Living Word Community Church

Living Word Community Church is a reformed, confessional community of faith, committed to Scriptural authority, seeking to glorify God in life and worship.

Living Word Community Church is an evangelical, Bible based, family oriented community of believers adhering to the historic doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. We are a congregation of families and individuals who profess a saving faith in Jesus Christ and who faithfully gather for worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and ministry. We are a worshiping community committed to growing in t


"We must not repay evil with evil because it isn’t our place. That right belongs to God alone. Repaying evil with evil is an act of idolatry. When we repay evil with evil, we’re playing God. We’re assuming His role. We’re called to be patient and leave the matter in the hands of our righteous God."

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Responding Rightly to Offenses”


Wednesday Evening Service 7/31/2024

The Book of Hebrews: Our Merciful and Faithful High Priest


"So great and boundless is God's wisdom that he knows right well how to use evil instruments to do good."

~ John Calvin


“It is among the saints that the enemy works the hardest. He is constantly looking
for opportunities to stir up strife and dissension in an attempt to dishonor God
and reduce the effectiveness of the church’s witness. However, as Paul tells the
Philippians, when the saints are unified, we need not fear anything from those
who oppose us. Therefore, as we’re told in Ephesians, we must make every effort
to keep – to preserve – to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.“

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Responding Rightly to Offenses”


Last Sunday's sermon from Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. is available here!

"In 1 Thess 5:15 and Rom 12:17, Paul says we must not repay evil with evil but rather respond with good. To take..."


Sunday Morning Service 7/28/2024

Sermon Title: Responding Righteously to Offenses


Sunday School 7/28/2024

NT Survey


Sunday School begins at 9:45am
Morning Worship at 10:45am

"Paul chastises the proud who flaunt their liberty at the expense of those whose conscience is wounded by it. What you’re doing may not be sin but destroying your brother by your arrogant indifference is not only a sin against your brother, it’s a sin against Christ. Such an attitude of boastfulness in your knowledge is not a sign of maturity but childishness."

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: The Work of the Ministry”


"We can't do every good thing there is to do in the world. Too many Christians live under the terror of total obligation, thinking every act of injustice, every opportunity of ministry, and every urgent appeal are our responsibilities."

~ Kevin DeYoung


"God’s final Word has been spoken in the Son. The foundation of Christ and the Apostles has been laid. It’s the faith once for all delivered to the saints. We need no further revelation; only illumination of that which has been revealed. God’s divine power has granted all things necessary for life and godliness through the knowledge of our Savior. Scripture is the only lamp for our feet and light to our path."

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: The Work of the Ministry”


Wednesday Evening Service 7/24/2024

The Book of Hebrews: He Takes Us by the Hand


"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him."

~ Hudson Taylor


“The church Christ is building transcends national boundaries, cultural divides,
and temporal fashion. God’s will for His people doesn’t change with the shifting
sands of human wisdom. Therefore, admonitions given to the churches in
Scripture are just as relevant in our day. God’s will for His people is
transtemporal and transcultural. Societal ideologies, fads, and movements rise
and then fade into obscurity. History is littered with the failed experiments of
human wisdom. But God’s purpose for humanity has remained unchanged from
the beginning.”

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: The Work of the Ministry”


Last Sunday's sermon from Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. is available here!

"The work of the ministry belongs to the whole body of Christ. Pastors and elders are responsible for..."


Sunday Morning Service 7/21/2024

Sermon Title: Congregational Life: The Work of the Ministry


Sunday School begins at 9:45am
Morning Worship at 10:45am

"Preaching isn’t always pleasant. While a good pastor takes pleasure in providing biblical instruction and equipping the saints, reproving and rebuking is not something he relishes, neither for the congregation, nor for himself…He is not perfect. The Word of God that cuts the congregation deeply often cuts him just as deeply."

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: Minsters and Laymen”


"He who would be a faithful minister of the gospel must deny the pride of his heart, be emptied of ambition, and set himself wholly to seek the glory of God in his calling."

~ William Perkins


"We are one in Christ and called to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. But it rarely comes easy. Often there’s a cost. The cost is setting aside selfish ambition and empty conceit. The cost is humbling ourselves and looking, not only to our own interests, but to the interests of others. The cost is considering others more important than ourselves. The cost is our pride. Of course, Scripture isn’t commanding peace at all costs. Peace that compromises the truth of the Gospel isn’t real peace."

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: Minsters and Laymen”


Wednesday Evening Service 7/17/2024

The Book of Hebrews: Christ’s Death Defeats Death


“Let every preacher take note: Amid the frustrations and hardships of ministry, the most Christ-like thing is to stay focused on your calling, give thanks to God, and go on preaching the Gospel.”

~ Joel Beeke


“If the Lord has not destined us for wrath – if He has destined us to obtain
salvation, there is nothing the world can do about it. There is nothing Satan with
all his marshalled forces of darkness can do about it. More comforting still, this
is an election not even we ourselves can ruin. We can make our calling and
election sure. But that is from our perspective. From God’s perspective, our election is settled from the foundation of the world and cannot be undone.”

~ Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. “Congregational Life: Minsters and Laymen”


Last Sunday's sermon from Pastor Stan McGehee, Jr. is available here!

"The work of the ministry is the responsibility of the whole body of Christ and..."


Sunday Morning Service 7/14/2024

Sermon Title: Congregational Life: Elders and Layman


Sunday School begins at 9:45am
Morning Worship at 10:45am

"While in this world we suffer, because of the work of the anointed One who is our horn of salvation, our lamp who shows us the way eternal, we can rest on the promise that He is among us, even now."

~ Pastor Jordan McGehee “Never Forgotten, Never Forsaken”


"David himself vowed as though he had it in his power, and he prays God to fulfil his vow: there is devotion in the vow, but there is humility in the prayer. Let no one presume to think he fulfilled by his own strength what he has vowed. He who exhorts you to vow, Himself aids you to fulfill."

~ Augustine “An Exposition on Psalm 132"


"Now, I know more than anyone that ministers are not sinless, but God will not have wolves tending to his sheep. No, as God declared through the prophet Jeremiah, if need be He will take His sheep and tend to them Himself."

~ Pastor Jordan McGehee. “Never Forgotten, Never Forsaken”


Wednesday Evening Service 7/10/2024

The Book of Hebrews: I Will Put My Trust in Him


"Whoever looks upon God's servants should see holiness if they see nothing else."
~ C. H. Spurgeon


"…the building of the temple was never about giving God a house but was about a limitless God accommodating Himself to His limited people."

~ Pastor Jordan McGehee. “Never Forgotten, Never Forsaken”


Sunday Morning Service 7/7/2024

Sermon Title: Never Forgotten, Never Forsaken

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Our Story

Living Word Community Church is an evangelical, reformed, Bible based, family oriented community of believers adhering to the historic doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. We are a congregation of families and individuals who profess a saving faith in Jesus Christ and who faithfully gather for worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and ministry. We are a worshiping community committed to growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as we seek to walk worthy of His calling in this present age.

Videos (show all)

Wednesday Evening Service 7/31/2024
Sunday Morning Service 7/28/2024
Sunday School 7/28/2024
Wednesday Evening Service 7/24/2024
Sunday Morning Service 7/21/2024
Wednesday Evening Service 7/17/2024
Sunday Morning Service 7/14/2024
Wednesday Evening Service 7/10/2024
Sunday Morning Service 7/7/2024
Sunday Morning Service 6/30/2024
Sunday School 6/30/2024
Wednesday Evening Service 6/26/2024



3001 Bewley Street
Haltom City, TX

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4740 Western Center Boulevard
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