
You are important! Specializing in Yoga / Meditation / Reiki, Spiritual coaching, & Nutrition


Judgment and control often go hand in hand. When we judge someone or something, we attempt to impose our view on the situation, subtly trying to control outcomes or behaviors. Conversely, when we try to control situations or people, it’s usually because we've already formed judgments about how things should be. This creates a cycle where judgment fuels the desire to control, and control reinforces judgment. To break this cycle, it's important to let go of preconceived notions and embrace openness, allowing life to flow naturally without the constraints of judgment and control.


Pick a card for your Spiritual Message. Results will be posted later.


Energy reading is something many of us do naturally, often without even realizing it. Whether it's picking up on the vibe in a room, sensing someone's mood before they speak, or having a gut feeling about a situation, you're already engaging in energy reading.

Here’s why this ability is so powerful and how it benefits your life:

1. **Enhanced Relationships**: By tuning into the energy of others, you can better understand the unspoken emotions and intentions that influence interactions. This awareness allows you to respond more empathetically and effectively, deepening your connections and fostering trust in your relationships.

2. **Intuitive Decision-Making**: Energy reading sharpens your intuition, helping you to make decisions that align with your true self. When you listen to the subtle energy signals around you, you’re more likely to trust your instincts, leading to choices that resonate with your highest good.

3. **Emotional Resilience**: By becoming aware of the energies you absorb and those you emit, you can protect your emotional health. Recognizing when you're affected by external energies enables you to set boundaries, cleanse your aura, and maintain a balanced state of mind, no matter what’s happening around you.

4. **Increased Self-Awareness**: Reading your own energy helps you gain insights into your emotional and mental states. This self-awareness is key to personal growth, as it allows you to identify patterns, release what no longer serves you, and cultivate a more aligned and authentic version of yourself.

5. **Stress Reduction**: When you’re attuned to the energy around you, it becomes easier to navigate stressful situations. You can identify and address sources of negative energy before they overwhelm you, leading to a calmer, more centered approach to life's challenges.

Energy reading isn't just for psychics or spiritual practitioners; it's a natural ability that everyone has. The more you practice tuning into the energy around you, the more skilled you become at interpreting and using it to enhance your life. Whether you realize it or not, you’re already an energy reader—now it’s time to embrace and refine this powerful gift.


Our chakras are like spiritual archives, each holding the karmic lessons we've accumulated over lifetimes. These lessons aren't just tied to our current experiences—they're woven from the threads of past actions, emotions, and decisions that have carried forward.

- **Karma and the Root Chakra**: The karma here often relates to survival instincts and foundational beliefs about safety and belonging. Patterns of fear, scarcity, or insecurity may indicate unresolved issues from past lives that are seeking resolution.

- **Karma and the Sacral Chakra**: Emotional and relational karma is stored here, reflecting past experiences with desire, pleasure, and creativity. Repeated cycles of emotional turbulence or unfulfilling relationships might suggest past life imbalances that need healing.

- **Karma and the Solar Plexus Chakra**: This chakra holds the karma of power dynamics and self-worth. If you face recurring struggles with authority, control, or self-esteem, it could be tied to past life experiences where power was misused or repressed.

- **Karma and the Heart Chakra**: The heart chakra carries the karmic weight of love and compassion. Challenges in giving or receiving love, or in forgiving, might stem from unresolved past life experiences that taught hard lessons about the heart.

- **Karma and the Throat Chakra**: Here lies the karma of truth and expression. Lifetimes where your voice was silenced or where you used your words harmfully can lead to current life challenges in communication and self-expression.

- **Karma and the Third Eye Chakra**: This chakra's karma revolves around perception and intuition. Struggles with clarity or vision may be echoes of past lives where spiritual insight was either ignored or abused.

- **Karma and the Crown Chakra**: The crown holds the karma of spiritual connection. Disconnection from the divine or struggles with faith may indicate unresolved spiritual issues from past lives.

As we work through these karmic lessons, we not only heal the past but also shape our future, moving closer to the balance and harmony our soul seeks.


We’re excited to continue this journey with you and look forward to all that September has to offer. Let’s embrace the change together! 🌱 Here’s what’s to expect for September! ゚


Colors are more than just visual stimuli—they’re vibrations with profound effects on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Chromotherapy, or color therapy, harnesses the healing power of colors to restore balance and vitality.

Benefits of Chromotherapy:

1. Physical Healing: Different colors can influence various bodily systems. For example, blue can calm the mind and lower blood pressure, while red energizes and stimulates circulation.
2. Emotional Balance: Colors affect our moods and emotions. Yellow can uplift and inspire creativity, while green promotes relaxation and emotional stability.
3. Spiritual Alignment: Chromotherapy can help align and activate chakras, supporting spiritual growth and inner harmony.

