instead, we did natural healing methods including homeopathy, chiropractic, and some other things, and she is doing great! Let’s hear it for Tinkerbell!


Sweet Denver lost use of his back legs and was in extreme pain after an injury going up the stairs.
The video on the right shows him after his very first treatment! He is doing amazing! His owner is so awesome and such a bright light! And, he has done such a great job with home care instructions. Denver will be back to 100% in no time!


Gigi is here to tell everyone that we are hiring! Kopp Animal Chiropractic is manifesting an amazing office manager/assistant! You love ALL animals, love humans (you don’t have to like humans, but you do have to love them!), are happy, dynamic, healthy mind/body/soul, a mind reader, organized, and the rest we can figure out! Get in touch if you feel called. 💫


Izzy suffered an injury and was in a lot of pain. Her back was hunched up, and she was whining in pain. The second video shows her after just one treatment! With and , she was all sassy again!


Flossie was diagnosed with IVDD (disc disease) and surgery was suggested. This was after ONE SESSION. This girl said no thanks to surgery!


Flossie was diagnosed with IVDD (intervertebral disc disease). Watch next video for conclusion.


Look at this guy! He’s something else, isn’t he?! He’s adorable and full of personality! His name is Junior, and he’s 13 years old AND a cancer fighter!!
His super amazing mom called me when her boy seemed to be in pain. He was shaking and quivering and getting snappy. After his very first session, she reported that he was shaking and quivering less, more relaxed, and even more lively and wanted to run instead of dragging like normal! She also noted that he was moving better and more “prancy.”
Way to go, Junior! And, wonderful job to your mom for taking amazing care of her sweet boy!


This beautiful boy is Brutus. He is a 7 year old boxer that is as sweet as can be.

His mom called me and told me he was crying when he would get up, hanging his head low, very stiff, limping, and not moving around normally.

His mom is awesome, so she wanted the best for her dog. These are my favorite types of owners, and the clients I work with. We were on the same page, so I said “bring him in, and let’s get him tuned-up.”

After his very first session, his owner told me he was much better, and he went from his legs barely moving to almost normal.
She said that he was no longer hesitating to sit down or get up, his stride was longer, and he wasn’t limping anymore!

Great job healing, Brutus! You’re awesome! And, great job to his mom who takes such good care of her boy!


Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/25/2024

Yes, I see dogs, cats, horses, and…..
chickens and alpacas!! 🐔 🦙

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/24/2024


This sweet girl is Abby, a 6 year old chocolate lab! She was doing some hardcore playing and injured her neck. It was so bad that she would yelp when moving her neck, walking, and stepping down steps.

After her first session, her amazing owner reported that she was doing great with no yelps except one after a very vigorous walk.

After her second session, her owner reported that she was perfect and back to normal!

Abby, I always knew you were perfect! Great job healing, Abby! You are very a special girl!


Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/22/2024

“I want to avoid surgery and a wheelchair for my dog!”

Tucker is an adorable 9 year old dachshund that was having spinal issues.

His amazing mom contacted me and said:
“He’s had his 3rd flare up with disc issues. He uses a ramp to get on/off furniture, but he’s still getting these flare ups. The vet game him steroids, muscle relaxers, and pain meds, but those are now empty, and he’s still having a tough time walking, and is really challenged with steps. I want to avoid surgery and a wheel chair for my little guy.”

I did a neurological exam on Tucker and determined the areas that needed to be adjusted. He was given a cold laser therapy session and put on joint and musculoskeletal supplements.

After his first treatment, his mom texted me this:
“Good morning. Just wanted to let know know how well Tucker is this morning. He chewed his toy after breakfast which is routine for him on good days. Tail wagging. He even stood fully while eating breakfast. Really improved and we owe it all to you and those supplements. Looking forward to more and more progress with our future visits. 🙃”

After his second visit, she told me:
“He is doing great! Even has some spring in his step wanting to chase squirrels. I’m so grateful.”

And after his 3rd visit, she texted me:
“Amazing! I think he’s in the best shape I’ve ever seen him.”

Please remember there is always hope for your dog. IVDD (intervertebral disc disease) can be scary, but there are options. Don’t give up hope!


Paralyzed Frenchie! 😢

This poor guy became paralyzed a little over 2 weeks ago.

With chiropractic, cold laser therapy, and homeopathic remedies, he is walking!

In another week or so, he’ll be back to running!

Way to go, Ragnar! You’re the best!


This is Lolah, a beautiful German Shepherd! She was playing outside one day and fell really hard. She developed a head tilt and imbalance. She would bump into walls and fall off the bed. The first video shows her before treatment. The second video is how she is doing now.

Here is Lolah’s story in her wonderful mom’s words:

“We came home from a trip and Lolah was very excited to see us! She was running around the backyard and her left front leg went out from under her and she face planted into the ground. The next day we noticed she was tilting her head to the left when she would walk. As the week went on, it got worse and she started bumping into walls and falling down the stairs. We made an appointment with Dr. Kopp. She assessed Lolah and started working on her with a few adjustments and cold laser therapy. After several visits, Lolah started to improve.

Her balance improved and she stopped tilting her head. Dr. Kopp gave us some exercises to incorporate into Lolah’s day to help her continue to improve. We were committed to doing the exercises because she told us it would help Lolah get better faster.

