Chris Schweda

Chris Schweda


Awesome surfing Chris Schweda
Thanks for the invite bro.
Hey Chris. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Sorry I missed your calls the other day. Just rolling bro. See ya soon.
Hey Chris. Talked to Nick about VI life today. I'de like to know more about it. Hearing grearlt things.

Personal Development, Health and Wealth "And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle."

-Steve Jobs

The key to happiness is blending what you love with what you do for a living. Lets have a business meeting and go wakeboarding! Why not? I don't have your typical 9-5. I love helping pe


Certainly! Ask and you receive!!!
Here's a top "Stop Doing" list for living a happier and healthier life filled with love, kindness, and a sense of spiritual magic. Each item on the list is accompanied by an action step and the expected results:

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others:

Action Step: Practice self-acceptance and focus on your unique qualities and strengths.
Expected Result: Increased self-esteem, contentment, and a greater sense of self-worth.

Stop Seeking Validation from Others:

Action Step: Develop self-confidence and rely on your own judgment and inner wisdom.
Expected Result: Greater self-reliance, empowerment, and authentic self-expression.

Stop Holding onto Grudges and Resentment:

Action Step: Practice forgiveness and release negative emotions through journaling or therapy.
Expected Result: Emotional freedom, improved relationships, and a lighter heart.

Stop Overthinking and Worrying:

Action Step: Practice mindfulness and engage in activities that bring you joy and present moment awareness.
Expected Result: Reduced anxiety, increased peace of mind, and improved mental well-being.

Stop People-Pleasing:

Action Step: Set healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care, and learn to say no when necessary.
Expected Result: Enhanced self-esteem, increased authenticity, and stronger relationships.

Stop Dwelling on the Past:

Action Step: Practice gratitude and focus on the present moment through mindfulness exercises.
Expected Result: Increased happiness, improved mental clarity, and a greater sense of peace.

Stop Self-Criticism and Negative Self-Talk:

Action Step: Cultivate self-compassion and practice positive affirmations and self-love.
Expected Result: Improved self-image, increased self-acceptance, and enhanced well-being.

Stop Seeking External Validation:

Action Step: Connect with your inner self through meditation, reflection, and self-discovery practices.
Expected Result: Greater self-awareness, authenticity, and alignment with your true desires.

Stop Procrastinating:

Action Step: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and establish a structured schedule.
Expected Result: Increased productivity, reduced stress, and a sense of accomplishment.

Stop Negative Energy and Toxic Relationships:

Action Step: Surround yourself with positive influences, set healthy boundaries, and distance yourself from toxic individuals.
Expected Result: Improved emotional well-being, increased positivity, and healthier relationships.

Stop Being Judgmental:

Action Step: Practice empathy and seek to understand others' perspectives without passing judgment.
Expected Result: Enhanced compassion, deeper connections, and a more harmonious environment.

Stop Multitasking:

Action Step: Focus on one task at a time and practice mindfulness to enhance present moment awareness.
Expected Result: Improved concentration, increased efficiency, and reduced mental clutter.

Stop Neglecting Self-Care:

Action Step: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, restful sleep, and engaging in hobbies.
Expected Result: Enhanced well-being, increased energy, and improved overall health.

Stop Seeking Perfection:

Action Step: Embrace imperfections, practice self-acceptance, and set realistic expectations.
Expected Result: Reduced stress, increased self-compassion, and a greater sense of ease.

Stop Holding onto Control:

Action Step: Practice surrendering and trusting the flow of life, focusing on what you can control and accepting what you can't.
Expected Result: Increased peace of mind, reduced anxiety, and greater adaptability.

Stop Negative Self-Comparison on Social Media:

Action Step: Limit social media use, unfollow accounts that trigger negative emotions, and focus on your own journey.
Expected Result: Improved self-esteem, reduced self-comparison, and increased contentment.

Stop Seeking External Validation:

Action Step: Connect with your inner self through meditation, reflection, and self-discovery practices.
Expected Result: Greater self-awareness, authenticity, and alignment with your true desires.

Stop Engaging in Gossip:

Action Step: Practice conscious communication, refrain from spreading gossip, and focus on positive conversations.
Expected Result: Enhanced trust, stronger relationships, and a more uplifting social environment.

Stop Self-Imposed Limitations:

Action Step: Challenge limiting beliefs, set empowering goals, and take small steps towards their achievement.
Expected Result: Expanded possibilities, increased self-confidence, and personal growth.