How to Use Chromotherapy for Self-Healing:

1. Wear Healing Colors: Choose clothing in colors that resonate with your current needs. For instance, if you’re feeling low energy, wear red or orange to boost vitality.
2. Color Meditation: Visualize specific colors during meditation to address particular concerns. Imagine being surrounded by a green light for healing or a purple light for spiritual insight.
3. Lighting: Use colored lights in your environment to create a healing atmosphere. Blue lights in your bedroom can promote restful sleep, while soft pinks can enhance feelings of love and compassion.
4. Crystals and Gemstones: Work with colored crystals like amethyst (purple) for spiritual clarity or citrine (yellow) for mental focus and abundance.

Embrace the spectrum of colors in your life, and let chromotherapy guide you to a state of balance and well-being.


During Mercury Retrograde, the universe often presents us with choice points—critical moments where decisions can lead us down different paths. These choice points are opportunities to reassess, revisit, and realign with our true intentions. Mercury Retrograde slows us down, urging us to reflect on past actions and choices. To discern the lessons within these moments, tune into your inner guidance, trust your intuition, and be mindful of patterns that repeat. Each choice point is a chance to break free from old cycles and create new pathways aligned with your highest good.

These past few days are a chance to self reflect about these realizationsas we move away from Mercury Retrograde in the next few days!


Join us for a beautiful evening of healing with the music of Yolagi and her masterfully played crystal sound bowls!


Join us tonight for a 8/19 Shamanic Breathwork Full Moon Sound Healing Activation® Experience the powerful combination of live drumming, binaural sounds, and shamanic breath work, all designed to channel high energies and align you with the full moon’s potent vibrations. This session will guide you toward deeper healing and inner clarity. Don’t miss this opportunity to recharge and elevate your spirit under the moon’s luminous glow. ゚


Your Rise 🌹 🌞 and Shine ✨ Affirmation: Gratitude is like a lens that clarifies our vision, revealing the hidden blessings in every situation. It's the quiet force that shifts our focus from what's missing to what's meaningful, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. When we embrace gratitude, we tap into a deeper sense of connection with ourselves and the world around us. It rewires our brain to seek out the good, making joy and peace more accessible. In a world that often emphasizes what's wrong, gratitude reminds us to honor what's right, fueling our growth and well-being.


Truth 💯


Pick a card for your Tarot Message! Results will be posted later.


Soul shock occurs when we experience a profound spiritual or emotional upheaval, often triggered by intense experiences like loss, heartbreak, or sudden life changes. It’s a jarring awakening that shakes us to our core, leaving us feeling disconnected, disoriented, and emotionally overwhelmed. Soul Shock can and often times is associated with Soul Loss. This is when we are so traumatized and can’t deal with the situation that we black out or break down later not remembering what happened or how to deal with it.

However, soul shock is not just about pain; it's a call to transformation. It pushes us to confront our deepest fears, unresolved trauma, and the shadows we've been avoiding. Through this confrontation, we are given the opportunity to rebuild, realign, and rediscover our true selves.

To navigate soul shock:

1. **Allow Yourself to Feel**: Don't suppress the emotions. Acknowledge and express them, whether through journaling, talking, or creative outlets.
2. **Seek Support**: Surround yourself with people who understand and can offer compassion during this time.
3. **Embrace Healing Practices**: Meditation, energy healing, and grounding exercises can help restore balance and soothe the soul.
4. **Trust the Process**: Understand that soul shock is a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth, even when it feels like everything is falling apart.

Remember, this shock is a temporary storm that clears the way for a deeper connection with your soul and a more authentic, purposeful life.

If you’re interested in healing Soul fragments from your traumas, calling your power back Book Today at www.Yolagi.com


Keeping your energy clear and balanced is vital for maintaining overall well-being. When your energy is clear, it promotes alignment, enhances protection, and ensures your chakras are fully activated. The simplicity of regularly cleaning your energy allows you to stay centered, resilient, and in harmony with your surroundings. By doing so, you empower yourself to move through life with clarity and strength, shielded from negative influences and ready to embrace positive opportunities. Maintaining this balance is key to staying connected with your true self and the world around you.


It’s going to be a busy night!!!


Each emotion vibrates at its own frequency, anchoring us to specific energetic levels. Emotions like shame and guilt resonate at lower frequencies, keeping us stuck in heavier, more constrictive vibrations. In contrast, emotions like love and joy vibrate at much higher frequencies, elevating us to a state of openness and expansion. The vibration of an emotion not only shapes our current state but also influences the reality we attract. By consciously raising our emotional frequency, we shift into higher vibrational states, allowing for greater alignment with abundance, peace, and well-being.


The laws of detachment teach us the art of releasing our grip on outcomes, expectations, and even people. It’s not always easy—letting go can feel like losing control or stepping into uncertainty. But in reality, detachment is a path to freedom and inner strength.

