SWCA Rheumatology

SWCA Rheumatology

We look forward to helping you conquer joint pain and inflammation! Contact Us to book an appointment at our South Florida, Hallandale Rheumatology Clinic!


Intravenous therapy (IV) is an alternative to oral treatment therapy that delivers fluids directly into a vein. A customized supplement plan may be recommended once your biochemical and metabolic profiles are assessed. Be proactive in your health and well-being. IV therapy can treat a list of different ailments and in some cases, is more effective than oral administration.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009.


Joint injections are a procedure used in the treatment of inflammatory joint conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, tendinitis, bursitis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you are having a difficult time finding relief from joint pain, joint injections can help relieve the pain.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009.


Bone Density Test
A bone density test can assess your bone strength. When your physician suspects you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, he may recommend this test. The test uses a very small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of inside the body, spine and hips to measure bone loss. This exam requires little to no special preparation. Prevent injury and find out how strong your bones are. Preventative healthcare is always superior to reactive treatment.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009.


Subcutaneous Injection (SQ Injections)
A subcutaneous injection is a method of administering medication into the fat layer between the skin and muscle. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and testosterone, and estrogen.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009.


Joint pain can be caused by infection, diseases, broken bones, cancer, tendinitis, breakdown of cartilage, fibromyalgia, gout, lupus, or even Lyme disease. However, the most common type of joint pain is caused by inflammation due to arthritis. According to the CDC, about one in four adults with arthritis—15 million people—report experiencing severe joint pain related to arthritis.

Once an underlying cause is diagnosed, treatment is important to reduce the risk of more severe potential complications. These complications can include joint deformity, paralysis, permanent damage and immobility, joint instability, or loss of sensation.

In-office treatments like injections directly into the joint also offer relief. These injections include epidural steroid injections, trigger point injections, or soft tissue injections. Custom-made Vitamin Infusions at SWCA Rheumatology are a proprietary option.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009.

The team at SWCA Rheumatology in Hallandale Beach, FL are experts at treating Joint Pain. SWCA Rheumatology directs a team approach from diagnosing any underlying cause to progressing to coming up with an individualized treatment that takes patient and circumstance into consideration.


Medication Management

The process of overseeing outpatient treatments that involve the initial evaluation of the patient’s need for medications to ensure that patients are receiving optimal therapeutic outcomes. Medication management improves the patient’s use and administration of all medications while meeting their health care goals. Side effects and duplication can be reduced.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009



Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. Risk factors for osteoporosis include aging, being female, and low body weight. Our team at SWCA Rheumatology in Hallandale, Florida is skilled at diagnosing and treating Osteoporosis. Our trained doctors work with patients to individually devise a treatment program appropriate to the lifestyle and condition of the patient. No one patient is the same. A bone density test can quickly assess bone strength. Measuring bone loss will give the team a path to forge ahead with treatment. Some treatments include Intravenous therapy (IV) as an alternative to oral treatment. This customized supplement plan is individual to each patient.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

SWCA Rheumatology directs a team approach to the treatment of osteoporosis ensuring patients receive the optimum treatment plan to address their individual conditions. Our staff at SWCA Rheumatology in Hallandale Beach, FL, are some of the foremost osteoporosis experts in South Florida.



Vasculitis is also known as “angiitis” and “arteritis.” It’s an umbrella term for a collection of diseases caused by the inflammation of blood vessels – the large network of arteries and veins in the body. Inflammation leads to the thickening and narrowing of the blood vessel walls, as well as weakened, blocked, enlarged, or even scarred vessels. Once this happens, the vessels’ ability to carry oxygen-rich blood to the organs and tissues of the body is compromised which may lead to blood clots, bleeding into the skin or body, or even organ failure. With vasculitis being such a far-reaching diagnosis, it’s important that such a complex disease relies on the expertise of physicians such as the team at SWCA Rheumatology. One of their doctors will listen to the patient, perform a physical exam, and order tests to first establish a diagnosis before moving on to bespoke and tailored treatments for each individual form of vasculitis including their custom-made Vitamin Infusions.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009



Elbow pain, knee pain, Achilles pain, and heel pain are almost always caused by tendonitis/bursitis. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tissues connecting muscle to the bone while Bursitis is inflammation of bursae sacs acting as cushions between joints. Tendinitis is usually caused by an acute injury or repetitive motion (golfing or tennis).