Stop Resisting Change:

Action Step: Embrace change as an opportunity for growth, practice adaptability, and develop a positive mindset towards change.
Expected Result: Increased resilience, personal growth, and an open-minded approach to life.

Stop Neglecting Personal Dreams and Passions:

Action Step: Identify your passions and make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Expected Result: Increased happiness, a sense of purpose, and a more fulfilling life.

Stop Seeking Approval from Others:

Action Step: Embrace self-acceptance and make choices aligned with your values and desires, rather than seeking external validation.
Expected Result: Enhanced self-esteem, greater autonomy, and living in alignment with your authentic self.

Stop Self-Sabotaging Behaviors:

Action Step: Identify self-sabotaging patterns, seek support if needed, and replace negative behaviors with positive ones.
Expected Result: Improved self-confidence, increased self-belief, and enhanced personal success.

Stop Holding onto Resentment and Anger:

Action Step: Practice forgiveness and release past grievances through forgiveness exercises or therapy.
Expected Result: Emotional healing, improved relationships, and increased inner peace.

Stop Overconsumption of Media:

Action Step: Limit exposure to negative or sensationalized media, choose uplifting and educational content, and engage in offline activities.
Expected Result: Reduced anxiety, increased mental clarity, and a more balanced perspective.

Stop Overworking and Neglecting Rest:

Action Step: Prioritize rest, relaxation, and self-care activities to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Expected Result: Increased energy, improved productivity, and enhanced overall well-being.

Stop Seeking External Solutions for Inner Happiness:

Action Step: Cultivate inner happiness through self-reflection, gratitude practices, and connecting with your spiritual essence.
Expected Result: Greater self-fulfillment, increased inner peace, and a sense of wholeness.

Stop Holding onto Regret:

Action Step: Practice self-forgiveness, learn from past mistakes, and focus on personal growth and present moment choices.
Expected Result: Increased self-compassion, reduced guilt, and a greater sense of personal freedom.

Stop Engaging in Negative Self-Talk:

Action Step: Cultivate self-compassion and practice positive affirmations and empowering self-talk.
Expected Result: Improved self-esteem, increased self-belief, and enhanced emotional well-being.

Stop Seeking External Sources of Happiness:

Action Step: Cultivate inner joy and contentment through gratitude, mindfulness, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
Expected Result: Greater self-fulfillment, reduced dependency on external factors, and increased overall happiness.

Stop Dwelling on the Future:

Action Step: Practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment, trusting that the future will unfold in its own time.
Expected Result: Reduced anxiety, increased presence, and a greater sense of peace.

Stop Seeking Approval from Society:

Action Step: Embrace your unique path and values, live authentically, and prioritize your own happiness and well-being.
Expected Result: Enhanced self-confidence, increased self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

Stop Neglecting the Power of Love and Kindness:

Action Step: Cultivate love and kindness towards yourself and others through acts of compassion, gratitude, and generosity.
Expected Result: Enhanced relationships, increased happiness, and a more loving and harmonious world.

Stop Running from Real Love

Many individuals have a tendency to run away from real love due to fear, past hurts, or a lack of self-belief. However, avoiding genuine love can prevent us from experiencing deep connections, personal growth, and true fulfillment. If you find yourself running from real love, it's time to make a change. Here are some steps to help you stop running and embrace real love in your life:

Acknowledge Your Fears: Take a moment to identify and acknowledge the fears that are driving you to run from love. It could be fear of vulnerability, fear of abandonment, or fear of getting hurt. By recognizing these fears, you can start addressing them directly.

Heal Past Wounds: Reflect on past experiences that may have caused pain or heartbreak. Seek closure, forgiveness, or professional support to heal and release any lingering emotional baggage. Healing past wounds is crucial for opening yourself up to new love.

Cultivate Self-Love: Develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. Practice self-care, engage in activities that nourish your soul, and speak kindly to yourself. When you love and value yourself, you will attract healthier relationships.

Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Examine any limiting beliefs you hold about love, relationships, or yourself. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and embrace a more empowering perspective. Believe that you are deserving of love and capable of experiencing a fulfilling relationship.

Embrace Vulnerability: Realize that vulnerability is not a weakness, but rather a strength that allows for genuine connections. Open your heart to the possibility of being seen and accepted for who you truly are. Embracing vulnerability fosters deeper intimacy and authenticity in relationships.

