Upstate Human Rights

this page is dedicated to end the war on reproductive health and here to encourage those to go vote and bring awareness to our cause.


Due to life. I may have to stop for a bit. I have 10 days to have rent and I dont so I have to buckle down and try and do more behind the scenes stuff.


Running late!!! Be there in a bit!


Permit was submitted and approved HOWEVER I got something new in my email. They don't usually contact me unless they think its going to be bigger (it shouldn't be, same day, same time nothing new) but they said they're contacting me tomorrow? That's bizarre. I'll get the event set up tomorrow. I know its later but its just been a VERY hectic week.
I've been having some health issues, financial issues, all sorts of issues for the past 3 weeks now so I've been slacking a little while I've been scrambling around. Life basically. Just a ton on my plate, so hang tight I'll get that event page going and ill see what I can do. Thank you for your patience!


There has been a miscommunication with sustaining ways! Since we're a group they need more time with that so they're calling me tomorrow at noon to set everything up but im shooting for next Thursday still. Sorry for the inconvenience! For those wanting to volunteer I need you to contact me as soon as you see this so I can give you the volunteer form to fill out so they can also call you. It will be at "Annie's House by sustaining ways" 60 Baxter St. Greenville sc 29607. I have double checked my spelling, double checked my grammar, double checked to make sure nothing is backwards, so if I am still missing something let me know.


This are the admins from Bans Off Our Bodies (B.O.O.B.S). We would just like to apologize to the ones who came out to the protest who felt unsafe or uncomfortable. We all had a talk and recognized that we were not channeling our anger in the proper manner. We also reached out to Jessica who shared some concerns people where having and we hear you. This issue means a lot to us and some of us have different way of expressing it. We are loud and we want our anger to be heard. That does not excuse when we use vulgar language to counter protestors who are just praying. In this fight we want to stand with you because they will not stop here. Anyone who wants to come to our protest is welcome and we will make it a safe environment for ALL. Thank you guys for all that you do to make this world a better place for all and please let us know if you have any concerns.


I have volunteer work set up for Thursday if anyone would like to join. I'm waiting on my phone call from them to set up and confirm the time. It will be at Substantial Ways. Go check out their page, it's pretty awesome. Substantial Ways practices Permaculture (something I'm personally interested in pursuing later). Permaculture is a type of agriculture. Its focused on sustainability and layout of the garden and animal husbandry to use natrual ways of preventing pests and disease without using pesticides that hurt our air and ground water.
It also focuses on sustainable energy like solar panels and compost piles. They have chickens. Its a long term goal of sustainability, but if practiced enough and taught it can leave environmental impacts that last centuries.
The only issue with it is not a whole lot is known since its still a newer practice.
They are located in Greenville. They are a non profit that is LGBTQA+ and accepting of all who come together to make an impact on our beautiful city while supplying small businesses with organic food. They also do youth mentorships and much more in the area of education. They are pretty awesome and I stalked them for hours online watching and reading about them.
I've known about permaculture for a while, but I didn't know JUST how close I am to an organization that practices it considering it is still a newer concept of agriculture. If you have never heard of it, look it up. Its pretty interesting.
As for us and our small section of individuals wanting to make environmental impacts as well as social and political impacts (this page is to help humans!) We have been talking about getting a community garden together in west end Greenville (the rougher areas) education is very important on this part of this. I am working on getting funds to register as a non profit so we can really get this party started and do bigger projects around the area, and I am personally starting my grand endeavors into a horticulture program as well!
Urban conservation has always been a focus of mine. Now I live in the rough side of greenville and there's a lot that can be done to make it better for EVERYONE especially people who faced gentrification in the area.. I've watched Greenville get less and less green and im tired of it. The Greenville native in me has been so sad over it.
Its time to take action to combat the uprising subdivisions and traffic taking over our greenery, fresh air, our bees, and our monarch butterflies . This will be a great opportunity to help our mother earth out and educate ourselves so we can share with others!