1. **Understanding Detachment**: Detachment isn't about indifference; it's about finding peace in the flow of life. It allows us to embrace change without fear, knowing that we are strong enough to handle whatever comes our way.

2. **The Challenge of Letting Go**: It’s natural to struggle with detachment, especially when we're deeply invested in something. But holding on too tightly can create stress and prevent us from experiencing life fully. The key is to trust that what’s meant for us will come in due time.

3. **Building Resilience**: By practicing detachment, we learn to adapt to life’s ebbs and flows. This builds resilience, helping us bounce back from setbacks with greater ease. Each time we let go, we strengthen our ability to face life’s challenges head-on.

4. **Practical Steps**: Start small—let go of minor frustrations and see how it feels. Gradually, work on detaching from larger concerns. Meditation, journaling, and mindful breathing can help in this process, grounding us in the present moment.

Remember, detachment isn’t about giving up; it’s about giving in to the natural rhythm of life. When we detach, we open ourselves to new possibilities, and in doing so, we become more resilient, more grounded, and more at peace with ourselves and the world around us.


Surrendering is often misunderstood as a sign of weakness, but in reality, it requires great strength and courage. It takes effort to let go of the tight hold we have on our worries, fears, and the things we can’t control. But when we finally allow ourselves to surrender, we open up a space within where true healing and self-care can begin.

Today, give yourself permission to surrender—whether it’s the stress of something that can be dealt with later, or a burden that’s been weighing heavily on your mind. Understand that surrendering is not about abandoning your responsibilities; it’s about recognizing that not everything requires your immediate attention or energy. When you surrender, you create room for peace to flow in and allow the natural process of self-care to take root.

So, take a deep breath and release whatever it is that’s been holding you back. Trust that in letting go, you’re making way for something greater—inner calm, clarity, and the energy to focus on what truly matters. Remember, surrendering isn’t a defeat; it’s a powerful act of self-love. Today is your day to surrender and embrace the peace that follows.


Join Tyler tomorrow at 1:30pm for Zumba and dance it out!!!

Pop up Zumba Class this Saturday at 1:30pm with Tyler. Registration is required. $20 - https://www.vagaro.com/cl/WIBc4t65SZmZsSWo9bhS-9DFc9P0r2CXdmsEeTxfcAY=


Loving ourselves means embracing our true essence, accepting our flaws, and celebrating our strengths. It’s about setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and nurturing our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When we love ourselves, we cultivate a deep sense of worth and confidence that radiates outward, positively influencing our relationships and decisions.

On the other hand, not loving ourselves often leads to self-doubt, negative self-talk, and unhealthy patterns. We might seek validation from others, neglect our needs, and struggle with boundaries, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. The difference lies in the energy we carry: self-love is empowering and expansive, while its absence can feel draining and limiting. Choose to love yourself today, for it sets the foundation for a fulfilled and authentic life.


Pick a card for your Spiritual Message. Results will be posted later. ゚


Joy, abundance and miracles. What’s yours?





Pop up Zumba Class this Saturday at 1:30pm with Tyler. Registration is required. $20 - https://www.vagaro.com/cl/WIBc4t65SZmZsSWo9bhS-9DFc9P0r2CXdmsEeTxfcAY=

Natural Holistic Living

You are important when it comes to healing! We offer a variety of services to help you begin to heal the natural way. We are here help you on your journey offering emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual support. We believe that building a relationship with a strong support system is important. We don’t just offer you healing but also provide you with tools and techniques you need to overcome stress, traumas, and experiences that affect the overall mind, spirit, and body.

Videos (show all)

Age of Ascension Updates
Happy Lion’s Gate. Enjoy this Manifesting Ritual. #fypシ゚ #foryoupage #manifest #manifestation #manifesting #abundance #l...
SOLD OUT! Check out our next event at Your Spiritual Gifts Mon @7  @7pm (MRC Treasures) Archangel Nathaniel BLC Sound He...
Why Energetic is Important
Why Energetic Maintenance is Important
Energy healing is a powerful tool for personal transformation, but it requires your active participation and accountabil...
Happy New Moon Blessings. #soundbath #fypシ゚ #foryoupageシ #soundhealing #SoundMeditation #reiki #healing #spiritually
S͓̽O͓̽L͓̽D͓̽ O͓̽U͓̽T͓̽ Please catch our next one this week on Thursday at 7pm Lion's Gate Portal BLC Sound Healing Activ...
Flower Spirit Healing Rites©️are a deep experience that draws upon the wisdom of ancient Indigenous rituals to guide ind...
The Kali Durga mantra is a potent tool for transforming energy and fostering a harmonious life. Its vibrations work to c...
The Lion’s Gate portal, peaking on August 8th, is a powerful cosmic alignment that ushers in a wave of high-frequency en...
In this video, I explain the different energies that are currently active and share tips on how you can harness them to ...



6226 Jefferson Highway, Ste. E
Harahan, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00