Be Present: Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, focus on the present moment. Practice mindfulness and cultivate awareness of the love that exists in your life right now. By being fully present, you can recognize and appreciate the opportunities for real love that are around you.

Take Risks: Love inherently involves taking risks. Step out of your comfort zone and be willing to take chances in relationships. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, express your emotions, and invest in building a deeper connection with someone who resonates with your heart.

Communicate Your Needs: Clearly express your desires and needs in relationships. Effective communication fosters understanding, establishes boundaries, and ensures that both partners feel valued and heard. By expressing yourself authentically, you create the space for genuine love to flourish.

Trust the Process: Trust that love will unfold naturally and organically in your life. Let go of the need for control or immediate outcomes. Allow relationships to develop at their own pace, and have faith that the right person will come into your life when the timing is right.

Practice Patience and Self-Reflection: Understand that finding real love takes time and that it requires self-reflection and growth. Patience is key as you navigate the journey of love. Use any setbacks or challenges as opportunities for self-discovery and personal development.

By implementing these steps, you can stop running from real love and create space for it to enter your life. Embrace the journey, be open to possibilities, and trust that love has the power to bring immense joy, growth, and fulfillment. Remember, real love starts with loving and accepting yourself first.

Remember, these action steps are meant to guide you towards a happier and healthier life filled with love, kindness, and a spiritual connection. Embrace them with patience and consistency, knowing that positive changes will unfold gradually over time.


Real talk

So Facebook asks me every day...What's on your mind? Most of my friends and family would guess surfing 🏄🏻‍♂️, and they would probably be right 😂
But another thing I am truly passionate about is this MAGIC in a cup☕️ It is life changing! Not only for those who DRINK it, but also for the those who want to SHARE it with the world. And believe will 👊🏻 (first cup is on me)
I want to help people change their lives..mentally, physically, and financially. And I KNOW 100% that I have the vehicle to do just that!
At the end of the day, it's no fun to surf alone 😁
I am looking for more people to come join me at "The Office" with a view ☀️


Almost 6 years ago we set out on a mission to change lives.
Mentally, Physically & Financially.
While we had an amazing run, we lost THAT product and have searched high and low to get it back.
EVERYONE references to having “it”
Hell, last year, we even thought we came close.
But nothing. NOTHING compares to
T҉H҉I҉S҉ ☕️💊

THAT feeling is back.
THAT sense of accomplishment after the first cup.
THAT instant impact.
THAT happy feeling.
THAT overall sense of wellbeing
THAT kick in the butt nudge to make you move more
THAT sense of being satisfied and not looking for junk to eat.
THAT feeling of
The knowing that THIS IS it.
What we have been trying to get back for the last 4 years.

We haven’t even launched YET
Haven’t even had an opportunity call, and so many are wanting in after that first cup!
We have kick ass products that give you instant gratification and are AFFORDABLE

And the best part…
A C҉O҉M҉P҉ P҉L҉A҉N҉ that
🫶🏻 pays you more than any other comp plan in Health&Wellness (and I can prove it 😉)
🫶🏻 No hoops and hurdles to rank advance
🫶🏻 Pays 10 levels deep on Unilevel
🫶🏻 20% check match on personally sponsored unilevel commission
🫶🏻 Influencers can max out the compensation plan with JUST CUSTOMERS
🫶🏻 Bonuses
🫶🏻 simple to understand

T͙H͙I͙S͙ I͙S͙ I͙T͙!!
We did it before and we are about to do it even BETTER!
God had a plan, in HIS time,
and we are 𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹 to be back! ♥️
Countdown to LAUNCH is on! 🚀🚀🚀
First cup is on me 🫶🏻


I almost forgot about this 1 LOL


Some days you wake-up and you just don't feel like you have it. Your tendency will be to continure to reinforce your feeling with self talk that will ruin your day. Do your best to change your words and your mindest. You may not feel your best but can still do your best to stay productive, relaxed open and to the days possibilities. The way you start does not have to be the way you finish. Your words are your law, choose your words wisely


Morning Guys, be sure to say "HEY!" Want more Facebook Followers, Engagement…and Sales? Here’s 5 simple strategies that REALLY work. (BONUS CONTENT, how to sell...without being sales-y!!!)

1st - LEAD by example. If you ask people “Do you consider yourself a leader?" Most say yes…or…I’m working on it. Here’s an AHA for you...the word Leader means GO FIRST! How many times have we all avoided things like videos or FB LIVES because of comfortzone…instead of doing them first? If you had 10, 50 or 100 teammates in the near future doing this because you started now, what would happen to your biz?