I have absolutely no relation with bans off our body. Any issues you faced with THAT protest, go talk to those people. I did not organize it, I was not there.


There is another protest by bans off our body at the peace center 3-7 tomorrow. I am having some health issues this week and honestly its got my mental health in a tizzy. I'm trying to take it easy this week. Next Sunday we should be back on track. My apologies, it's just been a tough week. I hope everyone has fun advocating!
It honestly gives me a bit of time to think on things and do some research on volunteer work. I'm open to meetings, if anyone wants to get together and have those to discuss how we conduct ourselves and ideas for the future or how we can better ourselves. Message me and we'll get things figured out.


Guys I may have to take it easy this weekend. I might be having my gallbladder out. There is another rally going on.


Im looking into volunteer work, Sunday.


I'm looking into volunteer work Sunday.


I'm looking into volunteer work for Sunday.


Okay share this to anyone at the protest. We need to test for covid. We had one of ours test positive for it today.

Proud Boys | ADL 07/25/2022

So I did know proud boy=bad, but I never really looked into them. So they THRIVE in violence and they're super proud of being violent. I'm kinda shocked that the protest didn't get violent. They definitely were doing some shady stuff.

Proud Boys | ADL Key Points Ideology: The Proud Boys are a right-wing extremist group with a violent agenda. They are primarily misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration. Some members espouse white supremacist and antisemitic ideologies and/or engage with white supremacist groups. Membership: The...


Do I have anyone in Columbia/midland SC that organizes protests and rallies? Or anyone who wants to know how?


I need a ride. Im a mile away from downtown

Photos from Upstate Human Rights's post 07/24/2022

Some signs I just finished up.

Volunteer – Pendleton Place 07/22/2022

So I realize we're all about talking about pro choice is pro life. What about the children and young adults who were born and are going through crisis? I would really like to gather a group of people willing to volunteer or mentor at pendleton place. Its a good non profit organization in Greenville that helps families and vulnerable children in crisis and provides children with a safe place with access to medical examinations, mental health evaluations, and caregivers and kinship.

*Please, no groups larger than 12 people unless the activity is off-site.*

💜Host a Party – Host a party at our place or at your church or business! Sponsor a movie & popcorn night, a pizza or ice cream party, board game night, or any other fun activity.
💙Craft Time – Organize a craft for residents. Your group can participate hands-on to help guide them through the process.
💚Cooking 101 – Bring your favorite recipe and host a cooking class for our teens.
💛Landscaping or Outdoor projects – help make our grounds beautiful and inviting!
🧡Heavy Duty Cleaning- washing windows (inside or outside) or cleaning baseboards and walls
❤TLC for our Vehicles – 4 vehicles that always need some care

These activities are enriching and make their situation more positive and helps them learn skills for the future.

Volunteer – Pendleton Place Want to become a regular volunteer or connect to a child or young adult through mentoring? Take a look at what we have to offer!Volunteer OpportunitiesClients come to Pendleton Place for many different reasons, but all need nurture and support during a period of crisis in their lives. In addition to...


I dont think I can make it to the clinic today. I woke up feeling bad 🤢

Beloved monarch butterflies now listed as endangered 07/22/2022

We need to get the ball rolling on that native wild flower sprinkling volunteer group

Beloved monarch butterflies now listed as endangered It is estimated that the population of monarch butterflies in North America has declined between 22% and 72% over 10 years.


There's another rally Sunday at 4pm-7pm in front of greenville city hall. Anti is fixing to be there, so we need all hands on deck. I will post this on the event page later it is just giving me a hard time right now, but I need to state some ground rules for when we have an opposing protest. Last time emotions got pretty high and some stuff was going on that didn't quite fit the peaceful agenda I try to follow.