A Rheumatology expert is best suited to treat tendonitis and bursitis. In an average case of Tendonitis/Bursitis, treatment will have the two main goals of reducing pain and eliminating any underlying cause. Various treatments through Rheumatology have been shown to control symptoms and complications. The team at SWCA Rheumatology in Hallandale Beach, Florida offers custom-made Vitamin Infusions as well as hands-on therapies.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009



Pseudogout is a type of arthritis that causes spontaneous, painful swelling in your joints. This disease can cause short-term or long-term swelling in joints, most often the knee, wrist, shoulder, ankle, or elbow. Gout attacks most commonly occur early in the morning or in the middle of the night. They usually last between 3 and 10 days. People may have only one gout attack in their lifetime or they may have recurring gout symptoms over time.

At SWCA Rheumatology we have caring specialists that will walk you through how to manage and solve these bouts of gout. One of our specialists may prescribe different medications as well as advise you on how to tailor your lifestyle to reach better health.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009


Reactive arthritis is the onset of joint pain, inflammation, and swelling triggered by an infection in another part of the body – most often, the intestines, ge****ls, or urinary tract.

The exact cause of reactive arthritis is unknown. The condition usually presents following a bout with certain bacterial infections that activates the immune system. These infections are normally transmitted sexually or are gastrointestinal.

At SWCA Rheumatology, we have advanced expertise in recognizing, diagnosing, and treating conditions related to Reactive Arthritis.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 08/09/2022

Spondyloarthritis is a name for a type of arthritis that commonly affects the spine. It is an umbrella term for a group of inflammatory diseases characterized by inflammation in the joints – “arthritis” and the spine – “spondylitis.”

Movement and strengthening exercises help to loosen up achy joints and get you feeling more like yourself, however, carefully consider certain kinds of sports or exercises that might compromise your spine’s health and stability. For many people, the first and most predominant symptom is a pain in the lower back and hips.

The team at SWCA Rheumatology has advanced training in treating conditions such as Spondyloarthritis that affect significant areas of the body. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 06/09/2022

Viscosupplementation was first used in Europe and Asia and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1997.
Viscosupplementation – or “gel shots” – is most commonly used for knee pain that has not responded to physical therapy and/or medication.

This treatment involves the injection of a gel-like fluid called hyaluronic acid (HA) into the joint to act as synovial fluid. By injecting HA into the damaged, arthritic joint, the additional fluid can help facilitate movement and reduce pain by acting as a lubricant for the knee joint.

For more information about Viscoussuplements injections and other treatments, book your appointment at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 31/08/2022

Lupus is a progressive autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the blood vessels and skin. It usually strikes people in their thirties and forties, and it is estimated that about one-half of all people with the disease are women.

Receiving a Lupus diagnosis can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through this alone.

At SWCA Rheumatology we are here for you. Education is key, therefore we will work together with you so you can better understand the condition and develop a daily care plan that can help you build healthy habits.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 29/08/2022

Food is medicine!

There are hundreds of antioxidants in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, whole grains, and fish that can help reduce inflammation.

Berries are particularly packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant pigment phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins and ellagic acid, which may be behind their health benefits.

Make sure to include berries as part of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle for both prevention and chronic pain management.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 25/08/2022

Sjogren’s Syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that attacks the tear and salivary glands resulting in dry eyes and mouth.

Dryness may also affect the nose, pharynx, larynx, and tracheobronchial tree. Along with these symptoms, other serious complications include excessive fatigue, chronic pain, neuropathies, and lymphomas as well as the involvement of major organs.

Call us today to find out how physical therapy can help you. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 23/08/2022

A red, butterfly-shaped rash covering your cheeks and nose that frequently appears after exposure to sunlight is a characteristic lupus symptom.