2nd – Occasionally…be edgy: Edgy makes people stop to see what you’re automatically sets you apart. Edgy isn’t rude or can be edgy and engaging…kind of like the needle photo I used to get your attention…or as you’ve seen “Rants” are popular. People are always curious about what sets you off!

3rd - Images and Titles: Great images or pictures stop people when they're scrolling…it grabs their attention…then the title gets them to click and read/watch. It’s all in the choice of pics and words. If you had a post that said....”How to be tenacious”...some would glance over it and keep going because honestly…that sounds like work, right…which we all know is part of the deal...but do you really want to know more about work? Probably not. Also…its “talking at people” instead asking questions which engages them in a conversation.

An edgy approach would be...”Ever thought about quitting? Hear what took me to the brink, and what brought me back." See the difference? So…think about your subject and can I make this more edgy…or put it in the form of a question.

Questions also create what I call “The unconscious nod” In my title I asked you…”Want more Facebook followers…engagement and sales? Many of you unconsciously nodded your head yes…that means you are engaging with me mentally…and it’s also like I’m speaking just to you. When you start doing this… ultimately it will create more conversations for you…more conversations = more sales for YOU! Get it?

4th - Tell people what to do on your posts/videos: Leaders give instructions and tell people what to do. If you want more engagement you have to give people specific instructions. Tell people to comment, tell people to tag, tell people to like…and share.

5th – Have a call to action…“The Ask”: The Ask means…after you put out content/value all week...then once a ask would be a post or a video about the benefits of your product or biz...and you're asking them if they want your help...which means a conversation that could lead to a sale. If you post more than once a week…asking for a sale…or a sign up…you’ll be seen as…sales-y.

Have your likes, and comments gone down over time? That means you've either pitched your product or biz too often...or you haven't offered valuable insights that help your followers.

BONUS: So, how do you ask for the sale without being pushy…or sales-y? After your once a week post or do a video about your product or biz…simply say...if this resonates with you…and you’d like more info…type “more info” in comments or shoot me a private message...I’d love to chat with you to see if I can help.

That’s a no pressure, non-sales-y version of what’s called…”The Ask” in marketing terms.

Well…hope this helps…this is content you'd have to pay for in most places...LOVE you guys…be sure to…

Never Punish Loyal Employees for being Honest 06/13/2019

Never Punish Loyal Employees for being Honest My new boss told me to never be afraid to give feedback. The next Monday morning in a meeting, I happily shared my viewpoint on a new policy.


Here are some signs I have noticed before people fall from success:

- They believe their own press and drink their kool-Aid. Success gets to their head...
- They become prideful. “Pride goes before fall.”
- They stop doing the basics and what got them to success on the first place.
- They stop growing.
- They start hanging out with wrong crowd and become negative. Bad company corrupts the soul.
- They screw around and walk away from God.
-They complain and curse the hand that feeds them.
- They compare. (complaining and comparing are the cancer of the mind. They create so much static, you can’t hear the voice of Truth).
- Living beyond your means and not saving. There is Always a winter coming. If you don’t prepare, you give yourself permission to get drenched.
- They don’t set a new goal. Right before you reach a goal, you’d better have another one ready, or you lose momentum and go backwards.
- They get comfortable and lose their hunger. Don’t focus on just protecting what you have and playing not to lose. Play to win.

The Bible says “Let those who think are standing, be aware lest they fall”. Be aware, look ahead, prepare, anticipate and adjust. While you rest, there is someone out there busting it and ready to eat your lunch.

Always remain humble and never forget where you come from. When stuff hits the fan, people get back to the basics. Why not stay with the basics? Always remain humble and teachable. Live way below your means, become debt free and invest. Fall in love with your customers and always focus on serving and adding value.

What other signs have you noticed?


So looking at this below..... Knowledge would be 96% and Hardwork would be 98%! That is why YOUR ATTITUDE WILL DETERMINE your SUCCESS in ALL areas of your life!!!


Here are my 10 best tips for my entrepreneurial friends out there that want to maximize their results for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 🔥🔥🔥

1. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and call your prospects or existing customers or shoot them a FB message! A Facebook post is simply not enough. You gotta be willing to use that hustle muscle. 💪💪

2. Create some educational videos or even go live demonstrating your products. If you market weight loss as an example, share some of your best tips to lose weight. Within the video mention your product and how you have a very special offer and give a call to action requesting them to reach out to you to learn more. 👊

3. Create Facebook events and have your entire team invite their prospects and throughout the day you could share stories and benefits of your products. Don't just sell the features but talk about the benefits of using your products. The very best marketers talk about the benefits of the benefits and provide hope that this product can help them with a specific problem. As an example, using our product can help you look 10 yrs younger which is a benefit. Because you look so much younger no one will recognize you during the holidays. That's the benefit of the benefit.