1. You will not take my megaphone to scream insults at them across the street or call them the R word. It is 2022, we do not say that. That is bad. I will tell you to bounce. I shouldn't even have to say that to people who are mostly on the left.
2. GET. THE. F***. OUT. OF. THE. ROAD. I better not see anyone anywhere close to that road. Do not stand by it screaming at them, do not lay in the street, do not threaten to go across the street, do not cross the f***ing street. I dont want anyone near it screaming at these people. Theyre too far gone. Leave them alone. Ignore them. Sticks and stones, man. If you get locked up for doing any of this after I know I told you not to 5 times, im not helping you. I do not feel sorry for people who can't follow basic rules out of respect for others. I had personal stuff yelled at me too. There is no excuse. you are the only one responsible of your actions and emotions. No one made you do anything.. This isn't a place to come to act up thinking you can go without consequences. This isn't an organization at all. I have absolutely no money to bail you out. If something does happen that is unfortunate and injust, we are at the mercy of anyone who does donates.
3. If you are getting mad I need you to listen to the music, listen to our amazing speakers, request songs that make you happy, ask yourQ friend for a hug. I do not care what you do, just keep yourself calm. I need those attending to watch those who are about to lose it or taking it to heart. Its hard even i lost my temper a bit last time.. When people get emotional it gets really hard to control a crowd. Your emotions could set off 30 other people and now we're getting tear gassed. Emotions are great, im mostly emotions, but sometimes they can escalate things and make it dangerous. I dont want to be a bitch, but I have to be in order to keep people safe.
4. DO NOT COME AND GO ALONE. I got followed last time and my car overheated so make sure you have at least one buddy and make sure you love baseball as much as me (for legal reasons) keep a bat, a ball, and a glove in your car if you have it. That's what we did. Make sure your car is good to go, bc if you leave in chaos you need to GO.
5. Bring extra water. Milk doesn't help tear gas also who wants to carry milk around? If in case proud boys mess up or we have one bad apple and it gets real, read this. We mostly all have bandanas for this reason: you can not wear it over your face, but you can wear it as a head band, a bracelet, in your pocket whatever. Make sure theyre pretty smooth even if folded up. In case of tear gas unroll or whip out bandana, wet it with you water and smooth it out on your face over your nose and mouth as best as possible to keep from breathing it in. I have a first aid kit on me so if anyone needs it find me and I have basic first aid training I can always help if you need help.
6. Have fun. With all this chaos and mean stuff we are about to hear. Turn up the music and have fun. Misery loves company. Dont be miserable. Dance, have fun, if you laugh, make sure its genuine. We are going to have a blast even while we're getting called slurs because we are here to come together as a community and raise awareness. We are here to show were not going to stop showing up. They can watch a bunch of LGBTQA+ people dance, chant, and speak for 3 hours. Kinda sounds like they like us.
7. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS: we had 4 people trying to sneak up on us behind city hall last time. To do what, I dont know, but thank satan for smokers because they went to the side and saw that and told everyone.
8. Have a safe place to meet your buddy if s**t hits the fan. Write your emergency contact number's name and phone number on your arm along with you attorney or local ACLU (803-594-6077) in sharpie.
9. Please make sure to read picketing laws for your city. Ours is Greenville city picketing ordinance (artical V section 36-142) i do not like being the fun police, but if I see anything going against it, I have to talk to you.

Can't wait to see you guys there!!! Im sorry for so many rules but I feel like they're pretty fair. I absolutely hate being any type of authority so please don't make me talk to you or boot you. I swear I'm really sweet, but I have to do these. Communication is key. Please note to absolutely be on your best behavior and not bring anything youre not supposed have. The proud boys like to accuse people of random stuff like someone "exposing themselves to cars" or "she has a firearm". Whether its true or not the police still have to talk to you just to be on the safe side. They did that the entire time last time. They really put out tax dollars to work bossing the cops around all day.

Federal appeals court allows Georgia abortion law to take effect immediately 07/21/2022

We can get same s*x marriage federally protected, but not reproductive rights.

NBC News: Federal appeals court allows Georgia abortion law to take effect immediately.

Federal appeals court allows Georgia abortion law to take effect immediately The law bans most abortions once a “detectable human heartbeat” is present, with exceptions for r**e and in**st and when the mother’s life is at risk.