Lupus is considered a chronic condition, which means that it has a constant presence over a long period of time. For example, the auto-immune disease can be present at birth, and as an adult, the illness can cause arthritis and limited mobility. There is also the possibility that the chronic form of the disease may be caused by the use of certain drugs or supplements that were not prescribed by a doctor.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms contact us. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 17/08/2022

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of spondyloarthritis – a group of conditions resulting in inflammatory arthritis with similar symptoms. Psoriatic arthritis occurs in some patients with psoriasis – a condition in which symptoms include red patches of skin topped by flaky white scales.

Though most people develop psoriasis first, in some cases joint problems can occur before the skin issues. In patients with psoriatic arthritis, the immune system creates inflammation which leads to swelling, pain, fatigue, and stiffness in the joints. The condition typically affects peripheral joints such as the hands and feet but can also include the spine.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 15/08/2022

Patients with RA experience an increase in symptoms, called “flares,” which may persist for days or weeks. These patients also may experience periods of “remission” where there are very few or no symptoms at all. ⁠

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009⁠

Timeline photos 11/08/2022

SWCA Rheumatologists are skilled at diagnosing rheumatic diseases and providing treatments. After the diagnosis of these conditions, our rheumatologist may recommend other tests to find the root cause of the problem, especially if the rheumatologist is dealing with a chronic disease diagnosis.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 09/08/2022

The process of overseeing outpatient treatments that involve the initial evaluation of the patient’s need for medications to ensure that patients are receiving optimal therapeutic outcomes. Medication management improves the patient’s use and administration of all medications while meeting their health care goals. Side effects and duplication can be reduced.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 03/08/2022

Unwinding decreases stress and helps ease symptoms of mental wellbeing.

Unplugging from electronics and stressful situations can help bring down your heart rate, and breathing rate. diminishing muscle pressure and constant pain.

Go ahead… Unplug - you deserve to live a relaxed life.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 01/08/2022

Food is Medicine.

Inflammation is the body's natural response to fight contaminations, infections, and wounds. An anti-inflammatory diet contains fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant compounds are found in ginger. According to studies, it also reduces the extreme inflammation brought on by rheumatoid arthritis.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 28/07/2022

Remember that you are not alone.

The swelling and pain of one or more joints are symptoms of arthritis. Joint stiffness and pain are the primary signs of arthritis, and these symptoms often get worse with age. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the two most prevalent kinds of arthritis.

At SWCA Rheumatology we passionately work to ensure that every person with arthritis lives a full and active life by providing a variety of health services and treatments.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 26/07/2022

It is important to take time out when you are feeling stressed to protect your physical and mental health.

Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 20/07/2022

Did you know that the word Lupus is Latin for Wolf?

Lupus is considered a chronic condition, which means that it has a constant presence over a long period of time. For example, the auto-immune disease can be present at birth, and as an adult, the illness can cause arthritis and limited mobility. There is also the possibility that the chronic form of the disease may be caused by the use of certain drugs or supplements that were not prescribed by a doctor.

The symptoms can be very similar to other diseases, but the specific details of the symptoms are different. Some of the symptoms include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, anemia, joint swelling, hair loss, nausea, skin rashes, and vision problems.

If you think you have Lupus contact us. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 18/07/2022

Physical therapy helps to reduce the symptoms of many chronic diseases and conditions. It also can keep many problems from getting worse.

Call us today to find out how physical therapy can help you. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

Timeline photos 14/07/2022

Sjogren’s Syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that attacks the tear and salivary glands resulting in dry eyes and mouth.

Dryness may also affect the nose, pharynx, larynx, and tracheobronchial tree. Along with these symptoms, other serious complications include excessive fatigue, chronic pain, neuropathies and lymphomas as well as the involvement of major organs.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms contact us. Book your appointment today at SWCA Rheumatology by calling us at (954) 456-8900. Our clinic is located at 1250 E. Hallandale beach Blvd., Suite 605, Hallandale, FL 33009

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Our team at SWCA Rheumatology has the knowledge and expertise to help address your specific needs and achieve overall we...



Hallandale Beach, FL