A Child's Haven, Greenville, SC Videos

Videos by A Child's Haven in Greenville. A Child’s Haven provides healing therapy to young children with social and emotional challenges.

A Child’s Haven wants to sincerely thank every person who has supported our organization! Whether you are a donor, volunteer, community partner, or other supporter, you are the reason we can make life-changing differences in the lives of the families we serve.
#liftinglives #reshapingfutures #yeahthatgreenville #mentalhealth #earlyintervention #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #achildshaven #visitgreenvillesc #gvltoday #nonprofitorganization

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Other A Child's Haven videos

A Child’s Haven wants to sincerely thank every person who has supported our organization! Whether you are a donor, volunteer, community partner, or other supporter, you are the reason we can make life-changing differences in the lives of the families we serve. #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #yeahthatgreenville #mentalhealth #earlyintervention #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #achildshaven #visitgreenvillesc #gvltoday #nonprofitorganization

A Child’s Haven staff is in the Halloween spirit! Here is a behind-the-scenes look at some of the entries in our superhero pumpkin contest. We will announce the winners tomorrow on our story. Stay tuned! #AChildsHaven #MakingADifference #EmpoweringChildren #BuildingBrightFutures #GreenvilleSC #UpstateSC #Nonprofit

Books change LIVES! They open doors and minds. We want to thank our PaperPie brand partners, Kate and Linda, for hosting a book drive for A Child’s Haven! PaperPie’s Literacy for a Lifetime grant-matching program raised money for boxes full of fun, educational, and interactive books for our children to help set them up for success! #AChildsHaven #MakingADifference #EmpoweringChildren #BuildingBrightFutures #GreenvilleSC #UpstateSC #Nonprofit #PaperPie #BooksChangeLives

A huge thank you to the incredible organizations that generously contributed diapers to A Child's Haven! Our community's unwavering support for our ACH children and families fills our hearts with joy. We're continuously accepting donations, which you can drop off at our main campus or conveniently contribute via the Amazon link in our bio. #AChildsHaven #MakingADifference #EmpoweringChildren #BuildingBrightFutures #GreenvilleSC #UpstateSC #Nonprofit

We ended summer with a splash! A huge shout-out to the incredible team at the Berea Fire Department. Thank you for helping us show our children that even after life's storms, there are always beautiful rainbows on the horizon. #AChildsHaven #MakingADifference #EmpoweringChildren #BuildingBrightFutures #GreenvilleSC #UpstateSC #Nonprofit #SummerFun #Gratitude #RainbowsAhead

Water Day at A Child's Haven Campus! 💦☀️ The perfect way to finish out summer!

(Positive Parenting Program) Triple P Testimonial
Today we hosted our first Triple P seminar with Greenville First Steps and we are so excited for future seminars. Over the next six months we will be providing in person English and Spanish classes as well as virtual classes! A Child’s Haven families as well as the general public are welcome to attend these free seminars. Click to hear a parent testimonial and sign up for one of our next seminars today! https://www.achildshaven.org/triple-p #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #triplep #positiveparenting #yeahthatgreenville #collaboration

New Service! - Targeted Case Management
#DYK that A Child’s Haven launched a new department at the end of 2021? We now have two individuals who work solely in Targeted Case Management. They enroll new families at ACH and set them up with other resources in the area such as housing, job applications, food banks and more. Learn more in our latest video produced and edited by Furman University student, Andre DeCastro. #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #community #collaboration #yeahthatgreenville #gvltoday #greenville360 #whatsgoingongvl

Grinch hunt!
You all will be so relieved to find out that Christmas has been saved by some of our friends! They found out that the “Mean Ole Grinch” was trying to steal Christmas so they quickly gathered a search party and found him so that he wouldn’t steal Christmas. Congratulate our friends below! #reshapingfutures #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #yeahthatgreenville

Reaching Goals 🎉
Because of our focus on social emotional and behavioral health, our friends are then able to reach many developmental milestones as well. This little moment in the middle of the hallways with our program director and a therapist are one tiny example of why our work is so important. 💜 #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #yeahthatgreenville

The SYNNEX Share the Magic Celebration at Hartness is tomorrow! Here is a sneak peek of the Live Auction Packages that will be sold during tomorrow night’s program at 7 PM. Tune in and participate through the auction site: qtego.net/qlink/sstm. The Silent Auction will also remain open through 9 PM tomorrow evening. Keep bidding to make a difference in the lives of Upstate children in need! #SSTM2021 #SYNNEXSharetheMagic #yeahthatgreenville #whatsgoingongvl

First Day of Kindermusik!
What an amazing first day of Kindermusik! Our friends made music with different types of instruments and with their bodies by clapping their hands and stomping their feet. We’re looking forward to the many weeks ahead! 🎵💜 #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #playtherapy #musictherapy #music #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #fun #yeahthatgreenville

Thank you Fox Carolina News for covering a story last week on our partnership with Paws2Care, a pet therapy volunteer organization. As you can see, this collaboration brings much joy to our friends every month. Learn more about how pet therapy is helping our friends on our website. https://achildshaven.org/pet-therapy-partnership/ #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #playtherapy #pettherapy #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth #childhood #childhoodtrauma #yeahthatgreenville #foxcarolina #news #nonprofit

Our Crickets are awesome helpers!
Our Crickets have been learning how to be helpful to others. Today they went around the building asking people if they could collect any trash from them. Congratulate these awesome helpers! 💜 #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #community #helper #yeahthatgreenville #whatsgoingongvl #therapy #socialemotionaldevelopment #behavioralhealth

One Month Away! Register now!
We are officially a month away from our second annual Foodies For Futures fundraiser! You don’t want to miss the delicious food from Table 301 and live music by Kylie Odetta! ✅📦 Register now through this link! https://achildshaven.org/foodies-june-2021/ #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #fundraiser #foodielife #delicious #yeahthatgreenville

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This month we will be sharing the many ways we nurture the kids we serve. One way is through music. Did you know music is a powerful tool in improving mental health? Music with Mr. Richard is one of the highlights of the week! #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #achildshaven #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #musictherapy #socialemotionallearning #therapy #music #dancing

Child Abuse Prevention Month is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the work stops. Fox Carolina recently covered a story about Child Abuse Prevention Month at A Child’s Haven. Our Executive Director, Tanya Camunas, spoke on ways to raise awareness, signs of child abuse, and how ACH is working to help children and families. Learn more about child abuse prevention on the Children’s Trust of SC website. #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #childabusepreventionmonth #childabuseawareness #mentalhealth #pinwheels #yeahrhatgreenville #greenville360 #whatsgoingongvl

Thank you Christ Church Episcopal School!
A few weeks ago we posted about how some of the Christ Church Episcopal School students gathered much needed items for our children. When they brought the items, they also brought many hand written notes for us to read. We were extremely touched by this and wanted to proudly display these letters so everyone could read them. #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #community #yeahthatgreenville #whatsgoingongvl

Today is #internationalwomensday and we’re highlighting our founder, Eva P. Hunt. Her vision and determination is what built, and continues inspire our team at ACH each day. Because of this strong woman, A Child’s Haven continues to lift the lives and reshape the futures of children in our community who have social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Expect more videos like these as we highlight each #momentintime on our timeline wall at ACH. #liftinglives #reshapingfutures #founder #yeahthatgreenville #whatsgoingongvl #history #strongwomen #mentalhealth #earlyintervention #socialemotionallearning #behavioralhealth