Dr. Kopp is a wonderful animal chiropractor and really cares for each of her patients. I believe in the long run she saved us money because my vet wanted to do MRIs and other neurological tests on Lolah that would have cost us thousands of dollars. We will continue to see Dr. Kopp for maintenance so that Lolah can have the best life she deserves! Thank you Dr. Kopp! ”

Thank you! Lolah is a sweetie, and you are a wonderful mom to her, and I’m so glad she is doing great!

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/18/2024

“Can you do anything for arthritis?”


This beautiful baby is Shannon Rose. She is a pitbull that is sweeter than candy!

Her wonderful mom called me and told me she was diagnosed with arthritis and it was painful for her to walk. “Well, let’s get her tuned up and feeling better!” I told her.

After her very first visit, she was already walking better and her back was straighter! She was feeling much better and you could see in her eyes that pain had left her body ❤️

Don’t ever give up. There’s always a solution to making your dog feel better.

What a wonderful feeling it is to be able to help so many animals live their lives feeling their greatest! It is my reason for being and my greatest passion🙏



Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/10/2024

This super handsome guy is Gunther! He is a 3 year old German Wirehaired Pointer! His wonderful owner brought him to me for help with bad hips, hip dysplasia, and a limp.

After a few treatments, Gunther is doing great now, and moves perfectly! He is such a fun guy and loves to be a ham as you can see in the pictures!

Love ya Big G!


Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/08/2024

Look how skinny poor Nikita was before she got adopted (first picture).
The next 2 pictures are after her amazing transformation. Isn’t she beautiful?!

Read about what happened to Nikita in her wonderful owner’s word:

“We adopted Nakita in June of 2023 from Greenville Animal Control. She’d only been there three days and was an owner surrender and no one was quite sure why. The only information we were able to get on her was that she was three years old, and the previous owners wanted no contact. She was covered with small sores, limped and acted like she had an ear infection. The vet checked her out and said she really couldn’t find anything wrong with her and sent her on her way.

​She was an escape artist. Refusing to be in the back yard, she went over the fence as though it wasn’t there. After the second time of chasing her around the neighborhood and realizing to her it was a game, I let her go and sure enough she came back. In July she was in the car with my daughter when my daughter ran the car into a tree. Praise God for airbags. Every airbag in the car went off, probably saving both of them. When the car door was opened Nikita took off and disappeared. We put notices up on Next Door Neighborhood and she was found about 4 miles from home very traumatized and very sore.

​Again, I took her to the vet. She had begun to yelp whenever anyone acted like they were going to touch her. I remembered an animal chiropractor I had used once before when a tree limb fell on my dog years ago. I found Dr. Kristine Kopp. A life saver for Nikita. Little by little Dr. Kopp has fixed the things that the vets said they could find nothing wrong, but I knew there was. Nikita is Happier and healthier than she was. She no longer jumps the fence to run through the neighborhood. She’s content to stay home. I owe all of this to Dr Kopp. She’s gentle, the animals respond to her. Nikita was very timid and fearful of strange people. Dr Kopp has helped get her over that.”

Like and share so we can help all the dogs like Nikita!


Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/05/2024

Elle and Dutchess getting adjusted. They both had immediate results of better movement, better range of motion, and less pain.

Photos from Kopp Animal Chiropractic's post 01/03/2024

Gus is special and prefers to get adjusted on the couch 🤷‍♀️


Hi, guys! I don’t have a “before” video this time. But, this is the “after” video after I treated Champ. Read on to see what happened in his mom’s words:

“Champ was running and playing in the big yard with his buddies and all of a sudden he lost control of his back legs. He couldn’t stand, walk or keep his balance. He appeared to be in a lot of pain.

The first thing I thought is ‘call Dr. Kopp’. When I called, she was with a patient and couldn’t talk, so we were headed to the Emergency Vet. Before we got close to the Emergency Vet, Dr. Kopp texted and said she would see him. We rerouted and went straight to her office.

She saw us within 35 mins of my original phone call and Champ was moving normally for the most part before we left her office! That type of service is completely unheard of in the ‘medical’ community.

We are forever thankful to Dr. Kopp for helping Champ (and our other fur babies). It is obvious that she truly cares for her patients and takes excellent care of them.”

Thanks, Sasha! I’m so happy your special boy is doing great!

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Videos (show all)

This is Chief! He is a 4 year old dachshund and chihuahua mix. The poor guy had a terrible injury and was in extreme nec...
Denver is not paralyzed anymore! Denver came in for a re-check today, and he is doing great! Gigi the Poodle was there t...
Denver is not paralyzed anymore!
Here’s some of the cute faces I got to look at today! Shout out to today’s well adjusted dogs and the humans that love t...
Thank you so much to everyone that has reached out and asked about my Tinkerbell. I appreciate all of you so much! She g...
This is Lena the English Foxhound. She is smart and fabulous and 14 years old! She was having what her owner would call ...
No more painful jolts!
Gigi’s Thought of the Day
#paralyzedfrenchie #frenchieivdd #frenchiepower #NaturalHealingJourney #thebodycanheal #innateintelligence #doggiechiro ...
Happy Valentine’s Day from Gigi!
Sweet Denver lost use of his back legs and was in extreme pain after an injury going up the stairs.The video on the righ...
Dog walks again with animal chiropractic                                  🐶 ❤️ -----#pittie #ivddpittie #ivddrecovery #g...




215 Pelham Road Suite B-107
Greenville, SC

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