Another good benefit could be losing weight and inches without starving yourself which is a great benefit. Looking so good that your spouse can't keep their hands off you would be the benefit of the benefit. I hope that helps.

4. Take your customers information as a pre-order so you can make the process super simple for them. You take the order and process it for them. Doesn't get much easier than that. That way they don't have to take the time during the busy holiday season to do it themselves.

5. Take a picture of you with the product and do a creative post with either a story or something that will catch their attention and spark curiosity. Avoid posting anything spamming that is just selling and has very little value. You want to stand out. Posting a company flyer showing the discount of your product is just not effective anymore!

6. There's nothing wrong with you leaning on the relationship and asking your potential customer to do you a favor and place an order because you are super close to a bonus or a promotion. Maybe they were interested in the products anyway and now that your company is running a special this would be the perfect time for them to try the product and it helps you out. Sometimes our friends and family would rather help us out than themselves.

7. Ask for referrals! Often times when people buy a product that they are excited about they typically know other people that would also be excited to try the product as well. Can't hurt to ask and perhaps your company offers something special for customers referring other customers. If your company doesn’t then you can put something together to incentivize them. 🤑

8. If you use private groups or events on Facebook make sure you let people know you’re going to add them before doing so. Don’t necessarily ask for permission but just let them know you're going to add them to a group so they can learn more. Adding people without their permission or without letting them know ahead of time will turn off your prospects. 🏧🏧

9. Have urgency and enthusiasm in your voice but don't be too aggressive or pushy. There's a fine line. Nothing wrong with being excited but ask them questions and make sure you're listening to their answers. Don't just sell them something they don't need or even want.

10. My final tip, have fun with these promotions and don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get the results you were hoping for. Sometimes people let us down or change their mind but that doesn't mean you should burn a bridge and ruin a relationship.💯

I hope these 10 tips help you. If you have your own tips you would like to share don't be shy and feel free in the comments below. Also if you're getting some great results you can share that as well. Let's all encourage each other this holiday season. 🦃🎄

"THE 1%" ARE DOING THIS EVERYDAY | Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Try It For 21 Days! 11/19/2018
AFFIRMATIONS WORK this is how I had a Breakthrough

"THE 1%" ARE DOING THIS EVERYDAY | Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Try It For 21 Days! Try this for 21 days and you will see a huge difference in your life. ►If you struggle and have a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with o...


"Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."


"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."


Learning to handle problems is like lifting weights: The more we do, the stronger we become. Remember that you have probably learned the most, during the most difficult times in your life. You are a stronger person as a result of those times. Remember that as you face your next challenge.


Today I want to address a question that I receive on what seems to be a weekly basis:

"Hey Richard, what Network Marketing company do you think I should join?"

A Startup?
A trendsetter?
A trend follower?
The fastest growing?
The one that promises to be the biggest?
The one that cuts me a deal?
The one with the best comp plan?
The one everyone I know is joining?
I ask one question first ...

How long do you want to get paid?

How about YOU ask these questions of YOU before joining another opportunity:

Would you use the products forever whether you got paid to promote them or not?
Are the products going to be relevant in the marketplace for as long as you want to get paid?
Who owns the company? Google them down ten pages and find credible reviews. Managment matters but ownership matters the most.
What is the company’s track record? Promises are nothing but marketing BS.
What exactly is the culture of the company? Can you describe it? Is it taught? Is it enforced? Do the leaders and owners practice it?
Does the culture match your values?
What ARE your values? (most important things to you in life)
Are you motivated to join by hype, promises, fear of missing out or peer pressure? (if so, PASS)
This morning I did a zoom with a group of top rank leaders that have been with their company between 38 and 48 years. Some of them were second and even third generation distributorship owners, meaning their parents and grandparents built the business.

How long do YOU want to get paid?

Suck it Up Buttercup. Do your homework and make a good decision.

Your LIFE depends on it not to mention your reputation, credibility, health, relationships, and credit score.