*my words first and then I copied and pasted this below* you are such a f*cking coward. I am so disgusted with how this was handled. I am disgusted at Steven. I am disgusted at his pick me wife, and im disgusted with the greenville city police department. HE WASNT THE ONE ASSAULTED!!! f*ck him. We should be afraid of THAT lunatic who goes around kicking people when he doesn't get his way. HES THE VIOLENT ONE!! He can walk through everyone he upset. No one said ANYTHING to him. All he had to do was WALK THROUGH. He can take off those stupid shades and look the victim and all of us in the eye like a f*cking man. To need 10 TEN F*CKING COPS. WITH TAX MONEY WE PAY?! HELL NO. My grandfather who was a cop back when it really was more of a community in greenville and is probably rolling in his f*cking grave. He did things for the community. He made a difference. He was huge in the POC community. Youre fine with throwing that tiny woman and senior citizen around but your going to protect his ass and from PEACEFUL protesters. F*ck this noise. We are not going to hurt a strand of hair on his abnormal shaped head. We pride ourselves on being peaceful. He can just face everyone he ticked off. END OF RANT. Im pi**ed. While I understand we hadn't had any REAL issues like tear gas or over zealous force, this is still such a slap in the face. Im so sick and tired of watching these rich whyte cis dudes just going through life with no real consequences. The fine is nothing to him. He was an project manager engineer at GE and also has a side hustle of suing any and everyone with his wife for lack of S*X (i think she just found an excuse not to sleep with you once you got a boo boo). Nothing is this world would make me pity this jackass.

So let me paint the scene. The victim Dana Stolfa (who is a RN, btw) shows up on time after being told the wrong place….. we all stood outside waiting. Karie Frazier Maness, and her husband Steve Maness, the abuser who kicked Dana show up about 15 min. Late. Yes, we made him walk through us. We were silent.

They go in and Dana had already presented her side. He tries to rationalize his way out of it… but is hit with assault and battery, $1100 fine (dropped down to 750) and time served (he spent a night in jail).

Dana comes out- he takes care of his business. The police then ask us to move to one side and 10….. yes TEN officers gave him an es**rt out. ES**RT out.

Let me get this straight… he’s been charged with assault. They never ONCE asked the victim if they would like an es**rt…but they provide him.. a man with many arrests an es**rt.

Greenville Police Department. Do your job! Beth Brotherton Cody Alcorn City of Greenville, South Carolina Government. Stop protecting abusers! Protect the women!

April Hall Gill Upstate Human Rights &Brittany Len Campbell Kenna Cabañas Kote Vita


426 n main street greenville sc is the address


What's the address of the courthouse?


(Copied and pasted) We will be at the Greenville County Courthouse to Support Dana Stolfa the assault victim on July 20th at 2:30 -5 pm. Permit notice has been submitted.


I had the opportunity to speak to the clinic es**rts for the 1142 Grove road in greenville. You can go there monday-saturday 8am-11am ish and help them es**rt clients into the building and protect them from protesters while they're there for their appointments. Just show up in the parking lot at 8am, look for the rainbow vests, and they'll tell you what to do! I myself definitely plan on getting my non morning person butt up to attend. It is a great way to volunteer to make a difference!

Kenna Cabañas on TikTok 07/18/2022

His name is Steve Manas or Manis. We can't figure out the way its spelled but sounds like "main-ass". He is currently BEING RELEASED. Internet do your thing. Unacceptable!!

Kenna Cabañas on TikTok alright, don't let this one flop. help us find him!


Did anyone get video of the speeches made? Those were amazing and im so proud of anyone who came up to share their stories and what's on their chest. It is a scary thing to do but look how many people spoke up. Y'all are breaking the silence!!!


Y'all wanna watch the day the chinless wonder fu**ed up and messed with Us? 🤣

Walk across the street? Body slam. Assault a woman? GPD don't hardly blink Posted in r/greenville by u/TheAwwwssassin • 279 points and 247 comments

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