Over and out,
Richard Brooke


When sorting for leaders.
Here is an easy question that qualifies which distributors you want to work with long-term:

"How much will it take for you to quit, give up on your dream, and resign yourself to a lifetime of labor?"

Listen to the distributors’ answers. But more importantly, look at these distributors’ body language and listen to their tone of voice while they are giving their answers.


When our promoters don't listen

Many new distributors have their own ideas of how they want to do network marketing. Or, they have a special skill that is hard to duplicate, but they want to apply it to their business.

Before we discourage them, let’s consider this. They are self-starters. That’s good.

Here is a tactful way of offering to help them with some guidance. Simply say:

"About 15 million other distributors started out on the same journey you are about to take. Would you like to know some interesting secrets they discovered?"

It is a lot easier to offer advice when it is requested. And, we are honoring their opinion that they know the best way to do it. We are simply passing on some secrets that they might like to know.


We have all heard "I will believe it when I see it." Try turning this around: We see it when we believe it. We experience it when we live it in the now. We call to our existence exactly what we are thinking and feeling and believing in the moment. Contemplate this: What am I calling into my life right now? What conscious and subconscious programs am I running on right now? What mental and emotional baggage am I clinging to? Is my life half-empty, or half-full? More importantly, what is even "in the glass" and how long have I been holding on to it? What if I chose to find and embrace the silver linings, the life lessons in disguise?


"Dancing in the rain isn't something that most of us are born knowing how to do. We learn it. We learn it from others; we learn it from Life. The more we dance, the better we get at it."


"An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity."
~Winston Churchill


Fear does not stop death, it stops life. 💯🔥


My message today has to do with a single word. However, I believe, in many ways, it is the single, most powerful word in our individual lives; and our country as a whole.

It is a word of emotion.

Let me define the word first. The definition states it as a boldly posture showing mood, action. A manner showing one’s feelings or thoughts. One’s disposition, opinion.

​The word-- -- -- -is ATTITUDE.

My objective is to paint a helpful picture about attitude, so we can deal with it easier in our daily lives. To do this let’s look at attitude as an acronym.

A – ACTION The doing of something. Stay in motion-mentally and physically.

T – TRUTH Conformity with fact, reality; honesty with workers; sincerity with spouse; accuracy with communications. In all these cases, it affects our trust, which in turn, affects our attitude.

T – TEAM To join in corporate activity. People working or playing together. You will have a much better attitude, than doing it alone.

I – I The person speaking or writing. Communicating. We need to take a close look at “I”. Too often, we are easy to judge “YOU”, but you can gain growth that is far more personal by judging “I”.

T – THOUGHTS The power of reasoning; an idea, concept, process of thinking, attention, consideration. In short, “WE ARE WHAT WE THINK”.

U – UGLY Unpleasing to look at, repulsive. We all know someone with an “attitude problem” or who needs an “attitude adjustment”. We tend to shy away from them. They become ugly.

D – DESIRE A wish, craving, a request; to ask for-- -- -a good attitude. In marketing we spend billions trying to satisfy a customers’ wants and needs. Similarly, you need to develop that want, need-- -- -or desire to “purchase” a good attitude.

E – ENERGY The capacity for action: inherent power; force of expression. If wecan cultivate this energy – we are almost guaranteed to possess the right attitude. Have you ever seen anybody with a poor attitude sustain high energy?

We all need to cultivate. From our political leaders all the way to the homeless. In addition, I am absolutely convinced that we individually as well as our country will be far better off.

I remind you what the Japanese have accomplished since WWII. In addition, I will share with you a personal experience. In 1978, I stood with a German executive from Siemens AG at the top of the hill on the Olympic grounds in Munich. There, he told me about the complete devastation of the city after World War II. What I saw as I scanned 360 degrees was a beautiful skyline and rooftops. With numerous church steeples and other creative architecture designs. It was a tremendous site, but it could only have been achieved with the right attitude.

Finally, I want to share with you an excerpt from the Letters of William James about attitude.
​“I have often thought that the best way to define a man’s character would
be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which, when it
came upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intensely active and alive.
At such moments there is a voice inside which speaks and says:
“This is the real me!”
​I challenge each of you to FIND THE REAL YOU!

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Gretna, LA

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Sharon Hoffmeister Sharon Hoffmeister

Licensed Nurse, Professional Internet Marketer, Your Virtual Success Coach

Elydia P. Ketchens Enterprise Elydia P. Ketchens Enterprise
Gretna, 70053

Elydia is an Author, Entrepreneur and Women Empowerment Coach.